Sunday, May 31, 2015

Book 10 - Chapter 13

Flowerfur padded forward. "I am not the truly the cat that you think that I am. I am a cat that I believed not to be true or even alive for that matter. I am the ghost or spirit or animal of a cat that lived long ago in the mountains. Back then there was also one clan that split 2 groups then it became Nightclan then it became the 4 clans that we knew of, then the cats became the group of cats that we knew today. I lived in the group way back when I don't know how long I was in the group of cats that lived before the 2 groups of cats. There was a leader of those cats and when that cat believed that it should move on to the stars it chose a successor and he or she trained that cat and taught him or her everything that they knew before moving on to the stars. I was the very first leader of those groups of cats and I was the leader that lived for the longest. I trained my apprentice or as we called them back then cat-to-bes and he was a great leader. A few years later I was returned to the group as a kitten with a different name but I remember everything that had happened before, and that happened at least 4 times. Each time I was the leader in the end. The last time I came back the group of cats had split and I came back with the name of Flowerkit. I then took on the name Flowerfur. When I leave this group then I will most likely come back to the group one day as a new cat with the same memories. Although this could be the very last time I ever come back into this world. So it could be that once I leave this world I am going to be ton forever, which would be kind of a nice break after coming back and living a life again and again especially since I have still have the memories from the first time. If those memories were erased it would be ok but they aren't. I said that every time I came back I had a different name will there was one time that it was the same name. The first time I was ever in this world my name ending up being Flowerstar, and my current name is Flowerfur, both Flower. It seems more then a coincidence that the first time I enter the world and maybe the last time that I reenter the world my name is the same." The clan looked at each other and back at Flowefur and they tried to make since of this odd pairing,

( By the way this is my 213 post, the last post I need for my 2014 - 2015 school year of blogging in 6th grade. The coincidence is that I need 213 paragraphs or posts and my Language Arts class room  number is 213)

Book 10 - Chapter 12

"As some cats may think I have it out for them, but I don't I am just extremely loyal to the warrior code and my clan mates along with it." called a cat beginning her story, it was Mossfur. "There are some cats such as Birchtail, Appledawn or Sagewind," she said nodding the 3 cats sitting a little bit away from the group. "They might say that I want to get back at them for some unknown reason, but I don't. I just wish that they were loyal to their clan mates and that means not talking badly about them behind their back which those 3 cats have done quite a bit." Rivera turned her ears to Mossfur's story and listened with a stony expression, turning every once and a while to look at Birchtail. Mossfur continued, "I am not saying that I know what is best for every cat or that I know everything because I don't  and I am not saying that I am going to be leader and get to tell every cat to be loyal because I won't be. All I ever will be is a dedicated warrior of Fishclan and loyal to the warrior code. I am not saying anything bad against my clan mates because that would mean I am not loyal to them, and therefore I wouldn't be loyal to the warrior code. The warrior code and my clan mean everything to me. What I find most important is that every cat is loyal and that I why I reprimand some of the younger warriors and correct some of the kits or tell some of the apprentices what they are going to be doing that day. I don't do it our of hate or spite I do it out of loyalty to the clan, it's leaders and the rest of the cats. Without the warrior code or loyal cats there is no clan and without the honor or name of a clan to hold above our heads then we are just a bunch of rogues or loners." The clan looked uncertain at each other before realizing the truth in Mossfur's words and nodding along with it. The clan believed all of this and the arguing minimized for a while but then grew again, but at least this time 12 cats were left out of the arguments. 

Book 10 - Chapter 11

Mumblefur padded into where the clan was gathering and he waited until he and the whole clan's attention and the clearing was completely silent. The clan stared at him with large eyes waiting and anticipating his story. "As you know when there was 4 clans I was a part of Mossclan and noble Redstar was my leader. As you know when we were coming here my brave leader died falling off the edge of a cliff, and he had told the elders of all the clans that he was going to die but no one else. There was an argument about that, but there was a reason why that he told only the elders and there was a reason why he didn't tell the rest of his clan. I was the very first and the only clan member that Redstar told that he was going to die. I asked and with his permission I told the other elders. There was a reason that I was the only clan member he told. It was because I was his only family left. He thought that I deserved to know that my last bit of family was going to leave me forever and there was nothing that I could do about it except for get on with my life. Redstar had nothing against his clan, and his clan was his life and his hope. If his clan lived then he lived. He wanted nothing more than his clan to live on, and if by not telling his clan that he was going to die was the way that the clan would live on then that was what he would do. He didn't want his clan grieving and being terrorized waiting for the day that their leader was going to die. He wanted them to get on with their life and live the moment as it was, and not anticipating for something in the future." The clan nodded, making sense of what they were just told. 

Book 10 - Chapter 10

 Blacktail walked towards the center of the clearing and he waited for the clan to settle around him before beginning his story. "I used to know Darkfinch," he begin getting every cat to give him a curious look. Blacktail continued, "He invited me to join his group but I declined insisted that I was loyal to my pan above anything. Insisted that I would seek him out if I changed my mind and that if my loyalty to my clan ever wavered. I said that I was loyal to the warrior code and therefore my clan and leader at the same time. Darkfinch left me alone because I gave him the assure that I would find him if I ever wanted to change my loyalties. He hasn't left other cats alone that he wanted to join his clan, he forced Blossom and Berry to flee so they would't have to join his group," he said angling his ears toward Blossomfur who was sitting with Mossfur and Rivera. Blossomfur nodded and looked up at Blacktail, "The reason that I believe that he left me behind and alone and why I was different from all the other cats that he wanted to join his group was because the fact that I gave him a solid answer even though it was no. If he truly was set on getting me to join his group he wouldn't have let me say no, but since I promised that one day I might join his group he left me alone. More and more lately I  have been tempted to leave the clan and join Darkfinch and Tigerclan but now I realize that my true home and my true clan is here with all of you in Fishclan. I might have been tempted to join Darkfinch but I never will, my loyalty hasn't wavered from Fishclan ever and it never will." The clan looked a bit happier knowing Blacktail's confession. 

Book 10 - Chapter 9

Whiteberry walked stiffly out of the elder's den. He turned to the clan and began his story. "I am not a true member of this clan. I came when I was an older warrior. I served the clan for a month or two before some old wounds began to make it hard for me to serve the clan, so the clan let me retire to the elder's den. They didn't know if they should serve me as if I were a true elder to the clan considering that I hadn't been born in the clan and hadn't served them for a while. I wasn't a true member of this cal, so I made by with what I could. I tried to continue to feed the clan even though I was an elder. Not every elder continued to train and hunt for the clan but I did because I felt that I needed to repay them for giving me shelter and food even though I wasn't clan born. I wasn't clan born or forest born but the clan gave me shelter and I was somewhat considered the elder of the clan. I was respected like any other elder, although some apprentices were unsure if they wanted to hunt for me when I hadn't hunted long enough for the clan. I hadn't hunted long enough or contributed long enough to the clan for some of the true clan apprentices to believe that I should be cared for among some of the true clan elders, but they cared for me just the same because the leader insisted that all elders would be cared for, and I was a part of the true clan elders even though I wasn't born in a clan. I still sometimes hunt for the clan just because I feel like I owe something to the clan that treated me as if I was clan born. The leader, deputy, and other senior warriors treated me as if I was a true clan born cat and they treated me with the same respect that they treated any clan born elder with." Te clan looked curious at Whiteberry but they didn't question him they just looked forward to Blacktail's story who would be sharing the next time. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Book 10 - Chapter 8

Pinkpoppy stared down at the clan. "I have not always been alone in the clan, you think that you know me but you don't. I wasn't born in the clan and I had a brother. I had lived with my mother and brother. Although the word was had. I lived in a barn and one day a fire came through my mother was injured and she died that night smelling and looking like a fox had chased her into that fire. My brother had run off in fear and the next day I had found him dead, an the place reeked of fox. I buried both of them, recalled the few hunting skills that my mother had taught me, ate dinner and went to bed under a shallow bush. The next day I traveled through woods for days. No cat or clan wanted a kitten without any skill or any family. I looked until I found a small shallow dip in the ground and I curled up to rest. The next day I found a small kitten injured and since I knew how to heal I did. The next day the kitten asked me to come and live in his clan because he didn't really have a medicine cat in his clan. His mentor was deadly ill, and the apprentice who has there before him had turned his back on his medicine cat ways is what he told me and he didn't know how to heal himself. So I came to the clan and then I sat and then this is what happened." Emberberry considered and then spoke, "Was this cat a light brown tom?" he asked. Pinkpoppy looked at him curiously before nodding, "Yes he was, he was light brown with a white nose and a dark brown tail tip. Why?" Emberberry nodded slowly it all makes since, "The cat that you had seen before the cat that you had healed was Rushpaw. My mentor was the cat that fell deadly ill, and I was the cat that Rushpaw thought had turned his back on his medicine cat ways." The clan nodded looked at the two medicine cats. The next nights would be managed by the elders and their stories. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Book 10 - Chapter 7

Emberberry stepped forward and waited until the clan was quiet until beginning his story. "Clan mates I wasn't always the clan cat I am today. I used to be a cat that wasn't respected. I used to not know how to treat injuries or wounds. Once I poisoned a clan mate, I was shamed but the cat survived thanks to my mentor's quick handy work. He was treated and he survived. No cat forgot my mistake. I was named Emberberry because the way I poisoned the cat was through berries. My mentor asked if she could change my given name and my family didn't care. They no longer considered me a part of the family. I had a name and then the medicine cat changed my medicine cat name. The medicine cat changed my name to Emberberry because the berry that I accidentally fed to my elder was a Ember berry. They are a poisonous berry, not as dangerous as no star feed, but poisonous nonetheless. So I became Emberberry shamed for my greatest mistake. I have to bear a name that reminds every cat of what I have done and what has gone wrong. She had given me my medicine cat name a few days before the incident and since my mentor was still alive I was still technically an apprentice, so she changed my medicine cat name. There was a reason that after the incident I refused to treat any wounds and I receded leaving my mentor in charge of all healing and letting her be for the current time the sole medicine cat. I left the medicine den and started sleeping in the apprentice den taking up other apprentice tasks and learning warrior skills. The medicine cat thought I had turned my back on my medicine cat ways and she took up another apprentice. Rushpaw was old enough and he was eager to learn. Rushpaw learned quickly and became the apprentice to my mentor that I never was. Rushpaw hadn't been training for half a moon before my mentor fell deadly ill. She died the next day and Rushpaw didn't have his medicine cat name or the skills that a full medicine cat would. The clan therefore didn't have a medicine cat and the clan turned to me when they remembered that I used to be a medicine cat. I trained Rushpaw and gave him his name and the clan respected me because I as able to give them a full trained medicine cat and I have lived here since." The clan looked shocked but acknowledged the story with a few nods and flicks of tails. He turned to his apprentice and explained that she would share the next day. 

I am most likely going to write a story about Emberberry maybe name it Emberberry's Name and tell his point of view and his backstory in the clan. I just wanted to let you guys know if there were any fans of Emberberry. (One of my cats and I know that Emberberry is my favorite cat. By the way no hating on Emberberry just because he mad a mistake) I will most likely tell his story when I am done with Book 10. (the current book)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Book 10 - Chapter 6

Birchtail waited until the clan had quoted before speaking. "I have a story to share, that some of my clan may know. I don't dislike all house cats I just dislike house cats that say I have to be loyal to the one who went and saved me from an apparent death." Birchtail started by growling. Rivera turned away from speaking with Rissa and turned her head to the rock daring Birchtail to go on. "As you know just a little while after I got my warrior name I was kidnapped by humans and brought to a shelter. I might have died apparently there but a human adopted me, but they already had another cat. I had escaped but the cat that I had been with wanted me to be loyal to the human that had saved me from the shelter. I refused insisting that I was only loyal to the clans. That cat came to join our clan when their human abandoned her…." Rivera was seething with anger, "That isn't true and you know it, my human left to be safe when storms came sent by the spirits when you escaped. You were the reason that my human left and I was stuck with the clans," "How do you know?" called an apprentice. "How do I know? I know because I was the cat that he was stuck living with after my human voluntarily saved him from the shelter, but please continue the story that you are now lying about." she said and sat down. Birchtail glared but continued speaking, "This cat came to the clan," "Why don't you show some respect and call me by name," yowled Rivera. "Fine, Rivera came to the clan and then some of the younger cats attacked her," "yourself included," she jeered. "Then she left and I don't dislike all house cats, I just dislike her because she is the reason that Mossfur doesn't trust half the warriors that had participated in attacking her." "You wouldn't need to be untrusted if you hadn't attacked a cat of your own clan or spoke badly about them." snapped Mossfur. Birchtail sniffed and soon the clan didn't include the leaders, deputies or senior warrior in any of the arguments among the clan. Emberberry had already acknowledged that he as going to be sharing a story the next day.

Book 10 - Chapter 5

Whiteclaw looked over the clan sitting peacefully in the clearing below him. "Cats of Fishclan, I too have a story to tell. You don't know about my past, I didn't grow up in Fishclan. I grew up in Nightclan where I met Darkfinch and his siblings," he said nodding to Rissa who was sitting and who had perked up her ears at the sound of the name of her brother. Whiteclaw continued. "I was loyal to Darkfinch until the end, but I was the cat who literally brought his family to his clan by talking to his mother Princess. I was the cat that ruined his life in the clan because his family came to the clan and learned that he was training in the Dark Forest. I was the cat that made him accuse his own sister of training in the Dark Forest and being the traitor. He never really trusted me after he found out that I was the reason behind all of it." Rissa was sitting up and was glaring up at the sky looking as if she wanted to go to the Dark Forest and murderer her brother because of it all. "I was loyal to Darkfinch to the end and when he was driven out I did what any loyal warrior would do, I went with him because the cats that had rallied against him had broken the warrior code when they promised they would be loyal to the clan and therefore him. I was never loyal to only Darkfinch I was loyal to the warrior code and I still was even when I was driven out of the clan. When Darkfinch proposed to you that he would forgive your debt of being saved by Liontail if I could join your clan I knew that he knew that you wouldn't trust me in the beginning. He wanted to get rid of me because he never trusted me." Whiteclaw glanced at Birchtail and flicked his ears meaning that he would be sharing a story next. The rest of the clan looked at Whiteclaw with some sort of respect after knowing his story. 

To know more about Whiteclaw and his loyalty to Nightclan and Darkfinch then please read Whiteclaw's Tale started and posted on April 15, 2015. (Whiteclaw's Tale has 20 chapters.)

Book 10 - Chapter 4

Berrystar stepped forward to the edge of the rock and he addressed the clan assembled in the clan below in the grassy clearing. "Today I must share a secret and a story of mine. Do you know what my warrior name was, it was Berryfur. When I disappeared from the clan I was following what a spirit said to me. It said to follow the trail of stars. I followed the stars to the tunnels under ground and I lived there for a very long time. It was not the fault of anyone not even Whiteclaw. I left of my own free will no one forced me to leave and no one tried to kill me. I only killed myself. I ate a berry or two and guess what kind of berry it was. It was a death berry or what or ancestors would have called it a bit of no star feed. I was sent into the stars and I lived there with no worries for a long time. Then I heard a cat give Sparrowstar a prophecy that there were going to be two cats coming back to the clans. I was then returned to the wild when I lived in the tunnels again. Then Blossomfur came and found me I came back to the clan. I lived up to my warrior name, I ate berries that changed my fur forever. I became Starfur technically since my fur was made of stars. I never thought I would be able to return to the clan that I grew up in the clan that I loved. I was able to and I am very thankful but I never would ever die because I was following my destiny. I was following my fate and then destiny that the stars had layed out for me by telling me to follow the stars and the trail of stars led to my death. I was supposed to die for a reason. The stars knew that and they told me what to do, they basically were telling me to die." At that Berrystar sat down signaling he was done. Berrystar nodded to Whiteclaw signaling that he was to share a story the next evening. 

Book 10 - Chapter 3

Everyday the clan gathering in the clearing for the next story. Tonight Cedarstar had to share. "My warrior name was Cedarfur you know. My parents I never knew them. They named me and my litter mates after the trees but they left before I could remember them. Why they left is a mystery to me and I am still trying to figure it out. I do know that they believed in the stars and I know that their spirit is in the trees. I believe in the trees, for they gave me life. My parents are in the trees right now and they were the ones who brought me into this world. There is a reason I respect the trees and never climb them without sheathed claws. I treat them as if they were another cat because  they are the ones who made me a cat. Without my parents and technically therefore trees I wouldn't be the leader that you see now I wouldn't even exist. I owe the trees my life because they are what gave me life. I will always be thankful for that and I will forever be grateful and I have to treat the trees with the care that I would treat another cat. I have some of the trees in my soul in my fur. I have part of my parents in me and therefore trees in my soul. Trees are a part of me. I will always be a part of them as well. I will always have a respect for trees and since they respect me and don't bother me I respect them and don't bother them. I will always be a part of the world we live in and I will always be apart of the air we breathe. I have always looked at nature in a different way then the rest of the clan and I know it. I will always look at nature differently because it is a part of me. I look at others with respect but I respect the part of my life with more respect and honor than you ever had." Cedarstar looked around at the clan and the clan began to look at nature in a different way like Cedarstar has done for his whole life. 

Book 10 - Chapter 2

The next day rolled around and then the clan assembled in the grass to way to hear the next story that one of their clan mates had to share. Today was Troutstar's turn. He stepped up on the rock overhanging the grassy clearing and spoke to the assembled clan. "I have lived among this clan for a long time but I have a secret to share as well. My warrior name was Troutsplash. I lived in an egg until a cat found me and raised me. I was born in a fish egg, I survived on land without water to drink or live in. A cat of Fishclan found me and raised me even though I was a fish. She fought me the ays of the clan and she hid me during the day so not cat would catch me and eat me. One day she told the clan she had found an unusual kitten and she was raising it and it would be time for it to become an apprentice soon. I was accepted into her family and soon I became and actual cat. I had paws and fur and a tail. I became a warrior and apprentice of the clan. I was a dedicated warrior and I served my clan loyally and now I have become the leader of the clan I never knew existed. It is a dream to actually be able to walk and serve and live for a purpose and I love my clan and I couldn't imagine my life any other way. I am thankful for the clan for keeping me alive and I never thought I would be able to be the leader of the clan that took me in one day. I am thankful that this clan gave me a chance at life and believing in me. i have walked with you since I first hatched out of the egg. There is a reason I am named Troutsplash. The queen that raised me said that when I first hatched I looked like the rainbow trout that the clan had caught a while ago with all the colors. That is where the Trout part came in she gave me a clan name and named me Troutkit. Being set in the water and destined to be a trout before I was a cat I was easily the best swimmer in the clan. I could sneak up on any cat without making a noise, the only problem was when I got in or out of the water I made a splash like a trout or any fish would so when the leader gave me my warrior name he named me Troutsplash." Troutstar looked off into the distance as he remembered. The clan nodded. Soon the leaders realized that each cat that told a story was left out of the arguing. "If we can get every cat to tell a story about a secret they have then every cat will stop arguing." said Berrystar triumphantly. 

Book 10 - Chapter 1

No cat seemed eager to tell their stories so the leaders devised a plan that each night starting at the top of the rank (the leader) down the smallest rank (kit) a cat would share a story. Sparrowstar stepped forward. "My warrior name was Sparrowfur," he began. "As you know there is evil in the world and not all loyal cats come from the clan. I didn't come from a clan. There is evil and magic and power and betrayal in the world we know. I have experienced each of those things before I came to live in the clan. My warrior name was Sparrowfur for a reason. I reason that I requested, I requested to be named Sparrowfur. I would have liked to stay just Sparrow but the clan leader insisted that I have a proper clan name so it was Sparrowfur. I used to live in a colony and I was respected I wasn't the leader of the colony. I was a respected member that  was dedicated to the group. One day something came after the clan and I was caught. This cat had it against my colony for a while so he decided to do something that was wrong to do. He turned me into a tiny kitten. I tried to live on my own for a while but then I came and sought refuge with the clan. I grew up in the clan and I am here now. I have tried my whole life to reverse the spell but it wasn't meant to be I was meant to stay a cat for the rest of my life. The cat that had cursed me had been cursed before and now he betrayed the group he had once lived in. I then in my cat form found a new home, here in Fishclan. The clan was always kind to me and they were always loyal. A queen took care of me, but I never forgot what it was like to be able to fly high in the sky above the clouds and the predators. I would give anything to see my parents again but I wouldn't give up Fishclan in a heartbeat. Fishclan is my home now, and as much as I would like to be able to fly again I would never abandon the cats that gave me the shelter I needed to survive. There is a reason I never eat birds or sparrows and a reason that I always give respects to the birds caught to eat and catch for the clan. It was because no matter what form I am in I will always be one of them." The clan nodded soon Sparrowstar was left out of all arguments, although many other cats were still arguing. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Book 10 - Prolouge

All the cats of Fishclan were arguing from sun up to sun down. Most of the time the clan couldn't find peace even if they left the clan. The cats were arguing over who was loyal to the clan and then whether or not a certain cat knew something about another cat. One day a spirit came from the stars and asked the living cats what they know about their clan mates. If they know their true story or why they were acting why they were. "After the roars of the lions and the cries of the birds you will find peace in the truth of words" they said. "Each cat has a story a story that has made this chaos, if those stories are told and no secrets are kept then the clan will find peace." All the cats looked at each other confused and they became even more confused when two unexpected visitors came by, two cats that the clans thought they would never see again. Cloud, (Blossomfur's sister) and Rissa (Darkfinch's sister).

In between Books 9 - 10

Many moons/months passed and the clan was fine. Every month was the same, summer weather brought more food and warm weather to the clans and they were grateful. One day it was the warrior ceremonies for some cats. "We have reached a place where we are going to stay  for a while, which means it is a perfect time to make some new warriors and apprentices of our clan. Blackpaw, Mintpaw and Foxpaw it is time to become a warrior of Fishclan. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code with the cost of your life and defend your clan no matter what the cost?" The apprentices nodded, I do and you can count on us Fishclan rang throughout the hollow. "Blackpaw you will now be known as Blackmint, Mintpaw you will now be known as Mintwish, and Foxpaw you will now be known as Foxflash. Fishclan honored your fighting skills and hunting techniques and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fishclan." The clan cheered for the three new warriors and then fell silent when Cedarstar padded towards the kits "Oceankit, Moonkit and Cherrykit are ready to become apprentices. Rivera you will be mentor to Oceanpaw. Mintwish you will be mentor to Moonpaw. Breezebolt you will be mentor to Cherrypaw." All the cats looked around at the clan. "We have one more announcement. There will be more warriors to feed our growing clan still. For Seedwhisker's 4 kits have been named Thistlekit, Thornkit, Bramblekit, Talonkit. Ashstorm has two fine she cats which she has named Lemonkit, and Mangokit. Darkflower has given us a young tom named Stormkit and a fine she cat named Peacekit. Then finally Silverfrost has given us 3 fine toms named Lionkit, Leopardkit, and Tigerkit. Another kit that Skyleap has said she will take care of on top of Mistkit and Dustkit is a kit named Mosskit. No kit knows where he was born and he won't tell us who his parents are saying he is loyal to his parents above anything."

Everycat in Fishclan has a story that the rest of the clan doesn't know but all of that will change when a storm and a prophecy forces then to make amends and share the truth.

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 20

Many more moons passed before Darkfinch and his cats saw more cats. He had recruited more cats and was watching the clan travel. Soon he gave the command to move and they went and followed the clan of cats as it trekked over the mountains.  Darkfinch made a deal with them fight and then the winner gets 3 cats from the other side. Liontail won against not one cat but two so Darkfinch chose 6 cats and turned and walked away over the cliff. One day Darkfinch saw that the clan was being attacked, he pointed his tail at Liontail who went and helped.  Darkfinch demanded payment since Liontail had just saved their clan. Then Darkfinch had a thought, he said that he would forget their payment if he could let one of his cats becomes the senior warrior of his clan. Berrystar looked uncertain before glancing at his clan. Then Darkfinch spoke again, "You can either keep all your cats and let one of my cats become the senior warrior or let my warrior stay here and lose another 3 of your cats." Berrystar nodded and let a cat join Fishclan. Darkfinch turned and flicked his ears at Whiteclaw and then the clan departed. That was when Whiteclaw realized that Darkfinch still didn't trust him with any responsibility other than hunting in his group. This was his way of banishing him but making it look like he wanted a cat from his group in the clan. Whiteclaw knew that Darkfinch knew what he was doing. Whiteclaw would live with the clan but the clan cats wouldn't believe him if they said that he wasn't loyal to Darkfinch. They would believe he was a traitor to their clan just because he lived with Darkfinch and was ordered to live with them. Darkfinch knew that the leaders and the clan cats wouldn't trust him and they would never want to follow him if he every became the of Fishclan. They would think that they were spying on them to report back to Darkfinch whenever possible. Whiteclaw knew this but he didn't care, Darkfinch was nothing more than a traitor to everything living. Whiteclaw turned and settled down to try to live amongst a clan once more.

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 19

Many moons passed and Darkfinch had been serious about his role as a leader. Although some cats distrusted him because he was the cat who caused Cinderstar's tragic end. As he enforced more and more rules, more and more cats started to believe he was disloyal to Nightclan. The cats who were alive when it was revealed that Darkfinch was visiting the Dark Forest started to believe that he was loyal not to them  but to the dark forest. Darkfinch believed in unsheathed claws in training, he also believed that discipline was a major part of being in a clan. Soon Darkfinch was limiting the food supply for all cats believing that all cats should have a fair share. Eventually Darkfinch begin to kill off the cats that betrayed him or disobeyed him. Hollytail gave the clan cats a plan and fled to Princess. Liontail had replaced her. Many of the cats were fearing for their lives. Many cats were dead and some were fleeing into the woods. Soon some of the cats decided to follow Hollytail's example and execute her plan. Darkfinch was driven out taking, Lionstripe, Hawkpelt, Whiteclaw and many others with him. Whiteclaw settled into his new home quite easily and soon they were up and about hunting for the rest of the cats and ambushing Nightclan patrols whenever they could. So far 3 Nightclan cats were dead because they weren't watching where they were going on the hunting patrol. Darkfinch's cats stole their prey and retreated into their makeshift camp. Darkfinch trusted him but Whiteclaw knew that he was never Darkfinch's favorite cat in the world. Lionstripe and Hawkpelt were his favorites. Whiteclaw had dropped in rank as soon as Darkfinch had learned that it was him who had talked to Princess's garden. Whiteclaw soon didn't believe that Darkfinch trusted him at all. Darkfinch probably doubted his loyalty to the group. Darkfinch was always sending him further away then the others on hunting patrols and letting him patrol the dangerous boundaries. Whiteclaw served Darkfinch and the other cats with his life making sure that he always hunting for the group before his himself. Whiteclaw still followed the warrior code he just pledged to be loyal to other cats now. Darkfinch suddenly stood up. "Cats I have decided to make a new rank in this group. There will now be a senior warrior, if something happens to the deputy then the senior warrior will take his or her place. Our senior warrior is going to be Hawkpelt." Then he turned and stalked back to his nest. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 18

Before the patrol left a call from the elders den stopped them. "Longswoop died, he ate to much no star feed and he wasn't treated soon enough with the proper dosage." Cinderstar looked at his medicine cat.  "Whiteclaw you are a dedicated warrior but unfortunately you have caused the death of a clan mate. You may say goodbye to your clan mates when I return you must go and live the life of a loner." Whiteclaw stared but nodded as the patrol  raced out of camp. Whiteclaw turned and snuck out of the camp and after the patrol of fighting cats. He watched as the clan cats fought against the intruding cats. Darkfinch let out a yowl and charged at the largest cat which seemed to be the leader. As soon as the large cat was gone then the rest of the intruding cats fled after their leader. Soon the other cats padded towards Darkfinch. "You have a choice," one cat hissed. "You can either kill Hollytail or Cinderstar," said another. Darkfinch glared. "If you don't we will kill all 3 of you." Darkfinch looked around and launched himself at Cinderstar. Cinderstar flopped sideways an fell limp. All the cats backed away from  Darkfinch and the dead Cinderstar. All the cats fled back to the camp Whiteclaw included. Darkfinch got back to the camp and all the cats looked up. "Lionstripe," he called. "Cinderstar has died a tragic death and I need to go and get my leadership from our ancestors." Lionstripe looked up from the poultice and instructed Frozenmint to give it to Hawkeye when it was done. The next day Darkfinch got back from the camp with Lionstripe by his side. "Clan mates much to soon Cinderstar met a tragic end. I have earned my leadership from our ancestors and I have kept my warrior name I wish to prove that I am nothing special and that I am always going to be one of you." The clan looked at each other and nodded. "The time has come to name my successor and the deputy of Nightclan, ancestors above our head by my authority as clan leader I appoint Hollytail as the deputy and next leader of Nightclan." The clan whispered and turned back to Darkfinch as Hollytail made her way to her brother's side. "I will serve Nightclan for as long as I live, and I promise that if my time has come to soon to move to the stars then it will be after defending my clan." the clan nodded and approved of Hollytail's words. "One thing that Cinderstar did before he died was banish Whiteclaw. I disapprove of that and as long as Whiteclaw can prove that he is loyal to Nightclan for now he has permission to stay. The same goes for all of you, you all must prove you are loyal to Nightclan." With that Darkfinch whipped around and stalked into his den.

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 17

Whitepaw couldn't believe it, his warrior ceremony already? Cinderstar beckoned for him and his littermates to step into the center of the clearing. "Today marks the day for 3 apprentices. I have talked with Blackpaw and Brownpaw's mentors and they both believe that they are ready to become apprentices. Darkfinch do you believe that Whitepaw is capable of being a warrior worthy of Nightclan?" Darkfinch glanced at the assembled clan before nodding, " Whitepaw has made many mistakes but he has learned from them and he has corrected them. All warriors make mistakes no one is perfect. Whitepaw is ready to be a warrior of Nightclan he will not let us down." Cinderstar nodded. "Whitepaw, Blackpaw, Brownpaw do you promise to uphold the code of our ancestrors and the code of our clan and promise to defend our clan even at the cost of your life?" The cats nodded. Then by the power and authority I have as clan leader I give each of you your warrior names, Blackpaw you will be known as Blackstorm we honor your keen eyesight and hearing. Brownpaw you will now be known as Brownwish we honor your hunting skills and Whitepaw. Whitepaw you will forever be known as Whiteclaw we honor your fighting skills and techniques into Nightclan. May you serve your clan well until you retire into an easy life in the elders den." Cinderstar flicked his rars signaling the end of the clan meeting and the cats began to depart. One day Darkfinch was ordering patrols for Nightclan when a patrol raced into the camp. "There are intruding cats in our territory the litterally walked over the scent line not caring and they knew that it was a border for our territory." Darkfinch turned and looked at the cats of his clan and ordered, "Everycat forget what I ordered you to donwe must go and fight off these invading cats." All th cats nodded. Suddenly Cinderstar padded forward, "I am going with you to battle these invading cats. I will not see my territory belong to anyone but my clan." Darkfinch looked surprised before nodding. "Every cat let us go and fight for what is ours." called Darkfinch. Whiteclaw looked bitter, what does that mean our territory or the position of leader he thought. Whiteclaw knew that his mentor wanted to be the leader of Nightclan and wouldn't wait much longer to get it.

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 16

Rissa filled in Lionstripe said "goodbye Whitepaw," and left. Many moons passed and soon Whitepaw had grown into a fine warrior. He contributed to the group and he soon became an impressive apprentice. Cinderstar grew to trust him with more important tasks. One day he was driving a badger from it's nest inside of Nightclan territory when Darkfinch came up behind him and startled him. "Where have you been, I told you we were to go hunting today. I don't know how much of you I can trust. I still feel like you have loyalties elsewhere." Whitepaw growled, "You don't trust me because I talked to your mother?" Darkfinch turned on his apprentice with an unsheathed paw, "I don't trust you not because you talked to my mother but because you into a human garden which is one of many of your simple mistakes that could have been fixed." he snarled. Whitepaw hissed, "Many mistakes so it is my mistake that I gave Hawkeye and Longswoop the mice that you had put death berries in?" Darkfinch glared at his apprentice, "It is time you grew up and learned to be a proper warrior Whitepaw. A proper warrior does not blame other clan mates for their actions and a proper warrior certainly doesn't accuse a clan mate of framing them. You are lucky that Rissa knew the cure for no star feed otherwise you would be fending for yourself out in the forest right now. Cinderstar would have you banished I would have made sure of that." Whitepaw recoiled and ducked his mentor paw. "You would banish your own clan mate that you framed. So I need to grow up and be a warrior. If anything you are the cat who needs to learn true clan loyalty." he snapped. This time Whitepaw couldn't duck his mentor's paw. It caught the side of his ear. "You don't deserve your warrior name," he hissed now we have to go back to camp Cinderstar called a clan meeting and I need go be present which means I cannot have my apprentice frolicking in the woods." Darkfinch turned and marched with Whitepaw dragging his feet in the dust by his side. Darkfinch glared at his apprnetice one last time and loped back to camp for the clan meeting. Cinderstar looked at all ghe cats assembled around him. "Cats of Nightclan it is time for us to let the old step aside and let the young come in. It is time to make  3 new apprentices." Darkfinch shot a look at Whitepaw that made him tremble on his paws.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 15

Rissa nodded and raced away to the medicine den, "Do you have some yarrow?" asked Rissa. Lionstripe nodded, "Go give it to both cats." Lionstripe turned with a flick of her tail. "They need to get as much of the no star feed out of their system as possible." called Rissa. She selected 3 juniper berries and added a clump of marigold and horsetail. She turned to catmint and selected one long stalk and brought the whole bundle to the elders den.  She chewed up the catmint and set some of the stalk on each leaf, she pushed it towards Hawkeye and Longswoop. "You have to try to eat this it will help you feel better," she said nudging it closer. Both cats licked it. Soon they were resting peacefully. "You will have to continue giving them that medicine for today. When Princess gets back with the herb you can give that to them until they feel completely better and the poison is completely gone." The medicine cats nodded and turned away. Princess came back later that afternoon, "Well I found the clump of herbs I don't know if it will work but we can try." she said. "We can try I mean it is a similar situation, a poison." said Olivia. "When they wake up we will give it a try," said Lionstripe from the corner of the den. "If this works and cures them will Whitepaw get to stay in the clan?" asked Rissa curiously. Cinderstar glanced at Darkfinch before nodding, "I guess he can stay if the cats are cured, seeing as he wouldn't have done any harm to any of his clan mates, but only if his clan mates stay cured. If they fall ill and my medicine cats track it to being linked to being fed no star feed he will be banished from the clan." Rissa looked satisfied and the clan began to head to the middle of the camp to hear what they are going to do that day. Rissa padded forward with her family near her. "We have come to a conclusion," she announced. "We are leaving the clan, we may have family here but we will always be pet cats forever. We may have wild relatives but we will always be a human cat at heart. My house folk are probably worried sick," said Princess. "We are grateful you gave us shelter and fed us but we must return to our true home. We wouldn't keep you locked in a human home you would want to return home eventually as do we right now." said Olivia. "I give Rissa my permission to stay to teach you the proper way to create the proper medicine to feed to Hawkeye and Longswoop  but then she is to return home. Even I cannot command her to do anything but she will always want to return to the place she is born." said Princess. Rissa nodded, "I will always be individual and independent not even living among many other cats can change that." she said. The two cats made their way to the edge of the clearing while Rissa headed over to Whitepaw and Lionstripe.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 14

Longswoop and Hawkeye were crying out in pain. Lionstripe turned towards the elders' den, "Excuse me for a moment Whitepaw I need to go and check on the elders." She raced away. Suddenly an angry yowl errupted near the elders' den. It was Darkfinch, Russa padded towards the den to see what had caused her brother to yowl in such anger with Whitepaw at her side the two cats pushed their way  into the den. "Who was in charge of feeding the elders" asked Cinderstar. "It was my apprentice, I told him to feed the elders' before we went out for training this morning." Spat Darkfinch. "What is wrong?" Called Olivia padding into the den. "It is the mice that Hawkeye and Longswoop ate," said Lionstripe from the side of the nest. "The mice had been tampered with, there were death berries or no star feed as we call it in the mices' belly. Hawkeye and Longswoop started to eat the mice without a second thought when they realized something was wrong with the mice." Lionstripe pawed the mice over to show the cats the bright red berries hidden in the mices fur. "There is no known cure for the no star feed, as soon as a cat eats the berries the cat is sent into the air its spirit gone forever  and the cat will never see the stars above its head again." Said Cinderstar sadly. "What usually happens to the cat who gives the prey out or gives the berry to the other cat." asked Olivia. "Well it depends, if the cat themselves ate the berry then nothing would happen but if another cat fed the other cat then that cat would be banished from the clan never to return." said Cattail. "So you are going to banish Whitepaw from the clans forever just because he just made a mistake?" asked Princess who had just come up on the scene a few moments ago. "Well that mistake took the lives of 2 of his own clan mates, it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not." said Darkfinch. "What if you could save the cats would Whitepaw be allowed to stay in the clan?" asked Rissa. "Well yes, but there is no cure for the no star feed," said Frozenmint the medicine cat apprentice. "Just by looking at the two cats they might have only a few more moments, to live here." said Cinderstar slowly. Suddenly Rissa had a great idea. "Olivia remember when you ate that weird mushroom?" Olivia considered before nodding, "I remember that mushroom turned out to be poisonous, but we found the cure for it, maybe that cure will work for these cats." "We can try it," said Lionstripe doubtfully.  "Princess remember the clump of herbs that we saw on the way here, we gave that to Olivia when she was sick." Princess nodded, "I will go and get some." "Lionstripe I will come to your den to create something out of the herbs that you have here," said Rissa. "Hurry," called Frozenmint "you may have less then an half of an hour to try to save them."

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 13

"I never lied to anyone. Besides I am not the traitor you are. I protect my family with my life. I would never attack the cat that raised me, but you would because you are the traitor." Snarled Rissa. "I would never wish harm to the cat who raised me, I only wish harm to my enemies." She snapped. "Who are your enemies though?" Growled Darkfinch, "If you are from the dark forest then your family is your enemy so even though you only wish harm to your enemies and not your mother you may be wishing harm to your mother because she is your enemy." Hissed Darkfinch. "Your mother," asked Rissa. "So she isn't your mother anymore either?" She snarled. Darkfinch narrowed his eyes at his sister. "Remember move to attack anyone and I go straight home," she snapped at him. He eyed his sister warily before padding to the warriors den and settling down for the night. Whitepaw padded over to his mentor, "Darkfinch what are we doing for training tomorrow," he asked. "We aren't doing anything," his mentor replied, "you are staying here, and looking after the elders as a punishment for going on speaking to Princess. You will keep that up until I feel that you have learned your lesson." Darkfinch snarled at his apprentice. Whitepaw nodded, and then he padded away to his den. The next day Whitepaw woke up very early and he went to see the elders. Cattail, Hawkeye, Longswoop, Inkfur, and Oceanear were all awake. "Do you need anything?" asked Whitepaw. Hawkeye turned to him and nodded, "Longswoop and I would like a mouse or two," he said. Inkfur looked over at him and spoke, "I need some new moss and bracken to line my nest if you don't mind," she told him. Oceanear and Cattail said, "If you can go to Lionstripe and get some mouse-bile soaked moss then we can get rid of the ticks." Whitepaw nodded and wandered away. He headed towards the fresh kill pile and grabbed to fresh plump mice in his teeth. He set the mice down near Hawkeye and Longswoop and padded towards the medicine den. "Lionstripe? Are you home?" He called. Lionstripe pushed her way between the lichen that hung from the top of the cave sepertaing the medicine den from her living quarters. "Yes Whitepaw what do you need," she asked. That was when  a cry from the elders den startled them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Cat Story #6

May 6th, 2015

The first time we had to put my pet cat Hector in his carrier was extremely easy. It was very unuasual, my dad had bought the carrier on the way up north and when we were heading home Hector had to be put in his carrier. Hector is half main coon, (currently) 18 ish pounds and is very strong. It is always very hard to get him in his carrier because he is so strong but this time he went in the carrier when my dad threw a feather into the carrier.

Cat Story #5

May  6th, 2015

I go up to my cabin a lot and I bring my cats with me when we go up for long weekends. I have had 4 cats the two female cats have been fine travelers but the first male cat got car sick and the second male cat goes to the bathroom . So the second male cat Hector has to be in a carrier and he has to wear a diaper. Yes there is such a thing as a cat diaper.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cat Fact #31

May  5th, 2015

The big cats or wild cats are the largest cats of them all but which cat is the largest? The answer is the siberian tiger is the largest of the big cats.  It can be longer than 12 feeg (3.6 meters or a small car) and it can weigh up to 700 pounds. (Which is 317 kilograms). So the siberian tiger is definately the largest cat of them all, the tiger is one of the lathest big cats ever.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cat Fact #30

May 2nd, 2015

Cats have lived a long time ago, not as long as dinosaurs but plenty long. Cats have lived 30 million years ago. Some cats say that wolves are the ancestors of modern day domestic dogs, so that must mean that big cats are the ancestors of modern day domestic cats. It is uncertain whether the cat that lived 30 million years ago was a big cat or a modern day domestic cat. However what is known is that, the earliest ancestor of the domestic cat Proailurus (first-cat in greek) lived over 30 million years ago. 

Cat Fact #29

May 2nd, 2015

As you know cats can run, and the cheetah is the fastest cat in the world. As most cats have retractable claws, claws that are out when a cat is pouncing but in when they are running, a cheetah has claws that are out all the time. A domestic cat can run up to 30 miles per hour for short distances. Some cats can run very fast.