Book 5 - Chapter 6
"Darkfinch." hissed Berrystar. "How did you find us?" "It was easy," replied Darkifnch. "When we were gathering a few days back, Hawkpelt," he nodded the brown cat forward, "Spotted a flash of white fur and smelled some new scents. When he looked again the cat was gone but in their haste to get away they left a patch of fur on the bramble bush and it smelled of Fishclan." "How could you tell it was Fishclan?" snarled Berrystar. "I could recognize by the scent. Also some of my cats used to live in Fishclan. Remember?" he pointed to Windshadow, Mistyfur, Greenwhisker and the others. Berrystar bared his teeth. Darkfinch returned his hiss. Serafina hissed and disappeared with a puff of smoke. "Scared are you?" taunted Darkfinch. "We aren't scared." retorted Berrystar. "Oh really?" Darkfinch signaled with his tail and the Tigers of Tigerclan came racing over the hill. "Either you can join us or fight us. You will get a choice. I have no quarrel with loners only clan cats." Darkfinch told the cat. The cat nodded and walked away. She raced over the mountains until she reached a hill. She shimmered until she vanished and a new star appeared in the horizon. "How many of you will join us?" asked Darkfinch. "But Serafina said…" "Serafina." scoffed Darkfinch. "Serafina lied. She lied when she was apart of Nightclan too." "She did?" Darkfinch nodded. "Who do you believe? The cat that killed his own family for power or me?" Serafina had reappeared. Darkfinch growled. Berrystar considered. "Still having doubts? Do you think you could fight us? Let me prove you wrong." Darkfinch flicked his ears and even more cats came into the clearing."Do you still think you can fight us and win? I will only give my offer once more. You can fight us or join us. It is up to you." Every cat looked at Berrystar waiting for what he would do.
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