Darkfinch's Story - Chapter 1
"Darkkit you will be known from this day forth as Darkpaw. Darkenberry you will be his mentor, teach him all you know." announced the leader Cinderstar. Darkpaw padded after Darkenberry out into the forest. Darkenberry was known for his courageous and brave fighting skills, while his sister Hollypaw was given the extremely good hunter Mistlight as a mentor. Darkenberry didn't speak much just showed him the boundaries, from a holly bush to an old stump, a dead tree to a stream, a lining of birch trees, and the old, abounded human home to a rotting brick wall. Soon they ran into the Hollypaw. "Isn't our territory great?" she exclaimed. "Darkpaw was about to reply when Darkenberry beckoned with his tail to leave. Darkpaw quickly nodded and raced after his mentor. "Don't speak to the other cats?" spat Darkenberry. "Why not, they are my clan mates?" questioned Darkpaw. "You never know when they might turn on you. You might make one wrong step and they all would turn their backs on you." said Darkenberry. Darkpaw nodded, he was on his way to being a warrior at last. Darkpaw woke early the next morning, and raced out of the den for training. Darkenberry was waiting by the edge of the clearing. "We are going to be practicing hunting with Hollypaw and Mistlight today." Darkpaw nodded and followed the two warriors out of the clearing. Hollypaw turned and said something to Darkpaw but remembering Darkenberry's message he turned away from Hollypaw. Hollypaw let out a snort and turned away from Darkpaw. They reached a small grassy clearing scattered with leaves from the trees. "Watch Mistlight carefully now, she is one of the best hunters in the clan. She how she steps lightly, so the prey wouldn't be able to hear her footsteps. Also if you step lightly it is harder for your prey to feel the ground vibrations. Lift your tail so it doesn't drag on the ground. Keep your body close to the ground, and try to blend in. Stalk forward until you think you would be able to catch it. Lean your weight onto your hind legs, aim your pounce, steady your balance, and jump. If you land squarely on it kill it quickly before it gets away, and if you miss try to run after it." said Darkenberry. Darkpaw watched Mistlight catch a mouse and give thanks to the mouse, for letting her have it's life to feed her clan. Then he watched Hollypaw enviously as she catch 3 small voles.
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