Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 5
"Who are they?" Asked the cat that was the leader. The timid black cat shuffled forward, "well he lives in a clan or a group of cats. It said the fruit and the herb so those must be symbols for names of two of the cats in the group." Said the cat. "Yes, Yes but you said you knew exactly who it was. Which two cats it was." The black cat looked at her leader and nodded saying " I do know who it is. I have known all my life, even before this pink cat came." "Well then who is it?" Snapped the leader. "Well the symbols have to mean something having to do with what she said. So, the fruit has to be a cat with a name of a fruit, and the herb the symbol for a cat with the name of a herb." The leader considered before nodding. "That makes a lot of since, what are their true names? Do you know," he asked turning to Birchtail. "Probably Applepaw and Sagepaw." said Birchtail. Suddenly the door opened, "Act nice," hissed the cat. "You want to get adopted, otherwise you leave and don't come back ever." Birchtail nodded and played along with the others. Soon one of the humans pointed at Birchtail and spoke to the person wearing some kind of tag in a weird high voice. The manager/person nodded and picked up Birchtail. The STUPID, HORRIBLE, HUMAN BEING, picked Birchtail up and brought him into another room. The manger then put what Bichtail knew was a collar on, and Birchtail could recognize the letters, T-I-G-G-E-R. "Tigger?" wondered Birchtail bewildered. "The manager put Birchtail into another box, and he was whisked away from the room. When he was allowed out of the cage, he looked around. This was no where near what his home was. It was a square, box, den, room thing. He pushed a paw on the wall, it was solid. He turned and pushed his nose against the window trying to find out where he was in relation to home. He was just on the other side of the large river that separated the humans home from the camp.
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