Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 3
Sunflower watched with narrow eyes as she watched the opponents battle plan, then she realized that they didn't have a plan at all. As all of Peachfur's patrol charged towards the fern, it gave Birchpaw and Applepaw to slip past them to snag a few berries on their claws. Suddenly Peachfur let out a yowl, "don't forgot to watch the berry bush." All of her patrol let out a yowl and charged at Birchpaw and Applepaw. "Help them, and Mosspaw don't forgot the plan," Sunflower said. "Suddenly Birchpaw tripped and fell while climbing up a tree. When he woke up, it was moons later. "Are you okay?" asked Windfur the medicine cat. Birchpaw nodded. "You missed a lot when you were gone. Flowerpaw is Flowerfur, Greenpaw is Greenwhisker, Tigerpaw is Tigerstripe, Waterpaw is Waterfur, and Mousepaw is Mousepelt. Thistlefish is now Thistlestar, Sunflower is deputy and Whiteberry is Senior Warrior. Littlewind has 3 kits, Berrykit, Windkit and Whisperkit." she said. Stormpaw turned to his patient and added, "your warrior ceremony is tonight." Birchpaw nodded. "Birchpaw you are a useful asset to our clan, I name you Birchtail." Birchtail nodded. He turned towards his nest near the edge of the clearing. Later that day he was out hunting when he saw a bright orange or ginger cat. A few minutes later he was caught in some sort of mesh. He cried out, but all that came was a large human creature. It turned and looked at Birchtail. It swooped down and Birchtail was put into a hard sided box thing. He was then brought to a large building, he could hear the human creature speaking in a weird language to someone who was holding a cat. The human creature set the cat down with the others and turned to the german shepherd next to her. Birchtail didn't know why so many animals were in one area.
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