Book 3 - Chapter 4
"Careful," meowed the deputy. Even the deputy's voice sounded like she was under water. "You are not the leader here" she hissed. "Nobody interrupts our leader and gets away with it," said a cat with brown eyes sitting nearby. The leader of these cats puffed out her fur sending flickers of flame into the corners of the den. "What are you saying?" asked the leader. "What do you mean?" Tigerstar looked up at the large flaming cat and said, "I mean what did the cat with blue eyes mean when she said I had to beware something." "Oh," the leader sniffed. "That. Nothing." Tigerstar was bewildered. "Why am I here?" he asked. The leader looked at Tigerstar. "You mean you don't know why you are here?" asked the leader her tail sending sparks in every direction. "No," replied Tigerstar in such an annoyed voice the leader narrowed her eyes. "It is not my place to say such," she hissed. "Say what?" The deputy went to stand by her leader. As the deputy moved bubbles rose from her fur. "It is not your place to know." said the deputy calmly. "Now please if you would take us back to where ever you came from we would greatly appreciate it." "Why would I bring you to where I live?" asked Tigerstar. The cats gasped. Nobody spoke to their deputy and leader like that. "I am not sure I even know my way back to my home." added Tigerstar. "My clan was moving and then those two (he said pointing to the cats with green and blue eyes) brought me here. "
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