Emberberry stepped forward and waited until the clan was quiet until beginning his story. "Clan mates I wasn't always the clan cat I am today. I used to be a cat that wasn't respected. I used to not know how to treat injuries or wounds. Once I poisoned a clan mate, I was shamed but the cat survived thanks to my mentor's quick handy work. He was treated and he survived. No cat forgot my mistake. I was named Emberberry because the way I poisoned the cat was through berries. My mentor asked if she could change my given name and my family didn't care. They no longer considered me a part of the family. I had a name and then the medicine cat changed my medicine cat name. The medicine cat changed my name to Emberberry because the berry that I accidentally fed to my elder was a Ember berry. They are a poisonous berry, not as dangerous as no star feed, but poisonous nonetheless. So I became Emberberry shamed for my greatest mistake. I have to bear a name that reminds every cat of what I have done and what has gone wrong. She had given me my medicine cat name a few days before the incident and since my mentor was still alive I was still technically an apprentice, so she changed my medicine cat name. There was a reason that after the incident I refused to treat any wounds and I receded leaving my mentor in charge of all healing and letting her be for the current time the sole medicine cat. I left the medicine den and started sleeping in the apprentice den taking up other apprentice tasks and learning warrior skills. The medicine cat thought I had turned my back on my medicine cat ways and she took up another apprentice. Rushpaw was old enough and he was eager to learn. Rushpaw learned quickly and became the apprentice to my mentor that I never was. Rushpaw hadn't been training for half a moon before my mentor fell deadly ill. She died the next day and Rushpaw didn't have his medicine cat name or the skills that a full medicine cat would. The clan therefore didn't have a medicine cat and the clan turned to me when they remembered that I used to be a medicine cat. I trained Rushpaw and gave him his name and the clan respected me because I as able to give them a full trained medicine cat and I have lived here since." The clan looked shocked but acknowledged the story with a few nods and flicks of tails. He turned to his apprentice and explained that she would share the next day.
I am most likely going to write a story about Emberberry maybe name it Emberberry's Name and tell his point of view and his backstory in the clan. I just wanted to let you guys know if there were any fans of Emberberry. (One of my cats and I know that Emberberry is my favorite cat. By the way no hating on Emberberry just because he mad a mistake) I will most likely tell his story when I am done with Book 10. (the current book)