Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Book 10 - Chapter 28

"Hello clan mates, as you know my name is Mintwish." The clan settles around her feet. "As most of the other members of this clan who have shared my name is also literal. When I was a younger kitten I thought I would grow up to be a medicine cat. So as a kit I learned every herb out there. That was not the case of course, I'm a warrior now." Emberberry and Pinkpoppy wondered over to hear that last sentence. "If you ever wish to help us out in the medicine den you are more than welcome to," said Emberberry. Mintwish nodded dipped her head to the two medicine cats. "Thank you for the offer, but no thanks." Pinkpoppy looked at Mintwish confused, "You said that your name was literal I am wondering what you mean by that and if my idea is correct how is that possible?" "That is a good question," said Mintwish. "I was named Mintkit by my parents as you know, and I loved every herb and if I ate them I could eat any of them they were all very good to me except for one. Mint. I never liked the taste of mint it was disgusting which is interesting considering my name and the fact that every other cat out there wants to eat cat mint. I didn't, I was staring at the piece of mint in front of me one day and thought I wish I was able to eat these mint leaves without them tasting bad, then I bit into it, and it tasted like any other mint leaf out there. Good. I realized that I had this ability to make a wish come true if I wished it on a mint leaf. I then started trying out my theory and it seemed that it only seemed to work on mint leaves. Then it was pure coincidence that I was named Mintwish. Since I have figured that out I have helped my clan by going to wish on the catmint whenever someone is assigned to go and collect it or bring it to a cat I always volunteer and then wish on it. I wish that whoever needs it gets better unless it is there time to join Starclan. If it isn't there time I wish for them to get better so there isn't any sufferings. I usually wish that all kits get enough for to make it to the apprentice stage. If they don't I feel that it is my fault that they didn't make it because I have always been able to wish that they make it to apprenticeship and adulthood." Soon Mintwish was being swamped with requests to make something happen.