Sunday, May 31, 2015

Book 10 - Chapter 11

Mumblefur padded into where the clan was gathering and he waited until he and the whole clan's attention and the clearing was completely silent. The clan stared at him with large eyes waiting and anticipating his story. "As you know when there was 4 clans I was a part of Mossclan and noble Redstar was my leader. As you know when we were coming here my brave leader died falling off the edge of a cliff, and he had told the elders of all the clans that he was going to die but no one else. There was an argument about that, but there was a reason why that he told only the elders and there was a reason why he didn't tell the rest of his clan. I was the very first and the only clan member that Redstar told that he was going to die. I asked and with his permission I told the other elders. There was a reason that I was the only clan member he told. It was because I was his only family left. He thought that I deserved to know that my last bit of family was going to leave me forever and there was nothing that I could do about it except for get on with my life. Redstar had nothing against his clan, and his clan was his life and his hope. If his clan lived then he lived. He wanted nothing more than his clan to live on, and if by not telling his clan that he was going to die was the way that the clan would live on then that was what he would do. He didn't want his clan grieving and being terrorized waiting for the day that their leader was going to die. He wanted them to get on with their life and live the moment as it was, and not anticipating for something in the future." The clan nodded, making sense of what they were just told. 

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