Pinestar - Redish brown tom, green eyes becomes a kitty pet, Leopardfoot's mate, Tigerstar's father.
Sunstar - Warrior name was Sunfall, green eyes, ginger fur Pinestar's deputy.
Bluestar - Mother Moonflower, Father Stormtail, Sister Snowfur, Kits Mistyfoot (later Mistystar), Stonefur, Mosskit,Mate Oakheart (from Riverclan), Kin Whitestorm, Sunstar's Deputy, Deputies Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerstar, Fireheart, Warrior name Bluefur, Mentor(s) Stonepelt and Sunstar, gives Mistystar, Stonefur and Mosskit to Oakheart in Riveclan to raise.
Firestar - Warrior name Fireheart, Deputy to Bluestar, Sandstorm's mate, Litter mates Princess (and others), kits Leafpool and Squirrelflight, Kin Cloudtail (Princess's son), Lionblaze, Jayfeather,Hollyleaf, Whitewing, Dowewing and Ivypool , Deputies Whitestorm, Graystripe and Brambleclaw Father Jake, Mentor(s) Lionheart, Tigerclaw (later Tigerstar) and Bluestar.
Bramblestar - Warrior name Brambleclaw, Mate Squirrelflight, Firestar's Deputy, Deputy Squirrelflight, Kin Firestar(and all of Firestar's Kin)
Riverclan (after Hailstar)
Hailstar - Echomist's mate, Deputies Shellheart and Crookedjaw (Before Stormkit - Later Crookedstar), Kits Beetlenose, Voletooth and Petalfur.
Crookedstar - Hailstar's deputy, Warrior name Crookedjaw, First kit name Stormkit, Mother Rainflower, Father Shellheart, Mentor Cedarpelt (and Mapleshade (dark forest warrior), Brother Oakheart, Mate Willowshine, Kits Minnowkit, Willowkit and Silverstream Deputies Rippleclaw and Leopardfur.
Leopardstar - Warrior name Leopardfur, Deputy Mistyfoot (later Mistystar), golden dappled pelt.
Mistystar - Warrior name Mistyfoot, Deputy to Leopardstar, Deputy Reedfeather, Brother Stonefur, Mother Bluestar (Thunderclan), Father Oakheart, Litter mates Stonefur, Mosskit, Foster Mother Graypool.
Shadowclan (after Cedarstar)
Cedarstar - Deputy Stonetooth and Raggedpelt (later Raggedstar)
Raggedstar - Mate Yellowfang, Kit Brokentail (late Brokenstar) Deputy to Cedarstar, Deputies Foxheart, Cloud Brokentail (later Brokenstar) Warrior name Raggedpelt, Mentor Brackenfoot.
Brokenstar - Mother Yellowfang, Father Raggedpelt, Warrior name Brokentail. Deputy to Raggedstar, Mentor Nightpelt, Deputy Blackfoot (later Blackstar) Mercyless.
Tigerstar - Deputy to Shadowclan (though to be chosen to be Shadowclan's leader by Starclan after Brokenstar was driven out), Mother Leopardfoot (thunderclan), Father Pinestar (thunderclan), From Thunderclan, Mate Goldenflower (thunderclan), Kits Brambleclaw (thunderclap) and Tawnypelt (born in thunderclap left and joined her father in Shadowclan), Other Mate Sasha (Rouge) Kits with Sasha Hawkfrost (riverclan) and Mothwing (riverclan). Mentor Thistleclaw, Deputy Blackfoot (later Blackstar)
Blackstar - Brokenstar's and Tigerstar's Deputy. Deputy Russetfur and Rowanclaw (later Rowanstar).
Rowanstar - Leader after Blackstar. Mate Tawnypelt, Kits Dawnpelt, Flametail, and Tigerheart, Kin Tawnypelt and her Kin.
Windclan (after Heatherstar)
Heatherstar - Deputy Reedfeather and Talltail (later Tallstar), She-cat.
Tallstar - Mother Palebird, Father Sandgorse, Litter Mate Finchkit, long tail, Warrior Name Talltail, Black and White patches, Deputy to Heatherstar, Deputies Mudclaw and Onewhisker (later Onestar).
Onestar - Deputy to Tallstar, Warrior Name Onewhisker, Deputy Ashfoot, Ginger Tom,
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