Monday, November 10, 2014

Summarizing - Into the Wild

Series Number One Into the Wild.

Into the Wild - Rusty leaves his humans behind and joins the wild cats. he becomes friends with Gray paw and Ravenpaw. Bluestar changes his name to Firepaw. They train together with Tigerclaw and Lionheart. Bluerstar then announces that she will take Firepaw as her own apprentice. Firepaw learns a lot and attends his first gathering.  When alone in Thunderlclan territory, Fireaw runs into Yellowfang the former Shadowclan medicine cat. He fights Yellowfang then feels sorry or her and gives her some food. Tigerclaw and Bluestar find them both then as a punishment for breaking the warrior code Bluestar says Firepaw will have to look after Yellowfang. Tigerclaw starts spreading rumors about Ravenpaw. Lionheart and Bluestar go deep into Windclan territory but find no cats and the place reeked of Shadowclan scent. Frostfur's kits are stolen and some cat killed Spottedleaf the whole clan thinks it is Yellowfang because she disappeared right after Bluestar invited her to join Thunderclan.  Bluestar orders Firepaw to go and find Yellowfang and bring her back alive. Firepaw gets Graypaw to help him find Yellowfang and to help Ravenpaw escape to Barely's farm. (safe from Tigerclaw's clutches) Firepaw and Graypaw find Yellowfang outside of the Sahdowclan camp. They speak to her and then go and find Whitestorm's patrol. They go and fight Shadowclan and they ambush Brokenstar. They drive Brokenstar out and Yellowfang explains to Thunderclan why she left and what happened. Whitestorm backed her up. Bluestar invites Yellowfang to become the new Thunderclan medicine cat. Firepaw and Graypaw get their warrior names Fireheart and Graystripe.

Fire and Ice - Bluestar sends Graystripe and Fireheart on their first warrior mission to go find Windclan and bring them back to territories. They succeed but when they get back to WIndclan's actuall camp Barkface the Windclan medicine cat says this day will bring unnecessary death. Graystripe and Fireheart are escorted back to their camp with Deadfoot and another Windclan warrior. They meet Leopardfur (the river clan deputy) and a fresh Riverclan patrol. Leopardfur signaled for her patrol to attack the trespassing group. Then Fireheart hears Tigerclaw and his patrol come racing towards the fighting cats. Whiteclaw (the cat fighting Graystripe) falls over the side of the gorge disappearing forever.  Graystripe has kits with Silverstream. Graystripe goes with his kits to live in Riverclan.

Forest of Secrets - Brokenstar and his cats attack. His cats are driven off and Yellowfang treats Brokenstar's wounds. In the end she kills her own son with death berries. Tigerclaw plots with Brokenstar. Brokenstar's cats attack and Tigerclaw tries to kill Bluestar. Bluestar exiles Tigerclaw and appoints FIreheaert as deputy the next day breaking the warrior code.

Raging Storm - A forest fire rages through Thunderclan territory. Patchpelt, Haftail and Yellowfang die. Thunderclan seeks shelter in Riverclan territory. Graystripe asks Bluestar if he can rejoin Thunderclan and Bluestar refuses to let him rejoin. Riverclan fights Thunderclan over Sunningrocks. Leopardstar banishes hi form Riverclan and he asks Bluestar again if he can join THunderclan. She agrees this time saying that all of Thunderclan is filled with traitors and she thinks that if she had kept Mistyfoor and Stonefur thy would have stayed loyal to her.

A Dangerous Path - Bluestar loses faith in Starclan and thinks her clan is made up of traitors. Tigerclaw becomes Tigerstar leader of Shadowclan. He feeds large dogs sheltering at Snakerocks in hunderclan territory. Bluestar has a dream about a pack rampaging through the forest killing everything. Swiftpaw and Brightpaw go and try to figure out what this pack is. Swiftpaw is killed and BRightpaw loses an eye.  Bluestar renames Brightpaw, Lostface. Lostface crus out in her sleep pack, pack, kill, kill. That was what the pack said in Bluestar's dream. Longtail tells Fireheart that he saw Tigerstar feeding the dogs. Cloudtail, Graystripe, Whitestorm and Fireheart go out and find a trail of dead rabbits leading back to the Thunderclan camp with a dead Brindleface at the end. Fireheart gets the clan to go to Sunningrocks and he steals the trail leading most of the pack to the gorge. Tigerstar ambushes him pinning him down until the dogs get there. Bluestar comes and saves his life giving up her 9th and final life to her clan. Fireheart becomes Firestar leader of Thunderclan.

The Darkest Hour - Bluestar gives Firestar a prophecy, Four will become two, lion and tiger will meet in battle and blood will rule the forest. Tigerstar allies his clan with Riverclan trying to kill all half-clan cats. Darkstripe feeds death berries to Sorrelkit but she survives. Firestar questions Darkstripe and Darkstripe says that the only leader worth following is Tigerstar. Tigerstar goes to the human neighborhood and asks Scourge to help him in the forest. At the battle Firestar reveals the truth about Tigerstar. Scourge says his cats will not fight and he kills Tigerstar. Barley comes and tells Firestar that Scourge does not believe in Starclan.  Firestar unites all the clans into one clan (lionclan) to drive out Scourge and his cats. (bloodclan) Firestar loses his first life but takes Scourge's. The forest belongs to the clan cats once again.