Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 4
Birchtail looked around at all the cats in his new enclosure thing. He was looking around, when a cat came up him. It was a black cat who was looked like she was about about to speak when Birchtail let out a hiss. She backed away looking wary, soon a large white cat came to see the new cat. Birchtail thought that this white cat looked like the leader. "What do you want?" asked Birchtail sharply. "You might want to know that I am the leader here, I fought for my position." "Fought?" Birchtail asked, this cat didn't look like it even had claws. The white cat nodded, "as leader, I fight every cat, if they win they become leader." "So you are going to fight me?" asked Birchtail. The white cat nodded and leapt at Birchtail. Birchtail let out a yowl and ducked. The white cat turned and hit Birchtail with a soft paw. "If you want to win you are going to have to fight harder than that," spat Birchtail. "How?" asked the cat curiously. "Use your claws." he snapped. "Claws? What are claws." said the cat. Birchtail stared, before speaking, "You don't have claws?" Birchtail asked the cat. The white cat shook his head before showing Birchtail a white paw. Birchtail just looked on. "Now back to the fight," said the white cat. The white cat ducked and bit Birchtail. Birchtail let out a yowl and whirled around and slashed the white cats ears. The white cat retreated before charging again. Birchtail leapt into the air and landed on the back of the white cat, he flipped the cat over and pulled out tufts of fur. Suddenly the white cat retreated looking wary, Birchtail looked behind him to see a star swirl down to reach Birchtail, it became a pink cat. "Don't loose your hope, you will be reunited with your clan before long. The fruit saw everything, it's sister the herb went for help. The fruit and the herb have both been helping all they can in search patrols, you will see the clan again." With that the cat vanished. "Fruit and Herb? Clan?" asked the white cat. "You live in a group of cats in the woods." said the white cat. "Who is Fruit and Herb?" asked the white cat. Birchtail didn't know. "I know," it was the black cat.
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