Friday, November 7, 2014

Summarizing - Super Editions

Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - In the Sun Trail Stoneteller the leader of the Tribe of Rushing Water believes a dream that there is a better place to live. Her tribe casts stones voting to stay (in the mountains) or to leave. Gray Wing stays and Quiet Rain (Jagged Peak's, Clear Sky's and Gray Wing's mother) says Jagged Peak has to stay. Jagged Peak wants to leave so he sneaks off and Quiet Rain thinks Gray Wing should go and find him. Gray Wing finds Jagged Peak and they journey with the other cats. They reach a place where there is a moor and a forest. Half of the cats want to go to the forest. They hold a voting here. The cats who want to go to the forest go and the cats who want to stay on the moor stay. Gray Wing then meets Storm a pretty white she-cat. Gray Wing takes Storm to meet Clear Sky. Clear Sky later throws Jagged Peak out of his group because he cannot hunt. Gray Wing takes him back to the moor where he is looked after. Storm tells Gray Wing that she is expecting Clear Sky's kits. She goes and lives with Clear Sky. Gray Wing then goes to the forest to speak with Clear Sky about Jagged Peak. A patrol catches him and Fox fights him. Gray Wing accidentally kills Fox. Storm goes back to her neighborhood, because she doesn't like how Clear Sky is treating other cats. Turtle Tail goes and lived with Bumble. (a kitty pet) Turtle Tail tells Gray Wing that the den (house) that Storm is sheltering in is being attacked by monsters. (cars and trucks) Turtle Tail and Gray Wing go and find Storm. Only a bright orange ginger Tom survives. They name him Thunder. They bring thunder to his faber. His father rejects him so Gray Wing brings Thunder to the moor.

Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - Thunder moves in and lives with Gray Wing. A forest fire rampages through the forest. Moon Shadow is killed in it. The forest cats stay and shelter with the moor cats. The moor and forest cats fight off a threat together. Clear Sky tells Thunder that the only reason he rejected him was a test. He wanted to see how strong Thunder was and now Thunder was a good contribute to any group pf cats. Clear Sky invites Thunder to come and live with him in the Forest. Thunder accepts and starts to learn the forest ways. Thunder then starts to learn Clear Sky's ways, only cat who contribute get to stay and sleep and shelter with his cats. Frost is injured and Clear Sky orders Thunder to leave Frost a place where the maggots will ond him. (A place where Frost would die alone) Thunder refuses to and Frost and Thunder both go to tge moor to safety to Gray Wing.

Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - Clear Sky is determined to spread his borders (boundaries) outward even more. Some of the kits disagree with him but don't say anything. Gray Wing realized that he is the only cat that Clear Sky might listen to. So he Jackdaw's Cry, Tall Shadow and Thunder go an meet with Clear Sky. Clear Sky brings lots of cats. Gray Wing walks right into an ambush. Thunder escapes the hollow for help by tree. Thunder races to the more and comes back with reinforcements. Fighting had already broken out by the time Thunder and his patrol of cats gets to the hollow. Rainswept Flower was dead at Clear Sky's paws. Jackdaw's Cry and Falling Feather kill each other and many others had died. Clear Sky ends the battle and all the forest cats go home. Clear Sky stays with the moor cats to help bury the dead. 

Dawn of the Clan - The Blazing Star - The cats who survived the battle were told they had to unite or die by the spirit-cats. They were told to grow and spread like a Blazing Star. Then a sickness hits the cats. A very bad sickness. One Eye and Tom join Clear Sky's group. One Eye attacks Sparrow Fur and kills Tom. Thunder meets  a cat named Star Flower. One Eye drives Clear Sky from the forest. One Eye attacks the Thunder's Cats. Thunder realizes that Star Flower had betrayed him. They kill One Eye and drive Star Flower out. Petal dies of the sickness but they save Alder and Birch. Then they get together to see how to fight the sickness. Then Gray Wing realizes what the message form their ancestors mean. 

Bluestar's Prophecy - Bluekit and Snowkit born to Moonflower and Stormtail because apprentices. They go a gathering and fight to defend Sunningrocks. They get their warrior names Bluefur and Snowfur. Snowfur has a kit (Whitestorm) with Thistleclaw. Bluefur takes an interest in Oakheart. Bluefur has kits with Oakheart. (river clan) Thrushpelt covers for her. She gives Mistykit, Stonekit and Mosskit to Oakheart in Riverclan so Thistleclaw won't become deputy and then maybe clan leader. 

Crookedstar's Promise - Stormkit and his brother Oakkit are born to Rainflower and Shellheart. Oakkit and Stormkit sneak out of the camp. Stormkit is chased by Goosefeather and he falls off a stepping stone (breaking his jaw). Rainflower asks Hailstar to change Stormkit's name to Crookedkit. After Crookedkit was named Crookedkit he sneaks out of camp to try to visit the moonstone. Crookedkit meets Fleck a barn cat. Crookedkit returns home realizing that's where he belongs. Crookedkit becomes Crookedpaw. Mapleshade comes to Crookedpaw and trains him at night only after he promises to put his clan above anything. Crookedpaw agrees. Mapleshade starts to train him at night and Cedarpelt at night. Rainflower dies because at Mapleshade's urging he leaves to fight the dog attacked his clan mates. Crookedjaw earns his warrior name. Then an omen comes after Shellheart says he would like to move to the elders den. Crookedjaw catches a squirrel and it's jaws are gaping on it's hinges. Mapleshade had sent the omen. Crookedjaw became the new deputy. When Crookedjaw becomes leader he has kits with williowbreeze. 

Yellowfang's Secret -  Yellowkit, Nutkit and Rowankit are born to Brightflower and Brackenfoot. Nutkit eats crow-food (rotting food) and gets a stomach ache. Yellowkit doesn't eat the crowfoot but still gets a stomach ache like Nutkit. When combat training Rowanpaw gets hurt Yellowpaw feels a pain in her shoulder too. Yellowpaw, Rowanpaw and Nutpaw all get their warrior name. Yellowfang, Rowanberry and Nutwhisker. During battles Yellowfang escapes with no visible injuries but she feels as if her pelt is being torn off. Sagewhisker the Shadowclan medicine cat tells Yellowfang that she is feeling the pain of injuries that other cats have. Sagehwisker tells Yellowfang that she has to become a medicine cat. Yellowfang reluctantly agress. She does't like it though. Even though she took medicine cat vows she still sees Raggedpelt. Suddenly she realizes she is going to have kits. She has 3 two of them are dead. The last kit she gives to Lizardfang to raise. She names the kit Brokenkit. Raggedstar becomes clan leader and tells Brokentail that if anything happens to Cloudpelt he will become the next Shadowclan deputy. Raggedstar mysteriously dies. Brokenstar breaks the warrior code an apprentices kits at 3 moons he makes them warriors at 5 moons. Brightflower's kits die. Brokenstar makes the whole clan think that Yellowfang killed them. Yellowfang is exiled from Shadowclan and she flees across the border to Thunderclan.

Tallstar's Revenge - Tallkit and Finchkit are born to Palebird and Sandgorse. Finchkit dies. Tallkit becomes Tallpaw apprentices to Dawnstripe a moor runner even though most of his family have been tunnelers. (in wind clan you can either be a moor runner or a tunneler). Tallpaw goes underground with Sandgorse and his patrol for a day. They try to tunnel through to the gorge and there is a flood. Tallpaw is scared. Heatherstar orders the tunnelers to close and stop all work on the gorge tunnel. Sandgorse blames him. Tallpaw gets his warrior name Talltail. Then the visitors come. Sandgorse takes Sparrow a loner down the gorge tunnel. The tunnel collapses. Talltail blames Sparrow for his father's death. He tells Windclan that he is leaving and probably won't be coming back. He finds the loner's trail and follows it. He gets sick and he ends up in Jake's (a kitty pet's) home. Jake tells Talltail how to get out if Talltail allows him to come with him. When they find the loners Talltail finds a perfect way to kill Sparrow. Sparrow goes hunting for pigeons each morning near a thunder path so Talltail thinks he will just give him a push. When Talltail goes to push him though he can't Sparrow tells Talltail that Sandgorse held back the earth for him to escape. Talltail realizes he can't kill Sparrow and returns to Windclan to be the next Winclan leader after Heatherstar. 

Bramblestar's Storm - Firestar is dead and now Bramblestar is ruling Thunderclan with Squirrelflight by his side. Lilypaw and Seedpaw become apprentices. There is a huge flood. Blackstar dies. Rowanclaw becomes Rowanstar leader of Shadowclan. Kittypets threaten Shadowclan so Bramblestar brings a patrol to help Shadowclan drive them out. Roawnstar didn't ask for help and isn't thankful that Bramblestar brought help. Seedpaw dies trying to rescue the Thunderlcan memorial stick. Bramblestar rescues 3 kitty pets who got lost during the flood. Minty, Jessy and Frankie. Bramblestar takes another patrol to help Shadowclan drive out badgers. The flood waters start to slowly go down. Minty asks to go home to her humans. She does. Jessy leaves them too. Frankie asks is he can stay and he does taking an apprentice name. Then when they water goes down far enough the cats began to gather every full moon again. At one gathering, Cherryfall finds the stick for lost Thunderclan warriors. She explains to the other cats what they stick is for. Mothingwing and Willowshine say they grew a ring of ferns for the let Riverclan warriors. Onestar said there is a pile of stones for the lost Windclan warriors and a patrol goes there every single day. Rowanstar says they list the names of the dead at the first owl call every night. Then the cats realize there are spirits among them. Firestar tells Bramblestar that he has a chance to make sure what happened to Skyclan never happens again.