Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cat Fact #16

April 14th, 2015

Have you ever heard that cats do not like water? Most cats don't like water because their coats of fur do not insulate (keep them warm) enough to stay in the water for long periods of time. Birds like penguins and animals that live in the polar regions have the coat of insulation or blubber to keep them warm so they can swim and get wet and stay warm. A cats' coat doesn't keep them warm so if they got wet it wouldn't be good.

Cat Fact #15

April 14th, 2015

If you are superstitious then Friday the 13th or a black cat may be considered bad luck. While black cats are bad luck in the United States, black cats are actually considered good luck in the United Kingdom and Australia. Somewhere where something may be bad luck may be good luck somewhere else.