Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Book 9 - Chapter 5

Book 9 - Chapter 4
"Apprentices, I haven't forgotten about you. The other leaders and I have decided though that while the warriors' competition was a fighting competition the apprentices competition is a hunting one. 2 warriors will go along and they will watch the apprentice and they will also follow the apprentice, but they will not give help in any way." said Sparrowstar. "Mentors will not go with their apprentices. Instead the apprentices will have to work together in the pairs that I put them in. They will work together as a team and they will try to hunt as much prey as they can before night falls. They will not kill a whole family of mice if they come upon them. We need prey to live, but we need to keep the stocks plentiful." said Cedarstar. "Blossomfur and Rivera, you will go with Mintpaw and Blackpaw. Whiteclaw and Dragonwhisker will go with Foxpaw and Pinkpaw. Your time starts now." The groups darted away. Foxpaw and Pinkpaw turned towards the moor, while Mintpaw and Blackpaw raced towards the woods. Later that day both groups had done fairly well. "Fishclan now is the time that the apprentices will see who caught the most prey. Mintpaw and Blackpaw you are our winners. Sorry, Pinkpaw and Foxpaw there will always be next time. Warriors do you have anything to say about the pairing?" asked Troutstar. Rivera stepped forward. "Both apprentices hunted well, Mintpaw brought down some squirrels and she remembered to step lightly when hunting mice, while Blackpaw was able to leap through the trees to catch birds, a skill that it took me a very long time to master myself." Blossomfur nodded, "although they work together well as individuals if they ever had to take part in a mass hunting patrol or in partners for a single hunting patrol both cats would probably be unsure of themselves, for never once did they try t o work as a team they never paired up to take down something that might have a better chance of getting away." She said. Cedarstar turned to the other warriors. Dragonwhisker said, "Foxpaw did well helping Pinkpaw learn the routine, of a hunting patrol, and he positioned her well so they could hunt down some rabbits." Whiteclaw nodded then said, "Foxpaw however always asked Pinkpaw if she wanted to go out and work together to hunt something down, never once did he suggest that they try to hunt alone. He looked like he didn't want to hunt alone, and when he tried to he made some minor mistakes that should have been corrected." Whiteclaw stepped back. "Fishclan both pairs of apprentices have hunted well and we shall sleep with full bellies tonight. We honor each of our apprentices." said Berrystar.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Book 9 - Chapter 3
"Warriors and apprentices. This is now your challenge. Please when I call your name please stand by your partner. Dragonwhisker and Cloudsplash, Nightblaze and Rowanfur, Breezebolt and Mousetail, Fernflash and Blossomfur, Flowerfur and Rivera." The cats turned away. "You will each battle your partner first the winning cat will move on and challenge another winner until there is only one cat, that cat will be considered the master fighter. The cat will be given the honor of setting up the battle patrols alongside the deputy." All the cats nodded. "You only need to hold your opponent down for 10 seconds for it to count, and claws sheathed we are not fighting Darkfinch." said Berrystar. The cats nodded and got in order from which they were allied and stepped into the ring of cats. Dragonwhisker pinned down Cloudsplash easily. Rowanfur used a move that they had fought a long time ago when there was 4 different clans/ Breezebolt like his name was very fast and he could easily dodge the blows while landing some of his own. Blossomfur knew moves that Fernflash had never seen. Flowerfur was very wary around Rivera for she had heard what happened to the few cats that had tried to attack her during her first stay with Fishclan. Rivera won. "Dragonwhisker, Rowanfur, Breezebolt, Blossomfur and Rivera are all moving on to the semi-finals. Since their are 5 cats we have decided to make it more interesting and put 3 cats in each battle. Dragonwhisker, Blossomfur and Breezebolt. Rivera against Rowanfur." said Cedarstar. The cats nodded. Breezebolt and Blossomfur teamed up against Dragonwhisker and took him down and before Breezebolt had recovered from the attack on Dragonwhisker, Blossomfur had attacked. Rivera turned and circled around Rowanfur. She darted in and out sending all 4 of his legs sprawled out. She turned and pounced neatly. "In the finals, it is going to be Rivera against Blossomfur, good luck to you both." Blossomfur jumped towards Rivera. Rivera ducked and neatly spun on one paw and kicked out. Blossomfur got up and shook out her pelt and jumped at Rivera again but pulled herself short and ducked under Rivera. She pushed up with all 4 paws and sent Rivera sprawled on her back. Both female cats got to their feet and padded around each other. Before Blossomfur rose on her hind legs and when Rivera rose to meet her, Blossomfur ducked under her paws and summersaulted forward over Rivera pinning the cat to the ground. "Blossomfur is considered the great fighter. She will now have the honor of battle planning with the deputies and leaders," said Troutstar.
Book 9 - Chapter 2
"Cats of Fishclan, today is our competition, you can cheer on any of your clan mates. We will start with our medicine cats. Medicine cats you have until the sun reaches it's highest peak to gather as many herbs as you can. When you get back we will count out the number of herbs and find out who has the most. Pinkpaw since you will be going against your mentor instead of with him you will need 2 other apprentices to come with you. We promise not to have the apprentice challenge until after they get back. Also, Pinkpaw if you would like to you can join in for the other apprentice activities but you do not have to if you do not want to." Pinkpaw nodded. "Can I bring Blackpaw and Mintpaw with me?" she asked. Berrystar nodded. "Medicine cats your time starts now." said Troutstar. "A cat padded up to the base of the tree. "May I participate in this event I know my herbs very well." said River. The leaders considered before nodding. Rivera turned and padded away. Emberberry had found a nice patch of juniper berries. He had made himself a nice leaf, vine pouch to put the herbs in as he traveled. Emberberry turned and found some yarrow. Pinkpaw however was not far behind and she had found a large clump of horsetail and a little further away some marigold. Rivera having traveled from a long ways away had to know what herbs were which. She had made a nice little pouch that dangled on the edge of her tail so she could count and see how many she had at the same time as walking. She turned and saw what she was looking for. The old abandoned human home. She hopped up the fence. On her way to Fishclan she had traveled through the trees in this very garden and she had seen many herbs. She collected stalks of catmint and bunches of berries. She placed some yarrow, marigold, parsley, and horsetail on top of some fennel and burdock roots. She turned looked up at the sky and jumped up a tree. She placed the handle of the basket in her mouth and ran. She jumped down into the clearing of Fishclan first. Emberberry came next with a large supply of berries. Pinkpaw came trailing last with a ton of leaves. "Cats of Fishclan now we must see which at has found the most herbs." said Cedarstar. "The winner of this competition is Emberberry, then Rivera and then Pinkpaw." Congratulations to all and later this afternoon we will have the competition for the warriors." The clan padded away. While Rivera turned back to the forest. She went and got loads and loads of vines. The vines were strong but bendy and easy to carry. She wove them together making a neat lithe basket. She placed all the herbs that had been found that day in the basket and then she went and set the basket in a puddle. Keeping the juices in the plants and keeping them fresh.
Book 9 - Chapter 1
"We will repay your human." Said Cedarstar. She looked satisfied. "Fishclan," called Sparrowstar. "We welcome home the arrival of 2 cats that we thought we might never see ever again. We are fortunate to see these cats once more, for we can learn from both of them." said Troutstar. "We welcome back our former leader Berrystar!" said Cedarstar. "We would also like to welcome back a cat that Fishclan had almost forgotten a cat that we will learn from. A cat that has the skills of no other cat in Fishclan," said Sparrowstar. "We welcome back the former guest and warrior Rivera!" announced Troutstar. Mossfur and Blossomfur padded up to Rivera. "I never met you until now," said Blossomfur, "I have heard much about you though and you sound like a wonderful friend and a loyal warrior and Fishclan is lucky to have you back with us once more." Rivera turned to her. "You speak like a true warrior Blossomfur, most of this clan Birchtail and Appledawn especially never had wanted to see me again. Apparently I had interrupted their lives by saving BIrchtail from the animal shelter. The way they are acting it sounds as if they would have rather let my human let Birchtail die in the shelter. Never to be heard from again." spat Rivera. Mossfur nodded, "You are a loyal and dedicated warrior. We are proud to have you among our ranks. You can run through the trees, and spot fish in the clearest ponds. You are a skilled fighter you challenged the younger warriors and apprentices when they thought you were no good and you are a talented hunter. I am proud to call you a friend of Fishclan." said Mossfur. Appledawn and Birchtail had padded away with Sagewind. "Look who it is. The great and wonderful warrior Rivera. The cat that is the most talented hunter in all of Fishclan." snarled Sagewind. "The one who won against 7 warriors and apprentices the cat that i now worshipped and honored through Fishclan." said Birchtail. "The cat that ending up making me spend 5 and 1/2 moons helping a medicine cat." snapped Appledawn. The 3 cats looked at each other. "We are going to be staying here until Mossfur's, and Ashstorm's kits come," they heard the leaders talking. "Apparently Darkflower, Silverfrost, and Seedwhisker are going to be having kits too. "How many warriors are there in Fishclan left?" asked Berrystar. "Not a lot but there are going to be many apprentices in training eventually." said a quiet voice. "I have an idea, we can have a mini competition between the warriors, kits and apprentices. Even some of the elders and medicine cats can join in." Said Troutstar. "We obviously cannot travel for a while, let us have some fun while we are here," said Cedarstar. The other leaders glanced at each other then decided to have the mini competition in 2 days time.
Book 8 - Chapter 8
"Cloud has made it safely to a home." said Blossomfur. The clan nodded. When the sun went down a cat came to the edge of the clearing, it was Emberberry. "Hollowberry is gone," he said. "Also, the frost hit the water on the lake, the cats are on their way to Fishclan." The clan quickly filled in Blossomfur seeing her confused expression. Blossomfur nodded."We think we know the cat that we have remembered for a long time.The cat that was almost forgotten or at least I think I do." said Mossfur. Blossomfur said, "I think I know the cat that we will not want to kick out because of another cat. " The clan nodded. "We were wondering if you would take a patrol down a tunnel where we found the scent of one of the cats." Blossomfur nodded. "Of course I will." said Blossomfur. "Can I take, Flowerfur, Cloudsplash, Breezebolt and Seedwhisker?" she asked. Troutstar nodded and the cats turned and sped away. "Who would like to lead the 2nd patrol to find the other cat?" asked Cedarstar. "I would Cedarstar," said Mossfur and Birchtail at the same time. "Birchtail," signaled Cedarstar. "Then I need to be there, if this other cat is who I think it is, I need to be there, it can't be Birchtail." insisted Mossfur. "That will not be necessary my friend," said a voice from high above. The shape jumped down. Birchtail and Appledawn crouched and hissed at the figure. "You should show some respect to a cat who would be a senior warrior Appledawn," said Mossfurs sternly. "I know, I know you told me this before." mumbled Appledawn. "You should take that lesson into account, you were helping our medicine cat for at least 5 and 1/2 moons, 5 and 1/2 moons that you could have been training." Appledawn nodded to Mossfur and stood to stare at the other cat. Blossomfur padded back to camp, with the other cat. Both cats looked thrilled to be back in the clan. Only one was welcomed as a hero though, only one cat helped the other. The other cats treated this one cat like it was invading the camp. "Welcome back to the Fishclan camp," called Sparrowstar. "Please enjoy your time here. You are always welcome here." said Troutstar. "I don't know if I am always going to be welcome here. Some of your already act as if I should be driven from the very spot never to be seen by Fishclan again. I could teach my skills to Fishclan if you would like, I don't know if they would want to learn them but I would teach. I have wanted one thing my whole life. For Someone to be loyal to the human that saved them from the room of darkness. The place they would have gone if my human hadn't saved them." The clan looked startled to be reminded of this until Dragonwhisker spoke, "I remember that, Thistlestar promised her that we would repay her human in the end." he sad. The clan nodded along. The cat looked satisfied.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Book 8 - Chapter 7

Cat Story #3
March 17th, 2015
My pet cat Hector loves people and "people food." (People food is food that humans are supposed to eat not food designed for cats) He also likes to eat things that are not meant to be eaten by cats or humans. He will eat corn, avocados, tomatoes and lettuce. He will also eat styrofoam, plastic bags, bubble wrap, ribbon and plants. (Including flowers) We cannot leave food out after meals. We cannot have flowers on the table during Valentine's Day or ribbon and bows on Christmas Eve and Day. Whenever we come back form a store and we have plastic bags we always rush to put things away before Hector eats them.
My pet cat Hector loves people and "people food." (People food is food that humans are supposed to eat not food designed for cats) He also likes to eat things that are not meant to be eaten by cats or humans. He will eat corn, avocados, tomatoes and lettuce. He will also eat styrofoam, plastic bags, bubble wrap, ribbon and plants. (Including flowers) We cannot leave food out after meals. We cannot have flowers on the table during Valentine's Day or ribbon and bows on Christmas Eve and Day. Whenever we come back form a store and we have plastic bags we always rush to put things away before Hector eats them.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Cat Fact #6 + Cat Story #2
March 17th, 2015
Cats cannot taste sweetness. Even though a cat may like to eat things that are sweet and they may try to get into contains of things that are sweet, they cannot taste the sweetness. My pet cat Buster (one of the cats that I had before Hector and Meg) always liked to each sweet things. Each year when my family and I made a gingerbread house we would have to put it under a container and hide it because my pet Buster used to try to eat the gingerbread house. He would jump on our counter knock over the house onto the floor and he would eat it. He also ate some candy that we had out before.
Cats cannot taste sweetness. Even though a cat may like to eat things that are sweet and they may try to get into contains of things that are sweet, they cannot taste the sweetness. My pet cat Buster (one of the cats that I had before Hector and Meg) always liked to each sweet things. Each year when my family and I made a gingerbread house we would have to put it under a container and hide it because my pet Buster used to try to eat the gingerbread house. He would jump on our counter knock over the house onto the floor and he would eat it. He also ate some candy that we had out before.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Cat Fact #5
March 13th, 2015
Adult cats mew only to communicate with humans. If an adult cat mews it is only to "Talk" with humans. They don't mew to communicate with each other. They mew to communicate with us. If you have heard an adult cat mewing and there is another cat nearby don't assume they are talking to each other they are actually talking to you.
Adult cats mew only to communicate with humans. If an adult cat mews it is only to "Talk" with humans. They don't mew to communicate with each other. They mew to communicate with us. If you have heard an adult cat mewing and there is another cat nearby don't assume they are talking to each other they are actually talking to you.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Cat Story #1
March 12th, 2015
My pet cats Meg and Hector love it sit in my windows to "hunt" the birds and squirrels. To be able to look out the window though they have to sit on our radiator but they have to get over the little ledge onto the top of it. My cat Meg jumps up onto things all the time but she has a hard time jumping up onto the top of the radiator. So she does this thing that I call a sky-hop, she does it when she jumps u onto the top. A real life sky hop is when a whales sit with their heads above water so they can see. A "Meg" sky hop is when she pops her head up and brings her paws up in the air. She tries jumping up on the radiator and her front paws go up on it but her back feet do. She also does this for car trips, she will pop her head up from the floor (Where she sleeps) and she will jump up and look like a penguin. She does this motion whenever she tries to sit in the window. She does a half jump, then a few sky hops, and sometimes she makes it on the 5-6 or try or someone has to go and help her on the radiator. Usually she can jump very well though.
My pet cats Meg and Hector love it sit in my windows to "hunt" the birds and squirrels. To be able to look out the window though they have to sit on our radiator but they have to get over the little ledge onto the top of it. My cat Meg jumps up onto things all the time but she has a hard time jumping up onto the top of the radiator. So she does this thing that I call a sky-hop, she does it when she jumps u onto the top. A real life sky hop is when a whales sit with their heads above water so they can see. A "Meg" sky hop is when she pops her head up and brings her paws up in the air. She tries jumping up on the radiator and her front paws go up on it but her back feet do. She also does this for car trips, she will pop her head up from the floor (Where she sleeps) and she will jump up and look like a penguin. She does this motion whenever she tries to sit in the window. She does a half jump, then a few sky hops, and sometimes she makes it on the 5-6 or try or someone has to go and help her on the radiator. Usually she can jump very well though.
Cat Fact #4
March 12th, 2015
There was a cat named Stubbs. He was the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska for 15 years. He was in charge of the town of Talkeetna for 15 years. A cat also ran for mayor of Mexico City in 2013.
There was a cat named Stubbs. He was the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska for 15 years. He was in charge of the town of Talkeetna for 15 years. A cat also ran for mayor of Mexico City in 2013.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Cat Fact #3
March 11th, 2015
Cats sleep for 70% of their lives. Cats sleep from 12-16 hours per a 24 day. 13-14 hours per day on average. Cats sometimes can sleep up to 20 hours per day. Cats are very sleepy animals. They take cat naps, the brief tendency of falling asleep for brief periods.
Cats sleep for 70% of their lives. Cats sleep from 12-16 hours per a 24 day. 13-14 hours per day on average. Cats sometimes can sleep up to 20 hours per day. Cats are very sleepy animals. They take cat naps, the brief tendency of falling asleep for brief periods.
Cat Fact #2
March 11th, 2015
Cats have over 20 muscles that control their ears. There are over 20 muscles in a cats' ear. Those 20+ muscles help a cat hear. They can move their ears in different directions, forward, backwards, up and down. Cats have very good hearing and they help a at hear different sounds in every day life and when they are hunting.
Cats have over 20 muscles that control their ears. There are over 20 muscles in a cats' ear. Those 20+ muscles help a cat hear. They can move their ears in different directions, forward, backwards, up and down. Cats have very good hearing and they help a at hear different sounds in every day life and when they are hunting.
Cat Fact #1
March 11th, 2015
In the USA (United States of America) cats are a more popular pet then dogs. There are 88 pet cats in the USA while there are only 74 million dogs. More people have pet cats then pet dogs. Pet cats are a more popular cats ruling over dogs by a difference of 14 million cats in the USA.
In the USA (United States of America) cats are a more popular pet then dogs. There are 88 pet cats in the USA while there are only 74 million dogs. More people have pet cats then pet dogs. Pet cats are a more popular cats ruling over dogs by a difference of 14 million cats in the USA.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
This Blog
I might have mentioned before that this blog is mainly about the cat warrior series, but I have changed my mind. For those non-warrior fans or those people who don't want to read warriors I have changed the purpose of this blog so it might be a little more interesting. I am changing the theme of my blog from warriors to cats. Even though cats aren't super interesting to some people I thought it might be more interesting then talking about books that some people haven't read. I will try to post a cat fact once a day or at the least once a week, (starting the day of March 11th, 2015) or a story of one of my cats. (Meg and Hector) I might not be able to post a cat fact each day but I will try to. I might post more then one cat fact in a day.
Book 8 - Chapter 6
All the cats stared at Whiteclaw. He shuffled his paws nervously wondering what he was going to do when Birchtail spoke up, "We cannot be sure that the cat that we are thinking of and the cat that is actually out there is the same cat." The cats nodded when Birchtaul spoke again, "We cannot hold any cat blameful and guilty until we see what has actually happened and who is actually out there. If this cat isn't the cat that we are thinking of and we blame ohers we may find ourselves in a sticky situation." The cats realized this was true and agreed with the young expierenced warrior. "Then who is out there," called Nightblaze. "We must find out who this mystery cat it before we do anything else. Our deputy will organize parols for the search." Many of the Fishclan were less than eager to let Whiteclaw take charge of something that they considered so important but Birchtail was more then ready. The cats finally agreed with Birchatil who had proved over and over again that he was loyal to Fishclan and they let Whiteclaw organize the patrols. Whiteclaw quickly set things in order. "Mentors take apprentices and see if you can find anything, I need to patrols scouting the area around where we are staying and I also need a hunting patrol." The cats nodded reluctantly and sped away. Soon the cats began to find out more about this mystery cat. "The footprints and the scents drop down into a long dark tunnel," Breezebolt was saying. Birchtail nodded, "It is to bad that Blossomfur just left with Cloud, I remember her saying that she used to go down tunnels when she was younger and she would know what to do and what happens to slope even when you can't see them." The clan nodded. Birchtail nodded, "Well we can either wait for Blossomfur to come back like she promised or we can go down the tunnel ourselves and see if the cat out there is the cat that we think it is." The clan cats nodded. "I think we should wait, we don't know almost anything about the tunnels, the patrol could get lost in them because we don't know how big it is and the cats could die." said Skyleap.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Book 8 - Chapter 5
The patrol came racing back to camp one day with lots of information. "We found 3⃣ more pieces of prey but this time there was a pile of berries next to each of them and in the dirt there was a star ⭐️." Said Seedwhisker. "Berries and stars, berries and stars." Muttered Birchtail. Isn't this cat from Fishclan?" asked Ashstorm. "Couldn't this message be about the name of the cat? The clan name?" asked Foxpaw. Sparrowstar who had come out to the birch tree looked down and nodded, "If this cat was from Fishclan and it is smart enough to have stayed alive then it could be hinting to us it's clan name." The clan cats looked between each other before Dragonwhisker realized something, "Was this star ⭐️ after the berry?" he asked. Seedwhisker looked at him in bewilderment but nodded. 'Then it would have to be a leader, only leaders are permitted to have the name star ⭐️ at the end at least." "I've got it," Darkflower said suddenly. "I know who it is too," chimed in Sagewind and Appledawn. Whiteclaw looked up startled, for he too realized who the clan had been talking about. Whiteclaw was not born in Fishclan. He haas been born among Darkfinch's cats and he had been a loyal warrior to his service until Darkfinch told him he was to become the deputy of Fishclan. Fishclan didn't trust Whiteclaw, for they thought that he was still loyal to Darkfinch and was betraying Fishclan in that process. Whiteclaw had been blamed many times while he lived in Fishclan, but the last accusation was the worst and the cats had just brought it back. Many cats were to think that Whiteclaw was to blame again, for Whiteclaw not long ago had been held blameful for the disappearance of the former leader, Berrystar.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Book 8 - Chapter 4
"Cats of Fishclan we have an announcement to make," said Cedarstar. "We know that you have been uncertain about the choice of the senior warrior. So we are giving you a choice," put in Sparrowstar. "We will give you 2 options, Number 1 keep Cloudsplash as the senior warrior or choose a different cat. Also, if the majority chooses to have a different senior warrior then we will give you an option of 2 cats. You will vote on the 2 cat, the cat with more votes in the end gets the position of senior warrior. Or of course you can just keep Cloudsplash as senior warrior." said Troutstar. The clan started bubbling about. "Cats that want a new senior warrior go to the medicine cats, the cats who don't want another cat go to the leaders." The choice was obvious, all of the clan wanted a new senior warrior. Cedarstar stepped forward. "I am sorry Cloudsplash but we must make a decision based on the good of the clan. You are sadly no longer the senior warrior." Cloudsplash just nodded and padded back to the other warriors. "You have 2 options Fishclan, you have 2 choices of the senior warrior." said Sparrowstar. "We have chosen 2 cats that we think will benefit the clan, and we hope that you agree with our 2 choices. You can choose between Dragonwhisker and Birchtail." The cats looked about before siding with Birchtail. "We choose Birchtail as the new senior warrior." Sparrowstar nodded. "Birchtail is the new senior warrior." announced Cedarstar. Pleased the warriors padded back to their dens. Birchtail was out patroling when he noticed something strange. There was a piece of prey caught and killed by a cat that smelled of rock and water but underneath was the faint scent of Fishclan. Birchtail returned to the camp and ordered the patrols to find out as much as they could about this mystery scent.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Book 8 - Chapter 3
Sparrowstar, Troutstar and Cedarstar padded back into their den. "We must decide what to do. Cloudsplash was our choice as senior warrior but most of the clan doesn't seem to think that he is experienced enough." Sparrowstar nodded. "Blossomfur went with her sister to her sisters new home, so until she returns we are down one warrior." "Actually with Mossfur, Ashstorm and Skyleap in the new made nursery we are down a lot of warriors." The other leaders looked panicked. "If we can't prove to the cats of Fishclan that we are good enough leaders, then they might go on strike like Nightclan did with Darkfinch when Darkfinch was killing the cats of his clan. Which would mean that Fishclan would be left in the leadership of Whiteclaw one of Darkfinch's former warriors. We don't know if Whiteclaw is loyal to Fishclan or not. He could be betryaing us to Darkfinch. We must figure out what to do, before the clan thinks that we must be driven from the clan for good." "Some of the clans seems to think that Cloudsplash is to young. They think that he will not be a good future leader. We must do the right thing for the good of Fishclan. We must benefit the greater good, we must benefit Fishclan with our choice as senior warrior. We may think that Cloudsplash will benefit the clan but if the clan doesn't we will lost their support. We need their support in the long run." said Troutstar. "Who does the clan want as a senior warrior?" asked Cedarstar. "The clan wants a cat that has experience and they want a cat that is loyal and that has been loyal to us for a very long time. They want a cat that they know that they can trust with their lives. A cat that cares about the future of the clan." said Cedarstar. "The clan doesn't want a cat so new out of apprenticeship. Even though Cloudsplash is a good choice we must think about what the clan would like. The clan wants a cat that is older then Cloudsplash, but they probably don't want a cat that in a few moon would be retiring to the elders den. They want a loyal warrior, that is spirited and kind hearted. They want a cat for the good of the clan." said Sparrowstar. "So who should we choose?" asked Troutstar. "We should let the clan have an option in this, we give them 2 choices that we think would make good senior warriors and maybe future leaders, and then we would let them choose." said Cedarstar.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Book 8 - Chapter 2
Night, Silver and Gray all looked at each other before choosing. Gray padded back towards Cloud. Silver and Night turned and went towards Darkfinch. "I think that we should let the kits live with their decision. If they die because they refuse to fight it will be their own fault." Birchtail said. Mossfur nodded. "Cloud does this suit you?" asked Mossfur. Cloud nodded, "This does suit me just fine. From now on I have only 4 kits," snarled Cloud. The kittens exchanged a look. "Don't think that you are going to be welcome again under my roof." Cloud snapped at the other kittens. With that Cloud and her kittens turned and padded back to the Fishclan camp. Darkfinch padded away beckoning with his tail to his new recruits. In the Fishclan camp. Cloud padded up to Sparrowstar and asked to make an announcement. When Sparrowstar nodded, Cloud leapt up the rocks. "I have an announcement to make Fishclan and Sparrowstar has generously let my give my little announcement from up here. I am very thankful for how much kindness you have shown me and my kits. I thank you, so very much, but my kits and I are leaving FIshclan. We may come back but we are indeed leaving. I do appreciate what you have given my kits, but I feel that the group of cats has stolen something. I don't want to lose any more of my kits to any one else. It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust Darkfinch and his cats. I currently have only 4 kits left, and we will be traveling back to the barn that I first lived in." The clan cats stared. Blossomfur looked between her sister and her clan. "If I may, I would like to go with Cloud to as far as her new home then I would return. I wish to see that Cloud is settled into her new home because I know what it is like to have your life disrupted by Darkfinch. He lost me my first friend. I don't wish that any other cat is harmed by Darkfinch and I wish that I can help Cloud. I wish I can keep her from getting harmed any more by Darkfinch." The leaders considered before Troutstar spoke, "You have speaken like a true warrior Blossomfur of course you can go. We will stay here until you return. Blossomfur nodded and padded away with Cloud and her kits by her side.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Book 8 - Chapter 1
"Why I want them to come back to the clan? I want them to come back to the clan because I don't want them growing up with cats like Darkfinch. The cats he lives with are dangerous beyond reason. They don't live with a warrior code and they have no honor." said Cloud. Birchtail and Mossfur were nodding. Darkfinch began, "We don't kill just to kill. We do have a code, it's just not your code. Your code says to challenge all trespassing animals. Ours in a way says that but it means something else to our cats. You say we have no honor, what do you mean by that?" Cloud spoke, "Your supposed group kills innocent cats for no reason, and you kill kits if they can't fight. When you attack another group of cats you go for the kits first. That isn't strategy, what I call it is harmless kit murders. Would you like to die, because you refuse to kill other kits?" Cloud asked. "Say Darkfinch says that Sun you have to die and who does he order to do it? He would order either his deputy or senior warrior or someone from Sun's family. Moon you might have to kill your own sister if you refuse to come back to Fishclan. If you do join their side and refuse to kill Sun then both of you will die. Then Darkfinch will choose another cat probably Star to kill them both before he kills them. If any of them refuse then he gets another family member. If all the family members refuse then he just goes and kills them all anyways. In his group it is either kill or be killed there is no other option. In a clan you would be safe." The kittens exchanged looked. Mossfur nodded and pointed to Darkfinch to speak. "We do not attack other cats often you are the first other cats that we have seen for at least a full moon cycle. We live together as a group or as a clan as you would call it. We have the proper leadership, we even have a medicine cat, Silverflash." Birchtail and Mossfur considered. "How many of you kits would like to return home?" asked Mossfur. Black, Blue and White padded forward. Cloud beckoned them over with a sweep of her tail. "How many of you would still like to join Darkfinch?" asked Birchtail. Sun, Moon and Star all bounced forward excitedly. Darkfinch nodded to them. "How many of you are still unsure?" The other kits looked back and forth between the two.
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