Sunday, December 14, 2014
Book 4 - Chapter 2
"What do you need to tell us?" asked Berrystar. "First of all," said Littlmouse. "Ashstar is dead, she only had one life. Our ancestors refused to give her nine lives. Berrystar and Hollowstar got nine lives yes but Tigerstar also had nine lives at the time and was still considered a clan leader. That was already 3 clan leaders. Our ancestors only say there can be 4 clan leaders." "Who was the fourth?" asked Berrystar. "I don't know," replied Littlemouse "But when she went to get her nine live our ancestors said I am sorry but I cannot give you nine lives for you are not a true leader yet, there are still 4 true leaders out there. One for each of the clans that we look over." "So Ashstar is dead forever?" said Blossompaw. The medicine cats nodded. "We must tell the clan and we must mourn her properly. She would have been a very good leader." Emberberry nodded, "She was wise, smart and thought out logical ideas in the very worst of situations." "We will grieve for her." "We should bring her out into the clearing." Littlemouse nodded. "Fishclan; Ashstar is dead. She actually only 1 life. Long story. We will forever miss Ashstar who barely had time to be a leader. She would have been a good leader for Fishclan. Let us bury her." The clan cats shuffled forward to bury Ashstar. "Berrystar," called Blossompaw. "You are our single leader now. You are put into the same situation as Tigerstar. Who was a single leader almost as soon he was appointed. You will lead us on for a while Berrystar. You will bring us through the good and the bad times. The easy and the hard times. We trust you. We believe in you. Berrystar. Berrystar!" Soon all of Fishclan was chanting. "Thank You Blossompaw." said Berrystar warmly. "I promise to be as good of a leader as I can be. I promise I will do the best I can. I promise I will try to make the good or best decisions. "I am honored to work along side such loyal deputies and such a loyal senior warrior. I am privileged to patrol with such skilled cats. All of you deserve to be leader for the hard-work you have given to Fishclan. I have an idea about how to honor all the work and courage you have devoted to Fishclan."
Book 4 - Chapter 1
Berrystar stayed extremely calm. "Okay. Now can you take the cats on your side and leave us in peace? Less cats are going to be likely to join your side if you attack their kin right in front of their noses." The Tigerclan leader considered then seemed to agree with Berrystar. She swept her cats together with a sweep of her tail. "Aren't you going to try and stop them?" questioned Dapplepaw. "I think I know a lost cause when I see one," replied Berrystar. "Now" Berrystar conferred with Ashstar. "We have to leave. First it was Darkfinch now it is Tigerclan. They both steal our cats from us. The problem is we cannot fight either without losing cats. If we fought Tigerclan we would probably lose all of our cats." "That's true," said Ashstar. "As soon as Tigerclan leaves we will travel far away from here. We will find a place where there are no cats. Or cats that are nice. We will find a place to live. Or we can move every year. No that would be to hard. We must find a place a place to live. We must and we will." "You are a good leader Berrystar." said Ashstar. "Thank You!" "Clan please come here we are going to continue going to our new home. We have stopped in 2 places I hope to make a only 3 more major stops before we get there. Now as we are in the mountains and it is not extremely safe we must travel together and we must all be alert. Now mentors and apprentices stay together. Kits no running off stay with your mother. Elders and medicine cats can travel together now let us go to our new home." The cats traveled until the reached a small forest. "We will rest here announced Berrystar. We will hunt stay here for a couple nights then keep moving. If you need dock for your paws find a medicine cat. Mentors please take your apprentices hunting. Warriors that are still here please keep watch. Tonight Flowerfur you will take first patrol the at moon high Ashcloud you will take over." The cats nodded and begin moving around to get things. The next morning Berrystar woke to find Ashstar curled up, like a small ball of fur. He called to Blossompaw and said "Fetch Emberberry now and Pinkpaw can come if she wants." Blossompaw nodded and raced away returning a few minutes later with the medicine cat and apprentice. "What is it?" asked Emberberry. "It is Ashstar she is really sick." "Out of my way," commanded Emberberry. Emberberry padded forward and sniffed Ashstar. "Greencough." "Greencough, can't that kill cats?" asked Tigerstar. Emberberry nodded grimly. Suddenly Ashstar called out. "Get Littlemouse. He saw my leadership ceremony. He will know." Blossompaw nodded and raced around and found Littlemouse. "Littlemouse," she called. "Ashstar has green cough," "No!" Littlemouse turned and raced over to see Ashstar. "Can I tell them?" asked Littlemouse." Ashstar nodded before falling still.
Book 3 - Chapter 9
"Please go ahead Emberberry." "I was just going to quick say that Littlepaw has become Littlemouse and Pinkkit had come to my den to see if she could become the next medicine cat. Go ahead now Berrystar." Berrystar nodded. "Mousekit you will now be known as Mousepaw, Birchtail you did finely with Cloudsplash now I would like to ask you again to be a great mentor. Mintclaw you are a new mentor but I know you will pass on all you know to Skypaw. Yes and Pinkpaw you can of course be apprenticed to the three medicine cats. I am sure you will learn something from each of them. Clan Dismis…" "Berrystar?" called two cats it was Blossompaw and Dapplepaw. "I don't have a mentor. Windshadow and Reedriver joined Darkfinch remember and then Tigerstar never gave us new mentors. We have just been working where I can for the past few moons." Berrystar flicked his tail. He surveyed the clan then said, "Blossompaw you started out as a kitty pet then you learned from Windshadow for the first half of your apprenticeship. You will now finish your apprenticeship with Mossfur. Hollyflower you will continue Dapplepaw's apprenticeship, I know she will learn lots from you." The cats chosen nodded. "Cedarfur if you don't mind I will organize patrols for today." said Berrystar. Cedarfur shook his head so Berrystar started right away. Suddenly the leader and deputy of Tigerclan burst into the camp. Berrystar acknowledged them with a nod. "What do I owe this pleasure?" he asked them. "We would like the cats truly loyal to us to show themselves." "You are like Darkfinch," Berrystar spat. You turn clan cats against their clan. But okay who is loyal to you?" "Cats you wouldn't expect," said the deputy. The leader pointed out the cats with a flick of her tail letting the sparks from her tail fall in front of the cats on her side. She pointed out Hollowstar, Rainmist, Tallclaw, Tigerstripe, and Whisperwind.
Book 3 - Chapter 8
"Who is there? Who dares interrupt our clan leader?" challenged Ashstar. It was Tigerstar. "Tigerstar," Berrystar addressed the former clan leader with a polite dip of his head. "What is it?" Tigerstar glared at Berrystar. "When did you become clan leader? I was still clan leader when I left the clan 6 moons ago." Berrystar looked surprised but then he nodded. "Yes Tigerstar but that was 6 moons ago. The clan didn't know what had happened to you. You could have been dead. Of course the clan leader needed a leader in your absence." That's what the tigers said thought Tigerstar. Instead Tigerstar said, "Of course the clan needed a leader when I was absent but I have returned haven't I? Shouldn't I return to my position as clan leader?" "Let me ask you this Tigerstar," said Hollowstar. "Would our ancestors truly give us nine lives if they still considered you clan leader?" Tigerstar thought but Hollowstar had already swept on. "Our ancestors if they thought Tigerstar was still our leader would have told us that they still thought of you as clan leader and refused to give us nine lives when we went to get nine lives. But no they gave us each nine lives and hailed us by our new names. They don't consider you leader anymore Tigerstar." finished Hollowstar. Berrystar nodded. "Now if you don't mind I have more announcements. I will start with yours. Tigerstar since he is no longer a leader has retired to the elders den, and Whisperwind would like to join them." Whisperwind nodded while Tigerstar just sat. "Also Tigerstar is no longer Tigerstar even though we cannot take away his nine lives he will not be considered a leader. We will call him Tigerstripe again." The cats whispered amongst each other. "Also the last thing is there are some new apprentices to be made. Mousekit, Pinkkit, and Skykit are all ready to begin their training." "Excuse me Berrystar." called a cat it was Emberberry. "Go ahead Emberberry."
Book 3 - Chapter 7
"Does any other cat want to join?" The cats shook their head. The leader nodded to her deputy her turned and walked out of the cave. The Tigerclan cats following. "Alright," said Tigerstar. "Berryfur can you organize patrols?" Tigerstar stared when Berryfur shook his head. "I won't" said Berryfur. "It isn't our duty anymore," said Hollowstripe. "We spoke to the clan cats learned what they wanted and did what they wanted," chimed in Ashflower. "We are Berrystar, Hollowstar and Ashstar now," said all 3 cats together. "You are no longer considered clan leader," said Berrystar. "The clan said since you were gone we should be leader." put in Hollowstar. "They also said that if you did come back you could be an elder or you could leave." chirped Ashstar. Tigerstar growled. Berrystar met his gaze. "We are clan leaders," he repeated. "Our word is law. Are you going to leave or become an elder?" "I will become an elder," said Tigerstar grudgingly. "Now Ashstar we need to continue choosing senior warrior," called Hollowstar. "So is that cat our final decision?" Ashstar nodded. Berrystar padded out to the ledge in the cave and called to the assembled clan. "Hollyflower," will be the new senior warrior for Fishclan. The clan murmured congratulations. "Now before you go we have a few more announcements to make. Seedpaw, Ashpaw, and Nightpaw you are ready to become a warriors. I feel Seedpaw has met the required needs of a warrior. Cedarfur, Shadowleaf?" Cedarfur spoke first. "Ashpaw if more then worthy to become a warrior." Shadowleaf spoke next, "I think we would be stupid not to make Nightpaw a warrior." Berrystar nodded. "Apprentices do you promise to protect Fishclan with your life if necessary?" All the apprentices nodded. "Then by my authority as clan leader I give you your warrior names. Seedpaw you will be Seedwhisker, Ashpaw you will know be known as Ashstorm, and I look forward to patrolling with Nightpaw no Nightblaze." Berrystar was interrupted when a cat pushed it's way to the front of the cave, directly underneath the ledge.
Book 3 - Chapter 6
After moons of traveling the cats made it back to the cave. The fire surrounding the cave was still there so the leader nodded to her deputy who padded forward and literally walked over the fire putting it out. Then the cats entered the cave. Tigerstar padded into the cave and looked around. His clan mates were still there. They were climbing through a hole in the roof. Tigerstar let out a yowl and all the cats there looked up. Tigerstar padded into the cave and the other cats followed. The clan cats stared at the leader and deputy. The leader and deputy jumped up to a ledge and surveyed the assembled clan. Then the leader let out a yowl and the new cats begin herding the clan cats over to the ledge. Suddenly a clan cat yowled "Who are you?" the cat with blue eyes turned and stalked over to the cat that had called out it was Tallclaw. Tallclaw stared at the cat with large eyes. The cat hissed. The leader let out another yowl. "Hush!" she commanded. "I would like to speak with the cats of this clan, Fishclan if I am not mistaken." The clan cats nodded. "We are the leader and deputy of Tigerclan." said the leader. Tigerclan? was the whisper that spread through the Fishclan cats. "We are tigers," said the deputy. "We are the largest cat in the area today." The Fishclan cats were nodding. "We would like to ask if any clan cats would like to join Tigerclan." "What would we get if we joined?" asked Rainmist. "How about if I said you would be able to live as long as you want." "I wouldn't believe it," said Blacktail. "In Tigerclan our very first leader sacrificed her very last life to give the power of life to Tigerclan cats. If you die you come back in the way you die. If you drown you come back as a blue cat made out of bubbles, like my deputy." The Fishclan cats began to nod. "I will join" said Mistyfur. "Please come up here," said the leader of Tigerclan. "So we can make you apart of our clan and so you can live as long as you want." Mistyfur leapt up the rocks to the little ledge where the leader and the deputy go Tigerclan sat. The leader nodded to her deputy and at the same time the touched Mistyfur's head with their nose. Tigerstar waited for Mistyfur to gasp and for her fur to become singed but something else happened. Mistyfur glowed and her pelt slowly began to change into tiger stripes she became almost younger and she seemed almost ready to take on anything knowing that she would still live on.
Book 3 - Chapter 5
"So you have no idea where you were before here, or how to get back to there?" said the deputy. Tigerstar shook his head. The leader flicked her tail. She summoned the two cats with green and blue eyes. "I would like you to take us to where you found Tigerstar." she ordered. The two cats nodded and started rounding up the other cats to leave and begin their journey. The leader looked proudly at her cats. Then she turned to her deputy and said, "Please find a cat that can look after Tigerstar. A cat that he cannot escape. You get which kind of cat I am talking about right?" Her deputy nodded and raced into the den to find a guard for Tigerstar. "are we ready to journey?" asked the leader. There was nodding until the deputy called out "yes we are ready." The leader looked satisfied and the she nodded the two cats who set out. She nudged Tigerstar with her red nose and he felt searing heat like he was in the middle of a volcano where she had nudged him. Tigerstar turned around and was about to fling himself at the leader when the deputy appeared. "Tigerstar control yourself," she snapped at him. Tigerstar stopped. "What happened now?" She asked. "She touched me!" spat Tigerstar. "Really, you have to remember you cannot touch cats unless you want to cause them the pain you felt." "If I do touch them, they deserved it." The leader replied sharply. The deputy nodded. Then the deputy turned to Tigerstar and said, "Where did she touch you?" "She nudged my back," Tigerstar wailed. "Sit still," commanded the deputy. "We will catch up," she said to her leader. The leader turned and stalked away with her nose in the air. The deputy looked and saw that leader had only singed Tigerstar's fur. She blew air on the fur and the fur returned to normal. Tigerstar felt better. How wondered Tigerstar. The cat on fire seemed to burn my fur, then the cat made of bubbles seemed to put out the fire. How is that possible, Tigerstar wondered to himself.
Book 3 - Chapter 4

Book 3 - Chapter 3
The cats turned and raced back into the cave. Berryfur leapt up to a little ledge in the cave and he called to the assembled clan. "Cats of Fishclan we have a problem. The fire is spreading and it has blocked the only way out of the cave." "So you mean we are trapped?" asked Darkflower. With Tigerstar. "How much farther to where the frost hits water?" asked Tigerstar. "We have a long way to go." "What about my clan?" "Do you you doubt the power, strength or bravery in your deputies? Do you doubt their sense to lead the clan?" "No," said Tigerstar slowly, "but they shouldn't have to lead the clan. I am still clan leader." "Of course." said the cat with green eyes quickly. "But in your absence do you think the deputies will lead the clan well?" Tigerstar narrowed his eyes but replied, "yes, my deputies are the very best." "Then you should have nothing to worry about." said the cat with blue eyes softly. "What type of cat are you?" asked Tigerstar. "Do you think we are leading you into a trap?" "No," said Tigerstar. "But what kind of cat are you?" "All will be revealed when it is necessary." Tigerstar flicked his tail they hadn't answered his questions. Tigerstar padded on. A few moons later the group of cats had reached the place where frost hits water. "I will get our leader." The leader came out of her cave. The deputy and senior warrior followed. "I have a question." said Tigerstar. "Why is your leader on fire and why does your deputy look like he/she is made of bubbles. The cat with blue eyes just repeated, "all will be revealed in time." The leader came to stand in front of Tigerstar. "You are Tigerstar?" asked the leader. Tigerstar nodded. "What does beware mean?" said Tigerstar fiercely. The cats assembled just stared at Tigerstar as if he were crazy.
Book 3 - Chapter 2
The cat padded slowly towards Tigerstar when another cat raced up. The new cat looked just like the old one but it had dark green olive eyes. Tigerstar looked at the cats. They looked so similar they had to be siblings or related thought Tigerstar. The new cat took one look at Tigerstar and turned to the first cat and meowed "Where did you first see this cat?" "He was in a cave." "Did you give him the warning?" The first cat nodded and said, "Then he came out here and attacked me." The new cat turned to Tigerstar and said "Why did you come and attack her?" Tigerstar turned and looked at the new cat before saying "She didn't tell me I needed to look out for." The cats looked at each other. They conferred before the new cat came up to Tigerstar and said "We would like you to come to where we live. We think our leader can explain much better then we can." Tigerstar looked curious. "Where do you live?" "Far away. Where the frost hits the water." "Where the frost hits the water?" Tigerstar asked. The cats nodded. "Do you want to know what I mean by Beware?" Tigerstar considered then nodded. The deputies had begin to become worried. "Where is Tigerstar?" asked Berryfur. "I Don't know," responded Ashflower. "Should some cat go look for him?" said Hollowstripe. Berryfur nodded. "I will go," volunteered Berryfur. "Just you?" questioned Hollowstripe. "No, Cedarfur and Sparrowfur will come with me." The deputies nodded. The three cats raced out of the cave when they discovered a problem. The fire had spread and was blocking the only way out of the cave.
Length of Books - Chapters
Super Editions
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - 26 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - 27 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - 23 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The Blazing Star - 28 Chapters
Bluestar's Prophecy - 44 Chapters
Crookedstar's Promise - 40 Chapters
Yellowfang's Secret - 40 Chapters
Tallstar's Revenge - 45 Chapters
Firestar's Quest - 36 Chapters
Skyclan's Destiny - 35 Chapters
Bramblestar's Storm - 35 Chapters
Series 1 (Into the Wild)
Into the Wild - 25 Chapters
Fire and Ice - 30 Chapters
Forest of Secrets - 30 Chapters
Rising Storm - 30 Chapters
A Dangerous Path - 27 Chapters
The Darkest Hour - 30 Chapters
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
Midnight - 24 Chapters
Moonrise - 24 Chapters
Dawn - 25 Chapters
Starlight - 23 Chapters
Twilight - 24 Chapters
Sunset -23 Chapters
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
The Sight - 25 Chapters
Dark River - 21 Chapters
Outcast - 29 Chapters
Eclipse - 25 Chapters
Long Shadows - 27 Chapters
Sunrise - 28 Chapters
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice - 26 Chapters
Fading Echos - 24 Chapters
Night Whispers - 25 Chapters
Sign of the Moon - 22 Chapters
The Forgotten Warrior - 25 Chapters
The Last Hope - 27 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - 26 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - 27 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - 23 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The Blazing Star - 28 Chapters
Bluestar's Prophecy - 44 Chapters
Crookedstar's Promise - 40 Chapters
Yellowfang's Secret - 40 Chapters
Tallstar's Revenge - 45 Chapters
Firestar's Quest - 36 Chapters
Skyclan's Destiny - 35 Chapters
Bramblestar's Storm - 35 Chapters
Series 1 (Into the Wild)
Into the Wild - 25 Chapters
Fire and Ice - 30 Chapters
Forest of Secrets - 30 Chapters
Rising Storm - 30 Chapters
A Dangerous Path - 27 Chapters
The Darkest Hour - 30 Chapters
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
Midnight - 24 Chapters
Moonrise - 24 Chapters
Dawn - 25 Chapters
Starlight - 23 Chapters
Twilight - 24 Chapters
Sunset -23 Chapters
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
The Sight - 25 Chapters
Dark River - 21 Chapters
Outcast - 29 Chapters
Eclipse - 25 Chapters
Long Shadows - 27 Chapters
Sunrise - 28 Chapters
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice - 26 Chapters
Fading Echos - 24 Chapters
Night Whispers - 25 Chapters
Sign of the Moon - 22 Chapters
The Forgotten Warrior - 25 Chapters
The Last Hope - 27 Chapters
Length of Books - Pages
Super Editions
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - 313 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - 302 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - 291 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The Blazing Star - 273 Pages
Bluestar's Prophecy - 516 Pages
Crookedstar's Promise - 491 Pages
Yellowfang's Secret - 501 Pages
Tallstar's Revenge - 503 Pages
Firestar's Quest - 507 Pages
Skyclan's Destiny - 462 Pages
Bramblestar's Storm - 473 Pages
Series 1 (Into The Wild)
Into the Wild - 272 Pages
Fire and Ice - 317 Pages
Forest Of Secrets - 312 Pages
Rising Storm - 315 Pages
A Dangerous Path - 313 Pages
The Darkest Hour - 315 Pages
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
Midnight - 300 Pages
Moonrise - 284 Pages
Dawn - 335 Pages
Starlight - 321 Pages
Twilight - 319 Pages
Sunset - 303 Pages
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
The Sight - 363 Pages
Dark River - 322 Pages
Outcast - 317 Pages
Eclipse - 318 Pages
Long Shadows - 316 Pages
Sunrise - 318 Pages
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice - 302 Pages
Fading Echos - 296 Pages
Night Whispers - 295 Pages
Sign of the Moon - 297 Pages
The Forgotten Warrior - 315 Pages
The Last Hope - 329 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - 313 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - 302 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - 291 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The Blazing Star - 273 Pages
Bluestar's Prophecy - 516 Pages
Crookedstar's Promise - 491 Pages
Yellowfang's Secret - 501 Pages
Tallstar's Revenge - 503 Pages
Firestar's Quest - 507 Pages
Skyclan's Destiny - 462 Pages
Bramblestar's Storm - 473 Pages
Series 1 (Into The Wild)
Into the Wild - 272 Pages
Fire and Ice - 317 Pages
Forest Of Secrets - 312 Pages
Rising Storm - 315 Pages
A Dangerous Path - 313 Pages
The Darkest Hour - 315 Pages
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
Midnight - 300 Pages
Moonrise - 284 Pages
Dawn - 335 Pages
Starlight - 321 Pages
Twilight - 319 Pages
Sunset - 303 Pages
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
The Sight - 363 Pages
Dark River - 322 Pages
Outcast - 317 Pages
Eclipse - 318 Pages
Long Shadows - 316 Pages
Sunrise - 318 Pages
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice - 302 Pages
Fading Echos - 296 Pages
Night Whispers - 295 Pages
Sign of the Moon - 297 Pages
The Forgotten Warrior - 315 Pages
The Last Hope - 329 Pages
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