Birchkit wandered around the nursery with his sister Silverkit. They were 3 moons old now and are tired of having Mosskit and Dragonkit boss them around just because they were 3 moons older. Applekit and her sister Sagekit were exploring the camp. Soon they heard Oceanstar calling for a clan meeting. "He is probably making us apprentices," boasted Mosskit. She was right. "Today Mosskit and Dragonkit are ready to become apprentices. Sunflower I know you will pass on what you know to Mosspaw. Dragonpaw your mentor will be Snowclaw, she will teach you what it is to be a warrior." The two new apprentices padded away, with their mentors. Soon Birchpaw, Applepaw and Sagepaw joined them their mentors being Mountainmist, Mudpaws and Peachfur. Mountainmist padded up to Birchpaw, "come on we have to go practice with the other apprentices." Birchpaw looked up, "It isn't fair, Silverkit would have loved this, greencough shouldn't have stolen that opportunity from her." said Birchpaw. "I know you are sad about losing your sister to the sickness, but she is watching over you know and she will want you to be the best warrior you could be." said Mountainmist kindly. "Which means training to be a warrior," she said more seriously. Reluctantly Birchpaw agreed but when they got back he went straight for the nest in the edge of the clearing. It was Silverkit's nest, Birchpaw kept his sister's memory by sleeping outside in her nest each night. One night Applepaw came to see Birchpaw.

"I was bringing Darkfinch to the place that he belongs now that he was thrown out of the clan." said the angel cat getting up. "So you were going to destroy the star to do so?" Simber was outraged. The angel cat nodded. "I am surprised that he even has a place among the stars, considering the reason that he was thrown out of his clan." "The reason?" asked the cat bewildered. "Yes the reason. Darkfinch was thrown out of his clan because he was killing the traitors in his clan. The cats that weren't loyal to him, and the clan." said Simber. "I know the reason, but where else would he go? Who else would he have?" snapped the angel cat. "He could continue living his life as a normal cat. Or he could rejoin in his rightful place. Darkfinch has been coming to the dark forest for moons now, our leader was considering making him the next leader of the forest." The angel cat hissed and left. "Darkfinch you have betrayed by your clan mates. They promised the would be loyal to the clan, and by making that promise they said they were going to be loyal to you as the leader of the clan. Either they were lying or they thought they meant it because they have turned against you and driven you from the clan." said Simber. Darkfinch's eyes narrowed. "I am going to destroy the clans there will be no clan left when I am through. The little blue cat with wings is going to be sorry when I am done. I will get my revenge.
Coxa - (Darkfinch's star) Coxa is an actually star that can be found in the constellation of Leo the Lion.
It had been at least three moons since Darkfinch had been banished from the clans. Later that night Darkfinch was dreaming. He was visited by an angel cat. The cat spoke to him. "Welcome Darkfinch. You are known by the cats of the stars." "Stars?" asked Darkfinch unbelieving that stars existed. "Of course stars. We have come to take you to the place in the stars if you accept. You wouldn't have to worry about anything any more." "Anything anymore?" asked Darkfinch. "Of course, we just have to destroy your star, Coxa and then you can take your place among the stars." "Destroy my star? What good would that do?" The angel cat turned and looked at Darkfinch. "As long as your star exists, you exist." Darkfinch nodded. "Ok I guess." The angel cat turned and led Darkfinch through the sky until they reached his star. "We just need to destroy your star and then it will be done, and you can take your place among the stars." "Er how do we destroy it?" asked Darkfinch curiously. "Like this," said the cat. She turned and started. The star expanded and turned darker orange. Darkfinch started to feel sick. Soon it was drifting apart and it was about to explode/go supernova, when something intercepted the angel cat. With the angel cat thrown of balance the star shrank back to it's smaller size and Darkfinch felt better. "What on Earth are you doing?" shrieked the cat. It was Simber the stone, golden, flying cat.

Cinderstar flopped over and as Darkfinch watched the Nightclan cats started backing away. Darkfinch was a large black cat and he was now the leader. Darkfinch turned and led the cats home. He beckoned to Lionstripe and the 2 cats turned and raced to the large tree of dreams. When the 2 cats got home Darkfinch leapt up onto the rock and announced to the clan the news. "I am now the leader of Nightclan. Cinderstar died in battle. I have kept my warrior name and now I must name my deputy. Hollytail I would like you to be the deputy of Nightclan." She agreed and the cats lived peacefully for a while, before Darkfinch started in forcing some new rules. He killed several cats and soon the cats of Nightclan began to fear for their lives. Hollytail had fled and Liontail had replaced her as deputy. Darkfinch had named the successor for the deputy as Hawkpelt. Soon some of the clan began to join the dark forest. Darkfinch watched over his clan with narrowed eyes. Soon some of the clan decided that they needed to make the best decision for the outcome of the clan, as Darkfinch had promised to do when he was made a warrior. Hollytail had left them a plan before she had fled, and soon the cats had put it into action. They rallied against Darkfinch and he was driven out, taking some of his best warriors with him.
Moons/months later. "Hollytail hurry your patrol will be late." snapped Darkfinch. "Darkenberry take the apprentices to the clearing and teach them some training methods will you. Mistlight take some warrios and go on a hunting patrol. Lionstripe I know you were wanting to teach some of the apprentices about herbs, when they get back should I send them to you?" asked Darkfinch. Lionstripe nodded. Suddenly Hollytail skidded back into the camp quickly followed by her patrol. "What is it?" called Cinderstar. "We found a large group of cats that look battle ready, coming deep into our territory. They literally walked over the scent marks not caring." Cinderstar considered. Then said, "Darkfinch round up some of the battle ready cats to fight." Darkfinch nodded. "Every cat forgot what I just told you to do. I would like Darkenberry and I to lead a patrol each to see if we can do anything about these cats. Hollytail, Liontail, and Hawkpelt go with Darkenberry. Mistlight, and Whiteclaw, and Blackstorm you come with me." All the cats were nodding. Suddenly Cinderstar stepped forward. "I am coming too." he announced. "Are you sure?" asked Darkfinch. Cinderstar nodded and the cats raced out of the camp. When they got to the group of cats they launched themselves at the other cats. Suddenly the Nightclan cats had chased away the invaders. Soon Darkfinch was faced with a decision. Kill Cinderstar or kill his family. Darkfinch made his decision and leapt at Cinderstar.
Cattail turned to the apprentice and intercepted them before Hollypaw could do any real damage. "You should show respect to the warriors of the clan Hollypaw," snapped Cattail. "With behavior like that and going and attacking warriors you might never become a warrior." Turning back to Darkfinch she said, "Let's go find you a nest." Darkfinch nodded and when Cattail had done getting Darkfinch a nest she turned and walked over to Cinderstar. Cinderstar looked surprised but nodded. "Cats of Nightclan, before you go Cattail has an announcement." The cats turned back to listen. "I have served Nightclan for a long time, Now I think it is my turn to step aside and let other cats take charge. I am retiring to the elders den, but I would like to make a recommendation for the next deputy. Cinderstar has kindly taken my suggestion and chosen the next deputy. This cat is young but will do just finely as deputy." Cinderstar stepped forward. "The new deputy for Nightclan, is a cat I would have probably chosen a little later, but now will do fine. The next deputy of Nightclan is Darkfinch." "Darkfinch?" came Hollypaw's mew. "But he just became a warrior," she whined. Darkfinch himself was just as shocked. "ME?" he asked. "Yes, Darkfinch, you are the new deputy of Nightclan. You will be a good deputy, and probably a future leader. Now come into my den so we can talk." Darkfinch nodded and followed. "Now Darkfinch, I am not as young as I was," started Cinderstar. "Since you are a new deputy I want you to take charge of as much responsibilities as possible. Even some of the leader's duties. That way you will be ready when you are the leader yourself." Darkfinch was nodding along, but in his head he was waiting for a chance to go back to the forest.
"You both did very well," said Cinderstar. "Darkpaw come and we shall hold your ceremony at sun high." called Cinderstar. Darkpaw nodded and padded after his leader. When they got back to the camp Darkenberry was waiting. "We are going to hold his ceremony at sun high." Cinderstar told Darkenberry. Darkenberry nodded. Suddenly Darkpaw spoke up, "What about Hollypaw is she going to be made a warrior too?" he asked. "Well I haven't had time to access her skills yet, but she will be made a warrior. I promise that she will catch up to you in the end." Darkpaw looked satisfied and turned away. "Cats of Nightclan!" called Cinderstar. "Today marks a very special moment for a cat. Darkpaw has trained ever since he came to the camp, and it is time to make him a warrior. I believe that he is ready to become a warrior, and we will honor his bravery and fighting skill. Darkpaw do you promise to protect Nightclan, and make the right decision for the outcome of the clan if you are chosen to help in making decision." Darkpaw nodded and his answer rang out through the clan, "I promise I will Cinderstar." Cinderstar nodded. "From this moment on Darkpaw you will be known Darkfinch, I know you will serve Nightclan as a loyal warrior for a long time." Darkfinch nodded proudly, while Hollypaw watched with envy from the side with her mentor. Suddenly Cattail came up to Darkfinch and said, "Remember you will be sleeping the warrior den tonight." With those words Hollypaw flung herself at her brother.