Book 8 - Chapter 7
The whole clan agreed with Skyleap so the clan stayed put. They didn't realize the oncoming threat, until a cat came to them and gave them a prophecy. Sparrowstar thought he had imagined it, but there was a cat in the water. It stared at him then stopped, crashing beneath the waves. Each time a wave hit the rocks near the edge of the lake there was the cat. Sparrowstar turned back to the camp and he brought a few more cats with him. This time the cat was gone. Sparrowstar knew that he hadn't imagined it so he went back by himself the cat was there again. This time the cat turned looked at him and gave him a prophecy, "You will see two, two cats that Fishclan once knew. One will be almost forgotten to the clan, the other's disappearance was a fault of a cat that you should not ban. The frost will hit the water tonight, when the two cats journeys will be put into flight. They will come to Fishclan and they will stay, one will be remembered for day after day. Remember this warning, remember this warning." With that the cat disappeared. Sparrowstar went back to the camp and he repeated the message to the medicine cats. Hollowberry nodded and then at once set off to the location. All the cats were baffled, except for one. Mossfur knew the meaning of the message. "The two cats that will appear in Fishclan we will have known from before. One will be almost forgotten that must be a cat that appeared in the clans a while ago, that most of the clan didn't know or they forgot the cat. The other when they come back and hear their story we will want to ban a cat from Fishclan, a cat that we probably want to ban already. Both cats are on their way, when the frost hits the water. The place where the frost hits the water, that is the place that Tigerclan lived and that was where Tigerstar went to. Both cats will stay with Fishclan and one will help Fishclan in a way that will make us remember that cat forever." The whole clan nodded when something brushed the edge of the forest making all of the cats jump. It was Blossomfur.
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