Monday, December 15, 2014
Book 4 - Chapter 3
"I have a plan to honor all of you. I have decided that for a day all the cats here will have a day to be a leader." That cats nodded. "For one day each of you will be considered clan leader. We will call you whatever your name is plus star. Sorry but deputies and senior warriors have to wait, they are going to be last because maybe one day they will be leader." The cats were whispering. "Starting tomorrow we will put my plan into action. We will begin with the most senior warriors. Elders if you would to be leader you can. Sorry but apprentices cannot be leader neither can kits. You will be leader for a day when you become a warrior. Also you don't have to be leader of you don't want to." "Can queens be leader?" asked Silverfrost. "The same goes for medicine cats." called Emberberry. "Of course queens and medicine cats can be leader for a day if they would like." The cats nodded. "Now we must patrol. Deputies hunting patrol, Sparrowfur you can take Rowanpaw. Medicine cats please look at the cats. Hollyflower stay here and watch over the camp. I would like mentors to take apprentices around the area to see if we need to drive something off to stay here for a few more days. Queens keep the kits together." Berrystar sat and watched his clan move about. Berrystar went and padded over to Dragonwhisker and said, "Tomorrow would you like to lead the clan?" Dragonwhisker nodded. Berrystar informed him what he would have to do. "Tomorrow we are going to be moving. I would like you to get us a little ways away." Dragonwhisker nodded again. Berrystar turned and left. He went to Cloudsplash, "can you watch the clan until moon high? Seedwhisker will take over then." Cloudsplash nodded. Soon the sun was setting. "Tomorrow Dragonstar will be your leader." announced Berrystar. If you have any questions you will go to him." The sun slowly sank behind the clouds. Dapplepaw suddenly screeched.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Book 4 - Chapter 2
"What do you need to tell us?" asked Berrystar. "First of all," said Littlmouse. "Ashstar is dead, she only had one life. Our ancestors refused to give her nine lives. Berrystar and Hollowstar got nine lives yes but Tigerstar also had nine lives at the time and was still considered a clan leader. That was already 3 clan leaders. Our ancestors only say there can be 4 clan leaders." "Who was the fourth?" asked Berrystar. "I don't know," replied Littlemouse "But when she went to get her nine live our ancestors said I am sorry but I cannot give you nine lives for you are not a true leader yet, there are still 4 true leaders out there. One for each of the clans that we look over." "So Ashstar is dead forever?" said Blossompaw. The medicine cats nodded. "We must tell the clan and we must mourn her properly. She would have been a very good leader." Emberberry nodded, "She was wise, smart and thought out logical ideas in the very worst of situations." "We will grieve for her." "We should bring her out into the clearing." Littlemouse nodded. "Fishclan; Ashstar is dead. She actually only 1 life. Long story. We will forever miss Ashstar who barely had time to be a leader. She would have been a good leader for Fishclan. Let us bury her." The clan cats shuffled forward to bury Ashstar. "Berrystar," called Blossompaw. "You are our single leader now. You are put into the same situation as Tigerstar. Who was a single leader almost as soon he was appointed. You will lead us on for a while Berrystar. You will bring us through the good and the bad times. The easy and the hard times. We trust you. We believe in you. Berrystar. Berrystar!" Soon all of Fishclan was chanting. "Thank You Blossompaw." said Berrystar warmly. "I promise to be as good of a leader as I can be. I promise I will do the best I can. I promise I will try to make the good or best decisions. "I am honored to work along side such loyal deputies and such a loyal senior warrior. I am privileged to patrol with such skilled cats. All of you deserve to be leader for the hard-work you have given to Fishclan. I have an idea about how to honor all the work and courage you have devoted to Fishclan."
Book 4 - Chapter 1
Berrystar stayed extremely calm. "Okay. Now can you take the cats on your side and leave us in peace? Less cats are going to be likely to join your side if you attack their kin right in front of their noses." The Tigerclan leader considered then seemed to agree with Berrystar. She swept her cats together with a sweep of her tail. "Aren't you going to try and stop them?" questioned Dapplepaw. "I think I know a lost cause when I see one," replied Berrystar. "Now" Berrystar conferred with Ashstar. "We have to leave. First it was Darkfinch now it is Tigerclan. They both steal our cats from us. The problem is we cannot fight either without losing cats. If we fought Tigerclan we would probably lose all of our cats." "That's true," said Ashstar. "As soon as Tigerclan leaves we will travel far away from here. We will find a place where there are no cats. Or cats that are nice. We will find a place to live. Or we can move every year. No that would be to hard. We must find a place a place to live. We must and we will." "You are a good leader Berrystar." said Ashstar. "Thank You!" "Clan please come here we are going to continue going to our new home. We have stopped in 2 places I hope to make a only 3 more major stops before we get there. Now as we are in the mountains and it is not extremely safe we must travel together and we must all be alert. Now mentors and apprentices stay together. Kits no running off stay with your mother. Elders and medicine cats can travel together now let us go to our new home." The cats traveled until the reached a small forest. "We will rest here announced Berrystar. We will hunt stay here for a couple nights then keep moving. If you need dock for your paws find a medicine cat. Mentors please take your apprentices hunting. Warriors that are still here please keep watch. Tonight Flowerfur you will take first patrol the at moon high Ashcloud you will take over." The cats nodded and begin moving around to get things. The next morning Berrystar woke to find Ashstar curled up, like a small ball of fur. He called to Blossompaw and said "Fetch Emberberry now and Pinkpaw can come if she wants." Blossompaw nodded and raced away returning a few minutes later with the medicine cat and apprentice. "What is it?" asked Emberberry. "It is Ashstar she is really sick." "Out of my way," commanded Emberberry. Emberberry padded forward and sniffed Ashstar. "Greencough." "Greencough, can't that kill cats?" asked Tigerstar. Emberberry nodded grimly. Suddenly Ashstar called out. "Get Littlemouse. He saw my leadership ceremony. He will know." Blossompaw nodded and raced around and found Littlemouse. "Littlemouse," she called. "Ashstar has green cough," "No!" Littlemouse turned and raced over to see Ashstar. "Can I tell them?" asked Littlemouse." Ashstar nodded before falling still.
Book 3 - Chapter 9
"Please go ahead Emberberry." "I was just going to quick say that Littlepaw has become Littlemouse and Pinkkit had come to my den to see if she could become the next medicine cat. Go ahead now Berrystar." Berrystar nodded. "Mousekit you will now be known as Mousepaw, Birchtail you did finely with Cloudsplash now I would like to ask you again to be a great mentor. Mintclaw you are a new mentor but I know you will pass on all you know to Skypaw. Yes and Pinkpaw you can of course be apprenticed to the three medicine cats. I am sure you will learn something from each of them. Clan Dismis…" "Berrystar?" called two cats it was Blossompaw and Dapplepaw. "I don't have a mentor. Windshadow and Reedriver joined Darkfinch remember and then Tigerstar never gave us new mentors. We have just been working where I can for the past few moons." Berrystar flicked his tail. He surveyed the clan then said, "Blossompaw you started out as a kitty pet then you learned from Windshadow for the first half of your apprenticeship. You will now finish your apprenticeship with Mossfur. Hollyflower you will continue Dapplepaw's apprenticeship, I know she will learn lots from you." The cats chosen nodded. "Cedarfur if you don't mind I will organize patrols for today." said Berrystar. Cedarfur shook his head so Berrystar started right away. Suddenly the leader and deputy of Tigerclan burst into the camp. Berrystar acknowledged them with a nod. "What do I owe this pleasure?" he asked them. "We would like the cats truly loyal to us to show themselves." "You are like Darkfinch," Berrystar spat. You turn clan cats against their clan. But okay who is loyal to you?" "Cats you wouldn't expect," said the deputy. The leader pointed out the cats with a flick of her tail letting the sparks from her tail fall in front of the cats on her side. She pointed out Hollowstar, Rainmist, Tallclaw, Tigerstripe, and Whisperwind.
Book 3 - Chapter 8
"Who is there? Who dares interrupt our clan leader?" challenged Ashstar. It was Tigerstar. "Tigerstar," Berrystar addressed the former clan leader with a polite dip of his head. "What is it?" Tigerstar glared at Berrystar. "When did you become clan leader? I was still clan leader when I left the clan 6 moons ago." Berrystar looked surprised but then he nodded. "Yes Tigerstar but that was 6 moons ago. The clan didn't know what had happened to you. You could have been dead. Of course the clan leader needed a leader in your absence." That's what the tigers said thought Tigerstar. Instead Tigerstar said, "Of course the clan needed a leader when I was absent but I have returned haven't I? Shouldn't I return to my position as clan leader?" "Let me ask you this Tigerstar," said Hollowstar. "Would our ancestors truly give us nine lives if they still considered you clan leader?" Tigerstar thought but Hollowstar had already swept on. "Our ancestors if they thought Tigerstar was still our leader would have told us that they still thought of you as clan leader and refused to give us nine lives when we went to get nine lives. But no they gave us each nine lives and hailed us by our new names. They don't consider you leader anymore Tigerstar." finished Hollowstar. Berrystar nodded. "Now if you don't mind I have more announcements. I will start with yours. Tigerstar since he is no longer a leader has retired to the elders den, and Whisperwind would like to join them." Whisperwind nodded while Tigerstar just sat. "Also Tigerstar is no longer Tigerstar even though we cannot take away his nine lives he will not be considered a leader. We will call him Tigerstripe again." The cats whispered amongst each other. "Also the last thing is there are some new apprentices to be made. Mousekit, Pinkkit, and Skykit are all ready to begin their training." "Excuse me Berrystar." called a cat it was Emberberry. "Go ahead Emberberry."
Book 3 - Chapter 7
"Does any other cat want to join?" The cats shook their head. The leader nodded to her deputy her turned and walked out of the cave. The Tigerclan cats following. "Alright," said Tigerstar. "Berryfur can you organize patrols?" Tigerstar stared when Berryfur shook his head. "I won't" said Berryfur. "It isn't our duty anymore," said Hollowstripe. "We spoke to the clan cats learned what they wanted and did what they wanted," chimed in Ashflower. "We are Berrystar, Hollowstar and Ashstar now," said all 3 cats together. "You are no longer considered clan leader," said Berrystar. "The clan said since you were gone we should be leader." put in Hollowstar. "They also said that if you did come back you could be an elder or you could leave." chirped Ashstar. Tigerstar growled. Berrystar met his gaze. "We are clan leaders," he repeated. "Our word is law. Are you going to leave or become an elder?" "I will become an elder," said Tigerstar grudgingly. "Now Ashstar we need to continue choosing senior warrior," called Hollowstar. "So is that cat our final decision?" Ashstar nodded. Berrystar padded out to the ledge in the cave and called to the assembled clan. "Hollyflower," will be the new senior warrior for Fishclan. The clan murmured congratulations. "Now before you go we have a few more announcements to make. Seedpaw, Ashpaw, and Nightpaw you are ready to become a warriors. I feel Seedpaw has met the required needs of a warrior. Cedarfur, Shadowleaf?" Cedarfur spoke first. "Ashpaw if more then worthy to become a warrior." Shadowleaf spoke next, "I think we would be stupid not to make Nightpaw a warrior." Berrystar nodded. "Apprentices do you promise to protect Fishclan with your life if necessary?" All the apprentices nodded. "Then by my authority as clan leader I give you your warrior names. Seedpaw you will be Seedwhisker, Ashpaw you will know be known as Ashstorm, and I look forward to patrolling with Nightpaw no Nightblaze." Berrystar was interrupted when a cat pushed it's way to the front of the cave, directly underneath the ledge.
Book 3 - Chapter 6
After moons of traveling the cats made it back to the cave. The fire surrounding the cave was still there so the leader nodded to her deputy who padded forward and literally walked over the fire putting it out. Then the cats entered the cave. Tigerstar padded into the cave and looked around. His clan mates were still there. They were climbing through a hole in the roof. Tigerstar let out a yowl and all the cats there looked up. Tigerstar padded into the cave and the other cats followed. The clan cats stared at the leader and deputy. The leader and deputy jumped up to a ledge and surveyed the assembled clan. Then the leader let out a yowl and the new cats begin herding the clan cats over to the ledge. Suddenly a clan cat yowled "Who are you?" the cat with blue eyes turned and stalked over to the cat that had called out it was Tallclaw. Tallclaw stared at the cat with large eyes. The cat hissed. The leader let out another yowl. "Hush!" she commanded. "I would like to speak with the cats of this clan, Fishclan if I am not mistaken." The clan cats nodded. "We are the leader and deputy of Tigerclan." said the leader. Tigerclan? was the whisper that spread through the Fishclan cats. "We are tigers," said the deputy. "We are the largest cat in the area today." The Fishclan cats were nodding. "We would like to ask if any clan cats would like to join Tigerclan." "What would we get if we joined?" asked Rainmist. "How about if I said you would be able to live as long as you want." "I wouldn't believe it," said Blacktail. "In Tigerclan our very first leader sacrificed her very last life to give the power of life to Tigerclan cats. If you die you come back in the way you die. If you drown you come back as a blue cat made out of bubbles, like my deputy." The Fishclan cats began to nod. "I will join" said Mistyfur. "Please come up here," said the leader of Tigerclan. "So we can make you apart of our clan and so you can live as long as you want." Mistyfur leapt up the rocks to the little ledge where the leader and the deputy go Tigerclan sat. The leader nodded to her deputy and at the same time the touched Mistyfur's head with their nose. Tigerstar waited for Mistyfur to gasp and for her fur to become singed but something else happened. Mistyfur glowed and her pelt slowly began to change into tiger stripes she became almost younger and she seemed almost ready to take on anything knowing that she would still live on.
Book 3 - Chapter 5
"So you have no idea where you were before here, or how to get back to there?" said the deputy. Tigerstar shook his head. The leader flicked her tail. She summoned the two cats with green and blue eyes. "I would like you to take us to where you found Tigerstar." she ordered. The two cats nodded and started rounding up the other cats to leave and begin their journey. The leader looked proudly at her cats. Then she turned to her deputy and said, "Please find a cat that can look after Tigerstar. A cat that he cannot escape. You get which kind of cat I am talking about right?" Her deputy nodded and raced into the den to find a guard for Tigerstar. "are we ready to journey?" asked the leader. There was nodding until the deputy called out "yes we are ready." The leader looked satisfied and the she nodded the two cats who set out. She nudged Tigerstar with her red nose and he felt searing heat like he was in the middle of a volcano where she had nudged him. Tigerstar turned around and was about to fling himself at the leader when the deputy appeared. "Tigerstar control yourself," she snapped at him. Tigerstar stopped. "What happened now?" She asked. "She touched me!" spat Tigerstar. "Really, you have to remember you cannot touch cats unless you want to cause them the pain you felt." "If I do touch them, they deserved it." The leader replied sharply. The deputy nodded. Then the deputy turned to Tigerstar and said, "Where did she touch you?" "She nudged my back," Tigerstar wailed. "Sit still," commanded the deputy. "We will catch up," she said to her leader. The leader turned and stalked away with her nose in the air. The deputy looked and saw that leader had only singed Tigerstar's fur. She blew air on the fur and the fur returned to normal. Tigerstar felt better. How wondered Tigerstar. The cat on fire seemed to burn my fur, then the cat made of bubbles seemed to put out the fire. How is that possible, Tigerstar wondered to himself.
Book 3 - Chapter 4

Book 3 - Chapter 3
The cats turned and raced back into the cave. Berryfur leapt up to a little ledge in the cave and he called to the assembled clan. "Cats of Fishclan we have a problem. The fire is spreading and it has blocked the only way out of the cave." "So you mean we are trapped?" asked Darkflower. With Tigerstar. "How much farther to where the frost hits water?" asked Tigerstar. "We have a long way to go." "What about my clan?" "Do you you doubt the power, strength or bravery in your deputies? Do you doubt their sense to lead the clan?" "No," said Tigerstar slowly, "but they shouldn't have to lead the clan. I am still clan leader." "Of course." said the cat with green eyes quickly. "But in your absence do you think the deputies will lead the clan well?" Tigerstar narrowed his eyes but replied, "yes, my deputies are the very best." "Then you should have nothing to worry about." said the cat with blue eyes softly. "What type of cat are you?" asked Tigerstar. "Do you think we are leading you into a trap?" "No," said Tigerstar. "But what kind of cat are you?" "All will be revealed when it is necessary." Tigerstar flicked his tail they hadn't answered his questions. Tigerstar padded on. A few moons later the group of cats had reached the place where frost hits water. "I will get our leader." The leader came out of her cave. The deputy and senior warrior followed. "I have a question." said Tigerstar. "Why is your leader on fire and why does your deputy look like he/she is made of bubbles. The cat with blue eyes just repeated, "all will be revealed in time." The leader came to stand in front of Tigerstar. "You are Tigerstar?" asked the leader. Tigerstar nodded. "What does beware mean?" said Tigerstar fiercely. The cats assembled just stared at Tigerstar as if he were crazy.
Book 3 - Chapter 2
The cat padded slowly towards Tigerstar when another cat raced up. The new cat looked just like the old one but it had dark green olive eyes. Tigerstar looked at the cats. They looked so similar they had to be siblings or related thought Tigerstar. The new cat took one look at Tigerstar and turned to the first cat and meowed "Where did you first see this cat?" "He was in a cave." "Did you give him the warning?" The first cat nodded and said, "Then he came out here and attacked me." The new cat turned to Tigerstar and said "Why did you come and attack her?" Tigerstar turned and looked at the new cat before saying "She didn't tell me I needed to look out for." The cats looked at each other. They conferred before the new cat came up to Tigerstar and said "We would like you to come to where we live. We think our leader can explain much better then we can." Tigerstar looked curious. "Where do you live?" "Far away. Where the frost hits the water." "Where the frost hits the water?" Tigerstar asked. The cats nodded. "Do you want to know what I mean by Beware?" Tigerstar considered then nodded. The deputies had begin to become worried. "Where is Tigerstar?" asked Berryfur. "I Don't know," responded Ashflower. "Should some cat go look for him?" said Hollowstripe. Berryfur nodded. "I will go," volunteered Berryfur. "Just you?" questioned Hollowstripe. "No, Cedarfur and Sparrowfur will come with me." The deputies nodded. The three cats raced out of the cave when they discovered a problem. The fire had spread and was blocking the only way out of the cave.
Length of Books - Chapters
Super Editions
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - 26 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - 27 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - 23 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The Blazing Star - 28 Chapters
Bluestar's Prophecy - 44 Chapters
Crookedstar's Promise - 40 Chapters
Yellowfang's Secret - 40 Chapters
Tallstar's Revenge - 45 Chapters
Firestar's Quest - 36 Chapters
Skyclan's Destiny - 35 Chapters
Bramblestar's Storm - 35 Chapters
Series 1 (Into the Wild)
Into the Wild - 25 Chapters
Fire and Ice - 30 Chapters
Forest of Secrets - 30 Chapters
Rising Storm - 30 Chapters
A Dangerous Path - 27 Chapters
The Darkest Hour - 30 Chapters
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
Midnight - 24 Chapters
Moonrise - 24 Chapters
Dawn - 25 Chapters
Starlight - 23 Chapters
Twilight - 24 Chapters
Sunset -23 Chapters
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
The Sight - 25 Chapters
Dark River - 21 Chapters
Outcast - 29 Chapters
Eclipse - 25 Chapters
Long Shadows - 27 Chapters
Sunrise - 28 Chapters
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice - 26 Chapters
Fading Echos - 24 Chapters
Night Whispers - 25 Chapters
Sign of the Moon - 22 Chapters
The Forgotten Warrior - 25 Chapters
The Last Hope - 27 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - 26 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - 27 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - 23 Chapters
Dawn of the Clans - The Blazing Star - 28 Chapters
Bluestar's Prophecy - 44 Chapters
Crookedstar's Promise - 40 Chapters
Yellowfang's Secret - 40 Chapters
Tallstar's Revenge - 45 Chapters
Firestar's Quest - 36 Chapters
Skyclan's Destiny - 35 Chapters
Bramblestar's Storm - 35 Chapters
Series 1 (Into the Wild)
Into the Wild - 25 Chapters
Fire and Ice - 30 Chapters
Forest of Secrets - 30 Chapters
Rising Storm - 30 Chapters
A Dangerous Path - 27 Chapters
The Darkest Hour - 30 Chapters
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
Midnight - 24 Chapters
Moonrise - 24 Chapters
Dawn - 25 Chapters
Starlight - 23 Chapters
Twilight - 24 Chapters
Sunset -23 Chapters
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
The Sight - 25 Chapters
Dark River - 21 Chapters
Outcast - 29 Chapters
Eclipse - 25 Chapters
Long Shadows - 27 Chapters
Sunrise - 28 Chapters
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice - 26 Chapters
Fading Echos - 24 Chapters
Night Whispers - 25 Chapters
Sign of the Moon - 22 Chapters
The Forgotten Warrior - 25 Chapters
The Last Hope - 27 Chapters
Length of Books - Pages
Super Editions
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - 313 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - 302 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - 291 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The Blazing Star - 273 Pages
Bluestar's Prophecy - 516 Pages
Crookedstar's Promise - 491 Pages
Yellowfang's Secret - 501 Pages
Tallstar's Revenge - 503 Pages
Firestar's Quest - 507 Pages
Skyclan's Destiny - 462 Pages
Bramblestar's Storm - 473 Pages
Series 1 (Into The Wild)
Into the Wild - 272 Pages
Fire and Ice - 317 Pages
Forest Of Secrets - 312 Pages
Rising Storm - 315 Pages
A Dangerous Path - 313 Pages
The Darkest Hour - 315 Pages
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
Midnight - 300 Pages
Moonrise - 284 Pages
Dawn - 335 Pages
Starlight - 321 Pages
Twilight - 319 Pages
Sunset - 303 Pages
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
The Sight - 363 Pages
Dark River - 322 Pages
Outcast - 317 Pages
Eclipse - 318 Pages
Long Shadows - 316 Pages
Sunrise - 318 Pages
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice - 302 Pages
Fading Echos - 296 Pages
Night Whispers - 295 Pages
Sign of the Moon - 297 Pages
The Forgotten Warrior - 315 Pages
The Last Hope - 329 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - 313 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - 302 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - 291 Pages
Dawn of the Clans - The Blazing Star - 273 Pages
Bluestar's Prophecy - 516 Pages
Crookedstar's Promise - 491 Pages
Yellowfang's Secret - 501 Pages
Tallstar's Revenge - 503 Pages
Firestar's Quest - 507 Pages
Skyclan's Destiny - 462 Pages
Bramblestar's Storm - 473 Pages
Series 1 (Into The Wild)
Into the Wild - 272 Pages
Fire and Ice - 317 Pages
Forest Of Secrets - 312 Pages
Rising Storm - 315 Pages
A Dangerous Path - 313 Pages
The Darkest Hour - 315 Pages
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
Midnight - 300 Pages
Moonrise - 284 Pages
Dawn - 335 Pages
Starlight - 321 Pages
Twilight - 319 Pages
Sunset - 303 Pages
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
The Sight - 363 Pages
Dark River - 322 Pages
Outcast - 317 Pages
Eclipse - 318 Pages
Long Shadows - 316 Pages
Sunrise - 318 Pages
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice - 302 Pages
Fading Echos - 296 Pages
Night Whispers - 295 Pages
Sign of the Moon - 297 Pages
The Forgotten Warrior - 315 Pages
The Last Hope - 329 Pages
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Book 3 - Chapter 1

(O=Omen, S=Sign, I=Interpreter, M=Meaning)
Super Editions
Crookedstar's Promise
O - A squirrel with a crooked jaw, caught by Crookedjaw.I - Hailstar. M - Crookedjaw would become the new deputy of Riverclan. Later in the book, Mapleshade reveals that she was the one who created the omen.
Bluestar's Prophecy
O - A bit of flattened fur on a piece of prey. I - Goosefeather. M - Thought to be a sign that Windclan was going to attack them, because it looked like the forest was flattened by the wind.
O - A piece of catmint found in the fur of the prey. I - Goosefeather. M - thought to be a sign that to defeat Windclan, they must attack their medicine supply.
O - Clouds in the Sky. I - Goosefeather. M - Bluekit's and Snowkit's apprentice ceremony would come early.
O - Thistleclaw's spiky pelt gleamed and drenched with blood. It oozed from his fur, dripped from his whiskers and stained the snow. No other cat can see it except for Bluefur and Goosefeather. I - Goosefeather and Bluefur. M - It is the version of Thunderclan's path if Thistleclaw is to lead them.
Skyclan's Destiny
O - Water drowning the cats in the gorge. S - dream. I - Leafstar.
M - another reference that means greater storms are coming for Skyclan.
Bramblestar's Storm
O - Jayfeather gets scratched from a branch that wasn't previously there. I - Bramblestar. M - a stick will cause trouble for Thunderclan. The stick is revealed to be the stick of the fallen which Seedpaw dies trying to retrieve.
Series 1 (Into the Wild)
Into the Wild
O - Rusty's collar is torn off in a fight with Lontail. I - Bluestar. M - Rusty left his kitty pet life behind, and Starclan has accepted him and he will be welcome to join Thunderclan as Firepaw.
Fire and Ice
O - Red clouds. I - Barkface. M - This day will bring unnecessary death. Later, when Fireheart and Graystripewere returning to their home in Thunderclan, they were attacked by a Riverclan patrol and in the confusion of the fight Whiteclaw a Riverclan warrior fell to his death over the gorge while fighting Graystripe.
O - Clouds covering the moon during a gathering. M - Gatherings are a time of peace and if there i any violence Starclan sends clouds to cover the moon, signifying their displeasure.
Forest of Secrets
O - A magpie which was intended for Bluestar turns out to be crowfood.
I - Cinderpelt. M - Bluestar's leadership of Thunderclan will slowly rot away from the inside.
Rising Storm
O - A single star sending a frail beam of light, and Nightstar taking then drawing in a long steady breath. I - Runningnose. M - Starclan is with Shadowclan after all. A great new dawn awaits Shadowclan. In that Star, Starclan had shown him their glorious future.
O - A wide gray owl's wing sweeping across the ray of starlight and an owl swooping down. The owl leaves along with the star and the sky is pitch black. I - Runningnose. M - a dreadful warning that Shadowclan would pay the highest price possible for their new dawn.
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
O - a vision of a giant tiger leaping from flames. I - Cinderpelt. M - Brambleclaw (Tigerstar's son) and Squirrelpaw (Firestar's daughter) would find a new home for the clans and unite them for the journey. Cinderpelt first misinterprets it thinking it mean't that the two cats presented a danger to the clan or to each other.
O - a moth's wing found outside of the medicine den. I - Mudfur. M - Mothwing, the former loner was fit to become a medicine cat apprentice. It is later revealed that Hawkfrost left the Moth's wing outside of Mudfur's den so he could use Mothwing's medicine cat Status to help himself gain power. This made Mothwing stop believing in Starclan, but she was still a good medicine cat.
O - sharp claws and teeth are glimpsed along with a voice whispering that death and danger are coming. I - Littlecloud, Cinderpelt and Barkface. M - Badgers were going to attack the clans starting with Thunderclan and many cats were going to die.
O - a vision seen by Leafpool of 3 stars shining brighter than the others in the sky. I - Bluestar, Spottedleaf and Lionheart. M - The three stars represented three cats that Leafpool had yet to me (most likely her coming kits.
O - a vision of the Thunderclan camp surrounded by high walls of brambles, with claws instead of thorns. I - Leafpool. M - the brambles surrounding the Thunderclan camp represent Brambleclaw, and that he would keep the clan safe, meaning he was the rightful deputy for Thunderclan.
O - a moth's wing getting torn off. I - Leafpool. M - the omen reveals to Leafpool that Hawkfrost had torn off a Moth's wing and put outside the medicine cat den so that his sister, Mothwing could become the new medicine cat.
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
O - A total solar eclipse takes place. M - It was thought by many cats to be an omen that they were doing something wrong or that they didn't belong by the lake. Sol predicted hat it would happen but Starclan gave no warning of it, which made many of the Clan cats afraid of the future.
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
Night Whispers
O - Flametail dreamed about drowning into freezing black waters and not being able to breath. I - Flametail. M - Flametail's death would relate to drowning in the lake.
The Last Hope
O - A reed found by Mothwing burning continuously for days despite the steady rainfall. I - Jayfeather. M - Jayfeather must find the fourth cat, which is revealed to be Firestar. At first Jayfeather thinks it was an omen to find Flametail who he believed was the fourth cat.
Super Editions
Crookedstar's Promise
O - A squirrel with a crooked jaw, caught by Crookedjaw.I - Hailstar. M - Crookedjaw would become the new deputy of Riverclan. Later in the book, Mapleshade reveals that she was the one who created the omen.
Bluestar's Prophecy
O - A bit of flattened fur on a piece of prey. I - Goosefeather. M - Thought to be a sign that Windclan was going to attack them, because it looked like the forest was flattened by the wind.
O - A piece of catmint found in the fur of the prey. I - Goosefeather. M - thought to be a sign that to defeat Windclan, they must attack their medicine supply.
O - Clouds in the Sky. I - Goosefeather. M - Bluekit's and Snowkit's apprentice ceremony would come early.
O - Thistleclaw's spiky pelt gleamed and drenched with blood. It oozed from his fur, dripped from his whiskers and stained the snow. No other cat can see it except for Bluefur and Goosefeather. I - Goosefeather and Bluefur. M - It is the version of Thunderclan's path if Thistleclaw is to lead them.
Skyclan's Destiny
O - Water drowning the cats in the gorge. S - dream. I - Leafstar.
M - another reference that means greater storms are coming for Skyclan.
Bramblestar's Storm
O - Jayfeather gets scratched from a branch that wasn't previously there. I - Bramblestar. M - a stick will cause trouble for Thunderclan. The stick is revealed to be the stick of the fallen which Seedpaw dies trying to retrieve.
Series 1 (Into the Wild)
Into the Wild
O - Rusty's collar is torn off in a fight with Lontail. I - Bluestar. M - Rusty left his kitty pet life behind, and Starclan has accepted him and he will be welcome to join Thunderclan as Firepaw.
Fire and Ice
O - Red clouds. I - Barkface. M - This day will bring unnecessary death. Later, when Fireheart and Graystripewere returning to their home in Thunderclan, they were attacked by a Riverclan patrol and in the confusion of the fight Whiteclaw a Riverclan warrior fell to his death over the gorge while fighting Graystripe.
O - Clouds covering the moon during a gathering. M - Gatherings are a time of peace and if there i any violence Starclan sends clouds to cover the moon, signifying their displeasure.
Forest of Secrets
O - A magpie which was intended for Bluestar turns out to be crowfood.
I - Cinderpelt. M - Bluestar's leadership of Thunderclan will slowly rot away from the inside.
Rising Storm
O - A single star sending a frail beam of light, and Nightstar taking then drawing in a long steady breath. I - Runningnose. M - Starclan is with Shadowclan after all. A great new dawn awaits Shadowclan. In that Star, Starclan had shown him their glorious future.
O - A wide gray owl's wing sweeping across the ray of starlight and an owl swooping down. The owl leaves along with the star and the sky is pitch black. I - Runningnose. M - a dreadful warning that Shadowclan would pay the highest price possible for their new dawn.
Series 2 (The New Prophecy)
O - a vision of a giant tiger leaping from flames. I - Cinderpelt. M - Brambleclaw (Tigerstar's son) and Squirrelpaw (Firestar's daughter) would find a new home for the clans and unite them for the journey. Cinderpelt first misinterprets it thinking it mean't that the two cats presented a danger to the clan or to each other.
O - a moth's wing found outside of the medicine den. I - Mudfur. M - Mothwing, the former loner was fit to become a medicine cat apprentice. It is later revealed that Hawkfrost left the Moth's wing outside of Mudfur's den so he could use Mothwing's medicine cat Status to help himself gain power. This made Mothwing stop believing in Starclan, but she was still a good medicine cat.
O - sharp claws and teeth are glimpsed along with a voice whispering that death and danger are coming. I - Littlecloud, Cinderpelt and Barkface. M - Badgers were going to attack the clans starting with Thunderclan and many cats were going to die.
O - a vision seen by Leafpool of 3 stars shining brighter than the others in the sky. I - Bluestar, Spottedleaf and Lionheart. M - The three stars represented three cats that Leafpool had yet to me (most likely her coming kits.
O - a vision of the Thunderclan camp surrounded by high walls of brambles, with claws instead of thorns. I - Leafpool. M - the brambles surrounding the Thunderclan camp represent Brambleclaw, and that he would keep the clan safe, meaning he was the rightful deputy for Thunderclan.
O - a moth's wing getting torn off. I - Leafpool. M - the omen reveals to Leafpool that Hawkfrost had torn off a Moth's wing and put outside the medicine cat den so that his sister, Mothwing could become the new medicine cat.
Series 3 (The Power of Three)
O - A total solar eclipse takes place. M - It was thought by many cats to be an omen that they were doing something wrong or that they didn't belong by the lake. Sol predicted hat it would happen but Starclan gave no warning of it, which made many of the Clan cats afraid of the future.
Series 4 (Omen of the Stars)
Night Whispers
O - Flametail dreamed about drowning into freezing black waters and not being able to breath. I - Flametail. M - Flametail's death would relate to drowning in the lake.
The Last Hope
O - A reed found by Mothwing burning continuously for days despite the steady rainfall. I - Jayfeather. M - Jayfeather must find the fourth cat, which is revealed to be Firestar. At first Jayfeather thinks it was an omen to find Flametail who he believed was the fourth cat.
(P=Prophecy, S=Sign, I=Interpreter, M=Meaning)
Super Editions
Yellowfang's Secret
P - A poison will spring from the heart of Shadowclan, and spread to the other clans. A storm of blood and fire will sweep the forest. S - Message from Molepelt. I - Featherpaw (Featherwhisker). M - Yellowfang the future Shadowclan medicine cat, becomes mates with Raggedstar and has Brokenstar, who nearly destroys the Clans, and trains kits below six moons.
Bluestar's Prophecy
P - Like fire you will blaze through the forest… but beware - even the most powerful of flames can be destroyed by water. S - Burning branch.
I - Goosefeather. M - Bluestar would become leader and bring peace to Thunderclan. Her power is shown greatly, just like fire blazing throughout a forest, like the prophecy foretells it. However she dies on her last life by drowning in the gorge. It is also a warning that her relationship with Oakheart would have ruined her chances of becoming leader, and take Rusty/Firepaw (the most powerful flames) into Thunderclan, and inly avoided this fate by giving up her kits.
P - A thistle has thorns as sharp as thorns, don't let Whitekit get hurt by them. S - Message from Goosefeather to Bluefur. I - Goosefeather and Bluefur.
M - Bluefur should keep Whitekit away from Thistleclaw as he is dangerous, and will provide a battle-hungry influence for the little kit As Bluefur succeeds, Whitestorm becomes a loyal, wise, Thunderclan Warrior.
P - I'm sorry Starclan. That cat should not have survived. This was never mean't to happen. S - Message from Goosefeather to Starclan. I - Goosefeather and Bluefur. M - Tigerkit should have died along with his siblings. He was never mean't to survive as he would do terrible things to the forest later on. This proved to be true, as Tigerstar brought war to the forest with Bloodclan, becoming to ambitious and almost wiping out the clans altogether.
Firestar's Quest
P - There will be three kin of your kin, who hold the power of the star in their paws. S - Messge from Skywatcher. I - Firestar. M - The prophecy tell the arrival of three cats even more powerful than any before them and that they are related to Firestar. They are later revealed to be Jayfeather an Lionblaze, FIrestar's grandsons and Firestar's great grand niece. However this prophecy happens before the birth of the three so it takes a while for Firestar to figure out who they are.
Skyclan's Destiny
P - Greenleaf will come but it will bring even greater store then these. Skyclan will need even deeper roots if it is to survive. S - Message from Starclan. I - Leafstar. M - That Skyclan needs to have more connections and needs sot thrive if it is to survive the test pf the time.
Bramblestar's Storm
P - When water meets blood, blood will rise. S - Message from Cloudstar. I - Bramblestar. M - Bramblestar and Tawnypelt share the blood bond of siblings. They rose above the rules of the warrior code by interfering with rival clans and when danger from the flood, kitty pets, and badgers threatened both clans, their bond gave them strength to overcome those obstacles.
P - Blood does not have to mean death. It can bring more strength then you can imagine. S - Message from Yellowfang. I - Bramblestar. M - The bonds between Bramblestar and Tawnypelt brought them the strength to fight the badgers that Shadowclan was having trouble against, together.
Series Number One (Into the Wild)
Into the Wild
P - Fire Alone can save our clan. S - Shooting Star. I - Spottedleaf. M - A cat with a flame colored pelt (Firepaw) will save Thunderclan (from the treachery of Tigerclaw) in the Darkest Hour and the Last Hope. Bluestar first thought it mean't real fire which destroyed the Clan's camp.
Fire and Ice
P - A battle is Coming Fireheart. Beware a warrior you cannot trust. S - A message from Spottedleaf. I - Fireheart. M - This was a warning for Fireheart to beware of Tigerc;aw, but Fireheart though it was Graystripe they were having an argument at the time. He later finds out it's Tigerclaw when the deputy allows Leopardfur to fight Fireheart in the battle against Riverclan in defense of Windclan and doesn't attempt to help him.
Forest of Secrets
P - Starclan is calling you… do not be afraid. S - dream. I - Fireheart.
M - Bluestar was going to choose Fireheart as deputy. At first Fireheart misinterprets it, thinking he is going to die.
Rising Storm
P - Beware an enemy who seems to sleep. S - dream. I - Fireheart.
M - a warning for Fireheart that even though Tigerclaw had been exiled, he is still a major threat. Fireheart thinks tat it refers to sickness that the Sahdowclan cats had and Darkstripe.
The Darkest Hour
P - Four will become 2, Lion and Tiger will meet in battle, and blood will rule the forest. S - Firestar's leadership ceremony with a pile of bones oozing bloos and Firestr sees his reflection turn into a lion. I - Firestar. M - Tigerstar united Riverclan and Shadowclan to become Tigerclan and Firestar followed suit with Windclan and Thunderclan to become Lionclan. The four clans become two an Lionclan and Tierclan meet in battle. Bloodclan is the final enemy. Scourge kills Tigerstar, but in the end blood does not rule the forest; Tigerclan and Lionclan unite to drive out Bloodclan.
Series Number 2 (The New Prohecy)
P - Darkness, Air, Water and Sky will come together and shake the forest to its roots. Nothing will be as it is now, nor as it has been. S - Dream.
I - Brambleclaw, Feathertail, Crowpaw and Tawnypelt. M - a cat from each clan will travel to find a new home, shaking the clans with their warning.
P - A silver cat will come and rid the tribe of rushing water of the dangerous mountain cat Sharptooth. S - Signs of nature, patterns of the moonlight, shadows cast by the stones, sound of raindrops, a flash of silver fur in the pool. I - Stoneteller. M - Feathertail one of the journeying cats, kills Sharptooth sacrificing herself in the process. But at first the tribe of rushing water believed it was Stormfur.
P - Before there is peace, blood will spill blood and the lake will run red. S - dreams with a lake stained with blood. I - Leafpool. M - the blood-related half brothers Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw will meet in battle and spill blood; Hawkfrost is killed and his blood turns the lake water red.
Series Number 3 (The Power of 3)
The Sight
P - There will be 3, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws. S - dream. I - Jaypaw. M - It has the same meaning as when it did in the book Firestar's Quest.
Series Number Four (Omen of the Stars)
The Fourth Apprentice
P - After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion, peace will come on dove's gentle wing. S - dream. I - Dovepaw. M - Referencing the three cat's abilities, that being Jayfeather's 'Sharp eyes' (Jayfeather is blind) and Lionblaze's 'roar' ability in battle, Dovewing (Then Dovepaw) will be the one to help return them to peace.
P - Beware Jay's Wing. Storm clouds are gathering on a dark breeze. S - A whisper from an ancient cat. I - Jayfeather. M - That Breezepelt is going to cause trouble and attack Jayfeather with the help from a Dark Forest cat. Later revealed to be Brokenstar.
Night Whispers
P - Yesterday, four patrols could not drive the fox from their territory. Today Lionblaze sent it fleeing for it's life. S - Lionblaze defeats a fox when four patrols could not. I -Yellowfang. M - Thunderclan must stand alone in the battle against the Dark Forest to emerge victorious.
Sign of the Moon
P - The end of the stars draws near. Three must before four to battle the darkness that lasts forever. S - Dream. I - Jayfeather. M - The three must find the fourth to finally defeat the Dark Forest.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Book 2 - Chapter 7

The cats shifted nervously. "We must go!" called Mintclaw. Tigerstar nodded and with a flick of his tail he gathered the cats of Fishclan around him. "Let us go!" he called. The cats trekked over the mountains until they reached a cave. They sheltered in the cave when a cat stalked into the cave. The clan cats shifted and whispered nervously. "Who is it?" asked Birchtail? "It is so dark in here that the cat could be Darkfinch and we won't even know," put in Berryfur. The cat walked to the center of the cave and looked around. Then the cat turned around and looked directly at Tigerstar. "Tigerstar," the cat meowed formally. Tigerstar looked up and said "How do you know who I am?" "I just do." "Did you learn from Darkfinch?" "Darkfinch?" "The black long-furred tom." Tigerstar snapped knowing that the cat knew exactly who Darkfinch was. The cat looked curious. "Why are you here?" interjected Tigerstar. "It was time." "Time for what?" asked Tigerstar uneasily. "Time to come." replied the cat. "Okay," said Tigerstar slowly. Thunder rumbled outside. Lighting struck a nearby tree and it burst into flames. The flames crept towards the sheltering cats. The clan cats could finally see this strange cat clearly. It was large, larger then any of the clan cats and it had long claws which it sank into the ground as it walked. This cat was clearly not a cat to mess with. The cat had deep blue eyes that surveyed the clan cats slowly. "How does this cat make simple words sound so powerful?" asked Seedpaw.
Book 2 - Chapter 6
Blossompaw spoke first. "I left to join my mentor," she mewed nodding to Windshadow. Spottedfur said "My father is on Darkfinch's side and I went to join him." "I couldn't leave Spottedfur alone as the only queen so I went with her," said Snowhare. Windshadow spoke up "Darkfinch is a better leader then you will ever be." Echomist, and Sandswish nodded. Tigerstar bristled. Reedriver said "Darkfinch needs us more then you." Tigerstar puffed out his fur. "FINE go then! Leave the clan." Tigerstar stalked down the hill and called to the assembled clan ,"Please say good bye to your clan mates they are no longer apart of our clan." The clan gasped. Blossompaw sighed. "GO" Commanded Tigerstar. Darkfinch padded away his new recruits following. Tigerstar eyed Blossompaw she hadn't padded after the others. "Blossompaw who's side are you on?" asked Tigerstar. "I don't know anymore." whimpered Blossompaw. "Stay here then." said Tigerstar. Blossompaw nodded. "I need a new mentor." Said Blossompaw. "So do I," said Rushpaw. Tigerstar nodded then said "Where is Morningflower, Milkfur and Rushpaw?" "I saw them" spoke up Seedpaw. "Where are they?" asked Berryfur. Seedpaw trembled. "They snuck out of clearing and followed Darkfinch. They were saying something about going so they could heal their clan mates." The clan stared at Seedpaw. Only Tigerstar seemed to figure out what had happened. He looked about at his clan before speaking. "Deputies please take 2 other cats and scout the territory. Queens please take the kits back to the nursery. Senior Warriors trot around the edge of the marsh. If there is anything we must move. Darkfinch has cats from our group. Cats that know our weaknesses, strengths and fighting techniques. Darkfinch is probably learning our fighting strategies right now."
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Starclan Cats
The cats of Starcan and how they died.
Redtail - Tigerstar
Swiftpaw - pack of dogs
Bluestar - was killed/drowned. (just like Goosefeather said: You are fire but beware even the most powerful flames can be destroyed by water)
Snowfur - was killed on the Thunderpath (Road)
Poppydawn - died of sickness
Sunstar - died of a dog
Longtail - died of a falling tree
Runningwhisker - Tigerstar killed him
Brindleface - Tigerstar killed her
Sootfur - badger
Cinderpelt - badger
Whitestorm - Bone killed him in the battle against Bloodclan
Honeyfern - bitten by a snake
Seedpaw - drowned trying to save the Thunderclan memorial stick
Mosskit - froze
Ashfur - Hollyleaf killed him
Sorreltail - sickness and wounds
Spottedleaf - Clawface killed her
Yellowfang - fire
Willowpelt - a sick rabbit
Blackstar - flood
Raggedstar - Brokentail killed him
Nightstar - sickness
Flametail - drowned
Sagewhisker - old age
Mudclaw - falling tree
Tallstar - old age
Antpelt - Thistleclaw from the Dark Forest
Crookedstar - maybe Tigerstar
Oakheart - rockfall
Silverstream - having kits
Wilowshine - sickness
Hailstar - rat attack
Cats that died in the great battle or almost directly after the battle.
Redtail - Tigerstar
Swiftpaw - pack of dogs
Bluestar - was killed/drowned. (just like Goosefeather said: You are fire but beware even the most powerful flames can be destroyed by water)
Snowfur - was killed on the Thunderpath (Road)
Poppydawn - died of sickness
Sunstar - died of a dog
Longtail - died of a falling tree
Runningwhisker - Tigerstar killed him
Brindleface - Tigerstar killed her
Sootfur - badger
Cinderpelt - badger
Whitestorm - Bone killed him in the battle against Bloodclan
Honeyfern - bitten by a snake
Seedpaw - drowned trying to save the Thunderclan memorial stick
Mosskit - froze
Ashfur - Hollyleaf killed him
Sorreltail - sickness and wounds
Spottedleaf - Clawface killed her
Yellowfang - fire
Willowpelt - a sick rabbit
Blackstar - flood
Raggedstar - Brokentail killed him
Nightstar - sickness
Flametail - drowned
Sagewhisker - old age
Mudclaw - falling tree
Tallstar - old age
Antpelt - Thistleclaw from the Dark Forest
Crookedstar - maybe Tigerstar
Oakheart - rockfall
Silverstream - having kits
Wilowshine - sickness
Hailstar - rat attack
Cats that died in the great battle or almost directly after the battle.
Dark Forest Cats
This is about the cats on the side of the Dark Forest (Where you go is you are rejected by Starclan) what they did, and how they died. Also if their spirit dies how it dies. These are only the main Dark Forest warriors there are lots more.
Tigerstar - He killed Redtail, Runningwhisker, Brindleface. He tried to kill Bluestar. He led the pack of dogs into the forest to kill Thunderclan. He brought Bloodclan into the forest to help him. He was killed by Scourge the leader of Bloodclan. His spirit was killed by Firestar during the great battle.
Thistleclaw - he was hungry for battle and would stop at nothing to fight. He would kill a kit for stepping one paw into Thunderclan territory. He was killed as he lived ready for battle.
Brokenstar - killed his father (Raggedstar) and Brightflower's kits. He starting training kits at 3 moons and made them warriors at 5 moons. (Moons are months) He drove Windclan from the forest. He plotted with Tigerclaw to have his cats attack the Thunderclan camp. He was killed by Death berries that his mother (Yellowfang) fed him. His spirit was then killed by Yellowfang during the great battle.
Hawkfrost - he plotted with Mudclaw to kill Onewhisker (When he only had one life) so Mudclaw could have the leadership position of Windclan. He arranged for Firestar to come to a fox trap where he could be killed. He thought he did this for Brambleclaw's sake. (Brambleclaw was deputy at the time) He was killed by Brambleclaw for trying to kill Firestar. His spirit was then killed (Also by Brambleclaw) because he was trying to kill Ivypool.
Cats being trained by Dark Forest Warriors. (The Dark Forest Warriors were trying to create not just an army of Dark Forest cats but of clan cats too. These are the cats being trained by the Dark Forest and why they were being trained. Most of the Dark Forest warriors chose cats that were kin to cats in the Dark Forest or cats that had some sort of weakness) Again these are only the main cats.
Ivypool - She was being trained by Hawkfrost. She was chosen and recruited because she didn't like all the attention that her sister Dovewing was getting. (Dovewing was apart of the prophecy)
Blossomfall - Blossomfall was chosen because of her sister Briarlight was stealing all of her mother's (Millie's) attention.
Breezepelt - The Dark Forest was recruited because of his hatred towards Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather.
Tigerstar - He killed Redtail, Runningwhisker, Brindleface. He tried to kill Bluestar. He led the pack of dogs into the forest to kill Thunderclan. He brought Bloodclan into the forest to help him. He was killed by Scourge the leader of Bloodclan. His spirit was killed by Firestar during the great battle.
Thistleclaw - he was hungry for battle and would stop at nothing to fight. He would kill a kit for stepping one paw into Thunderclan territory. He was killed as he lived ready for battle.
Brokenstar - killed his father (Raggedstar) and Brightflower's kits. He starting training kits at 3 moons and made them warriors at 5 moons. (Moons are months) He drove Windclan from the forest. He plotted with Tigerclaw to have his cats attack the Thunderclan camp. He was killed by Death berries that his mother (Yellowfang) fed him. His spirit was then killed by Yellowfang during the great battle.
Hawkfrost - he plotted with Mudclaw to kill Onewhisker (When he only had one life) so Mudclaw could have the leadership position of Windclan. He arranged for Firestar to come to a fox trap where he could be killed. He thought he did this for Brambleclaw's sake. (Brambleclaw was deputy at the time) He was killed by Brambleclaw for trying to kill Firestar. His spirit was then killed (Also by Brambleclaw) because he was trying to kill Ivypool.
Cats being trained by Dark Forest Warriors. (The Dark Forest Warriors were trying to create not just an army of Dark Forest cats but of clan cats too. These are the cats being trained by the Dark Forest and why they were being trained. Most of the Dark Forest warriors chose cats that were kin to cats in the Dark Forest or cats that had some sort of weakness) Again these are only the main cats.
Ivypool - She was being trained by Hawkfrost. She was chosen and recruited because she didn't like all the attention that her sister Dovewing was getting. (Dovewing was apart of the prophecy)
Blossomfall - Blossomfall was chosen because of her sister Briarlight was stealing all of her mother's (Millie's) attention.
Breezepelt - The Dark Forest was recruited because of his hatred towards Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather.
Warrior Cats Descriptions/Personalities
Bluestar - loyal,
Pinestar - loyal, then abandoned Thunderclan
Goosefeather - crazy
Featherwhisker - kind,
Firestar - proud, wise, smart,
Spottedleaf - caring, kind, gentle
Graystripe - daring, loyal,
Millie - kind, loyal,
Sandstorm - brave, loyal
Brightheart - hopeful, loyal,
Cloudtail - kind, persistant, patient, loyal
Yellowfang - cranky, loyal, proud
Cinderpelt - kind, loyal
Leafpool - kind, proud, calm
Squirrelflight - energetic, exited, proud, loyal
Brambleclaw - proud, smart, brave, loyal,
Ashfur - ambitious, mean, crazy,
Lionblaze - strong, brave, loyal
Hollyleaf - loyal, proud
Jayfeather - loyal, sometimes has sympathy, annoyed,
Cinderheart - nice, caring, loyal
Dovewing - smart, kind,
Ivypool - strong, brave,
Briarlight - hopeful, cheerful, positive
Raggedstar - loyal, strong, brave, smart
Sagewhisker - loyal, persistent, insistant,
Runningnose - loyal, kind
Littlecloud - thankful, loyal,
Brokenstar - ambitious, traitor, evil, mean
Nightstar - loyal,
Tigerstar - traitor, ambitious, evil, mean,
Blackstar - proud, wise
Russetfur - loyal, smart,
Boulder - loyal, helpful
Tawnypelt - kind, caring, helpful, loyal
Flametail - kind, loyal
Tallstar - helpful, loyal,
Onestar - kind, loyal, smart
Mudclaw - ambitious,
Crowfeather - annoyed, loyal
Nightcloud - prickly, annoyed
Breezepelt - annoyed, evil,
Heathertail - kind, loyal
Crookedstar - loyal, wise,
Mapleshade - mean, evil, rude, crazy,
Silverstream - kind, pretty, caring, smart
Leopardstar - proud, loyal, brave
Oakheart - brave, alert
Mistystar - smart, loyal
Stonefur - brave, smart, loyal
Featherail - kind, thoughtful
Hawkfrost - ambitious, traitor, evil
Mothwing - caring, kind, thoughtful
Willowshine - helpful, alert, smart
Bluestar - loyal,
Pinestar - loyal, then abandoned Thunderclan
Goosefeather - crazy
Featherwhisker - kind,
Firestar - proud, wise, smart,
Spottedleaf - caring, kind, gentle
Graystripe - daring, loyal,
Millie - kind, loyal,
Sandstorm - brave, loyal
Brightheart - hopeful, loyal,
Cloudtail - kind, persistant, patient, loyal
Yellowfang - cranky, loyal, proud
Cinderpelt - kind, loyal
Leafpool - kind, proud, calm
Squirrelflight - energetic, exited, proud, loyal
Brambleclaw - proud, smart, brave, loyal,
Ashfur - ambitious, mean, crazy,
Lionblaze - strong, brave, loyal
Hollyleaf - loyal, proud
Jayfeather - loyal, sometimes has sympathy, annoyed,
Cinderheart - nice, caring, loyal
Dovewing - smart, kind,
Ivypool - strong, brave,
Briarlight - hopeful, cheerful, positive
Raggedstar - loyal, strong, brave, smart
Sagewhisker - loyal, persistent, insistant,
Runningnose - loyal, kind
Littlecloud - thankful, loyal,
Brokenstar - ambitious, traitor, evil, mean
Nightstar - loyal,
Tigerstar - traitor, ambitious, evil, mean,
Blackstar - proud, wise
Russetfur - loyal, smart,
Boulder - loyal, helpful
Tawnypelt - kind, caring, helpful, loyal
Flametail - kind, loyal
Tallstar - helpful, loyal,
Onestar - kind, loyal, smart
Mudclaw - ambitious,
Crowfeather - annoyed, loyal
Nightcloud - prickly, annoyed
Breezepelt - annoyed, evil,
Heathertail - kind, loyal
Crookedstar - loyal, wise,
Mapleshade - mean, evil, rude, crazy,
Silverstream - kind, pretty, caring, smart
Leopardstar - proud, loyal, brave
Oakheart - brave, alert
Mistystar - smart, loyal
Stonefur - brave, smart, loyal
Featherail - kind, thoughtful
Hawkfrost - ambitious, traitor, evil
Mothwing - caring, kind, thoughtful
Willowshine - helpful, alert, smart
Other Information About Warrior Cats
This post is going to tell you in more detail about the cats of clans. Like mentor, mate, kits, mother, father, warrior name, stuff like that.
Bluestar - Bluestar became the Thunderclan leader after Sunstar (Sunfall). Bluestar had 4 deputies (listed in the books) Redtail (killed by Tigerclaw), Lionheart (Killed by Shadowclan), Tigerclaw (exiled after trying to kill Bluestar), and Fireheart (Who became Thunderclan's next leader. Bluestar mentored 2 cats Frostfur and Fireheart. Bluestar had 2 mentors Stonepelt and Sunfall. Bluestar's mother was Moonflower and her father was Stormtail. Bluestar had 3 kits with a Riverclan warrior named Oakheart. She named her kits, Mistykit, Mosskit and Stonekit. Bluestar had one sister her name was Snowfur. Bluestar was killed saving Fireheart from a pack of dogs (She fell over the edge of the gorge - a swollen churning river)
Pinestar - Pinestar's deputy was Sunfall we then retired to a house folk cast leaving his only kit Tigerkit with his mate Leopardfur.
Goosefeather - Goosefeather's apprentice was Featherwhisker. Goosefeather was Moonflower's brother.
Featherwhisker - Featherwhisker is Goosefeather's apprentice. Featherwhisker takes Spottedpaw on as an apprentice.
Firestar - Firestar was Thunderclan's leader after Bluestar (Bluefur) Firestar's warrior name was Fireheart. Firestar had 2 kits with Sandstorm, Leafpool and Squirrelflight. Firestar's father was a pet cat named Jake. Firestar's had a shared mentor with Lionheart and Tigerclaw before Bluestar took him on as her own apprentice. Firestar had 3 deputies, Whitestorm (killed in the battle against Bloodclan), Graystripe (Captured by humans - returns to the clan later), Brambleclaw who takes Graystripe's place when he was captured (Brambleclaw then becomes the next Thunderclan leader). Firestar was killed by a lighting struck tree after the great battle against the dark forest. Firestar mentored Cinderpelt (Before she became a medicine cat), Cloudtail and Brambleclaw. Firestar is apart of the prophecy (Fire will save the clan and the end of the stars draws near 3 must become 4 to challenge the darkness the will last forever)
Spottedleaf - Spottedleaf was a the medicine cat after Featherwhisker. Spottedleaf never had an apprentice and was killed by Clawface, then her spirit was killed by Mapleshade.
Graystripe - Graystripe had 5 kits. He had 2 kits with Silverstream, Feathertail and Stormfur. (Silverstream was a river clan queen) Then later he had kits with Millie (a house folk cat), Bumblestripe, Blossomfall and Briarlight. Graystripe's mentor was Lionheart. Graystripe mentored Brackenfur.
Millie - Millie lived with humans then she left with Graystripe to find his clan. He trained her as a warrior and she had 3 kits with Graystripe, Blossomfall, Bumblestripe and Briarlight.
Sandstorm - Sandstorm had 2 kits with Firestar, Leafpool and Squirrelflight. Sandstorm was mentor to Sorreltail and Honeyfern. Sandstorm's mentor was Whitestorm.
Brightheart - Brightheart's mentor was Whitestorm. She had a kit with Cloudtail, Whitewing. Brightheart's apprentice was Jayfeather (Before he became a medicine cat)
Cloudtail - Cloudtail's mentor was Firestar. He had one kit (Whitewing) with his mate Brightheart. Cloudtail's mother was Princess. (Firestar's sister)
Yellowfang - Yellowfang's mother was Brightflower and her father was Brackenfoot. Yellowfang broke the medicine cat code and had one kit with Raggedstar, Brokenstar. Yellowfang was a warrior apprentice first and her mentor was Deerleap. Then when Yellowfang switched to being a medicine cat apprentice (because she could feel other cat's pain) her mentor was Sagewhisker. Yellowfang mentored Runningnose in Shadowclan and when she was exiled from Shadowclan she went to Thunderclan and mentored Cinderpelt. Yellowfang was killed by a forest fire trying to save Halftail. Yellowfang's siblings were Nutwhisker and Rowanberry.
Cinderpelt - Cinderpelt trained to be a warrior first and her mentor was Firestar. Then she broke her hind leg and switched to being a medicine cat where her mentor was Yellowfang. Cinderpelt mentored Leafpool. Cinderpelt was killed saving Sorreltail from a badger when Sorreltail was having her kits. Cinderpelt's mother was Frostfur.
Leafpool - Leafpool's mother was Sandstorm and her father was Firestar. Like Yellowfang, Leafpool broke the medicine cat code and had 3 kits with Crowfeather, (A Windclan warrior) Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather. Leafpool's mentor was Cinderpelt and Leafpool mentors Jayfeather. She decides to become a warrior when Hollyleaf reveals what she did at a gathering. Leafpool's sister is Squirrelflight.
Squirrelflight - Squirrelflight's sister is Leafpool. Her mate is Brambleclaw. Squirrelflight's mentor was Dustpelt. Squirrelflight mentored Foxleap. Squirrelflight's mother was Sandstorm and her father was Firestar.
Brambleclaw - Brambleclaw becomes Bramblestar. His deputy is Squirrelflight. Brambleclaw's mentor was Firestar and Brambleclaw mentored Berrynose. Brambleclaw's father was Tigerstar and his mother was Goldenflower. Brambleclaw's sister is Tawnypelt, and his half brothers and sister are Mothwing and Hawkfrost and Tadpole. (in Riverclan)
Ashfur - Ashfur's mother was Brindleface. His sister was Ferncloud. Ashfur mentored Birchfall and Lionblaze. Ashfur was killed by Hollyleaf after he found out that Squirrelflight wasn't Hollyleaf's, Lionblaze's and Jayfeather's mother.
Lionblaze - Lionblaze's siblings were Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather. Lionblaze's mentor was Ashfur. Lionblaze mentors Dovewing. Lionblaze was apart of the 3. He could never be defeated in battle. Lionblaze's mother was Leafpool and his father was Crowfeather.
Hollyleaf - Hollyleaf was Lionblaze's and Jayfeather's sister. Her mentor first was Leafpool then she switched to warrior training and her mentor was Brackenfur. Leafpool was Hollyleaf's mother and her father was Crowfeather. Hollyleaf wasn't apart of the prophecy. Hollyleaf was killed by Hawkfrost.
Jayfeather - Jayfeather was the Thunderclan medicine cat after Leafpool (therefore his mentor was Leafpool) Leafpool's was Jayfeather's mentor (and like his siblings Hollyleaf and Lionblaze) his father was Crowfeather. Jayfeather was also apart of the prophecy he could walk through over cats' memories and dreams and he could feel their pain.
Cinderheart - Cinderheart's mother was Sorreltail and her father was Brackenfur. Cinderheart's siblings were Poppyfrost, Molekit, Honeyfern, and her younger siblings were Lilyheart and Seedpaw. Cinderheart mentored Ivypaw and technically Leafpool because Cinderheart is basically the living memory of Cinderpelt.
Dovewing - Dovewing was also apart of the prophecy she could hear things that a far away. She could all some what see the images of the things she are hearing. Dovewing's sister is Ivypool. Whitewing and Birchfall are Dovewing's parents. Dovewing's mentor was Lionblaze.
Ivypool - Ivypool is Dovewing's sister. Her mother and father are Whitewing and Birchfall. Ivypool's mentor was Cinderheart.
Briarlight - Briarlight has 2 siblings Blossomfall and Bumblestripe. Briarlight's parents are Millie and Graystripe.
Raggedstar - Raggedstar's warrior name was Raggedpelt. His kit was Brokenstar. His mother was Featherstorm he never knew his father. Raggedstar had one brother Schorchwind. Raggedstar was deputy to Cedarstar. Raggedstar had 3 deputies, Foxheart, Cloudpelt and Brokentail. Raggedstar was killed by his own son. (Brokenstar)
Runningnose - Runningnose was Yellowfang's apprentice. His apprentice was Littlecloud. Runningnose's mother was Lizardstripe and his father was Mudclaw.
Littecloud - Littlecloud was Runningnose's apprentice. He had an apprentice named Flametail.
Brokenstar - Brokenstar was Yellowfang's and Raggedstar's kit. His mentor was Nightpelt. Brokenstar's warrior name was Brokentail. Brokenstar had no siblings. Brokenstar was killed by Yellowfang in the Thunderclan camp. (Yellowfang fed him Deathberries) Brokenstar's spirit was killed by Yellowfang during the great battle. (Yellowfang obliterated her only son to keep the forest safe) Brokenstar's deputy was Blackfoot.
Nightstar - Nightstar's warrior name was Nightstar. He wasn't Brokenstar's deputy but when Brokenstar was driven out Nightstar took his place. Nightstar's deputy was Cinerfur.
Tigerstar - Tigerstar was born in Thunderclan. His mother was Leopardfur his father was Pinestar. Tigerstar was deputy in Thunderclan until he was exiled because he tried to kill Bluestar. When Nightstar died Tigerstar went to Shadowclan and took the leadership position. Tigerstar's deputy was Blackfoot. Tigerstar was killed by Scourge then his spirit was killed by Firestar in the great battle. Tigerstar's warrior name was Tigerclaw. Tigerstar's mentor was Thistleclaw.
Blackstar - Blackstar was leader after Tigerstar. Blackstar's deputy was Russetfur then Rowanclaw. Blackstar had been Brokenstar's deputy as well. Blackstar's warrior name was Blackfoot. Blackstar died in the flood in Bramblestar's Storm.
Russetfur - Russetfur was Blackstar's deputy. She used to be a loner and her name had been Red. Hal was Russetfur's father. (Hal also ended up being Raggedstar's father) Russetfur was killed by Lionblaze after taking one of Firstar's nine lives.
Boulder - Boulder came to Shadowclan with Red.
Tawnypelt - Tawnypelt's mentor (in Thunderclan) was Brackenfur. Tawnypelt's brother was Bramblestar. Her half brothers and half sister were Mothwing, Tadpole and Hawkfrost. Tawnypelt's parents were Goldenflower and Tigerstar. Her kits are Flametail, Tigerheart, and Dawnpelt. Her mate is Rowanclaw.
Flametail - Flametail's parents were Rowanclaw and Tawnypelt. His siblings were Tigerheart and Dawnpelt. Flametail's mentor was Littlecloud. Flametail drowns underneath the ice in the lake.
Tallstar - Tallstar's warrior name was Talltail. His parents were Palebird and Sandgorse, Finchkit was his sister. Tallstar's mentor was Dawnstripe. Tallstar mentored Deadfoot. Tallstar had 3 deputies Deadfoot, Mudclaw and Onewhisker. Tallstar was deputy to Heatherstar. Tallstar died of an old age when the clans reached their new home. Tallstar makes Onewhisker his deputy right before he died.
Onestar - Onestar was deputy after Tallstar. He chose Ashflower as his deputy.
Mudclaw - Mudclaw was Tallstar's deputy. He was killed by a falling tree.
Crowfeather - Crowfeather liked Feathertail, (Riverclan) Leafpool, (Thunderclan) and Nightcloud. (Windclan) Crowfeather has 4 kits, Breezepelt with Nightcloud and Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather with Leafpool.
Nightcloud - Nightcloud is Crowfeather's mate and mother of Breezepelt.
Breezepelt - Breezepelt's parents are Nightcloud and Crowfeather. His mentor is Whitetail.
Heathertail - Heathertail's mentor is Crowfeather.
Crookedstar - Crookedstar's parents are Rainflower and Shellheart. Crookedstar's warrior name was Crookedjaw and his mentor was Cedarpelt. His brother was Oakheart. Crookedstar mentored Sedgecreek. He was deputy to Hailstar. His deputy was Timberfur then Leopardfur. Crookedstar has Silverstream, Willowkit and Minnowkit with Willowbreeze. (The books don't say but you can guess that Crookedstar was injured by Tigerstar then he died days later)
Mapleshade - Mapleshade went to the dark forest because she betrayed her clan then tried to escape. She mentors Crookedjaw in Crookedstar's promise.
Silverstream - Silverstream's parents are Crookedstar and Willowbreeze. Her siblings are Willowkit and Minnowkit. She falls in love with Graystripe (a Thunderclan cat) and dies having his kits. (Stormfur and Feathertail)
Leopardstar - Leopardstar's parents were Mudfurnand Brightsky. Leopardstar was Crookedstar's deputy. Her warrior name was Leopardfur. Her deputies were Mistyfoot, Hawkfrost (temporarily) and Mistyfoot. (again) She dies of a sickness.
Oakheart - Oakheart is Crookedstar's brother. He is Mosskit's, Stonefur's, and Mistyfoot's father. He is Bluestar's mate. Oakheart is killed by a rock fall. (although Tigerclaw claims to have killed him in Into the Wild) He gives his kits to Graypool to raise when Bluestar gives them to him to raise when she had to become leader instead of Thistleclaw. Oakheart's father and mentor was Shellheart. His mother was Rainflower. He mentors Stonefur.
Mistystar - Mistystar's warrior name was Mistyfoot. She was deputy to Leopardstar. She mentored Feathertail. Her parents were Oakheart and Bluestar. Her siblings were Mosskit and Stonefur.
Stonefur - Stonefur was Mosskit's and Mistystar's brother. His parents were Oakheart and Bluestar. He mentored Stormfur. His mentor was Oakheart. He died fighting Darkstripe and Blackfoot.
Feathertail - Feathertail died saving Crowpaw from Sharptooth. Her brother was Stormfur. She was born to Silverstream and Graystripe. Her mentor was Mistystar.
Hawkfrost - Hawkfrost was brother to Mothwing and Tadpole. His parents were Tigerstar and Sasha. Hawkfrost's half brother and sister were Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw. He was killed by Brambleclaw after he tried to kill Firestar for him, then his spirit was killed by Brambleclaw when he tried to kill Iypool.
Mothwing - Mothwing doesn't believe in Starclan. Her brothers were Tadpole and Hawkfrost. Her parents were Tigerstar and Sasha. Her half siblings are Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt. Her mentor was Mudfur. She mentored Willowshine.
Willowshine - Willowshine was Mothwing's apprentice. She is Mosspelt's kit.
Bluestar - Bluestar became the Thunderclan leader after Sunstar (Sunfall). Bluestar had 4 deputies (listed in the books) Redtail (killed by Tigerclaw), Lionheart (Killed by Shadowclan), Tigerclaw (exiled after trying to kill Bluestar), and Fireheart (Who became Thunderclan's next leader. Bluestar mentored 2 cats Frostfur and Fireheart. Bluestar had 2 mentors Stonepelt and Sunfall. Bluestar's mother was Moonflower and her father was Stormtail. Bluestar had 3 kits with a Riverclan warrior named Oakheart. She named her kits, Mistykit, Mosskit and Stonekit. Bluestar had one sister her name was Snowfur. Bluestar was killed saving Fireheart from a pack of dogs (She fell over the edge of the gorge - a swollen churning river)
Pinestar - Pinestar's deputy was Sunfall we then retired to a house folk cast leaving his only kit Tigerkit with his mate Leopardfur.
Goosefeather - Goosefeather's apprentice was Featherwhisker. Goosefeather was Moonflower's brother.
Featherwhisker - Featherwhisker is Goosefeather's apprentice. Featherwhisker takes Spottedpaw on as an apprentice.
Firestar - Firestar was Thunderclan's leader after Bluestar (Bluefur) Firestar's warrior name was Fireheart. Firestar had 2 kits with Sandstorm, Leafpool and Squirrelflight. Firestar's father was a pet cat named Jake. Firestar's had a shared mentor with Lionheart and Tigerclaw before Bluestar took him on as her own apprentice. Firestar had 3 deputies, Whitestorm (killed in the battle against Bloodclan), Graystripe (Captured by humans - returns to the clan later), Brambleclaw who takes Graystripe's place when he was captured (Brambleclaw then becomes the next Thunderclan leader). Firestar was killed by a lighting struck tree after the great battle against the dark forest. Firestar mentored Cinderpelt (Before she became a medicine cat), Cloudtail and Brambleclaw. Firestar is apart of the prophecy (Fire will save the clan and the end of the stars draws near 3 must become 4 to challenge the darkness the will last forever)
Spottedleaf - Spottedleaf was a the medicine cat after Featherwhisker. Spottedleaf never had an apprentice and was killed by Clawface, then her spirit was killed by Mapleshade.
Graystripe - Graystripe had 5 kits. He had 2 kits with Silverstream, Feathertail and Stormfur. (Silverstream was a river clan queen) Then later he had kits with Millie (a house folk cat), Bumblestripe, Blossomfall and Briarlight. Graystripe's mentor was Lionheart. Graystripe mentored Brackenfur.
Millie - Millie lived with humans then she left with Graystripe to find his clan. He trained her as a warrior and she had 3 kits with Graystripe, Blossomfall, Bumblestripe and Briarlight.
Sandstorm - Sandstorm had 2 kits with Firestar, Leafpool and Squirrelflight. Sandstorm was mentor to Sorreltail and Honeyfern. Sandstorm's mentor was Whitestorm.
Brightheart - Brightheart's mentor was Whitestorm. She had a kit with Cloudtail, Whitewing. Brightheart's apprentice was Jayfeather (Before he became a medicine cat)
Cloudtail - Cloudtail's mentor was Firestar. He had one kit (Whitewing) with his mate Brightheart. Cloudtail's mother was Princess. (Firestar's sister)
Yellowfang - Yellowfang's mother was Brightflower and her father was Brackenfoot. Yellowfang broke the medicine cat code and had one kit with Raggedstar, Brokenstar. Yellowfang was a warrior apprentice first and her mentor was Deerleap. Then when Yellowfang switched to being a medicine cat apprentice (because she could feel other cat's pain) her mentor was Sagewhisker. Yellowfang mentored Runningnose in Shadowclan and when she was exiled from Shadowclan she went to Thunderclan and mentored Cinderpelt. Yellowfang was killed by a forest fire trying to save Halftail. Yellowfang's siblings were Nutwhisker and Rowanberry.
Cinderpelt - Cinderpelt trained to be a warrior first and her mentor was Firestar. Then she broke her hind leg and switched to being a medicine cat where her mentor was Yellowfang. Cinderpelt mentored Leafpool. Cinderpelt was killed saving Sorreltail from a badger when Sorreltail was having her kits. Cinderpelt's mother was Frostfur.
Leafpool - Leafpool's mother was Sandstorm and her father was Firestar. Like Yellowfang, Leafpool broke the medicine cat code and had 3 kits with Crowfeather, (A Windclan warrior) Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather. Leafpool's mentor was Cinderpelt and Leafpool mentors Jayfeather. She decides to become a warrior when Hollyleaf reveals what she did at a gathering. Leafpool's sister is Squirrelflight.
Squirrelflight - Squirrelflight's sister is Leafpool. Her mate is Brambleclaw. Squirrelflight's mentor was Dustpelt. Squirrelflight mentored Foxleap. Squirrelflight's mother was Sandstorm and her father was Firestar.
Brambleclaw - Brambleclaw becomes Bramblestar. His deputy is Squirrelflight. Brambleclaw's mentor was Firestar and Brambleclaw mentored Berrynose. Brambleclaw's father was Tigerstar and his mother was Goldenflower. Brambleclaw's sister is Tawnypelt, and his half brothers and sister are Mothwing and Hawkfrost and Tadpole. (in Riverclan)
Ashfur - Ashfur's mother was Brindleface. His sister was Ferncloud. Ashfur mentored Birchfall and Lionblaze. Ashfur was killed by Hollyleaf after he found out that Squirrelflight wasn't Hollyleaf's, Lionblaze's and Jayfeather's mother.
Lionblaze - Lionblaze's siblings were Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather. Lionblaze's mentor was Ashfur. Lionblaze mentors Dovewing. Lionblaze was apart of the 3. He could never be defeated in battle. Lionblaze's mother was Leafpool and his father was Crowfeather.
Hollyleaf - Hollyleaf was Lionblaze's and Jayfeather's sister. Her mentor first was Leafpool then she switched to warrior training and her mentor was Brackenfur. Leafpool was Hollyleaf's mother and her father was Crowfeather. Hollyleaf wasn't apart of the prophecy. Hollyleaf was killed by Hawkfrost.
Jayfeather - Jayfeather was the Thunderclan medicine cat after Leafpool (therefore his mentor was Leafpool) Leafpool's was Jayfeather's mentor (and like his siblings Hollyleaf and Lionblaze) his father was Crowfeather. Jayfeather was also apart of the prophecy he could walk through over cats' memories and dreams and he could feel their pain.
Cinderheart - Cinderheart's mother was Sorreltail and her father was Brackenfur. Cinderheart's siblings were Poppyfrost, Molekit, Honeyfern, and her younger siblings were Lilyheart and Seedpaw. Cinderheart mentored Ivypaw and technically Leafpool because Cinderheart is basically the living memory of Cinderpelt.
Dovewing - Dovewing was also apart of the prophecy she could hear things that a far away. She could all some what see the images of the things she are hearing. Dovewing's sister is Ivypool. Whitewing and Birchfall are Dovewing's parents. Dovewing's mentor was Lionblaze.
Ivypool - Ivypool is Dovewing's sister. Her mother and father are Whitewing and Birchfall. Ivypool's mentor was Cinderheart.
Briarlight - Briarlight has 2 siblings Blossomfall and Bumblestripe. Briarlight's parents are Millie and Graystripe.
Raggedstar - Raggedstar's warrior name was Raggedpelt. His kit was Brokenstar. His mother was Featherstorm he never knew his father. Raggedstar had one brother Schorchwind. Raggedstar was deputy to Cedarstar. Raggedstar had 3 deputies, Foxheart, Cloudpelt and Brokentail. Raggedstar was killed by his own son. (Brokenstar)
Runningnose - Runningnose was Yellowfang's apprentice. His apprentice was Littlecloud. Runningnose's mother was Lizardstripe and his father was Mudclaw.
Littecloud - Littlecloud was Runningnose's apprentice. He had an apprentice named Flametail.
Brokenstar - Brokenstar was Yellowfang's and Raggedstar's kit. His mentor was Nightpelt. Brokenstar's warrior name was Brokentail. Brokenstar had no siblings. Brokenstar was killed by Yellowfang in the Thunderclan camp. (Yellowfang fed him Deathberries) Brokenstar's spirit was killed by Yellowfang during the great battle. (Yellowfang obliterated her only son to keep the forest safe) Brokenstar's deputy was Blackfoot.
Nightstar - Nightstar's warrior name was Nightstar. He wasn't Brokenstar's deputy but when Brokenstar was driven out Nightstar took his place. Nightstar's deputy was Cinerfur.
Tigerstar - Tigerstar was born in Thunderclan. His mother was Leopardfur his father was Pinestar. Tigerstar was deputy in Thunderclan until he was exiled because he tried to kill Bluestar. When Nightstar died Tigerstar went to Shadowclan and took the leadership position. Tigerstar's deputy was Blackfoot. Tigerstar was killed by Scourge then his spirit was killed by Firestar in the great battle. Tigerstar's warrior name was Tigerclaw. Tigerstar's mentor was Thistleclaw.
Blackstar - Blackstar was leader after Tigerstar. Blackstar's deputy was Russetfur then Rowanclaw. Blackstar had been Brokenstar's deputy as well. Blackstar's warrior name was Blackfoot. Blackstar died in the flood in Bramblestar's Storm.
Russetfur - Russetfur was Blackstar's deputy. She used to be a loner and her name had been Red. Hal was Russetfur's father. (Hal also ended up being Raggedstar's father) Russetfur was killed by Lionblaze after taking one of Firstar's nine lives.
Boulder - Boulder came to Shadowclan with Red.
Tawnypelt - Tawnypelt's mentor (in Thunderclan) was Brackenfur. Tawnypelt's brother was Bramblestar. Her half brothers and half sister were Mothwing, Tadpole and Hawkfrost. Tawnypelt's parents were Goldenflower and Tigerstar. Her kits are Flametail, Tigerheart, and Dawnpelt. Her mate is Rowanclaw.
Flametail - Flametail's parents were Rowanclaw and Tawnypelt. His siblings were Tigerheart and Dawnpelt. Flametail's mentor was Littlecloud. Flametail drowns underneath the ice in the lake.
Tallstar - Tallstar's warrior name was Talltail. His parents were Palebird and Sandgorse, Finchkit was his sister. Tallstar's mentor was Dawnstripe. Tallstar mentored Deadfoot. Tallstar had 3 deputies Deadfoot, Mudclaw and Onewhisker. Tallstar was deputy to Heatherstar. Tallstar died of an old age when the clans reached their new home. Tallstar makes Onewhisker his deputy right before he died.
Onestar - Onestar was deputy after Tallstar. He chose Ashflower as his deputy.
Mudclaw - Mudclaw was Tallstar's deputy. He was killed by a falling tree.
Crowfeather - Crowfeather liked Feathertail, (Riverclan) Leafpool, (Thunderclan) and Nightcloud. (Windclan) Crowfeather has 4 kits, Breezepelt with Nightcloud and Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather with Leafpool.
Nightcloud - Nightcloud is Crowfeather's mate and mother of Breezepelt.
Breezepelt - Breezepelt's parents are Nightcloud and Crowfeather. His mentor is Whitetail.
Heathertail - Heathertail's mentor is Crowfeather.
Crookedstar - Crookedstar's parents are Rainflower and Shellheart. Crookedstar's warrior name was Crookedjaw and his mentor was Cedarpelt. His brother was Oakheart. Crookedstar mentored Sedgecreek. He was deputy to Hailstar. His deputy was Timberfur then Leopardfur. Crookedstar has Silverstream, Willowkit and Minnowkit with Willowbreeze. (The books don't say but you can guess that Crookedstar was injured by Tigerstar then he died days later)
Mapleshade - Mapleshade went to the dark forest because she betrayed her clan then tried to escape. She mentors Crookedjaw in Crookedstar's promise.
Silverstream - Silverstream's parents are Crookedstar and Willowbreeze. Her siblings are Willowkit and Minnowkit. She falls in love with Graystripe (a Thunderclan cat) and dies having his kits. (Stormfur and Feathertail)
Leopardstar - Leopardstar's parents were Mudfurnand Brightsky. Leopardstar was Crookedstar's deputy. Her warrior name was Leopardfur. Her deputies were Mistyfoot, Hawkfrost (temporarily) and Mistyfoot. (again) She dies of a sickness.
Oakheart - Oakheart is Crookedstar's brother. He is Mosskit's, Stonefur's, and Mistyfoot's father. He is Bluestar's mate. Oakheart is killed by a rock fall. (although Tigerclaw claims to have killed him in Into the Wild) He gives his kits to Graypool to raise when Bluestar gives them to him to raise when she had to become leader instead of Thistleclaw. Oakheart's father and mentor was Shellheart. His mother was Rainflower. He mentors Stonefur.
Mistystar - Mistystar's warrior name was Mistyfoot. She was deputy to Leopardstar. She mentored Feathertail. Her parents were Oakheart and Bluestar. Her siblings were Mosskit and Stonefur.
Stonefur - Stonefur was Mosskit's and Mistystar's brother. His parents were Oakheart and Bluestar. He mentored Stormfur. His mentor was Oakheart. He died fighting Darkstripe and Blackfoot.
Feathertail - Feathertail died saving Crowpaw from Sharptooth. Her brother was Stormfur. She was born to Silverstream and Graystripe. Her mentor was Mistystar.
Hawkfrost - Hawkfrost was brother to Mothwing and Tadpole. His parents were Tigerstar and Sasha. Hawkfrost's half brother and sister were Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw. He was killed by Brambleclaw after he tried to kill Firestar for him, then his spirit was killed by Brambleclaw when he tried to kill Iypool.
Mothwing - Mothwing doesn't believe in Starclan. Her brothers were Tadpole and Hawkfrost. Her parents were Tigerstar and Sasha. Her half siblings are Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt. Her mentor was Mudfur. She mentored Willowshine.
Willowshine - Willowshine was Mothwing's apprentice. She is Mosspelt's kit.
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