Flowerfur padded forward. "I am not the truly the cat that you think that I am. I am a cat that I believed not to be true or even alive for that matter. I am the ghost or spirit or animal of a cat that lived long ago in the mountains. Back then there was also one clan that split 2 groups then it became Nightclan then it became the 4 clans that we knew of, then the cats became the group of cats that we knew today. I lived in the group way back when I don't know how long I was in the group of cats that lived before the 2 groups of cats. There was a leader of those cats and when that cat believed that it should move on to the stars it chose a successor and he or she trained that cat and taught him or her everything that they knew before moving on to the stars. I was the very first leader of those groups of cats and I was the leader that lived for the longest. I trained my apprentice or as we called them back then cat-to-bes and he was a great leader. A few years later I was returned to the group as a kitten with a different name but I remember everything that had happened before, and that happened at least 4 times. Each time I was the leader in the end. The last time I came back the group of cats had split and I came back with the name of Flowerkit. I then took on the name Flowerfur. When I leave this group then I will most likely come back to the group one day as a new cat with the same memories. Although this could be the very last time I ever come back into this world. So it could be that once I leave this world I am going to be ton forever, which would be kind of a nice break after coming back and living a life again and again especially since I have still have the memories from the first time. If those memories were erased it would be ok but they aren't. I said that every time I came back I had a different name will there was one time that it was the same name. The first time I was ever in this world my name ending up being Flowerstar, and my current name is Flowerfur, both Flower. It seems more then a coincidence that the first time I enter the world and maybe the last time that I reenter the world my name is the same." The clan looked at each other and back at Flowefur and they tried to make since of this odd pairing,
( By the way this is my 213 post, the last post I need for my 2014 - 2015 school year of blogging in 6th grade. The coincidence is that I need 213 paragraphs or posts and my Language Arts class room number is 213)
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Book 10 - Chapter 12
"As some cats may think I have it out for them, but I don't I am just extremely loyal to the warrior code and my clan mates along with it." called a cat beginning her story, it was Mossfur. "There are some cats such as Birchtail, Appledawn or Sagewind," she said nodding the 3 cats sitting a little bit away from the group. "They might say that I want to get back at them for some unknown reason, but I don't. I just wish that they were loyal to their clan mates and that means not talking badly about them behind their back which those 3 cats have done quite a bit." Rivera turned her ears to Mossfur's story and listened with a stony expression, turning every once and a while to look at Birchtail. Mossfur continued, "I am not saying that I know what is best for every cat or that I know everything because I don't and I am not saying that I am going to be leader and get to tell every cat to be loyal because I won't be. All I ever will be is a dedicated warrior of Fishclan and loyal to the warrior code. I am not saying anything bad against my clan mates because that would mean I am not loyal to them, and therefore I wouldn't be loyal to the warrior code. The warrior code and my clan mean everything to me. What I find most important is that every cat is loyal and that I why I reprimand some of the younger warriors and correct some of the kits or tell some of the apprentices what they are going to be doing that day. I don't do it our of hate or spite I do it out of loyalty to the clan, it's leaders and the rest of the cats. Without the warrior code or loyal cats there is no clan and without the honor or name of a clan to hold above our heads then we are just a bunch of rogues or loners." The clan looked uncertain at each other before realizing the truth in Mossfur's words and nodding along with it. The clan believed all of this and the arguing minimized for a while but then grew again, but at least this time 12 cats were left out of the arguments.
Book 10 - Chapter 11
Mumblefur padded into where the clan was gathering and he waited until he and the whole clan's attention and the clearing was completely silent. The clan stared at him with large eyes waiting and anticipating his story. "As you know when there was 4 clans I was a part of Mossclan and noble Redstar was my leader. As you know when we were coming here my brave leader died falling off the edge of a cliff, and he had told the elders of all the clans that he was going to die but no one else. There was an argument about that, but there was a reason why that he told only the elders and there was a reason why he didn't tell the rest of his clan. I was the very first and the only clan member that Redstar told that he was going to die. I asked and with his permission I told the other elders. There was a reason that I was the only clan member he told. It was because I was his only family left. He thought that I deserved to know that my last bit of family was going to leave me forever and there was nothing that I could do about it except for get on with my life. Redstar had nothing against his clan, and his clan was his life and his hope. If his clan lived then he lived. He wanted nothing more than his clan to live on, and if by not telling his clan that he was going to die was the way that the clan would live on then that was what he would do. He didn't want his clan grieving and being terrorized waiting for the day that their leader was going to die. He wanted them to get on with their life and live the moment as it was, and not anticipating for something in the future." The clan nodded, making sense of what they were just told.
Book 10 - Chapter 10
Blacktail walked towards the center of the clearing and he waited for the clan to settle around him before beginning his story. "I used to know Darkfinch," he begin getting every cat to give him a curious look. Blacktail continued, "He invited me to join his group but I declined insisted that I was loyal to my pan above anything. Insisted that I would seek him out if I changed my mind and that if my loyalty to my clan ever wavered. I said that I was loyal to the warrior code and therefore my clan and leader at the same time. Darkfinch left me alone because I gave him the assure that I would find him if I ever wanted to change my loyalties. He hasn't left other cats alone that he wanted to join his clan, he forced Blossom and Berry to flee so they would't have to join his group," he said angling his ears toward Blossomfur who was sitting with Mossfur and Rivera. Blossomfur nodded and looked up at Blacktail, "The reason that I believe that he left me behind and alone and why I was different from all the other cats that he wanted to join his group was because the fact that I gave him a solid answer even though it was no. If he truly was set on getting me to join his group he wouldn't have let me say no, but since I promised that one day I might join his group he left me alone. More and more lately I have been tempted to leave the clan and join Darkfinch and Tigerclan but now I realize that my true home and my true clan is here with all of you in Fishclan. I might have been tempted to join Darkfinch but I never will, my loyalty hasn't wavered from Fishclan ever and it never will." The clan looked a bit happier knowing Blacktail's confession.
Book 10 - Chapter 9
Whiteberry walked stiffly out of the elder's den. He turned to the clan and began his story. "I am not a true member of this clan. I came when I was an older warrior. I served the clan for a month or two before some old wounds began to make it hard for me to serve the clan, so the clan let me retire to the elder's den. They didn't know if they should serve me as if I were a true elder to the clan considering that I hadn't been born in the clan and hadn't served them for a while. I wasn't a true member of this cal, so I made by with what I could. I tried to continue to feed the clan even though I was an elder. Not every elder continued to train and hunt for the clan but I did because I felt that I needed to repay them for giving me shelter and food even though I wasn't clan born. I wasn't clan born or forest born but the clan gave me shelter and I was somewhat considered the elder of the clan. I was respected like any other elder, although some apprentices were unsure if they wanted to hunt for me when I hadn't hunted long enough for the clan. I hadn't hunted long enough or contributed long enough to the clan for some of the true clan apprentices to believe that I should be cared for among some of the true clan elders, but they cared for me just the same because the leader insisted that all elders would be cared for, and I was a part of the true clan elders even though I wasn't born in a clan. I still sometimes hunt for the clan just because I feel like I owe something to the clan that treated me as if I was clan born. The leader, deputy, and other senior warriors treated me as if I was a true clan born cat and they treated me with the same respect that they treated any clan born elder with." Te clan looked curious at Whiteberry but they didn't question him they just looked forward to Blacktail's story who would be sharing the next time.
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