Fishclan never heard of Rivera ever again. Applepaw became Appledawn. Sagepaw became Sagewind.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 14
Rivera turned and looked at the pursuing cats. She leapt to the ground and padded back to the camp. The cats followed her and then in the middle of the tunnel Sagepaw and Applepaw lunged. Rivera ducked both of their lunges and spun around neatly on one paw and kicked out with her hind feet. All of the younger warriors dived into the camp. The hunting patrol quickly following them. The whole clan watched as Rivera turning and faced her opponents. Rivera hissed at the two apprentices. Applepaw backed away to let Windfur treat her side. Sagepaw hissed and leaped at Rivera. Rivera rolled over and pushed out with her paws throwing Sagepaw into the brambles. Flowerfur, Mousepelt, Tigerstripe, Waterfur and Greenwhisker hesitated before attacking giving Rivera the 1 second chance that she needed. When Flowerfur and Mousepelt both jumped at her she pushed off the ground letting the 2 she cats crash into each other. She pulled out tufts of fur from both cats causing Greenwhisker and Tigerstripe to back away. Waterfur dashed at Rivera, but Rivera ducked and flashed out a paw causing Waterfur to trip. Rivera flipped him over and pulled fur out. Thistlestar had watched the whole fight. "What makes you think that you can go and attack the warriors of the clan and a guest at the most. Do you think that you can go around attacking warriors all the time?" None of the cats answered. Rivera stared at all of the clan cats distrustfully, "I would like to return back to my home. Even if my human isn't home I am perfectly capable of taking care of my self." With that Rivera turned and stalked away.
Fishclan never heard of Rivera ever again. Applepaw became Appledawn. Sagepaw became Sagewind.
Fishclan never heard of Rivera ever again. Applepaw became Appledawn. Sagepaw became Sagewind.
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 13
Rivera padded away from the camp in her hunting patrol. She was the leader of the patrol and she was given Birchtail, Firestorm and Honeyfrost as the rest of the patrol. She looked over her group. "We want to catch as munch food as we possibly can for the clan. Strong warriors means the rest of the clan stays strong as the warriors hunt for everyone else. We as the warriors have a responsibility that we must carry through. I would like every cat to do there very best. Birchtail please go to the fields, I heard that Mountainmist taught you how to catch rabbits. Honeyfrost I heard that you are the best fisher in the clan, if you can I would like you to go to the streams and see if you can find anything. Firestorm try the log piles, mice would have just made their fall burrows see if you can get a few." Rivera finished. All the cats nodded and padded away. Rivera turned and raced up a tree looking for some birds to hunt. The apprentices and younger warriors skidded into the clearing that Rivera had been standing in a few moments earlier. Rivera turned and listened to their conversation when she heard herself mentioned. "Where was she, I knew she came this way." Applepaw was saying. "She was the lead of the hunting patrol," said Sagepaw. Rivera turned and raced through the trees not stopping until she caught a blackbird then she turned and raced back to where the apprentices were and then she dropped the blackbird. All the apprentices looked up. They raced up the tree following Rivera as she leaped from branch to branch. Rivera soon outpaced them and she leapt higher into the tree. She went higher and higher until there was no escape for her except for a branch a few feet away. The apprentices turned and wondered where Rivera was and then they noticed the branch moving above them. They scrambled up the tree. Rivera turned and looked at the broken ash tree. It was resting on the fork of another tree. So if she could just get to that tree she wold be able to show these apprentices just who deceived some respect. Rivera pushed off the tree, flipped down to a lower branch and jumped off the dead branch making it crash to the ground behind her. The apprentices skidded to a halt at the edge of the broken branch.
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 12
Birchtail was speaking to Applepaw, "I don't like her at all," Applepaw was telling Birchtail. Birchtail nodded. "You shouldn't speak that way about your clan mates Applepaw. Even though Rivera isn't apart of the clan she is still considered the rank of the warrior because she knows and has the skills of a warrior. Which means she out ranks you, which also mean you also need to show some respect to her. Until I feel like you are showing respect to our warriors you will be gathering herbs for Windfur instead of training. I will speak to Mudpaws shortly. Also Birchtail I cannot command you to do anything but if you say anything else I will find a cat that can tell you to do something that actually benefits the clan." snapped Mossfur. "Now Applepaw go help Windfur. I must speak with Mudpaws." said Mossfur shortly. She turned and stalked away. Rivera turned and ran straight into Applepaw. Applepaw glared at Rivera before padding away. "Ignore her, she isn't having the best day today." said Mossfur padding up to Rivera's side. Rivera nodded. Soon Rivera was one if the finest cats in Fishclan. She had skills that most of the clan cats couldn't perform. She was able to race through the trees with out shaking a leaf. Soon Rivera knew the warrior code better than the apprentices, and she was constantly reminding them that they had to follow it. A few moons later all the apprentices and younger warriors were tired of Rivera watching over them like a hawk and reminding them to follow the warrior code, so they banded together. "We have to drive her out of the clan," said Applepaw late one night. "I said something to Birchtail and Mossfur went and and told me that until she thought I showed some respect to the warriors I would be helping Windfur instead of training. It has been over 3 moons and I am still helping Windfur." The other cats nodded. "The only problem is that Mossfur is extremely loyal to the warrior code and her clan. Everything she does is something that she thinks will benefit the clan and usually she is right. Unfortunately for us Rivera has chosen Mossfur to be her helper." Said Sagepaw. Flowerfur and Mousepelt looked thoughtful. "Then we just have to find a time that she is all alone and attack her." said Tigerstripe.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 11
Rivera nodding looking around at her choices, for a helper as she called it. She wanted a helper that wasn't still in training or that was a kit under their mothers care. She didn't want a help that had an apprentice or a helper that was in the medicine den. She wanted a younger experienced warrior that could help her learn the ways of clan, but she wanted a cat that didn't try to mentor her in any way. She wanted a cat that she could count on as more of a friend then a teacher. "Thistlestar is it all right if I spend a day with a few of the cats that I could choose before I choose?" Thistlestar nodded. "Which cats would you maybe pick?" Rivera looked around before speaking, "I would like to try spending a day with Sunflower, Mountainmist, Mousepelt and Mossfur." Thistlestar nodded. Soon Rivera had tested all of the 4 candidates and she came up with her decision. Sunflower was to orderly probably because she was deputy. Mountainmist was very strict probably keeping up the same teaching methods that she had with Birchtail as Birchtail was sometimes very uncooperative. Mousepelt or Mossfur were good options but she had to choose the one cat that she knew that she could always rely on. She asked Thistlestar if she could began the next day. "That cat? She may be young but she will help you along through the ways of the clan. Of course you can start tomorrow if you need anything don't hesitate to ask anyone from the clan." Rivera nodded and padded away to find the cat she chose.
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 10
"Ok, Thank You." Said Rivera. "I mean if it is ok, I can always go and live with one of my friends." she said. "No it is no big deal, this is what Thistlestar would do. Thistlestar would give you shelter. Fishclan owes you anyway." said Mossfur kindly. Rivera nodded. "I will see you to back to their camp before I head home," said Esther. Rivera nodded padding back to the Fishclan camp with her longest friend. Mossfur quickly explained the situation to Thistlestar. Thistlestar nodded and then she spoke to Rivera. "Of course you can stay here, every day we will send a patrol to the edge of the human world to look for your human." said Thistlestar. Rivera nodded when a large bundle of fur came flying out of the apprentice den. It was Applepaw. Applepaw stared at Rivera with large eyes, "Why are you here?" she asked. "I'm here because I don't have a home right now," snapped Rivera. "Oh, you are going to have a great time here," Applepaw was saying. "You can live with me in the apprentice den and we are going to teach you all about hunting and fighting." said Applepaw bouncing around. Rivera turned and stared at the apprentice before snarling, "Why should I need to learn about your clan, I was fine in my house before any of this." Applepaw looked sadly down at the ground but then she piped up again, "But you need to learn how to survive in the wild now that you are living with us." Rivera glanced at the apprentice before saying, "I know how to survive in the wild already, what did you think I was a door mouse?" Applepaw looked crestfallen before padding away to her mentors side. "Come here what I have to say Fishclan," called a cat, it was Thistlestar. "As you know we have a guest here today. Her name is Rivera and she will be staying with us until her human returns to it's house." There were whispers among the clan at the word human but Thistlestar quoted them with her tail. "Rivera, is an honored guest and we will make her feel welcome. Rivera has skills even though she has never lived in the wild, and we can learn from them. Rivera I would like you to choose a cat that you would like to help you. Not to mentor you but to show you around the territory and show you our techniques on top of your own."
Monday, February 23, 2015
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 9
"That fate could have happened to Birchtail?" Rivera nodded. "Then we thank your human, and we should give her something. But we will not give her Birchtail, Birchtail belongs to the clans. He will stay here until he fades from our minds." "Rivera, listen to that." called Senara. "What is it?" asked Meghan. "We hear those all the time, they are just human machines that rumble around on little hard paths." said Sunflower. "No, not the rumble the whoosh. The sounds of high winds." said Esther. "I remember something now, that sound is the sound of those windy shapes. The spirits send them to punish someone or something if it miss behaves and does something wrong." said Sonia. "Wait that must be the human, my human, her mistake was letting Birchtail escape. We have to go." snapped Rivera. "We will send a patrol with you to the end of the human world, said Sunflower. Rivera turned and with a flick of her tail the human cats raced away from the camp. Sunflower nodded to the patrol and they took off towards the human home. Rivera had stopped and signaled to her patrol to climb up a tree. She turned to Bella, "Bella can you see a blue block, vehicle?" she asked. Bella turned and shook her head. "Well if Bella can't see it, it isn't there." Mossfur's patrol skidded to a halt at the base of the human world. "We're up here," called Becca. Mossfur turned and looked up. "What are you doing up there," she called. "Looking for a blue machine, that isn't here." said Tess. Mossfur nodded, "since it isn't here what does that mean, is it bad?" asked Mossfur. "It means that my human has taken the vehicle and has left the house, to return when the storm dies down. Which means that I have no one to take care of me until she returns." "You can come with me," said Esther, "My human has allows liked you." Rivera turned to pad away when Mossfur called out. "Would you like to stay with the clans instead, you can keep an eye on Birchtail and then when the human coms back you can go back and live with her again." Rivera considered. "What about Thistlestar?" asked Rivera. "Thistlestar knows we are loyal to the clan and the warrior code, bedsides Thistlestar said we owe you. This is what we can do, we can give you shelter and we can help you survive."
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 8
The clan cats tried to fight back but they couldn't keep it up and they were soon surrounded by the house cats. Mossfur signaled to Birchtail who got the message and sped towards the safety of the forest. Rivera turned and nodded to her patrol, they all raced after Birchtail leaving Mossfur's patrol unguarded. They raced after Birchtail and found all the house cats surrounded by clan cats. "What do you want from Birchtail?" Thistlestar was asking Rivera. "What do I, I want from Birchtail? I want him to be loyal," said Rivera. "He is loyal, that is why he came back to the clan." said Thistlestar slowly. "No, No, I want him to be loyal to his human. She has done him a huge favor she has saved him, from a great danger. He could have been left in the shelter for a long time until he was gone forever. Until he had entered the dark." snapped Rivera. "Entered the dark?" questioned Thistlestar. "At the shelter, there is one room that is almost never entered. No cat knows what is in there, because every cat that goes in never comes out. Well actually that is incorrect I was saved by my human when I was going to enter the room. If you are at the shelter for a very long time, or if you are keeping other cats from being adopted because you are scaring the humans the shelter humans take you into the other room. The dark room. In the dark room it is dim, and to clean and quiet. Then the cat or animal brought in starts to fade from everyones memory so no one sees the at again. But we know something bad happened to them because they returned to watch over the shelter as their spirit. Would you like Birchtail to have come back to the clan as a ghost a memory of what he was?" questioned Rivera. "I guess not," said Thistlestar. "Then Birchtail should be thankful and grateful to my human. She could have left in the shelter's mercy. Cats become spirits and ghosts at that shelter."
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 7
Birchtail and the other cats spun around to see the challenging cat. It was Rivera. "Where are going?" She repeated. "Home," snapped Birchtail, "And no one is going to stop me from getting there. Rivera snarled and bared her teeth, she leapt down from the fence and a few seconds later she was joined by her friends. "This is Senara, Meghan, Sophia, and Becca." She said pointing to them in turn. She looked disaprovingly at Sagepaw when she shook her head and laughed. "Funny, you think. Just because we live with humans doesn't mean that we can't fight. Just because we look nice and untrained doesn't mean we aren't fiece. I have more help coming if I need it." The apprentices laughed too, "You'll need it," snarled Mossfur who was leading the patrol. Rivera let out a yowl and 6 more cats leapt down from the fence. "Tess, Melissa, Esther, Bella, Sonia, and Hannah. Are you sure you are so keen to fight now?" asked Rivera. Mossfur looked uncertain staring at the large group of cats. Rivera looked at Mossfur. "Why do you insist on fighting?" Mossfur asked. "Why do you insist on intruding on territory that isn't yours?" "We don't." snapped Mossfur. "You are right now." Mossfur looked at her clan mates. "We have permission from Birchtail," said Mossfur slowly. "Who is he to give permission to other cats. he wasn't the owners first cat. Only the first cat in the household when then owner or human adopts the second cat can give the permission to have other cats in their home. Now if Birchtail comes back to the house with me we will let you go back to your clan in peace, but if you insist on taking him back, we will fight you. Birchtail was legally my human's she adopted him from the animal shelter, so until she abandons him, or she dies she is the rightful care taker and owner of Birchtail. Which means that until she gives her permission Birchtail is forbidden to leave her household. So what do you decide Mossfur?" Mossfur looked at her clan mates before staring up at Rivera and clearly saying, "Birchtail belongs in the clans, if you insist on fighting then we will fight you to bring Birchtail back to his rightful home." Rivera turned to her friends before lunging at the clan cats.
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 6
Birchtail pushed his nose against the glass, watching the day go by. When he heard the human owner come in. The human picked up Birchtail and brought him over to the kitchen. There was another cat already there. The cats couldn't really understand the humans but the two cats could under stand each other. "Hello, my name is Rivera. What is your name?" asked the cat. "Birchtail," he said. "Birchtail? I don't think that the humans would name you Birchtail, what is your real name." "Birchtail." repeated Birchtail firmly. "Well the humans renamed me Tigger I think, but I am sticking to Birchtail thank you," snapped Birchtail. The other cat looked at him for a minute before nodding. "Fine, Birchtail." said Rivera before turning away. The human made some noises, before turning away. Rivera had turned towards a flap in the door, she pushed on the bottom with her nose and let out a noise. The human turned at the noise and pushed in a spring which let the door spring open at the bottom. Rivera turned and padded outside. Birchtail turned towards the door, when the human turned and picked him up again. He was brought into another room. He saw a small silver head bob up. He turned towards it. It was Sagepaw, she pawed at the glass. She turned and signaled for Birchtail to back up and he did. When she realized that he was far enough away she turned and called for the other cats behind her. The two warriors turned and pulled back towards the clan, stretching they long vine. With the help of the other apprentices, the cats could roll a stone into place. When Sagepaw signaled the warrior ducked, and the rock was flung at the window. It shattered leaving a large hole. The human came running but before it could do anything Birchtail was wriggling through the gap in the window and out into the wild once more. Birchtail was thrilled. The clan cats turned and ran back towards the safety of the forest, leaving the human back in the house. "Where do you think you are going?" Said a voice. The clan cats froze.![]()
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 5

Sunday, February 8, 2015
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 4

Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 3

Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 2
"Birchpaw?" she asked tentatively. Birchpaw turned to see the golden, yellow cat. "What do you want?"snapped Birchpaw. "Why don't you sleep in the apprentice den like all of the other apprentices?" She asked. Birchpaw growled and turned away. Applepaw turned away and padded back to the den leaving Birrchpaw sitting in the rain. The next morning Mountainmist padded over to Birchpaw and told him that they were going to be training with the other apprentices. "What kind of training? asked Birchpaw. "Battle," said Mountainmist. When they got to the clearing all the other mentors and apprentices were there. "Now we are going to set up a mock battle." said Grayleaf to all of the apprentices. "One team is going to try to capture the ferns, and the other the clump of holly berries." said Oakclaw. The apprentices began chattering among each other. "Applepaw, Mosspaw, Flowerpaw, and Mousepaw are on a team." said Sunflower. "While Greenpaw, Sagepaw, Dragonpaw, and Waterpaw are on a team." announced Peachfur. "Sunflower will be the head of the patrol trying to capture the berry bush, while Peachfur will be the leader of the patrol trying to get to the ferns." said Mountainmist. "Leaders of the patrol will go with the patrol that their apprentice is on." She added. Suddenly Firestorm came skidding into the clearing, "Tigerpaw can't come to training today, he hurt himself hunting." he said. The mentors nodded. "What about me," asked Birchpaw. "Which patrol do I go on?" he asked. "We have an odd number of apprentices today," said Mudpaws. "Well, you can join Sunflower's patrol," said Honeyfrost. Birchpaw nodded. Sunflower turned and beckoned them all with her tail. "Do we have to bring a berry or a fern back to our side?" she asked. Poppyfern considered before saying, "yes we will see how well they can get there and back without having to surrender the berry or fern. It will make the battle more interesting." Sunflower nodded. "What I want is Mosspaw, Flowerpaw, and Mousepaw help defend the fern so they can't get to it, while Birchpaw and Applepaw try to get the berry. You can help each other, once you get to the bush, snag a berry or 2 on your claws, race over where Mosspaw will be waiting to take it." All the apprentices nodded. Peachfur on the other hand was struggling to create a battle plan. "Just try to use defensive moves to defend the plant and use offensive moves to get to the ferns." With that Peachfur nodded to Sunflower who leapt up on a rock and let out a yowl, "Who dare you take one step near our fern, you will pay." With that the two groups of apprentices leapt into the mock battle.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Birchtail's Secret - Chapter 1
Birchkit wandered around the nursery with his sister Silverkit. They were 3 moons old now and are tired of having Mosskit and Dragonkit boss them around just because they were 3 moons older. Applekit and her sister Sagekit were exploring the camp. Soon they heard Oceanstar calling for a clan meeting. "He is probably making us apprentices," boasted Mosskit. She was right. "Today Mosskit and Dragonkit are ready to become apprentices. Sunflower I know you will pass on what you know to Mosspaw. Dragonpaw your mentor will be Snowclaw, she will teach you what it is to be a warrior." The two new apprentices padded away, with their mentors. Soon Birchpaw, Applepaw and Sagepaw joined them their mentors being Mountainmist, Mudpaws and Peachfur. Mountainmist padded up to Birchpaw, "come on we have to go practice with the other apprentices." Birchpaw looked up, "It isn't fair, Silverkit would have loved this, greencough shouldn't have stolen that opportunity from her." said Birchpaw. "I know you are sad about losing your sister to the sickness, but she is watching over you know and she will want you to be the best warrior you could be." said Mountainmist kindly. "Which means training to be a warrior," she said more seriously. Reluctantly Birchpaw agreed but when they got back he went straight for the nest in the edge of the clearing. It was Silverkit's nest, Birchpaw kept his sister's memory by sleeping outside in her nest each night. One night Applepaw came to see Birchpaw.
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 25
"I was bringing Darkfinch to the place that he belongs now that he was thrown out of the clan." said the angel cat getting up. "So you were going to destroy the star to do so?" Simber was outraged. The angel cat nodded. "I am surprised that he even has a place among the stars, considering the reason that he was thrown out of his clan." "The reason?" asked the cat bewildered. "Yes the reason. Darkfinch was thrown out of his clan because he was killing the traitors in his clan. The cats that weren't loyal to him, and the clan." said Simber. "I know the reason, but where else would he go? Who else would he have?" snapped the angel cat. "He could continue living his life as a normal cat. Or he could rejoin in his rightful place. Darkfinch has been coming to the dark forest for moons now, our leader was considering making him the next leader of the forest." The angel cat hissed and left. "Darkfinch you have betrayed by your clan mates. They promised the would be loyal to the clan, and by making that promise they said they were going to be loyal to you as the leader of the clan. Either they were lying or they thought they meant it because they have turned against you and driven you from the clan." said Simber. Darkfinch's eyes narrowed. "I am going to destroy the clans there will be no clan left when I am through. The little blue cat with wings is going to be sorry when I am done. I will get my revenge.
Coxa - (Darkfinch's star) Coxa is an actually star that can be found in the constellation of Leo the Lion.
Coxa - (Darkfinch's star) Coxa is an actually star that can be found in the constellation of Leo the Lion.
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 24

Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 23
Cinderstar flopped over and as Darkfinch watched the Nightclan cats started backing away. Darkfinch was a large black cat and he was now the leader. Darkfinch turned and led the cats home. He beckoned to Lionstripe and the 2 cats turned and raced to the large tree of dreams. When the 2 cats got home Darkfinch leapt up onto the rock and announced to the clan the news. "I am now the leader of Nightclan. Cinderstar died in battle. I have kept my warrior name and now I must name my deputy. Hollytail I would like you to be the deputy of Nightclan." She agreed and the cats lived peacefully for a while, before Darkfinch started in forcing some new rules. He killed several cats and soon the cats of Nightclan began to fear for their lives. Hollytail had fled and Liontail had replaced her as deputy. Darkfinch had named the successor for the deputy as Hawkpelt. Soon some of the clan began to join the dark forest. Darkfinch watched over his clan with narrowed eyes. Soon some of the clan decided that they needed to make the best decision for the outcome of the clan, as Darkfinch had promised to do when he was made a warrior. Hollytail had left them a plan before she had fled, and soon the cats had put it into action. They rallied against Darkfinch and he was driven out, taking some of his best warriors with him.
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 22

Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 21

Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 20

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 19
Cinderstar came forward curiously and asked the cat if it could fight. When the cat stared at him he repeated the question. The cat shook her head and turned into smoke shifting into the smoke cat before vanishing. A few minutes later a new cat came to see the two cats. It was a sand cat. It had wings. The cat introduced it's self, "My name is Simber," it said. "My friend said that you were looking for someone to fight? Is that true?" Cinderstar nodded. "I am looking for a cat to fight this apprentice, Darkpaw." "Darkpaw?" said that cat curiously. Cinderstar nodded, "I would like you to try to overpower the other, you do not have to kill to win, you must have mercy." "Mercy?" asked the cat. "What is that?" Cinderstar stared before responding. "It is when you let a cat live when you could have killed them." "What is the point of that?" snorted Simber. "It shows the makings of a true warrior." snapped Cinderstar. "You are a true warrior even if you do kill. That is why we get our talents and our stars." Cinderstar stared. "It doesn't matter. Just you fight Darkpaw and don't kill him, even if you are winning." Simber snorted but nodded. Simber took to the sky watching Darkpaw from the sky, then when Darkpaw looked like he was going to leap Simber snapped his wings to his sides plummeting onto the smaller cat. Darkpaw turned and battered at Simber's ears, nothing happened. Simber turned and flipped Darkpaw in his back pulling out clumps of fur as he did. Darkpaw turned and lunged. Simber dodged and pounced on Darkpaw, snapped his ear. Darkpaw growled and then Cinderstar yelled stop.
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 18
The 2 cats padded away from the camp, when finally Cinderstar spoke, "Darkpaw I would like to make you a warrior but first I need to assess your skills. Please smell and hear for anything that is unusual." Darkpaw nodded and hared away until he reached a small clearing. Then he fell into a hunting crouch and stalked forward until he saw a cat bending over a pool of water. The cat looked up she heard them enter the clearing. Cinderstar nodded impressed. "Very good Darkpaw," commented Cinderstar. "Darkpaw?" asked the cat finally speaking. Darkpaw nodded. The cat stared at Darkpaw for a moment before bending and staring once more into the depths of the pool. Cinderstar spoke up. "Who are you, and why are you in our territory?" "Our?" the cat asked glancing between Cinderstar and Darkpaw with wide eyes. "Yes, why?" growled Cinderstar. They cat didn't answer though just stared once more in into the pool. "Who are you?" Cinderstar asked again. The cat still ignored them both even when Cinderstar said, "I am the leader of Nightclan. You are on Nightclan territory and I demand you tell me why you are here." Still the cat did not look up once. The only time the cat looked up again was when Darkpaw stepped forward and said, "If you don't tell us why you are here we are going to be forced to drive you away." Then the cat looked up and said, "Can't you read the signs? The moon hasn't been full for months yet the forest is oblivious to the coming disaster." "Disaster what disaster?" asked Cinderstar. "The forest hasn't seen the moon for long years. Yet even in the clans home they cannot see the full moon. The moon hasn't been full for many months now. The full moon is supposed to come every month yet it hasn't for at least a year. Now in the forest for the first time the moon has shone upon a single cat. The cat that owns the fire flower of Ruby. It is a legendary flower that belonged to the great ruler of the cats Ruby. She led over her cats for a few years, before a cat was able to take the flower from her but not before she had pounced on them and the flower had been sent soaring into a river where it dissolved. Many of the cats the forest don't believe it exists any more, until the newest warrior in the forest, matched with the star Coxa found it earning their rightful place." With that the cat turned and stared into the pool again. "Coxa? The sacred flower? What is this?" asked Cinderstar.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 17
All the cats stared at Darkpaw. "Ever since coming here Darkpaw has learned a lot. He will be a great asset and use of the dark forest. He is now considered a warrior among us. Darkpaw your star is the star of Coxa. She is a new star and will live for many years. Use those years well to serve the forest. You also get a power. I give you the power to be able to walk on water." The leader grabbed a vial and filled it with water, the water seemed to shimmer. "Congratulations Darkpaw, you are a warrior here at last." All the dark forest cats turned and bowed to the new warrior. "Now as a warrior you are free to come and go. Your ranking will go up as you benefit the forest more and more. Currently I was like you to, go back to the clans and continue your training. I would like you to pretend that we threw you out, because you were no use to us any more. Cinder," she said nodding to the smoke cat, "Will visit in dreams to learn information about the clan. I want you to try to become the leader of the clan. If you do we can both benefit very well. When in the dreams you will be staying in the camp, no other cat can see you and we don't want you to have to travel back and forth each night." Darkpaw nodded and with a swish of his tail he shimmered until nothing remained. Darkpaw woke in the camp an padded back to the clearing. Cinderstar turned to look at him. "Good to see that you have come to your senses Darkpaw. You have been lying in that nest for over 5 days without moving at all." Darkpaw nodded. "I want to assess your skills and then I can consider making you a warrior. Mistlight by the way, you might want to teach Hollypaw some defensive techniques otherwise she may need be able to become a warrior." Mistlight nodded. Cinderstar turned away and beckoned Darkpaw with his tail. "No Darkenberry, I want to watch Darkpaw alone." he told the dark black tom who had gotten up to follow them.
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 16
Darkpaw turned and was about to hand the fish back to the warrior that Hollypaw had stolen it form when the leader of the forest cats intercepted him. "No," she commanded. "In the dark forest if you lose your power or talent you lose your rank. He lost his power to Hollypaw or whatever her name was, now he doesn't get to stay his ranking as a warrior. He is allowed to stay here until his star goes supernova but he isn't going to be picked first for battles, or given some information that the dark forest shares with it's most dedicated warriors. He won't get a new power but he won't be forced to leave." said the leader. "So who gets the fish?" asked Darkpaw. "You do. If another warrior finds the power they are allowed to keep it for themselves. Since Hollypaw doesn't belong here she wasn't allowed to keep the power. You took the fish from Hollypaw which means that you are it's rightful owner. If you aren't using the fish you can keep it in a store." said the leader. "A store?" "Yes, each tree has a name engraved on it. If the cat has a power, then the tree will open and you can put your token or whatever it is in the store. Only you can open the store, and if any body tries to steal from the store we will know who it is and they will be forced to give up their power. No one has tried to steal a power in over 1,750 years or so." Darkpaw was nodding along when suddenly he noticed a flash of red in the water. Darkpaw padded over to the water and dived in. He saw the glowing red object sink further in the water. He dove after it and when he grasped it in his paws he realized it was a flower. When he resurfaced all the cats were staring at the glowing red flower in his paws. Suddenly the leader spoke. "That is the sacred flower of Ruby. She was the leader before me. It holds great powers. Powers beyond dreams of anyone. Cats have been searching for it for years. I now announce that the sacred flower of Ruby now belongs to Darkpaw who has found it in the water. He will be the user of the sacred flower Ruby and no one is to use it, unless given permission." 

Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 15
Darkpaw leapt at his sister with a snarl. Hollypaw dove towards the river near by and lunged into it. She swam through the river and realized that Darkpaw was following her. Actually Hollypaw realized it was another cat. It was a black cat and in it's paws it was grasping a silver fish. She realized that the fish made the cat a very good swimmer. It made the cat be able to swim through the water like a fish. Suddenly a hunting tactic flashing through her mind. It was the fishing tactic. Hollypaw might not be able to swim very well, but Mistlight had tough her how to hold her breath. Hollypaw could chase fish under the water, of long periods of time. Slowly, but for a long time. Hollypaw ducked under neath the water and waited for the cat to swim above her. When it did she pushed off of the bottom of the water and snatched the fish from the other cats grasp. Once it was in her position she swam off away from the cat when another cat intercepted her. It was Darkpaw. He grasped the fish in his paws and turned and stalked up the bank. Hollypaw crouched and waited. Darkpaw set the fish on the bank and turned around to look at his sister. He swam confidently through the water until he reached his sister's side. He stood looking over at the dark forest cats, when suddenly Hollypaw fell on her side. Darkpaw had used a hind paw to pull her feet from underneath her. He jumped on top of his sister and bit down behind her ear. She wailed. Darkpaw kicked out with his hind legs hitting her in her heart. She gasped and her vision began to blur, the next moment she was sitting in the apprentice den with 2 very serious, and stern looking cats staring over her.
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 14

Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 13
"Who are you?" Cinderstar demanded. Upon seeing this new purple cat the smoke cat and Darkpaw bowed. "I am the leader of the dark forest." the new cat said commandingly. "Why are you here?" Cinderstar asked. "To retrieve 2 of my cats." "2 of your cats?" Cinderstar was outraged. "Darkpaw belongs to the clans." snapped Cinderstar. "How would you know, you don't follow him into his dreams. No one knows what happens in his dreams except for dark forest cats. Now if you don't mind I would like to take back some of my cats." With a roar she leapt from the rock perch she was sitting on and dived towards the ground. Her wings snapped open and she landed gracefully on the ground. With a flap she took to the sky snatched Darkpaw with her paws and flew higher and higher despite Hollypaw's wail. The smoke cat faded away as soon as the purple cat was gone. Cinderstar was still staring. There was no trace of the other cats at all. They were gone. The cats looked around for them but they found nothing. All the clan cats could remember the vivid purple cat with wings that had swooped into the camp and taken Darkpaw. Back in the forest Darkpaw was once again training. The smoke cat made him prove that he wouldn't stop swimming ever. Hollypaw was extremely distressed, it had been 4 days without a trace of her brother. So she decided that training or no training she was going back to the forest and no cat could stop her. Later that night there was quite a commotion for Hollypaw had stormed into the forest and demanded to see her brother.
Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 12

Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 11
"We tried to get him to return home Cinderstar, but he said that he had chosen the dark forest. We were incorporated into the training exercise and then we were thrown from the world. They were training in a dark underground cave. They seemed to have no mercy, towards invading cats, cats that didn't belong there." said Darkenberry. "Then what happened to Darkpaw, surely the dark forest cats realize that he does't belong in the forest." "That is where you are incorrect!" called Darkpaw, and standing next to him was the smoke cat. "I do belong in the dark forest." said Darkpaw "Out of every litter of 2 kittens one kitten gets chosen to come and train in the dark forest. When they complete their training they are given a power to help the defend their clan mates. I got to choose between Hollypaw and Darkpaw. I chose Darkpaw. He was the kitten that got to train in the dark forest. Then in the dark forest, they had a battle," she said pointing to Darkpaw and Hollypaw. "Darkpaw won which mean't that he got to keep his rank. If Hollypaw had won that mean't she would have gotten to train in the forest." "Then the training, because when they got back they were seriously wounded." questioned Cinderstar. "They were only a part of the training when they refused to leave. I said they could go home and not come back but all 3 of them refused. So I had no choice but have them fight. If they had left on their own accord when I asked them to, then they would have been allowed to leave unharmed but when they didn't the Dark forest had no choice but to have them leave the forest. Even Darkpaw wanted his sister to go unharmed." Suddenly Hollypaw interrupted, "I couldn't leave my brother in a place like that!" "What is that supposed to mean," spat Darkpaw.
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