Felicity hissed and pushed her way towards Cherry and Clover. Fiona snapped her teeth into Felicity's tail. "Watch it," she snapped. "You watch where you are going," snapped Felicity. Fiona's yellow eyes flashed. Felicity's green eyes didn't waver. Fiona let go of Felicity's tail and stepped back. "Please excuse me," said Fiona. "Why should we forgive you?"asked Clover. Berrystar looked puzzled, "She didn't asked to be forgiven she asked to be excused." "I know what she said, but for what she did to us we won't forgive her even if she asks us to." "Why shouldn't you forgive her?" "She knows what she did to us. OR at least what she did to Clover. She hurt Clover much more than me. We were even on the same side." "Side?" asked Berrystar. "Yes side," repeated Fiona. "It was my duty to do so. I was sent by our leader. Or at least your supposed leader." "Why, should we believe you?" "You are the one who did it. You didn't protest. You could have at least said NO, but you didn't. You went and did what was requested of you without raising a paw to disagree." said Cherry. "Yes," agreed Clover. "You didn't raise a paw to try to stop your duty." "What was your duty?" asked Berrystar. "That is business that doesn't need speaking of?" snapped Felicity. "Why cannot it be spoke of?" "It doesn't need to be spoke of." said Felicity. "I say you have to tell me what this duty was. I need to know." snapped Berrystar. "Why do you need to know?" Responded Felicity. "I need to know because I am the leader of Fishclan. and if you none of you 4 don't tell me then you will have to leave." "Ok we will leave if you make us." "I say you have to leave if you cannot tell me, us, all of Fishclan what you did." The 4 cats looked at each other and nodded. "You cannot figure anything out can you?" said Cherry. "It was all a trap. More warriors came and figured out everything about Fishclan." put in Clover. "You fell for it too." said Felicity curling her tail. "That is the great thing. Our leader will be proud." "Your leader? Please explain will you?" Fiona nodded. "Ok. So Cherry, Clover, Felicity and I actually don't hate each other and there is no problem. When we held your clan here in the camp with our argument some other cats came and learned everything about Fishclan. Now we are leaving. Our leader will be proud." "Who is your leader?" Fiona nodded to the other cats and they padded out. Before padding after them she said, "DARKFINCH will be proud of us he learned more form this then from anything."
"Who are you?" asked Berrystar padding forward. He signaled with his tail to Ashstar that he wanted to handle this. "Why are you here?" The cat padded forward. "I am Fiona. I am also a calico." "You are more then that" called a voice. The cats turned it was Cherry and Clover. "What do you mean?" asked Berrystar. "We know her," said Clover. "How?" asked Berrystar. The calico turned and hissed at her. "Well I can let you stay here until I find there is something that says you cannot be here." Clover and Cherry gasped. "Then we have to go." Clover nodded. "Why?" Fiona let out another hiss. "We would say but some cat doesn't want us to." Clover pointed with her tail towards Fiona. "But she doesn't seem evil or dangerous?" said Birchtail. Clover and Cherry shared a glance. "Do you know this cat?" asked Berrystar. Clover nodded. "Who is she?" "Fiona." said Cherry. "Who is Fiona?" "A cat who worked with…" Fiona let out another hiss. She padded towards Cover and Cherry. "I work alone now." Fiona interrupted. "I am a loner and independent. I hunt and work alone. I haven't worked with a cat for over 12 moons. I have seen cats but they all keep their distance." "Why do they keep their distance?" Clover opened her mouth to reply when another cat crashed into their camp. It was another calico. "Felicity." Fiona greeted the cat with nod. "Who are you?" Berrystar asked the cat. "I am Felicity. Fiona's sister." Fiona nodded. "It has been a while since I last saw you," said Felicity to Fiona. "We meet again," Fiona acknowledged. "You both can stay as long as you need." Berrystar said again. "Come on Clover we have to go." Said Cherry. "Why do you have to leave?" "Because Felicity and Fiona…" Fiona and Felicity both hissed.
Blossompaw sniffed until she chose the path on the right and raced forward. The patrol charged after her. Blossompaw stopped and pointed with her tail and nodded "That is Darkfinch. The white cat his feet is his deputy." Ashstar nodded then signaled to her patrol to back away. They turned and charged back to the camp. Ashstar leapt up a tree and called to her clan. "Darkfinch has been following us still. We must continue. What I think we should do is travel until we find some place where we can get the help of other cats." Some of the other cats nodded in agreement. Ashstar sent them all off. "Deputies and Senior warrior in the front while 4 warriors in the back, please." The cats nodded. They traveled until they reached another forest of pine, oak, maple and birch trees. "We will rest here." Birchtail came up to Ashstar and said, "Can I take a patrol to explore the territory?" "Sure take Mousepaw, Rowanpaw and Sparrowfur." Birchtail nodded and called to the 3 other cats. Birchtail hadn't gone very before he returned. "We found these 2 cats outside." The older cat spoke up. "My name is Cherry and this is my apprentice Clover." "Apprentice?" "Yes apprentice. You know what an apprentice is I assume?" Ashstar nodded. "How do you know about an apprentice?" "Well my mother's mother was from somewhere she taught her daughter about it who taught me. Then when I found Clover was in the same situation except for her mother had died I promised I would teach her everything I knew. We were going to go practice hunting when your cats brought me here." Ashstar was still nodding, when something interrupted her vision. It was a calico. The sight of the cat made Cherry's and Clover's fur rise.
Ashstar nodded. Then she gathered the clan. "We are going to keep moving. I would like the deputies in the front and Birchtail, Mintclaw and Tawnybird in the back. Medicine cats and kits in the middle. Apprentices, warriors and queens around them." The cats nodded. The cats traveled until the reached a large thick woods. Berrystar nodded to Ashstar and she stopped the clan. We are going to stay here for a few days. I would like Dapplepaw to stay with the queens and kits. I need Cedarfur, Sparrowfur, Flowerfur and Mossfur to go hunting. Apprentices I would like you to stay here for now. Medicine cats can you look at each cat?" The cats nodded. "Nightblaze, and Mintclaw can you go look for a source of water? Berrystar if Nightblaze and Mintclaw find a water source do you think we should stay here?" "I depends on what is around. If there are threats like badgers, humans or even other cats we may have to consider moving." "That's true when some other cats get back I will send out some patrols." Later that day Ashstar spoke to the clan. "I would like Cloudsplash and Seedwhisker to lead 2 patrols with 3 cats each to see if there is any dangers out there." Cloudsplash chose Birchtail and Brightpool, while Seedwhisker chose Tawnybird and Hollyflower. "Split the territory between you and report back." Soon both patrols raced back. Seedwhisker spoke first we saw a badger den and an abounded human home." She nodded to Cloudsplash who spoke "We saw some cats it looked like a gathering of sorts. There was a cat in a tree speaking to an assembled group of cats below. If I looked close enough I might have thought it was Darkfinch." "Darkfinch?" Repeated Ashstar. Cloudsplash nodded. "I would like Berrystar, Birchtail, Flowerfur and Cloudsplash to come with me to see this cat. Oh and Blossompaw." The cats chosen nodded. They faced a fork in the trail and Ashstar waved Blossompaw forward. "If it is Darkfinch you will know." Blossompaw nodded.