Sunday, May 31, 2015

Book 10 - Chapter 12

"As some cats may think I have it out for them, but I don't I am just extremely loyal to the warrior code and my clan mates along with it." called a cat beginning her story, it was Mossfur. "There are some cats such as Birchtail, Appledawn or Sagewind," she said nodding the 3 cats sitting a little bit away from the group. "They might say that I want to get back at them for some unknown reason, but I don't. I just wish that they were loyal to their clan mates and that means not talking badly about them behind their back which those 3 cats have done quite a bit." Rivera turned her ears to Mossfur's story and listened with a stony expression, turning every once and a while to look at Birchtail. Mossfur continued, "I am not saying that I know what is best for every cat or that I know everything because I don't  and I am not saying that I am going to be leader and get to tell every cat to be loyal because I won't be. All I ever will be is a dedicated warrior of Fishclan and loyal to the warrior code. I am not saying anything bad against my clan mates because that would mean I am not loyal to them, and therefore I wouldn't be loyal to the warrior code. The warrior code and my clan mean everything to me. What I find most important is that every cat is loyal and that I why I reprimand some of the younger warriors and correct some of the kits or tell some of the apprentices what they are going to be doing that day. I don't do it our of hate or spite I do it out of loyalty to the clan, it's leaders and the rest of the cats. Without the warrior code or loyal cats there is no clan and without the honor or name of a clan to hold above our heads then we are just a bunch of rogues or loners." The clan looked uncertain at each other before realizing the truth in Mossfur's words and nodding along with it. The clan believed all of this and the arguing minimized for a while but then grew again, but at least this time 12 cats were left out of the arguments. 

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