Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Cat Fact #21, #22, and #23

April 29th, 2015

Cats don't tend to spend time together in big groups like lion pride would, but A group of cats is called a clowder.  Lion's are some of the only cats to spend time in big groups. Not a lot of other cats group together like that. A male cat is called a tom, and in human homes a male cat or a female cat could have more control. In a lion pride the male is the leader of the pride, while the female cats follow. The female cat is called a molly or a queen. A female cat can be the leader or the follower or both cats could be equal in a human home. A lioness follows the male lion in the wild and if they are in danger they will call for him, but in a human home, neither cat could be considered the leader. 

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