Monday, April 6, 2015

Song #4

This Song is for the Kitties in the Stars

Kitties Kitties in the Stars
Power in their Paw-a-aws
Fishing fishing away in the night.
Finding fishies that are just ri-i-ight

Kitties live happily until the end
Then they get to start again
In the stars above our head
This is what a kitty said 

Do not be said my friend
For we will meet again
When the time is right
When we are shown the light

We will fight
Until the end
When we get to begin again

Walk happily
Walk safely
Among friends
In the stars

We will see you soon
On the brightest moon
We will continue
We will live

Good bye my friend

Song #3

This Song is Dedicated to the cats who have left us

Blue, blue that is all we are
We have made it so so far
But now things are different
Things have changed

No soft tuft of fur
No more purr purr purrs

We wil look to the stars
When we open every can or jar
No Kitty Kitty or Tuna Fish
No more creamy milk in a dish

No there is no more

There is no soft bundle on the floor
No sweet meows
Walking through the morning dew

Fish, Fish in the cleanest river
Fish, Fish in the nest river
Fish, Fish every day and every night
Fish, Fish in morning's Day Light

La La La La La
La La La La La

Sing the sweet notes
Never shed your soft sweet coat
Walk up upon the stars
Walk up in the sky
Be a kitty with beauty

Go carefully precious Kitty

Song #2

This Song is in the Memory of the Cats who have left us

We will never stop believing in you

We will always cherish our memory
Every morning and night
We look to the stars and sky
In hopes of seeing you today
And in hopes of seeing you tonight

Every day is a struggle

Every day is hard
Where we are
But you need to have your life
You need the enjoyment
You need to be yourself

And eat tuna in the sky and stars

But never eat tuna from the jars
Catch your yummy fish in the clearest river
Be the best fisher kitty in the world

Make us proud my friend

Song #1

This Song is in the honor of the Kitties who have left us

We are sad and still gloomy
We will never leave the blues
Morning Sunrises remind us of you
Every Night as the sun disappears
We feel sad once again as you once left us
Just like the sun as the sun always does

Someday every mouse will roam free
Today is the day that every mouse roams free
As the ordinary mouse yells hooray
It reminds us of that sad horrible day
When you left us all alone

But we have hope
We have life
We will never give up on chances
We will see you once again
Every day is a struggle but we will make it through
In the thought of you every day

Your song will never leave us
We will keep it forever
You mean more to us then you know
You need to keep going on and on

We will cherish your every paw step
We will remember you more then ever
So keep looking on
Keep living on
With hopes of seeing you yet again

We will look to the stars
We will look to the sky
We will always depend on you

Goodbye my friend

Book 9 - Chapter 7

The kittens looked very excited to be given a competition of their very own. Appledawn had spent the day speaking with the other queens and Birchtail to see what they thought. Appledawn just wasn't sure if she would like the kittens to be able to leave the camp. She went and consulted the other queens. "They would be safe with a warrior in the forest, but I just am not sure if I feel they would be safe enough. My kits can get into lots of trouble." The other queens looked at each other before offering their advice. "I say you should let the kits go into the forest, they will be with a warrior and they will be apprentices soon so the pre-knowledge would help them." said Sagewind. Darkflower and Silverfrost both shook their heads, "The reason that we believe that the kits should stay in camp is because they will be apprentices soon and they will be free to come and go from the camp as they like. I say let them stay in the camp where we can keep an eye on them," said Darkflower. Silverfrost nodded and added, "Just because they will have a warrior with them doesn't mean they will be completely safe, I mean we don't know the area, even with the warrior what if a fox or badger came along a warrior couldn't fight off a fox by themselves and the kits haven't had any training. Even though they will be with a warrior not everything is safe. Appledawn nodded. She trusted the other queens, they were more experienced and some of their kits had become fine clan members. Appledawn nodded, "The kits will be staying in the camp." she had said. The leaders nodded. "Each kit will need to collect, a rock, a moss, a beetle, a feather and a fly, before the sun sets. The kit that collects all the objects the fastest wins." said Sparrowstar. The kits charged away. At the end of the day Fishkit had won. 2nd place went to Cloverkit. 3rd place was Applekit and Silverkit was 4th.

Book 9 - Chapter 6 - Part 2

(Continuing the mentors challenge) Question 3…….Question 10. All 3 groups raced back to camp and finished marking their scores on their leaf. Then the 3 leaders brought the leaves to Berrystar who counted the scores. Berrystar turned to the assembled clan. "We have a winner. Flowerfur with 56 points. Then Mousetail with 54 points and then Seedwhisker with 51 points." announced Berrystar. The other leaders jumped up beside him and continued speaking, "We honor each of our warriors and elders for their time as a mentor. For without mentors the young cats would not be able to learn the skills of a proper Fishclan warrior. Without the mentors to teach the apprentices they ways of a Fishclan warrior the skills of Fishclan might not survive through the generations. Without the mentors the skills of Fishclan wouldn't be kept alive.  We thank each of the warriors in turn for being mentors and passing on the skills that were fought to you by your mentor. If there were no mentors to teach the skills to the newest cats then the cats wouldn't learn what it is like to be a true Fishclan apprentice and for that we thank you." said Cedarstar. All the warriors nodded their thanks to the clan and their respect to the clan leaders. "We will have the next ompetition tomorrow. The kits will be taking part in a competition tomorrow. It is up to queen however (Said Berrystar nodding to Appledawn while he spoke) if the kits are to leave the camp with an experienced warrior or stay in the camp and roam without a warrior. Appledawn nodded and padded back to the nursery with Birchtail by her side.