Monday, February 2, 2015

Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 7

"The spirit cat fled back to it's home in  the dark forest." finished Darkenberry. Cinderstar considered then said, "I would like you Darkenberry to follow Darkpaw in his dreams. You can get the help from the medicine cat. Darkpaw must have met this cat in his dreams as he is with you every other time." Darkenberrry nodded. Mistlight and Hollypaw spoke up, "Hollypaw would like to join in. She thinks he brother will trust her more then his mentor at the current time. I agree with her and would like to accompany into the home of this cat." Cinderstar nodded. Then the 3 cats turned and found Darkpaw curled up in his nest in the apprentice den. The 3 cats curled up near the apprentice and they were thrown into the dark forest. They saw Darkpaw with a smoke cat. The cat blended in extremely well with the habitat. The cats signaled with their tails and crouched in the bushes to watch Darkpaw. They were just close enough to hear the conversation between the smoke cat and Darkpaw. Darkpaw nodded, when the smoke cat raced at Darkpaw. Darkpaw ducked then jumped up where the spirit cat had been standing leaving the spirit cat behind. The spirit cat nodded. "Begin your normal exercises." "Normal?" Darkenberry mouthed to Mistlight. Mistlight shook her head. Darkpaw flung himself into the river. The young cat began to swim up and down. Then the cat signaled with her tail. He stopped and turned to the cat. Darkpaw nodded again. The cat was apparently trying to get to the rock behind Darkpaw. The cat gave Darkpaw a shove and he disappeared underneath the water. The smoke cat gave a yowl and flung herself onto the struggled Darkpaw. Hollypaw gasped and sprinted towards the spirit cat yowling, "Get off of my brother!" 

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