Book 5 - Chapter 5
"What was the twist?" asked Mossfur coming forward. "Well Darkfinch had everything he had ever wanted. A loyal deputy, a loyal senior warrior and an army of cats who would fight at his command. Darkfinch started to abuse his power. He sent patrols out to the most remote places and each cat got only 1 mouse and vole a day. Darkfinch knew his deputy or senior warrior wouldn't betray him and he was right they wouldn't. Darkfinch had more experience then any cat. He also had a secret. He killed more then just Cinderstar. Soon Darkfinch was killing the cats who betrayed him, who doubted his strength, cats who he didn't think were loyal. He destroyed the warrior code for a while. He killed his own family any way when they took more then their share when it was time to eat. Darkfinch thought they didn't like his ruling and were a threat and they would round up more cats to help over throw him so he killed them. He got the help of his most loyal warriors. Usually had his deputy and senior warrior help him eliminate cats. He always uses different methods to eliminate. He chooses the way to eliminate the cat by the way that he thinks is the worst. For his best friend when she doubted his decision he fed her a death berry. He killed over half the clan. He had about 25 cats when he decided to rid them all of the title clan. He vowed never to look to the stars, or the warrior code ever again. Soon most of the clan was terrified of being killed. Darkfinch would kill a cat if the cat spoke to him before he spoke to him or her. The clan decided to rival against him. 1/2 of the clan was still on Darkfinch's side. Some of them found a joy in killing the other cats. It was the first time they were good at something. The half of the cats that were against Darkfinch rallied other cats around and they exiled Darkfinch. Darkfinch kept his warrior name and his deputy and senior warrior joined him. They have joined forced with many cats. He has made promises to lots of cats. I was the cat who helped the clan exile him. I helped create a plan that worked. I was killed a month later by Darkfinch before I could help exile him. He knew I was a smart cat, he had grown up with me. He knew I could pull almost all of my plans off with some thoughts and planning. My plan did work, Darkfinch was exiled. Without me Darkfinch would be ruling over you in Nightclan, unless he had killed you already. I basically helped create the 4 clans. I did that before I died. Darkfinch then killed me when he found out what I was doing. He didn't know that I had other cats with me though, the other cats pretended to be loyal. I was before he killed me Darkfinch's best friend." "What is his weakness?" asked Mintclaw. Serafina sighed. "He doesn't…." "I can speak for myself Serafina. I don't have a weakness." It was Darkfinch and he was standing with 100's of cats at the edge snow covered ground.
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