The cats shifted nervously. "We must go!" called Mintclaw. Tigerstar nodded and with a flick of his tail he gathered the cats of Fishclan around him. "Let us go!" he called. The cats trekked over the mountains until they reached a cave. They sheltered in the cave when a cat stalked into the cave. The clan cats shifted and whispered nervously. "Who is it?" asked Birchtail? "It is so dark in here that the cat could be Darkfinch and we won't even know," put in Berryfur. The cat walked to the center of the cave and looked around. Then the cat turned around and looked directly at Tigerstar. "Tigerstar," the cat meowed formally. Tigerstar looked up and said "How do you know who I am?" "I just do." "Did you learn from Darkfinch?" "Darkfinch?" "The black long-furred tom." Tigerstar snapped knowing that the cat knew exactly who Darkfinch was. The cat looked curious. "Why are you here?" interjected Tigerstar. "It was time." "Time for what?" asked Tigerstar uneasily. "Time to come." replied the cat. "Okay," said Tigerstar slowly. Thunder rumbled outside. Lighting struck a nearby tree and it burst into flames. The flames crept towards the sheltering cats. The clan cats could finally see this strange cat clearly. It was large, larger then any of the clan cats and it had long claws which it sank into the ground as it walked. This cat was clearly not a cat to mess with. The cat had deep blue eyes that surveyed the clan cats slowly. "How does this cat make simple words sound so powerful?" asked Seedpaw.
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