Monday, March 23, 2015

Book 8 - Chapter 8

"Cloud has made it safely to a home." said Blossomfur. The clan nodded. When the sun went down a cat came to the edge of the clearing, it was Emberberry. "Hollowberry is gone," he said.  "Also, the frost hit the water on the lake, the cats are on their way to Fishclan." The clan quickly filled in Blossomfur seeing her confused expression. Blossomfur nodded."We think we know the cat that we have remembered for a long time.The cat that was almost forgotten or at least I think I do." said Mossfur. Blossomfur said, "I think I know the cat that we will not want to kick out because of another cat. " The clan nodded. "We were wondering if you would take a patrol down a tunnel where we found the scent of one of the cats." Blossomfur nodded. "Of course I will." said Blossomfur. "Can I take, Flowerfur, Cloudsplash, Breezebolt and Seedwhisker?" she asked. Troutstar nodded and the cats turned and sped away. "Who would like to lead the 2nd patrol to find the other cat?" asked Cedarstar. "I would Cedarstar," said Mossfur and Birchtail at the same time. "Birchtail," signaled Cedarstar. "Then I need to be there, if this other cat is who I think it is, I need to be there, it can't be Birchtail." insisted Mossfur. "That will not  be necessary my friend," said a voice from high above. The shape jumped down. Birchtail and Appledawn crouched and hissed at the figure. "You should show some respect to a cat who would be a senior warrior Appledawn," said Mossfurs sternly. "I know, I know you told me this before." mumbled Appledawn. "You should take that lesson into account, you were helping our medicine cat for at least 5  and 1/2 moons, 5 and 1/2 moons that you could have been training." Appledawn nodded to Mossfur and stood to stare at the other cat. Blossomfur padded back to camp, with the other cat. Both cats looked thrilled to be back in the clan. Only one was welcomed as a hero though, only one cat helped the other. The other cats treated this one cat like it was invading the camp. "Welcome back to the Fishclan camp," called Sparrowstar. "Please enjoy your time here. You are always welcome here." said Troutstar. "I don't know ifam always going to be welcome here. Some of your already act as if I should be driven from the very spot never to be seen by Fishclan again. I could teach my skills to Fishclan if you would like, I don't know if they would want to learn them but I would teach. I have wanted one thing my whole life. For Someone to be loyal to the human that saved them from the room of darkness. The place they would have gone if my human hadn't saved them." The clan looked startled to be reminded of this until Dragonwhisker spoke, "I remember that, Thistlestar promised her that we would repay her human in the end." he sad. The clan nodded along. The cat looked satisfied. 

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