#1 Favorite Warriors Book (from the series) - The Sight (book 1 of series 3) or Eclispe (book 4 of series 3)
#2 Favorite Super Edition - Cats of the Clans (With over 50 cats)
#3 Favorite Cat - Tawnypelt (Shadowclan Warrior)
#4 Most Hated Cat - Scourge (Bloodclan Leader)
#5 Favorite Clan - Windclan
#6 Cutest Kit - Applekit (Shadowclan kit)
#7 Saddest Moment - When Ashfur (Thunderclan warrior) dies
#8 Gets in Trouble the Most
#9 Favorite Leader - Flowerstar (Shadowclan leader)
#10 Saddest Death - Silverstream (Riverclan Queen)
#11 Favorite Series - The Power of Three (Third Series)
#12 Favorite Deputy - Whitestorm (Thunderclan Deputy)
#13 Favorite Medicine Cat - Cinderpelt (Thunderclan Medicine Cat)
#14 Favorite Starclan Cat - Feathertail
#15 Favorite Dark Forest Cat - Hawkfrost (Riverclan Warrior)
#16 Most Hated Leader - Tigerstar (Shadowclan leader, raised and born in Thunderclan)
#17 Most Hated Medicine Cat - Hawkheart (Windclan Medicine Cat)
#18 Favorite Quote - Four will become Two, Lion and Tiger will meet in battle and blood will rule the forest or After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion peace will come on dove's gentle wing
#19 Best Fan Art - Don't have one
#20 Best Moment in the Series
- When Graystripe Returns
"You were right about what?" asked Berryfur padding over. "We were right about who the fur belongs to." Berryfur nodded slowly then he said "Don't you think that you should tell the clan?" Tigerstar nodded and said, "Blossompaw stay up here with me and Ashflower you too." The 3 cats padded up to the top of the hill. Tigerstar let out a yowl and the cats below all padded towards the base of the hill. "I have shocking news," called Tigerstar he noded towards Ashflower to speak. "My patrol found scents of strange cats and the evidence of another group of cats in the area. I took another patrol out later and we got the same results dead prey that we did not catch was everywhere. The prey was all killed by the same group of cats, that we do know." Tigerstar nodded. "I have spoke to Blossompaw and we have come to a conclusion that we are being followed." Nervous whispers broke out in the assembled cats. "Who was it?" called Birchtail. "We have ideas," called Tigerstar. "I will reveal who it was when we are sure who it was. Now I would like to take, Tawnybird, Mintclaw, Birchtail and Flowerfur with me to see who it is." The cats chosen padded over towards the edge of the swamp and hills. Tigerstar leapt down the hill and joined them. "Blossompaw!" called Tigerstar, "I want you to join us, see if we were right." "We KNOW we were right though." meowed Blossompaw. "I don't want to spread panic throughout the cats yet." Blossompaw nodded. The cats headed out. "I found a scent," called Mintclaw. "Hush!" said Blossompaw, "I heard something." "I did to," said Tigerstar. "We MUST go back to camp right NOW!" The cats raced back to camp. Tigerstar leapt up the hill. "We know who has been following us," called Tigerstar. The cats gathered around to listen. "It is DARKFINCH following us," Tigerstar spat the name. "Very good Tigerstripe or are you Tigerstar now?" asked Darkfinch padding into the camp.
Tawnybird let out shaky call, "We found Dustfur," she called. The clan started towards the bushes. "Stop," ordered Tigerstar. "I am going to see what happened first. I am clan leader. Stay here." The clan grumbled but nodded. Tigerstar padded into the bushes and let out a screech. He slowly padded out from the bushes. "Dustfur is dead," announced Tigerstar. Snowhare let out a screech of disbelief. Milkfur nodded sadly. "How?" asked Ottertail. "The foxes." "Oh," said Ottertail. Tigerstar leapt up the hill and spoke to the assembled clan below. "Even they we lost Dustfur and he will always be in our heart we need to continue it is not the safest place out here. The foxes just proved that. So please deputies take 2 cats each and scout the whole territory. Apprentices take 3 warriors and go on a hunting patrol. Medicine cats treat the injured. Senior Warriors take another cat each and go look for any herb that will help the medicine cats." The cats chosen nodded. They sped out of camp. Tigerstar sighed. "So many cats lost," he whispered. Emberberry nodded. "First the 4 leaders, then Dustfur." The tired cats slowly padded into the clearing. Tigerstar leapt to his feet to meet the patrol. "Deputies what did you find out?" All the deputies shook their head no except for Ashflower. Who spoke up. "We found something quite disturbing." "Who is we?" asked Tigerstar. "Shadowleaf, Tawnybird and I?" replied Ashflower. "Meet me on the top of the hill. Emberberry go tell the other medicine cats I would like to meet with them too." Emberberry nodded and padded away. Ashflower turned and rounded up her patrol. Tigerstar leapt up the hill and spoke with the cats. "Ashflower what did you find?" asked Tigerstar urgently. "The deputies headed out into the territory around here. We all went in a different direction to cover more ground." Tigerstar nodded. Then Ashflower said "we heard some cats and it sounded like lots of them so we stayed hidden." Tawnybird put in, "We found a dead pigeon and there was a scent there it was extremely familiar but I can't place it." Shadowleaf nodded, "Here we brought back a shread of black fur. Can you tell the scent on this?" Tigerstar's eyes widened. He turned to Tawnybird "get me Windshadow," then he turned to Shadowleaf and said "Can you get me Blossompaw?" The 2 cats ran off and returned. "Blossompaw come here!" called Tigerstar. "Do you recognize this scent? Is it who I think it is?" Blossompaw nodded then she spoke up. "Why?" "Ashflower's patrol found this shred of fur nearby." Blossompaw gasped. Then he is following us. He has been tracking us. Tigerstar nodded. "Ashflower also said they found a dead pigeon." "And a dead rabbit," put in Tawnybird. "There could be more. We came back straight away." "Before I do anything I want you" he said nodded to Ashflower, "to take Berryfur and his patrol and go thoroughly search the area for more. If you hear any cats duck down in the grass and creep back to camp." Ashflower nodded and swept her patrol away with a swish of her tail. The camp sat in silence until the patrol came racing back. Ashflower and her patrol raced up the hill to Tigerstar. "There was prey everywhere. The prey was covered all in the same scent though. We found 3 more scraps of fur," panted Ashflower. Tigerstar nodded. "Thank you." he meowed at last. "I would like to speak to Blossompaw now." Ashflower nodded the cats left. "We were right." said Tigerstar at last. "Unfortunately," mewed Blossompaw.