Book 4 - Chapter 6
Blossompaw sniffed until she chose the path on the right and raced forward. The patrol charged after her. Blossompaw stopped and pointed with her tail and nodded "That is Darkfinch. The white cat his feet is his deputy." Ashstar nodded then signaled to her patrol to back away. They turned and charged back to the camp. Ashstar leapt up a tree and called to her clan. "Darkfinch has been following us still. We must continue. What I think we should do is travel until we find some place where we can get the help of other cats." Some of the other cats nodded in agreement. Ashstar sent them all off. "Deputies and Senior warrior in the front while 4 warriors in the back, please." The cats nodded. They traveled until they reached another forest of pine, oak, maple and birch trees. "We will rest here." Birchtail came up to Ashstar and said, "Can I take a patrol to explore the territory?" "Sure take Mousepaw, Rowanpaw and Sparrowfur." Birchtail nodded and called to the 3 other cats. Birchtail hadn't gone very before he returned. "We found these 2 cats outside." The older cat spoke up. "My name is Cherry and this is my apprentice Clover." "Apprentice?" "Yes apprentice. You know what an apprentice is I assume?" Ashstar nodded. "How do you know about an apprentice?" "Well my mother's mother was from somewhere she taught her daughter about it who taught me. Then when I found Clover was in the same situation except for her mother had died I promised I would teach her everything I knew. We were going to go practice hunting when your cats brought me here." Ashstar was still nodding, when something interrupted her vision. It was a calico. The sight of the cat made Cherry's and Clover's fur rise.
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