Flowerfur padded forward. "I am not the truly the cat that you think that I am. I am a cat that I believed not to be true or even alive for that matter. I am the ghost or spirit or animal of a cat that lived long ago in the mountains. Back then there was also one clan that split 2 groups then it became Nightclan then it became the 4 clans that we knew of, then the cats became the group of cats that we knew today. I lived in the group way back when I don't know how long I was in the group of cats that lived before the 2 groups of cats. There was a leader of those cats and when that cat believed that it should move on to the stars it chose a successor and he or she trained that cat and taught him or her everything that they knew before moving on to the stars. I was the very first leader of those groups of cats and I was the leader that lived for the longest. I trained my apprentice or as we called them back then cat-to-bes and he was a great leader. A few years later I was returned to the group as a kitten with a different name but I remember everything that had happened before, and that happened at least 4 times. Each time I was the leader in the end. The last time I came back the group of cats had split and I came back with the name of Flowerkit. I then took on the name Flowerfur. When I leave this group then I will most likely come back to the group one day as a new cat with the same memories. Although this could be the very last time I ever come back into this world. So it could be that once I leave this world I am going to be ton forever, which would be kind of a nice break after coming back and living a life again and again especially since I have still have the memories from the first time. If those memories were erased it would be ok but they aren't. I said that every time I came back I had a different name will there was one time that it was the same name. The first time I was ever in this world my name ending up being Flowerstar, and my current name is Flowerfur, both Flower. It seems more then a coincidence that the first time I enter the world and maybe the last time that I reenter the world my name is the same." The clan looked at each other and back at Flowefur and they tried to make since of this odd pairing,
( By the way this is my 213 post, the last post I need for my 2014 - 2015 school year of blogging in 6th grade. The coincidence is that I need 213 paragraphs or posts and my Language Arts class room number is 213)
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