Sunday, November 30, 2014
Book 2 - Chapter 2
The deputies started putting things into order straight away. "Kits, apprentices and elders to the middle," called Berryfur. "Medicine cats join them," said Ashflower.Queens in front of the center and warriors in front of them," put in Hollowstripe. "Deputies and senior warriors in front of them, Tigerstar help where you can" said Dustfur. Tigerstar put in one last thing. "If you get extremely injured move towards the center of the group where a medicine cat may be able to treat you." All the cast nodded and quickly got into position just when the foxes (there were 4 of them) charged in. The deputies and senior warriors were quick to see the first fox fleeing. They weren't so lucky with the second fox or Dustfur wasn't so lucky. Dustfur stumbled and the fox was on him in an instant. Lifting him up and tossing him into the bushes. The fox went after Dustfur while the warriors and queens were working together against another one. The elders and kits huddled in the center together staring at the foxes. Suddenly Breezepaw let out a yowl and flung himself at the 4th fox. The other apprentices followed him after a minute of hesitation. Tigerstar launched himself down the edge of the hill with a yowl. The foxes turned and limped away as a fierce hiss from Tigerstar warned him off. "Was anybody seriously injured?" asked Tigerstar. "I know Dustfur was injured," said Ashflower. "Where is Dustfur?" asked Snowhare. "I saw him fighting the foxes near," piped up Rowanpaw. The medicine cat apprentices offered as they treated the injured cats. "Dapplepaw go see if you can find him. Take another warrior." "But I am an apprentice," protested Dapplepaw. "So what?" asked Tigerstar. Dapplepaw sighs and chooses Tawnybird to go with her. The 2 cats walk out of the camp. The cats in the camp anxiously waiting for a reply or response from either she-cat. Tawnybird suddenly let out a yowl of alarm and Dapplepaw let out a screech.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Book 2 - Chapter 1
The cats begin to move out of their normal territory. They started through a swamp. "Help," squeaked Mousekit. "I'm sinking," Ashcloud who was closest plucked Mousekit out of the mud and swampy goo. Hollowberry who was the nearest medicine cat raced over. He prodded Mousekit with his nose. "Tigerstar I have an idea. I must speak with you and Redstar." The 3 cats turned and stalked to the top of a cliff where they talked to each other and looked over their clan. Suddenly Blossompaw yowled, "Redstar look out." Redstar turned just as the ground gave way beneath his paws. Sparrowfur and Troutsplash raced over. Quickly followed by all the medicine cats. "Stop!" called a cat. It was Mumblefur the elder. "We need to heal him," protested Littlepaw and Rushpaw. "There is nothing you can do," Whiteberry said limping forward. "We spoke to Redstar," put in Blacktail. "He said that he knew the land of peace was coming to claim him and he could do nothing to stop it. He knew he was going to die before he got to his clan's new home." "And you didn't tell us," said Seedpaw sadly. "Redstar didn't want us to," said Tallclaw slowly. "You just did though said Silverfrost. "I think he would want his clan to know that he cannot be healed and will not be returning," spat Rainmist. Darkflower puffed out her fur and Silverfrost dug her unsheathed claws into the ground. Blacktail and Whiteberry came to stand shoulder to shoulder Rainmist hissing. Sagewind nosed her way through the cats until she had joined the other 2 queens. Tigerstar watched with sad eyes as his clan argued. Finally he had seen (and heard) enough. "Stop this right now," yowled Tigerstar. He leapt down from the edge. There will be no arguing among us at all until we reach our home. Have I made myself clear?" asked Tigerstar. The cats nodded silently. Tigerstar nodded in approval. "We must go now but first Hollowstripe and I have come up with a plan to keep all cats safe. Kits younger then 3 moons will be carried kits older then 3 moons will ride on another cat's back. All apprentices WILL stay with their mentors until told otherwise. Elders will travel with the medicine cats. Queens and warriors will help IN ANY way possible. Now let us go to our new home." Tigerstar had just finished when a group of foxes plunged towards the swamp.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Why I remember - Warrior Cats Oath
Brightheart lost an eye and an ear when she went to find dogs with Swiftpaw.
Windclan is the fastest cats of all the clans.
Goosefeather is a little crazy.
Scourge is the smallest cat in his litter he is called Tiny. He then kills Tigerstar. (one of the bravest and fiercest cats in battle)
Mothwing doesn't believe in Starclan (the clan cats ancestors) and she is a medicine cat. (the cats who have the closest connection with Starclan)
Heathertail wants to be just friends with Lionblaze a cat from another clan even though she knows it goes against the warrior code.
Starclan are the spirits of the clan cats who have died.
Tawnypelt felt judged in Thunderclan (that was why she left and joined Shadowclan) because of what her father (Tigerstar) did.
Darkstripe holds a grudge against Firestar because he ruins Tigerstar's plans.(Darkstripe was Tigerstar's main supporter and if Tigerstar had succeeded Darkstripe probably would have been deputy)
Cinderheart climbs a tree and to save Mousepaw and falls out breaking her hind leg. (Cinderheart is the returning spirit of Cinderpelt)
Leafpool is a medicine cat and runs away with Crowfeather because Spottedleaf tells her to follow her heart. Her heart leads her back to Thunderclan.
Hollyleaf falls apart when she learns she is half clan. She kills Ashfur and then runs away to escape through the tunnels under Thunderclan and Windclan.
Brambleclaw has to prove himself a loyal Thunderclan warrior time after time because of what his father Tigerstar did.
Lionblaze is a part of the prophecy saying 3 cats kin of Firestar's kin will have the power of the stars in their paws. He cannot be harmed or defeated in any battle. He is always ready to fight for his clan.
Tigerstar chooses the wrong path and tries to murder Bluestar. He is caught and exiled because of it.
Dovewing is also in the prophecy and her power is to be able to hear things far away that others cannot hear.
Bluestar has to choose between her kits and her clan. She could keep her kits and let Thistleclaw become leader and destroy Thunderclan or she could become leader and give her kits to Oakheart in Riverclan.
Crowfeather looses Feathertail (she dies) then he looses Leafpool who returns to Thunderclan and her role as medicine cat.
Feathertail is brave and launches herself of a ledge to save Crowpaw from sharptooth and she kills herself in the process of saving the one cat she loved.
The tribe of rushing water lives in a cave in the mountains.
Squirrelflight breaks Ashfur's heart when she chooses Brambleclaw instead.
Ivypool wants to be the best and goes to the dark forest because of it.
Firestar loyalty is put to the test because his clan mates sometimes don't trust him because he is a pet cat and takes in more outsiders then anyone.
Crookedstar's mother abandons him when he breaks his jaw.
Ravenpaw flees from Tigerstar. Since he knew that Tigerstar had killed Redtail.
Jayfeather is the Thunderclan medicine at and is a part of Firestar's prophecy. He can walk in other cats memories and can feel their feeling like they were his own feelings.
Cherrytail and Sparrowpelt used to be pet cats and went to live with other cats when Firestar was sent to remake Skyclan.
Cinderpelt hurts her leg on the Thunderpath (looking for Tigerstar, Tigerclaw at the time) and she has to become a medicine cat instead of a warrior.
Longtail becomes blind and retires to the Elderes den.
Windclan is the fastest cats of all the clans.
Goosefeather is a little crazy.
Scourge is the smallest cat in his litter he is called Tiny. He then kills Tigerstar. (one of the bravest and fiercest cats in battle)
Mothwing doesn't believe in Starclan (the clan cats ancestors) and she is a medicine cat. (the cats who have the closest connection with Starclan)
Heathertail wants to be just friends with Lionblaze a cat from another clan even though she knows it goes against the warrior code.
Starclan are the spirits of the clan cats who have died.
Tawnypelt felt judged in Thunderclan (that was why she left and joined Shadowclan) because of what her father (Tigerstar) did.
Darkstripe holds a grudge against Firestar because he ruins Tigerstar's plans.(Darkstripe was Tigerstar's main supporter and if Tigerstar had succeeded Darkstripe probably would have been deputy)
Cinderheart climbs a tree and to save Mousepaw and falls out breaking her hind leg. (Cinderheart is the returning spirit of Cinderpelt)
Leafpool is a medicine cat and runs away with Crowfeather because Spottedleaf tells her to follow her heart. Her heart leads her back to Thunderclan.
Hollyleaf falls apart when she learns she is half clan. She kills Ashfur and then runs away to escape through the tunnels under Thunderclan and Windclan.
Brambleclaw has to prove himself a loyal Thunderclan warrior time after time because of what his father Tigerstar did.
Lionblaze is a part of the prophecy saying 3 cats kin of Firestar's kin will have the power of the stars in their paws. He cannot be harmed or defeated in any battle. He is always ready to fight for his clan.
Tigerstar chooses the wrong path and tries to murder Bluestar. He is caught and exiled because of it.
Dovewing is also in the prophecy and her power is to be able to hear things far away that others cannot hear.
Bluestar has to choose between her kits and her clan. She could keep her kits and let Thistleclaw become leader and destroy Thunderclan or she could become leader and give her kits to Oakheart in Riverclan.
Crowfeather looses Feathertail (she dies) then he looses Leafpool who returns to Thunderclan and her role as medicine cat.
Feathertail is brave and launches herself of a ledge to save Crowpaw from sharptooth and she kills herself in the process of saving the one cat she loved.
The tribe of rushing water lives in a cave in the mountains.
Squirrelflight breaks Ashfur's heart when she chooses Brambleclaw instead.
Ivypool wants to be the best and goes to the dark forest because of it.
Firestar loyalty is put to the test because his clan mates sometimes don't trust him because he is a pet cat and takes in more outsiders then anyone.
Crookedstar's mother abandons him when he breaks his jaw.
Ravenpaw flees from Tigerstar. Since he knew that Tigerstar had killed Redtail.
Jayfeather is the Thunderclan medicine at and is a part of Firestar's prophecy. He can walk in other cats memories and can feel their feeling like they were his own feelings.
Cherrytail and Sparrowpelt used to be pet cats and went to live with other cats when Firestar was sent to remake Skyclan.
Cinderpelt hurts her leg on the Thunderpath (looking for Tigerstar, Tigerclaw at the time) and she has to become a medicine cat instead of a warrior.
Longtail becomes blind and retires to the Elderes den.
Book 1 - Chapter 9
"Calm down," yowled Tigerstar. "We must figure out what is going on," put in Redstar. Suddenly there was a screech. Tigerstar yowled into the darkness, "Berryfur check the nursery. Ashflower go check the elder's den. Troutsplash find the apprentices. Ottertail check that all the warriors are here." At last all the cats and had counted and everybody was there. Then the light started coming back to the cats. "Ok now Dawnstar what do you think happened? Dawnstar?" Dawnstar was gone. "Quiet," called Redstar. Apprentices and kits are to stay in the camp until the whole area is thoroughly searched for whatever took Dawnstar. Senior Warrior and Deputies please go and look for Dawnstar. Medicine Cats if Dawnstar returns please look at her." The cats nodded and raced out of the camp. The patrol returned. Ashflower and Troutsplash were carrying something. Ashflower set down the creature and said, "Dawnstar is dead, Darkfinch killed her." The cats below gasped. "We must move," declared Mintclaw. The cats murmed agreement. Tigerstar nodded. "Continue getting ready to go," said Redstar.
This Blog
If you haven't read Warriors by Erin Hunter then this blog probably won't make any sense to you. I blog mostly about warriors. (because it is my favorite series) If you haven't I would suggest doing so. I would suggest reading Series One (Into the Wild), Series Two (The New Prophecy), Series Three (The Power of Three), Series 4 (Omen of the Stars) then read the super editions. You don't have to do this but I would suggest it otherwise this blog will make absolutely no sense to you.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Book 1 - Chapter 8
"Remember the battle plan," yowled Darkfinch. The loners ran straight towards the leaders. They swept Dawnstar off her feet and charged Tigerstar. The deputies pushed back another cluster while the medicine cats raced back into their den. The queens herded the kits and apprentices quickly into the nursery while the elders escaped up to Tigerstar's den. Tigerstar's yowl kept the clan cats on their feet. "If they insist on fighting and killing we must fight the same or we will never win. We MUST kill this enemy to win." The clan cats raced towards Darkfinch but he dodged and raced towards the cats battling the leaders. "LEAVE CINDERSTAR HIS LIFE IS OVER," ordered Darkfinch. "GO AFTER DAWNSTAR NEXT HARM HER AND LEAVE HER FOR THE FOXES TO FIND," was Darkfinch's next command. The clan cats started pushing the loners across the camp towards the entrance. "GET OUT OF OUR CAMP," yowled Tigerstar. Shadowleaf bit Darkfinch's waved tail and he let out of a yowl. Mintclaw raced to help Shadowleaf. Overwhelmed Darkfinch raced out of the camp his loners racing after him. "Emberberry, Hollowberry, Morningflower and Milkfur treat the injured. Troutsplash and Cedarfur take a patrol each and scout the territory. Have 3 cats per patrol. Shadowleaf and Tawnybird take 2 cats each and go on a hunting patrol Mintclaw and Birchtail the camp barrier won't rebuild itself even if we are moving we need a sheltered home for tonight the apprentices can help you. Now Dawnstar are you ok?" "I have one good life left." "What about Cinderstar," asked Redstar. "Well Darkfinch said he was dead but is that true?" replied Tigerstar. "Whiteberry and Mumblefur see if Cinderstar is dead and if he is please round up the other elders and bury him outside the camp." Mumblefur and Whiteberry nodded. A moment later the went into the elders den and got the other elders. Redstar watched with narrowed eyes. Then he yowled, "Cinderstar is dead." "He was a noble leader," put in Dawnstar. "he died like a warrior fighting and defending his clan we will honor him," said Tigerstar. "Now Dawnstar and Redstar I will meet you in my den to discuss leaving when all light faded from the sky.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Book 1 - Chapter 7
"What is out there?" Cinderstar leapt down from the tree and raced out of the camp. He returned and announced there was nothing anymore. He then spoke up again. "Do you think we should move to a new territory?" "There are to many threats here," Dawnstar agreed. Redstar chimed in, "There are humans, Darkfinch the loner and his cats, there are always foxes and badgers and leaf-bare." Tigerstar was nodding at everything they said. Then he said, "The leaders will see their deputies and medicine cats in my den right now." The cats went into Tigerstar's den. "Tawnybird is expecting my kits," said Shadowleaf to the cats. There were murmurs of congratulations. Tigerstar came back out and leapt up in the birch tree. He called to the assembled clan, "the leaders and I have decided that for the good of Fishclan we are going to move to a different home." There were some gasps from the assembled clan. Tigerstar signaled for quiet. "We leave in 3 days at sunrise. Medicine cats please gather herbs." Cinderstar leapt down from the tree just as Darkfinch and his cats burst into the camp again. Darkfinch turned to Cinderstar and spat, "I thought you would give up and just fade away after all when I left you wounded in the Waterclan camp you only had 2 lives. Then Blackstorm went and took your 2nd to last life only moments ago." he turned to Redstar. "You are lucky we didn't kill you when we had the chance you are just a fading elder why don't you retire and leave the important decision making to the young cats who can actually make good choices." He looked at Dawnstar. "I didn't attack your camp the humans did that for me but I should have when you were weak anyway." "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" snarled Tigerstar. "To finish what I started," said Darkfinch calmly. Darkfinch jumped on Cinderstar and raked his back with churning hind paws. Cinderstar collapsed. As the other leaders jumped down from the Birch Tree. Waves upon waves of loners following Darkfinch flooded into the camp.
Book 1 - Chapter 6
Dawnstar nodded. "I like the idea. But which clan name would we keep and who would be the leader, the deputy, the senior warrior and the medicine cat." "I have an idea," said Redstar. "How about the current leaders, medicine cats, deputies and senior warriors work together form each clan. After all for leaders die the 4 deputies take the 4 leaders positions. Then they work together to choose 1 new senior warrior. The same way for the medicine cats. They still train their apprentice together and when the apprentices become the medicines cat they choose one new apprentice until there is only one cat being leader, deputy, senior warrior and medicine cat." Cinderstar nodded in agreement, then said. "What is the clan name going to be?" Tigerstar looked thoughtful then said how about we let the cats choose. The deputies, leaders, senior warriors, and medicine cats cannot vote though?" "OK," mewed the other 3 leaders together. "Cats of all clans! We need to choose a clan name for our one big clan. We are going to use one of the clan names already out there. You are going to vote on the name. There are some cats that cannot vote though. Leaders, Deputies, Senior Warriors, Medicine Cats and Medicine Cat apprentices cannot vote. Redstar, Dawnstar, Cinderstar and I are going to represent each clan name. If you want the name Fishclan stand near me. If you want Mossclan go to Redstar. If you want Riverclan go to Dawnstar. Go to Cinderstar if you want the name to be Waterclan and come to me if you want the clan name to be Fishclan. Deputies go to the leader you had before and count the cats then tell you leader the number of cats who voted for that clan name. Please move now." The cats moved away moving to the leader who held the clan name they wanted. The deputies moved away counting the cats. "Cinderstar 4 cats voted for the name water clan," called Dustfur. "7 cats voted for Riverclan Dawnstar," said Ashflower. "How many cats voted for Mossclan Hollowstripe?" Hollowstripe replied "9 cats Redstar." "13 cats voted for the name Fishclan Tigerstripe." "The name Fishclan wins," called Tigerstar. Mumblefur was stared out for the entrance tunnel with pricked ears and a curious gaze. "What is it Mumblefur?" asked Redstar. "There is something out there Redstar."
My Clan Warriors
(After the clans join together)
Leaders - Tigerstar, Redstar, Dawnstar and Cinderstar.
Deputies - Berryfur, Hollowstripe, Ashflower and Dustfur.
Senior Warriors - Cedarfur, Sparrowfur, Troutsplash and Ottertail.
Medicine Cats - Emberberry, Morningflower, Hollowberry and Milkfur.
Medicine Cat Apprentices - Rushpaw and Littlepaw.
Warriors - Cloudsplash, Mossfur, Flowerfur, Dragonwhisker, Whisperwind, Windshadow, Shadowleaf, Birchtail, Ashcloud, Hollyflower, Sandswish, Tawnybird, Brightpool, Mintclaw, and Reedriver.
Apprentices - Seedpaw, Ashpaw, Blossompaw, Nightpaw, Snowpaw, Breezepaw, Fernpaw, Rowanpaw and Dapplepaw.
Queens - Darkflower, Silverfrost, Mistyfur, Aspenwish, Spottedfur, Echomist, Sagewind and Snowhare.
Kits - Foxkit, Dustkit, Blackkit, Mintkkit, Pinkkit, Mousekit, and Skykit.
Elders - Whiteberry, Blacktail, Mumblefur, Rainmist and Tallclaw.
Mentors - Berryfur is mentor to Seedpaw. Cedarfur is mentor to Ashpaw, Shadowleaf is mentor to Nightpaw. Emberberry is mentor to Rushpaw. Windshadow is mentor to Blossompaw. Aspenwish is mentor to Fernpaw. Sandswish is mentor to Breezepaw. Sparrowfur is mentor to Rowanpaw. Reedriver is Dapplepaw's mentor.
Leaders - Tigerstar, Redstar, Dawnstar and Cinderstar.
Deputies - Berryfur, Hollowstripe, Ashflower and Dustfur.
Senior Warriors - Cedarfur, Sparrowfur, Troutsplash and Ottertail.
Medicine Cats - Emberberry, Morningflower, Hollowberry and Milkfur.
Medicine Cat Apprentices - Rushpaw and Littlepaw.
Warriors - Cloudsplash, Mossfur, Flowerfur, Dragonwhisker, Whisperwind, Windshadow, Shadowleaf, Birchtail, Ashcloud, Hollyflower, Sandswish, Tawnybird, Brightpool, Mintclaw, and Reedriver.
Apprentices - Seedpaw, Ashpaw, Blossompaw, Nightpaw, Snowpaw, Breezepaw, Fernpaw, Rowanpaw and Dapplepaw.
Queens - Darkflower, Silverfrost, Mistyfur, Aspenwish, Spottedfur, Echomist, Sagewind and Snowhare.
Kits - Foxkit, Dustkit, Blackkit, Mintkkit, Pinkkit, Mousekit, and Skykit.
Elders - Whiteberry, Blacktail, Mumblefur, Rainmist and Tallclaw.
Mentors - Berryfur is mentor to Seedpaw. Cedarfur is mentor to Ashpaw, Shadowleaf is mentor to Nightpaw. Emberberry is mentor to Rushpaw. Windshadow is mentor to Blossompaw. Aspenwish is mentor to Fernpaw. Sandswish is mentor to Breezepaw. Sparrowfur is mentor to Rowanpaw. Reedriver is Dapplepaw's mentor.
Book 1 - Chapter 5
Waterclan and the other cats staggered into the Fishclan camp. "I have news," said Oceanstar. "Greenwhisker never had permission to tell you that you could stay with us. You can stay but Greenwhisker is no longer the senior warrior of Fishclan." The cats began mewing about each other. "I must choose another senior warrior to replace Greenwhisker." I say..." Oceanstar was interrupted when Milkfur of Waterclan let out a hiss. "What it is Milkfur?" called Cinderstar. "Eagle!" yowled Milkfur. The eagle plunged into the camp in dove towards Mintkit. "Mintkit" screeched Darkflower. "Look out!" Mintkit turned and ran towards Silverfrost. The Eagle swooped down and snatched Mintkit. Oceanstar leapt from his perch and the Eagle let go of Mintkit. The eagle shook off Oceanstar who fell and hit the ground with a thud. The eagle gave a screech and took to the sky. "Oceanstar?" "Oceanstar lost his last life," cried Shadowleaf. Emberberry leapt up from his spot with the other medicine cats. "You are our leader now Tigerstripe." Tigerstripe nodded. "Tonight I will go to the Sparkle Tree tonight to earn my Leader name. First I need a deputy. Originally it should of been Greenwhisker but Oceanstar made Greenwhisker a normal warrior right before he died so I need a different deputy. Berryfur will you be my deputy?" Berryfur nodded. "Now I also need to appoint a Senior warrior. Cedarfur will you be the senior warrior?" "Yes Tigerstripe." "Emberberry we must go to the Sparkle tree at once." Emberberry nodded. "Let us go." Emberberry and Tigerstripe raced out of the camp. The next day they returned. "Let all cats old enough to climb a tree join underneath the birch tree for a clan meeting. Dawnstar, Redstar Cinderstar I have an idea that might benefit all the clans. We join together to make one big can. There would be 1 leader. 1 Deputy. 1 senior warrior and everybody else was whatever they were before. What do you think?"
Warrior Ranks
Leader - The leader is the leader of their clan. They are given 9 lives by Starclan. They choose a their deputy. The leader is the highest rank. They report at gatherings and they decide whether to go into battle. Also if they should take in outsiders. (In the actual warrior books Firestar takes in Daisy a cat from a human stable.) When making the hardest decisions the leader meets with the deputy, the senior warrior, the medicine cat and if the warrior is lucky some of the leader's most trusted cats. (for Firestar he might meet with Brambleclaw, Jayfeather, and sometimes Dustpelt, Brackenfur, Sandstorm and Graystripe)
Deputy - To have the rank of deputy is an honor because the deputy might one day be the leader of their clan. The deputy organizes the patrols. He or she also helps the leader on the toughest decisions.
(In my version of warriors) Senior Warrior - In the true warrior books their is no senior warrior. In my version there is. If the deputy retires or is killed the senior warriors takes the deputy position. If the deputy is just ill or helping another clan the senior warrior fills in for the deputy. (then he or she returns to the senior warrior position when the deputy gets better or returns) The senior warrior makes sure every cat is doing what they are supposed to be doing or they are were they are supposed to be. The senior warrior makes sure all the patrols go out on time and that the kits stay in the camp and don't go wandering off.
Medicine Cat - The medicine cat is in charge of sharing dreams with Starclan, interoperating omens from Starclan and healing their clan. The medicine cat gathers herbs and takes care of the clan is some cat is ill.
Warrior - Warriors hunt and fight for their clan. They patrol boundaries and fight other clans when it is necessary. Warriors are in charge of hunting and feeding their clan.
Apprentice - The apprentices are the cats training to be warriors or sometimes a medicine cat. They learn from their mentor. (mentors are the warriors or the medicine cat given the honor of training the young cats of the clan). It is the apprentices' responsibility to look after and care for the elders.
Queen - Queens are the she-cat warriors who choose to have kits. They return to their warrior duties after their kits become apprentices.
Kit - Kits are the youngest member of the clan and the most protected. Kits play in the camp and aren't allowed to leave the camp until the are apprentices. Kits must be 6 moons (Months) before they can become apprentices.
Elder - Elders are the oldest members in the clan. (Sometimes the clan leader is older.) They retired after long services as a warrior or medicine. Then they stay in the elders' den and the apprentices look after them.
Deputy - To have the rank of deputy is an honor because the deputy might one day be the leader of their clan. The deputy organizes the patrols. He or she also helps the leader on the toughest decisions.
(In my version of warriors) Senior Warrior - In the true warrior books their is no senior warrior. In my version there is. If the deputy retires or is killed the senior warriors takes the deputy position. If the deputy is just ill or helping another clan the senior warrior fills in for the deputy. (then he or she returns to the senior warrior position when the deputy gets better or returns) The senior warrior makes sure every cat is doing what they are supposed to be doing or they are were they are supposed to be. The senior warrior makes sure all the patrols go out on time and that the kits stay in the camp and don't go wandering off.
Medicine Cat - The medicine cat is in charge of sharing dreams with Starclan, interoperating omens from Starclan and healing their clan. The medicine cat gathers herbs and takes care of the clan is some cat is ill.
Warrior - Warriors hunt and fight for their clan. They patrol boundaries and fight other clans when it is necessary. Warriors are in charge of hunting and feeding their clan.
Apprentice - The apprentices are the cats training to be warriors or sometimes a medicine cat. They learn from their mentor. (mentors are the warriors or the medicine cat given the honor of training the young cats of the clan). It is the apprentices' responsibility to look after and care for the elders.
Queen - Queens are the she-cat warriors who choose to have kits. They return to their warrior duties after their kits become apprentices.
Kit - Kits are the youngest member of the clan and the most protected. Kits play in the camp and aren't allowed to leave the camp until the are apprentices. Kits must be 6 moons (Months) before they can become apprentices.
Elder - Elders are the oldest members in the clan. (Sometimes the clan leader is older.) They retired after long services as a warrior or medicine. Then they stay in the elders' den and the apprentices look after them.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Book 1 - Chapter 4
"This will be to easy," snarled Darkfinch. "It is to easy" "What is to easy?" asked Ashflower padding forward. "Killing every clan. We already obliterated the other clan." "Waterclan?" "Yes," snarled Darkfinch. Oceanstar looked around at the other leaders. He then said, "Hollowberry, Morningflower and Emberberry go see if you can heal any living cat left in Waterclan. Troutsplash, Sparrowfur and Greenwhisker take another cat and see if you can help Waterclan in anyway." The named cats raced out of the hollow. "STOP THEM!" yowled Darkfinch. "Blackstorm, Grayfur, Dawnpaw, Nightfur, Darktail, Tigerlight, Liontail, Hawkpelt after them," ordered Darkfinch. Redstar began to speak. "Kits, apprentices and elders stay in the nursery. Queens right up next to the nursery and warriors in front of them." Dawnstar gave the command. "Fishclan, Mossclan, and Riverclan attack!" "Attack," screeched Darkfinch. Halfway through the battle Darkfinch twitched his tail and a young cat (probably a paw) raced out of the camp and returned with a fresh wave of cats. They fell on the cats with a screech. Oceanstar had seen and had enough. "STOP!" he yowled. Oceanstar was furious. "WHY DID YOU ATTACK US?" Oceanstar screeched. "Because," Darkfinch said. "BECAUSE WHY?" snapped Oceanstar. "Because I could," Darkfinch replied. "I know why," said Blossom tentatively. "I was apart of their group and Darkfinch said in a few moons we will be attacking the clans that threw me out. He attacked us because his clan exiled him." "GO! GET OUT OF OUR CAMP RIGHT NOW. CEDARFUR, BERRYFUR, MOSSFUR AND SPOTTEDFUR ESCORT THEM RIGHT NOW! MAKE SURE THEY LEAVE!" The cats chosen got up and herded the unwanted cats out of the camp. "Ashflower go to the Riverclan camp and see what is going on there." said Dawnstar. Ashflower nodded and raced out of the camp. "Now," said Oceanstar. "Before we were interrupted I was going to make a warrior. Cloudpaw come forward. You tracked a badger and showed it how fierce Fishclan cats can be. I name you Cloudsplash. I honor you fierce fighting skills into Fishclan. Also I need to make 3 apprentices. Snowkit, Breezekit and Fernkit come forward. Snowkit your name will now be Snowpaw I have chosen Hollyflower as your mentor. Sandswish I know you will pass on all you know to Breezepaw. Aspenwish I know your hunting skills will show in Fernpaw." Greenwhisker padded into the camp. "Oceanstar Waterclan has asked for permission to stay with us. Darkfinch destroyed their herbs and they have no way of getting to the fresh herbs on the other side of the territory. I have give them permission to stay with us." Oceanstar's eyes narrowed. He hissed, "You had no right to give them permission to stay. I am still clan leader of this clan. I did not give you permission to tell them you could stay. You disobeyed me. You have no right to the rank of senior warrior anymore. Get out of my sight," Oceanstar snarled.
Book 1 - Chapter 3
"Troutsplash why are you here and not in your camp." asked Oceanstar. "WE NEED HELP!" yowled Troutsplash. "Some humans are tearing down our camp. We got all of our cats out but we need a place to shelter. Can we stay here?" "Why not ask a different clan." growled Oceanstar. "We did," said Troutsplash. "Ashflower went to Waterclan and she said they refused to help her. Then Hollowberry went to Mossclan and said there was nobody there." Troutsplash blinked and realized that the Mossclan cats were in the Fishclan camp. "So Dawnstar sent you here," snapped Tigerstripe. Troutsplash nodded. "We are already sheltering one clan. But I suppose if you are desperate you can stay." "Thank you Oceanstar," said Troutsplash and he raced off to fetch his clan. Soon the Riverclan cats flooded into the Fishclan camp. "Let all cats old enough to climb a tree join here beneath the Birch tree for a clan meeting," called Oceanstar. "Now it might be a little crowded since we are sheltering two clans but we will manage. Now we need to send out patrols." "Windshadow take Blossompaw on a tour of the territory. Dawnstar, Redstar please meet Oceanstar in his den. Dragonwhisker take 2 other cats and go on a hunting patrol. Mousetail, Darkflower and Sparrowfur go on another hunting patrol. Whisperwind take 3 Riverclan cats and show them the territory take Rushpaw with you so he can look for herbs. Flowerfur take 3 Mossclan cats and show them the territory. Apprentices from all clans please go gather moss we will need to make more nests. Kits please stay in the nursery out of the way. Silverfrost and Mossfur go with Tawnybird and Mintpaw to help Emberberry get herbs. If any cat needs anything come to me." Tigerstripe climbed the path up to Oceanstar's den. "Oceanstar?" "Come in," called Oceanstar. Tigerstripe acknowledged each of the leaders with a dip of his head. "I think it is time to make Fernkit, Snowkit, and Breezekit an apprentice. Also I heard that Cloudpaw did very well when tracking a badger the other day. I think the clan will be lucky to have his as a warrior." Oceanstar nodded. "Oceanstar," began Dawnstar. "I need to make a warrior of my own. May I?" Oceanstar nodded. "I need to make an apprentice," said Redstar. Once again Oceanstar nodded. Oceanstar leapt up into the birch tree and was followed by Dawnstar and Redstar. He yowled, "Let all cats old enough to climb a tree join here underneath the birch tree for a clan meeting." The cats filed out of their dens. "Dawnstar, Redstar and I have some news to share. Dawnstar would you like to go first?" said Oceanstar. She nodded. "I Dawnstar leader of Riverclan present an apprentice who was shown her skill and courage and I name her Mintclaw. She sensed the humans coming near our camp first and I welcome her as a warrior of Riverclan." Redstar stepped forward. "Rowankit has reached the age limit and it is his turn to learn the ways of a Mossclan warrior. Sparrowfur I know you will make him the best warrior he can be." Sparrowfur nodded. Oceanstar began. "I have a job to do today-y-y." He was cut off as Sagewind of Riverclan yowled, "There is some cat outside the hollow." Then Darkfinch (the loner who wanted revenge on the clans) and his cats burst into the hollow.
Book 1 - Chapter 2
"Well?" "Please Oceanstar we were still recovering from green cough when the cats attacked. Half of my clan couldn't fight back." "Alright." meowed Oceanstar. "Just until you are better though." "Thank you Oceanstar." Hollowstripe mewed respectfully. "Cedarfur, Berryfur, Birchtail and Shadowleaf go with them and see if they need help. Hollowstripe go with them." Mossclan arrives. "Redstar," said Oceanstar with a dip of his head. "Let all the cats old enough to climb a tree join here beneath birch tree for a clan meeting." All the cats padded over."Now," began Oceanstar, "Mossclan has come to stay with us for a while. But since this is our territory you will have to obey what we say. If we tell you to stay in camp will you do that Mossclan?" "Repeat after me," said Redstar to his cats. "Yes Oceanstar we understand that we are on your territory and will do exactly what you want us to do." The cats repeated it. Oceanstar continued. "Now since there are twice as many cats as normal I need the Mossclan cats to participate in patrols." The Mossclan cats nodded. "Now Tigerstripe please organize the patrols." Tigetrstripe started organizing patrols. "Birchtail and Berryfur take Cloudpaw and Seedpaw hunting. Emberberry you can collect herbs but please tell me first. Redstar please go talk to Oceanstar. Cedarfur and Aspenwish take Ashpaw and patrol the Riverclan boundary. Shadowleaf and Sandswish take Nightpaw and even though the Mossclan cats are in our camp we still need to patrol their boundary. Morningflower I know that Emberberry wanted to see you. Littlepaw are you a warrior apprentice or medicine cat?" "Medicine Cat." "Then go with Morningflower too. Mumblefur the elders den is the hollow log over there. Darkflower can you take Echomist to the nursery. Mistkit you can show Rowankit around the camp." Tigerstripe was still speaking when Troutsplash the Riverclan senior warrior burst into the camp.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Book 1 - Chapter 1
"Invaders," yowled Hollyflower. "Who is there?" said Birchtail. Birchtail turned to his apprentice. "Cloudpaw fetch Oceanstar." "Yes Birchtail," Cloudpaw said. Cloudpaw reappeared with Oceanstar and Tigerstripe. "What is it Hollyflower?" called Oceanstar. "I found this cat outside our camp." "Who are you?" asked Oceanstar. The cat replied, "My name is Blossom." Oeanstar nodded then he called to his deputy, " Have 2 patrol search the whole territory, and then send out a hunting patrol." "Yes Oceanstar." replied Tigerstripe. "Mistyfur, Cedarfur and Seedpaw go towards the Mossclan border. Mossfur, Sandswish and Ashpaw start on the Riverclan border. Appledawn can you take Darkflower, Silverfrost and Mossfur on a hunting patrol?" "Blossom why are you here?" asked Oceanstar. "I want to join your clan," said Blossom. Oceanstar considered before meowing, "Ok. You can stay with us for one moon (month) then we will decide
if you can stay with us forever." "Thank You," Blossom mewed formally. Oceanstar leapt up into a large tree. "Let all cats old enough to climb a tree join here beneath the birch tree for a clan meeting. Blossom has come to join us and we need to give her a mentor. Windshadow you have been free ever since Berryfur became a warrior and now I would like you to pass on all you know to Blossompaw." said Oceanstar. "You can trust me Oceanstar," said Windshadow. The 3 patrols just got back from camp. "What happened?" called Appledawn. "I made Windshadow mentor to Blossompaw. Now Nightpaw show Blossompaw where she will sleep will you?" "Yes." he called. Tigerstripe began organizing the next day's patrols. "Mentors," he called, "I want you to take your apprentices battle training tomorrow. Dawn patrol Mousetail, Silverstreak and Brightwind. Hunting patrols Rushpaw you can go with Runninghwisker to fetch herbs. When you get back take your apprentices out remember." Suddenly a cat raced into the Fishclan camp. It was Hollowstripe the Mossclan deputy. "We need help," he said. "Cats attacked our camp. Morningflower is running low on supplies. These cats want revenge on us." Blossompaw spoke up. "These cats were they being leaded by a long haired a dark furred Tom?" "Yes" "I know these cats," said Blossompaw. "Darkfinch the leading Tom was driven out of his clan and now he wants to destroy the clans. He must have earned support from cats who hate us as much was he does." Oceanstar sat listening and he then twitched an ear for silence. "What do you need?" he asked Hollowstripe. "Redstar sent me to ask you if Mossclan could live with Fishclan until we are strong again." Every cat leaned forward waiting to see what Oceanstar would do.
Summaring - Omen of the Stars
The Fourth Apprentice - There is a bad drought. Dovekit and Ivykit are born to Whitewing and Birchfall. Dovepaw is apprenticed to Lionblaze and Cinderheart is Ivypaw's mentor. Dovepaw says she can hear brown animals blocking the stream. Lionblaze and Jayfeather think that she is the 3rd cat in the prophecy. Lionblaze goes to Firestar and he announces at the gathering that some of his cats want to explore to see if there is a blockage. Firestar suggests a patrol made up of cats from every clan. Whitetail and Sedgewhisker of Windclan. Toadskip and Tigerheart of Shadowclan. Petalfur and Rippleclaw of Riverclan. Then Lionblaze and Dovepaw of Thunderclan. The patrol makes it and realizes the beavers made a lodge and a pool. The cats try to fight the beavers but Rippleclaw dies. So then they go and ask pet cats to help. (Seville, Jigsaw, Snowdrop and Woody) They dismantle the blockage and head home.
Fading Echos - Leopardstar dies. Dovepaw sneaks off to the Windclan camp in the middle of the night to see Sedgewhisker because she heard dogs on the moor. Firestar learns that Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Dovepaw have special powers. Dovepaw hears things far away. Lionblaze cannot be hurt by any mortal cat. Jayfeather can read and feel others feelings. Hawkfrost visits Ivypaw in a dream. A tree falls into the Thunderclan camp killing Longtal and breaking Briarpaw's backbone. Tigerstar tells Ivypaw that Shadowclan was planning on invading Thunderclan. Firestar takes back the clearing that he gave Blackstar and they fight for it. Russetfur dies and Firestar loses a life.
Night Whispers - Jayfeather tells Lionblaze that Ivypaw was in the Dark Forest. Blackstar names Rowanclaw his deputy. Starclan tells each clan to forget all allies even the medicine cats to with other clans. That each clan must stand for itself. Lionblaze drives a fox from the territory. Ivypaw learns that the cats in the Dar Forest weren't trying to help her. Flametail falls through an open hole in the ice and drowns.
Sign of the Moon - Icecloud falls down a hole that leads to the tunnels. Lionblaze and Jayfeather go to see if they can find any evidence of Hollyleaf. They find a tuft of fur and realize that Hollyleaf must still be alive. Dovepaw and Ivypaw earn their warrior names. (Dovewing and Ivypool) Squirrelflight, Foxleap, Jayfeather and Dovewing go to the mountains. A cat from the tribe of endless hunting (the tribe's ancestors) tells Jayfeather The end of the stars draws near, three must become four to challenge the darkness that lasts forever. Jayfeather makes Crag where eagles nest the new Stoneteller (and leader of the tribe) then they go home.
The Forgotten Warrior - Sol returns to the lake. He says he saved Cherrypaw and Molepaw from the fox. Dovewing and Ivypool go down into the tunnels and hear Sol plotting with Windclan. A cat leads them out. It ends up being Holyleaf. Hollyleaf returns to the clan and helps Brambleclaw and Firestar figure out what to do about Windclan. Dawnpelt accuses Jayfeather or murdering Flametail and the clan leaders agree to suspend Jayfeather of medicine cat duties until he proves that he did not kill Flametail.
The Last Hope - Flametail tells the medicine cats that Jayfeather didn't murder him. The medicine cats go and unite Starclan. Then the medicine cats promise to meet with their leaders. Firestar tells the other leaders what is happening. They make a battle plan. Thunderclan copes with the first wave but Shadowclan is over run and Blackstar loses a life. Ancient cats, Starclan and Midnight (the badger) come to fight on the clan's side. They drive the cats away. Lots of cats die in the Great Battle. Redwillow, Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, Brokenstar and more (who were fighting for the Dark Forest). Ferncloud, Hollyleaf, Mousefur. Pinenose's kit, Spottedleaf, Firestar and more (who were fighting for the good of the clans)
Fading Echos - Leopardstar dies. Dovepaw sneaks off to the Windclan camp in the middle of the night to see Sedgewhisker because she heard dogs on the moor. Firestar learns that Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Dovepaw have special powers. Dovepaw hears things far away. Lionblaze cannot be hurt by any mortal cat. Jayfeather can read and feel others feelings. Hawkfrost visits Ivypaw in a dream. A tree falls into the Thunderclan camp killing Longtal and breaking Briarpaw's backbone. Tigerstar tells Ivypaw that Shadowclan was planning on invading Thunderclan. Firestar takes back the clearing that he gave Blackstar and they fight for it. Russetfur dies and Firestar loses a life.
Night Whispers - Jayfeather tells Lionblaze that Ivypaw was in the Dark Forest. Blackstar names Rowanclaw his deputy. Starclan tells each clan to forget all allies even the medicine cats to with other clans. That each clan must stand for itself. Lionblaze drives a fox from the territory. Ivypaw learns that the cats in the Dar Forest weren't trying to help her. Flametail falls through an open hole in the ice and drowns.
Sign of the Moon - Icecloud falls down a hole that leads to the tunnels. Lionblaze and Jayfeather go to see if they can find any evidence of Hollyleaf. They find a tuft of fur and realize that Hollyleaf must still be alive. Dovepaw and Ivypaw earn their warrior names. (Dovewing and Ivypool) Squirrelflight, Foxleap, Jayfeather and Dovewing go to the mountains. A cat from the tribe of endless hunting (the tribe's ancestors) tells Jayfeather The end of the stars draws near, three must become four to challenge the darkness that lasts forever. Jayfeather makes Crag where eagles nest the new Stoneteller (and leader of the tribe) then they go home.
The Forgotten Warrior - Sol returns to the lake. He says he saved Cherrypaw and Molepaw from the fox. Dovewing and Ivypool go down into the tunnels and hear Sol plotting with Windclan. A cat leads them out. It ends up being Holyleaf. Hollyleaf returns to the clan and helps Brambleclaw and Firestar figure out what to do about Windclan. Dawnpelt accuses Jayfeather or murdering Flametail and the clan leaders agree to suspend Jayfeather of medicine cat duties until he proves that he did not kill Flametail.
The Last Hope - Flametail tells the medicine cats that Jayfeather didn't murder him. The medicine cats go and unite Starclan. Then the medicine cats promise to meet with their leaders. Firestar tells the other leaders what is happening. They make a battle plan. Thunderclan copes with the first wave but Shadowclan is over run and Blackstar loses a life. Ancient cats, Starclan and Midnight (the badger) come to fight on the clan's side. They drive the cats away. Lots of cats die in the Great Battle. Redwillow, Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, Brokenstar and more (who were fighting for the Dark Forest). Ferncloud, Hollyleaf, Mousefur. Pinenose's kit, Spottedleaf, Firestar and more (who were fighting for the good of the clans)
Summarizing - The Power of 3
The Sight - Jaykit, Hollykit and Lionkit go after foxes and get in lots of trouble. Hollykit asks that when she becomes an apprentice if she can be a medicine cat apprentice. Hollykit becomes Hollypaw medicine cat apprentice and Jaypaw and Lionpaw train as warriors. Jaypaw and Hollypaw learn that they would be better training as something else. Jaypaw becomes Leafpool's apprentice while Hollypaw trains as a warrior instead. Jaypaw learns about the prophecy given to Firestar - There will be three, kin of your kin who hold the power of the stars in their paws. Graystripe returns to Thunderclan with Millie. Firestar decides to have Brambleclaw remain deputy. Squirrelflight suggests a gathering (in the day light) of fun games when the clans were arguing.
Dark River - Lionpaw meets a Windclan apprentice named Heatherpaw. He sneaks out in the night to see her. Hollypaw catches them so Heatherpaw shows Lionpaw an underground cave where they can meet without Hollypaw finding them. They create their own little clan called Darkclan. Tigerstar and Hawkfrost visit Lionpaw and help him with his battle skills.
Outcast - Talon and Night come to the clans looking for help. Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, Stormfur, Brooke, Breezepaw, Lionpaw, Hollypaw and Jaypaw head to the mountains to help the tribe with the invading cats. The clan cats show the tribe cats how to mark, and patrol boundaries. Then the tribe cats and clan cats go into battle against the invading cats. Hollypaw becomes a little scared of Lionpaw because he was ready to fight any enemy at all times. Ready to continue fighting until no cats were left standing.
Eclipse - A long haired Calico comes to Thunderclan and tells Leafpool and Jaypaw that the sun will vanish. Windclan invade Thunderclan's territory through the tunnels. Windclan attacks the Thunderclan camp and lures them out into the forest. They split into 3 groups. One group heads toward the thunder path, (a road) the abandoned human house and the lake. Firestar, Dustpelt and Brambleclaw lead patrols to attack the Windclan cats. Riverclan comes to help Windclan so Hollypaw goes to Shadowclan to ask Blackstar for help. The sun vanishes as Sol predicted stopping the battle.
Long Shadows - Sol goes and makes Shadowclan lose faith in Starclan. Tawnypelt brings her kits Flamepaw, Tigerpaw, and Dawnpaw to Thunderclan. Firestar says they are allowed to stay until Sol leaves Shadowclan. Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Jaypaw, and the 3 Shadowclan apprentices help fake a sign from Shadowclan. The bring Blackstar and Littlecloud to a marsh where real Starclan warriors actually appear. Greencough (a extremely bad disease that can kill cats) strikes Thunderclan and half of the clan goes to live in an old abandoned human home. Firestar loses a life but then gets better. During a fire Ashfur finds out that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw aren't Lionblazes's, Hollyleaf's and Jayfeather's parents.
Sunrise - Ashfur is dead and Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf are even more determined to figure out who their parents are. They learn that their mother was Leafpool and their father was Crowfeather a Windclan cat. Hollyleaf reveals it all at a gathering. Leafpool gives up her role as the Thunderclan medicine cat. Holyleaf runs away down a tunnel before she leaves she reveals to Lionblaze and Jayfeather that she killed Ashfur. The tunnel collapses. Jayfeather realizes that there is still 3 cats in Firestar's prophecy. (because Dovekit, and Ivykit mother is Whitewing. Whitewing's parents are Brightheart and Cloudtail. Then Cloudtail is Firestar's nephew. Cloudtail's mother is Princess, Firestar's sister)
Dark River - Lionpaw meets a Windclan apprentice named Heatherpaw. He sneaks out in the night to see her. Hollypaw catches them so Heatherpaw shows Lionpaw an underground cave where they can meet without Hollypaw finding them. They create their own little clan called Darkclan. Tigerstar and Hawkfrost visit Lionpaw and help him with his battle skills.
Outcast - Talon and Night come to the clans looking for help. Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, Stormfur, Brooke, Breezepaw, Lionpaw, Hollypaw and Jaypaw head to the mountains to help the tribe with the invading cats. The clan cats show the tribe cats how to mark, and patrol boundaries. Then the tribe cats and clan cats go into battle against the invading cats. Hollypaw becomes a little scared of Lionpaw because he was ready to fight any enemy at all times. Ready to continue fighting until no cats were left standing.
Eclipse - A long haired Calico comes to Thunderclan and tells Leafpool and Jaypaw that the sun will vanish. Windclan invade Thunderclan's territory through the tunnels. Windclan attacks the Thunderclan camp and lures them out into the forest. They split into 3 groups. One group heads toward the thunder path, (a road) the abandoned human house and the lake. Firestar, Dustpelt and Brambleclaw lead patrols to attack the Windclan cats. Riverclan comes to help Windclan so Hollypaw goes to Shadowclan to ask Blackstar for help. The sun vanishes as Sol predicted stopping the battle.
Long Shadows - Sol goes and makes Shadowclan lose faith in Starclan. Tawnypelt brings her kits Flamepaw, Tigerpaw, and Dawnpaw to Thunderclan. Firestar says they are allowed to stay until Sol leaves Shadowclan. Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Jaypaw, and the 3 Shadowclan apprentices help fake a sign from Shadowclan. The bring Blackstar and Littlecloud to a marsh where real Starclan warriors actually appear. Greencough (a extremely bad disease that can kill cats) strikes Thunderclan and half of the clan goes to live in an old abandoned human home. Firestar loses a life but then gets better. During a fire Ashfur finds out that Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw aren't Lionblazes's, Hollyleaf's and Jayfeather's parents.
Sunrise - Ashfur is dead and Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf are even more determined to figure out who their parents are. They learn that their mother was Leafpool and their father was Crowfeather a Windclan cat. Hollyleaf reveals it all at a gathering. Leafpool gives up her role as the Thunderclan medicine cat. Holyleaf runs away down a tunnel before she leaves she reveals to Lionblaze and Jayfeather that she killed Ashfur. The tunnel collapses. Jayfeather realizes that there is still 3 cats in Firestar's prophecy. (because Dovekit, and Ivykit mother is Whitewing. Whitewing's parents are Brightheart and Cloudtail. Then Cloudtail is Firestar's nephew. Cloudtail's mother is Princess, Firestar's sister)
Summarizing - The New Prophecy
Series Number Two - The New Prophecy
Midnight - 4 cats were chosen to represent their clan on a journey. Brambleclaw from Thunderclan, Tawnypelt from Shadowclan, Crowpaw of Windclan and Feathertail went for Shadowclan. They trek off to find out what Midnight has to tell them. 2 cats join them. Squirrelpaw of Thunderclan and Stormfur. (Feathertail's brother) They journey to the sun drown place and find a badger named Midnight she tells them that the clans will need to find a new home becuase the humans will destroy their old one. The they begin to travel home.
Moonrise - The 6 cats head home through the mountains. The tribe of rushing water's stoneteller (or leader) says that a silver cat will save them drom Sharptooth. (A murderous cat wandering around the mountains). Every tribe cat thinks Stormfur is the silver cat. He is held prisnor. The cats rescue Stromfur and create a plan to get rid of Sharptooth. The plans goes off and Feathertail dies to save Crowpaw. In the clans Leafpaw and lots of other cats go missing. Sorretail was with LeafpW when she was trapped in a nest. (A human home) Squirrelpaw returns home to find Leafpaw gone. Spottedleaf guides her to where Leafpaw had been taken. She goes out and saves the cats. Graystripe is taken by humans. The clans have to leave the forest.
Dawn - Firestar refuses to name a new deputy in Graystripe's place. Windclan comes and lives with Thunderclan when the humans attack their camp. Mistyfoot brings a patrol to go and help Shadowclan when the humans were going to tear down the Shadowclan camp. Shadowclan goes an lives with Thunderclan and Winclan at sunning rocks. They persuade Riverclan to leave with them. Mudfur dies. They leave the forest and trek through the mountains where they meet the tribe of rushing water. Tallstar makes Crowpaw a warrior. Crowpaw asks if he can be called Crowfeather in honor of the cat that did not return to the clans. Tallstar agrees. Stormfur then says that he would like to stay with the tribe if Stoneteller allows it. He does then the clan cats go and congratulate Crowfeather and say goodbye to Stormfur.
Starlight - The clans make it to the lake. Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, Crowfeather and Mistyfoot go around the lake and explore. They find suitable territories for each clan. Tallstar makes Onewhisker his deputy right before he dies. Making him leader instead of Mudclaw. The cats go to their camps and explore their territory. There is a fight on the Windclan border about who gets the woodlands. Some carts are ill and Onewhisker gives Thunderclan the woods in exchange for the herbs Leafpaw brought to Windclan. They return to the marsh the next full moon to talk about boundaries. Firestar turns down Onewhisker's offer and let's him keep the woods. Leafpaw finds the moon pool and earns her Medicine cat name. (Leafpool) Mistyfoot comes to Thunderclan and tells Firestar that she heard Hawkfrost speaking to Mudclaw. She thinks that Mudclaw won supporters and was planning on attacking Onewhsker while he still had one life. Bramblclaw then says that must mean he would attack tonight. Firestar brings a patrol to help and they find a group of cats fighting. The Thunderclan cats throw themselves into the fight. Mudclaw flees and is killed by a falling tree. Onewhisker's leadership is safe and Brackenfur realizes that the cats can use the island for the gatherings because of the bridge.
Twilight - Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Rainwhisker and Asfhfur find a badger and her cubs. Ashfur and Squirrelflight find a fox. Daisy (who lives at the horse place (a human stable) comes with her kits and ask if she can join Thunderclan because she doesn't want her kits to be taken away. Mothwing sends for Leafpool when disaster strikes Rivercan. She sees Crowfeather in secret. Leafpool and Crowfeather leave their clans. Badgers attack. Cinderpelt and Sootufr die. Cinderpelt gices her life for Sorreltail's kit Cinderkit. Leafpool returns to Thunderclan and to her position as Medicine cat. Crowfeather returns to Windclan.
Sunset - Stormfur and Brook appear in the clan. Shadowclan attacks Thunderclan. Brambleclaw persuades Firestar that Thunderclan needs a deputy. Firestar makes Brambleclaw deputy (without an apprentice) because of a sign from Starclan. Hawkfrost lays a trap for Firestaar. Bramblestar says Firestar and kills Hawkfrost making Leafpool's horrible drew come true, Before all is peaceful blood will spill blood and the lake will run red.
Midnight - 4 cats were chosen to represent their clan on a journey. Brambleclaw from Thunderclan, Tawnypelt from Shadowclan, Crowpaw of Windclan and Feathertail went for Shadowclan. They trek off to find out what Midnight has to tell them. 2 cats join them. Squirrelpaw of Thunderclan and Stormfur. (Feathertail's brother) They journey to the sun drown place and find a badger named Midnight she tells them that the clans will need to find a new home becuase the humans will destroy their old one. The they begin to travel home.
Moonrise - The 6 cats head home through the mountains. The tribe of rushing water's stoneteller (or leader) says that a silver cat will save them drom Sharptooth. (A murderous cat wandering around the mountains). Every tribe cat thinks Stormfur is the silver cat. He is held prisnor. The cats rescue Stromfur and create a plan to get rid of Sharptooth. The plans goes off and Feathertail dies to save Crowpaw. In the clans Leafpaw and lots of other cats go missing. Sorretail was with LeafpW when she was trapped in a nest. (A human home) Squirrelpaw returns home to find Leafpaw gone. Spottedleaf guides her to where Leafpaw had been taken. She goes out and saves the cats. Graystripe is taken by humans. The clans have to leave the forest.
Dawn - Firestar refuses to name a new deputy in Graystripe's place. Windclan comes and lives with Thunderclan when the humans attack their camp. Mistyfoot brings a patrol to go and help Shadowclan when the humans were going to tear down the Shadowclan camp. Shadowclan goes an lives with Thunderclan and Winclan at sunning rocks. They persuade Riverclan to leave with them. Mudfur dies. They leave the forest and trek through the mountains where they meet the tribe of rushing water. Tallstar makes Crowpaw a warrior. Crowpaw asks if he can be called Crowfeather in honor of the cat that did not return to the clans. Tallstar agrees. Stormfur then says that he would like to stay with the tribe if Stoneteller allows it. He does then the clan cats go and congratulate Crowfeather and say goodbye to Stormfur.
Starlight - The clans make it to the lake. Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, Crowfeather and Mistyfoot go around the lake and explore. They find suitable territories for each clan. Tallstar makes Onewhisker his deputy right before he dies. Making him leader instead of Mudclaw. The cats go to their camps and explore their territory. There is a fight on the Windclan border about who gets the woodlands. Some carts are ill and Onewhisker gives Thunderclan the woods in exchange for the herbs Leafpaw brought to Windclan. They return to the marsh the next full moon to talk about boundaries. Firestar turns down Onewhisker's offer and let's him keep the woods. Leafpaw finds the moon pool and earns her Medicine cat name. (Leafpool) Mistyfoot comes to Thunderclan and tells Firestar that she heard Hawkfrost speaking to Mudclaw. She thinks that Mudclaw won supporters and was planning on attacking Onewhsker while he still had one life. Bramblclaw then says that must mean he would attack tonight. Firestar brings a patrol to help and they find a group of cats fighting. The Thunderclan cats throw themselves into the fight. Mudclaw flees and is killed by a falling tree. Onewhisker's leadership is safe and Brackenfur realizes that the cats can use the island for the gatherings because of the bridge.
Twilight - Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Rainwhisker and Asfhfur find a badger and her cubs. Ashfur and Squirrelflight find a fox. Daisy (who lives at the horse place (a human stable) comes with her kits and ask if she can join Thunderclan because she doesn't want her kits to be taken away. Mothwing sends for Leafpool when disaster strikes Rivercan. She sees Crowfeather in secret. Leafpool and Crowfeather leave their clans. Badgers attack. Cinderpelt and Sootufr die. Cinderpelt gices her life for Sorreltail's kit Cinderkit. Leafpool returns to Thunderclan and to her position as Medicine cat. Crowfeather returns to Windclan.
Sunset - Stormfur and Brook appear in the clan. Shadowclan attacks Thunderclan. Brambleclaw persuades Firestar that Thunderclan needs a deputy. Firestar makes Brambleclaw deputy (without an apprentice) because of a sign from Starclan. Hawkfrost lays a trap for Firestaar. Bramblestar says Firestar and kills Hawkfrost making Leafpool's horrible drew come true, Before all is peaceful blood will spill blood and the lake will run red.
My Clan - Warriors
Clan Name - Fishclan
Leader - Oceanstar (warrior name Oceanbreeze)
Deputy - Tigerstripe
Senior Warrior - Greenwhisker
Medicine Cat - Emberberry, Medicine Cat Apprentice - Rushpaw
Warriors - Mossfur, Flowerfur, Dragonwhisker, Whisperwind, Windshadow, Shadowleaf, Birchtail, Berryfur, Ashcloud, Hollyflower, Cedarfur, Sandswish,
Queens - Darkflower, Silverfrost, Mistyfur, Aspenwish, Spottedfur
Kits - Snowkit, Breeezekit, Foxkit, Fernkit, Dustkit, Blackkit, Mintkit, Pinkkit,
Apprentices - Cloudpaw, Seedpaw, Ashpaw, Nightpaw, Rushpaw
Mentors - Birchtail is mentor to Cloudpaw, Berryfur is Seedpaw's mentor, Cedarfur is mentor to Ashpaw, Shadowleaf is mentor to Nightpaw.
Elders - Whiteberry, Blacktail,
Clan Name - Mossclan
Leader - Redstar (warrior name Redpelt)
Deputy - Hollowstripe
Senior Warrior - Sparrowfur
Medicine Cat - Morningflower
Warriors - Tawnybird
Apprentices - Littlepaw
Queens - Echomist
Kits - Rowankit
Elders - Mumblefur
Clan Name - Riverclan
Leader - Dawnstar (warrior name Dawnstripe)
Deputy - Ashflower
Senior Warrior - Troutsplash
Medicine Cat - Hollowberry
Warriors - Brightpool
Apprentices - Mintclaw
Queens - Sagewind
Kits - Mousekit
Elders - Rainmist
Clan Name - Waterclan
Leader - Cinderstar (warrior name Cinderleaf)
Deputy - Dustfur
Senior Warrior - Ottertail
Medicine Cat - Milkfur
Warriors - Reedriver
Apprentices - Dapplepaw
Queens - Snowhare
Kits - Skykit
Elders - Tallclaw
Leader - Oceanstar (warrior name Oceanbreeze)
Deputy - Tigerstripe
Senior Warrior - Greenwhisker
Medicine Cat - Emberberry, Medicine Cat Apprentice - Rushpaw
Warriors - Mossfur, Flowerfur, Dragonwhisker, Whisperwind, Windshadow, Shadowleaf, Birchtail, Berryfur, Ashcloud, Hollyflower, Cedarfur, Sandswish,
Queens - Darkflower, Silverfrost, Mistyfur, Aspenwish, Spottedfur
Kits - Snowkit, Breeezekit, Foxkit, Fernkit, Dustkit, Blackkit, Mintkit, Pinkkit,
Apprentices - Cloudpaw, Seedpaw, Ashpaw, Nightpaw, Rushpaw
Mentors - Birchtail is mentor to Cloudpaw, Berryfur is Seedpaw's mentor, Cedarfur is mentor to Ashpaw, Shadowleaf is mentor to Nightpaw.
Elders - Whiteberry, Blacktail,
Clan Name - Mossclan
Leader - Redstar (warrior name Redpelt)
Deputy - Hollowstripe
Senior Warrior - Sparrowfur
Medicine Cat - Morningflower
Warriors - Tawnybird
Apprentices - Littlepaw
Queens - Echomist
Kits - Rowankit
Elders - Mumblefur
Clan Name - Riverclan
Leader - Dawnstar (warrior name Dawnstripe)
Deputy - Ashflower
Senior Warrior - Troutsplash
Medicine Cat - Hollowberry
Warriors - Brightpool
Apprentices - Mintclaw
Queens - Sagewind
Kits - Mousekit
Elders - Rainmist
Clan Name - Waterclan
Leader - Cinderstar (warrior name Cinderleaf)
Deputy - Dustfur
Senior Warrior - Ottertail
Medicine Cat - Milkfur
Warriors - Reedriver
Apprentices - Dapplepaw
Queens - Snowhare
Kits - Skykit
Elders - Tallclaw
Monday, November 10, 2014
Summarizing - Into the Wild
Series Number One Into the Wild.
Into the Wild - Rusty leaves his humans behind and joins the wild cats. he becomes friends with Gray paw and Ravenpaw. Bluestar changes his name to Firepaw. They train together with Tigerclaw and Lionheart. Bluerstar then announces that she will take Firepaw as her own apprentice. Firepaw learns a lot and attends his first gathering. When alone in Thunderlclan territory, Fireaw runs into Yellowfang the former Shadowclan medicine cat. He fights Yellowfang then feels sorry or her and gives her some food. Tigerclaw and Bluestar find them both then as a punishment for breaking the warrior code Bluestar says Firepaw will have to look after Yellowfang. Tigerclaw starts spreading rumors about Ravenpaw. Lionheart and Bluestar go deep into Windclan territory but find no cats and the place reeked of Shadowclan scent. Frostfur's kits are stolen and some cat killed Spottedleaf the whole clan thinks it is Yellowfang because she disappeared right after Bluestar invited her to join Thunderclan. Bluestar orders Firepaw to go and find Yellowfang and bring her back alive. Firepaw gets Graypaw to help him find Yellowfang and to help Ravenpaw escape to Barely's farm. (safe from Tigerclaw's clutches) Firepaw and Graypaw find Yellowfang outside of the Sahdowclan camp. They speak to her and then go and find Whitestorm's patrol. They go and fight Shadowclan and they ambush Brokenstar. They drive Brokenstar out and Yellowfang explains to Thunderclan why she left and what happened. Whitestorm backed her up. Bluestar invites Yellowfang to become the new Thunderclan medicine cat. Firepaw and Graypaw get their warrior names Fireheart and Graystripe.
Fire and Ice - Bluestar sends Graystripe and Fireheart on their first warrior mission to go find Windclan and bring them back to territories. They succeed but when they get back to WIndclan's actuall camp Barkface the Windclan medicine cat says this day will bring unnecessary death. Graystripe and Fireheart are escorted back to their camp with Deadfoot and another Windclan warrior. They meet Leopardfur (the river clan deputy) and a fresh Riverclan patrol. Leopardfur signaled for her patrol to attack the trespassing group. Then Fireheart hears Tigerclaw and his patrol come racing towards the fighting cats. Whiteclaw (the cat fighting Graystripe) falls over the side of the gorge disappearing forever. Graystripe has kits with Silverstream. Graystripe goes with his kits to live in Riverclan.
Forest of Secrets - Brokenstar and his cats attack. His cats are driven off and Yellowfang treats Brokenstar's wounds. In the end she kills her own son with death berries. Tigerclaw plots with Brokenstar. Brokenstar's cats attack and Tigerclaw tries to kill Bluestar. Bluestar exiles Tigerclaw and appoints FIreheaert as deputy the next day breaking the warrior code.
Raging Storm - A forest fire rages through Thunderclan territory. Patchpelt, Haftail and Yellowfang die. Thunderclan seeks shelter in Riverclan territory. Graystripe asks Bluestar if he can rejoin Thunderclan and Bluestar refuses to let him rejoin. Riverclan fights Thunderclan over Sunningrocks. Leopardstar banishes hi form Riverclan and he asks Bluestar again if he can join THunderclan. She agrees this time saying that all of Thunderclan is filled with traitors and she thinks that if she had kept Mistyfoor and Stonefur thy would have stayed loyal to her.
A Dangerous Path - Bluestar loses faith in Starclan and thinks her clan is made up of traitors. Tigerclaw becomes Tigerstar leader of Shadowclan. He feeds large dogs sheltering at Snakerocks in hunderclan territory. Bluestar has a dream about a pack rampaging through the forest killing everything. Swiftpaw and Brightpaw go and try to figure out what this pack is. Swiftpaw is killed and BRightpaw loses an eye. Bluestar renames Brightpaw, Lostface. Lostface crus out in her sleep pack, pack, kill, kill. That was what the pack said in Bluestar's dream. Longtail tells Fireheart that he saw Tigerstar feeding the dogs. Cloudtail, Graystripe, Whitestorm and Fireheart go out and find a trail of dead rabbits leading back to the Thunderclan camp with a dead Brindleface at the end. Fireheart gets the clan to go to Sunningrocks and he steals the trail leading most of the pack to the gorge. Tigerstar ambushes him pinning him down until the dogs get there. Bluestar comes and saves his life giving up her 9th and final life to her clan. Fireheart becomes Firestar leader of Thunderclan.
The Darkest Hour - Bluestar gives Firestar a prophecy, Four will become two, lion and tiger will meet in battle and blood will rule the forest. Tigerstar allies his clan with Riverclan trying to kill all half-clan cats. Darkstripe feeds death berries to Sorrelkit but she survives. Firestar questions Darkstripe and Darkstripe says that the only leader worth following is Tigerstar. Tigerstar goes to the human neighborhood and asks Scourge to help him in the forest. At the battle Firestar reveals the truth about Tigerstar. Scourge says his cats will not fight and he kills Tigerstar. Barley comes and tells Firestar that Scourge does not believe in Starclan. Firestar unites all the clans into one clan (lionclan) to drive out Scourge and his cats. (bloodclan) Firestar loses his first life but takes Scourge's. The forest belongs to the clan cats once again.
Into the Wild - Rusty leaves his humans behind and joins the wild cats. he becomes friends with Gray paw and Ravenpaw. Bluestar changes his name to Firepaw. They train together with Tigerclaw and Lionheart. Bluerstar then announces that she will take Firepaw as her own apprentice. Firepaw learns a lot and attends his first gathering. When alone in Thunderlclan territory, Fireaw runs into Yellowfang the former Shadowclan medicine cat. He fights Yellowfang then feels sorry or her and gives her some food. Tigerclaw and Bluestar find them both then as a punishment for breaking the warrior code Bluestar says Firepaw will have to look after Yellowfang. Tigerclaw starts spreading rumors about Ravenpaw. Lionheart and Bluestar go deep into Windclan territory but find no cats and the place reeked of Shadowclan scent. Frostfur's kits are stolen and some cat killed Spottedleaf the whole clan thinks it is Yellowfang because she disappeared right after Bluestar invited her to join Thunderclan. Bluestar orders Firepaw to go and find Yellowfang and bring her back alive. Firepaw gets Graypaw to help him find Yellowfang and to help Ravenpaw escape to Barely's farm. (safe from Tigerclaw's clutches) Firepaw and Graypaw find Yellowfang outside of the Sahdowclan camp. They speak to her and then go and find Whitestorm's patrol. They go and fight Shadowclan and they ambush Brokenstar. They drive Brokenstar out and Yellowfang explains to Thunderclan why she left and what happened. Whitestorm backed her up. Bluestar invites Yellowfang to become the new Thunderclan medicine cat. Firepaw and Graypaw get their warrior names Fireheart and Graystripe.
Fire and Ice - Bluestar sends Graystripe and Fireheart on their first warrior mission to go find Windclan and bring them back to territories. They succeed but when they get back to WIndclan's actuall camp Barkface the Windclan medicine cat says this day will bring unnecessary death. Graystripe and Fireheart are escorted back to their camp with Deadfoot and another Windclan warrior. They meet Leopardfur (the river clan deputy) and a fresh Riverclan patrol. Leopardfur signaled for her patrol to attack the trespassing group. Then Fireheart hears Tigerclaw and his patrol come racing towards the fighting cats. Whiteclaw (the cat fighting Graystripe) falls over the side of the gorge disappearing forever. Graystripe has kits with Silverstream. Graystripe goes with his kits to live in Riverclan.
Forest of Secrets - Brokenstar and his cats attack. His cats are driven off and Yellowfang treats Brokenstar's wounds. In the end she kills her own son with death berries. Tigerclaw plots with Brokenstar. Brokenstar's cats attack and Tigerclaw tries to kill Bluestar. Bluestar exiles Tigerclaw and appoints FIreheaert as deputy the next day breaking the warrior code.
Raging Storm - A forest fire rages through Thunderclan territory. Patchpelt, Haftail and Yellowfang die. Thunderclan seeks shelter in Riverclan territory. Graystripe asks Bluestar if he can rejoin Thunderclan and Bluestar refuses to let him rejoin. Riverclan fights Thunderclan over Sunningrocks. Leopardstar banishes hi form Riverclan and he asks Bluestar again if he can join THunderclan. She agrees this time saying that all of Thunderclan is filled with traitors and she thinks that if she had kept Mistyfoor and Stonefur thy would have stayed loyal to her.
A Dangerous Path - Bluestar loses faith in Starclan and thinks her clan is made up of traitors. Tigerclaw becomes Tigerstar leader of Shadowclan. He feeds large dogs sheltering at Snakerocks in hunderclan territory. Bluestar has a dream about a pack rampaging through the forest killing everything. Swiftpaw and Brightpaw go and try to figure out what this pack is. Swiftpaw is killed and BRightpaw loses an eye. Bluestar renames Brightpaw, Lostface. Lostface crus out in her sleep pack, pack, kill, kill. That was what the pack said in Bluestar's dream. Longtail tells Fireheart that he saw Tigerstar feeding the dogs. Cloudtail, Graystripe, Whitestorm and Fireheart go out and find a trail of dead rabbits leading back to the Thunderclan camp with a dead Brindleface at the end. Fireheart gets the clan to go to Sunningrocks and he steals the trail leading most of the pack to the gorge. Tigerstar ambushes him pinning him down until the dogs get there. Bluestar comes and saves his life giving up her 9th and final life to her clan. Fireheart becomes Firestar leader of Thunderclan.
The Darkest Hour - Bluestar gives Firestar a prophecy, Four will become two, lion and tiger will meet in battle and blood will rule the forest. Tigerstar allies his clan with Riverclan trying to kill all half-clan cats. Darkstripe feeds death berries to Sorrelkit but she survives. Firestar questions Darkstripe and Darkstripe says that the only leader worth following is Tigerstar. Tigerstar goes to the human neighborhood and asks Scourge to help him in the forest. At the battle Firestar reveals the truth about Tigerstar. Scourge says his cats will not fight and he kills Tigerstar. Barley comes and tells Firestar that Scourge does not believe in Starclan. Firestar unites all the clans into one clan (lionclan) to drive out Scourge and his cats. (bloodclan) Firestar loses his first life but takes Scourge's. The forest belongs to the clan cats once again.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Summarizing - Super Editions
Dawn of the Clans - The Sun Trail - In the Sun Trail Stoneteller the leader of the Tribe of Rushing Water believes a dream that there is a better place to live. Her tribe casts stones voting to stay (in the mountains) or to leave. Gray Wing stays and Quiet Rain (Jagged Peak's, Clear Sky's and Gray Wing's mother) says Jagged Peak has to stay. Jagged Peak wants to leave so he sneaks off and Quiet Rain thinks Gray Wing should go and find him. Gray Wing finds Jagged Peak and they journey with the other cats. They reach a place where there is a moor and a forest. Half of the cats want to go to the forest. They hold a voting here. The cats who want to go to the forest go and the cats who want to stay on the moor stay. Gray Wing then meets Storm a pretty white she-cat. Gray Wing takes Storm to meet Clear Sky. Clear Sky later throws Jagged Peak out of his group because he cannot hunt. Gray Wing takes him back to the moor where he is looked after. Storm tells Gray Wing that she is expecting Clear Sky's kits. She goes and lives with Clear Sky. Gray Wing then goes to the forest to speak with Clear Sky about Jagged Peak. A patrol catches him and Fox fights him. Gray Wing accidentally kills Fox. Storm goes back to her neighborhood, because she doesn't like how Clear Sky is treating other cats. Turtle Tail goes and lived with Bumble. (a kitty pet) Turtle Tail tells Gray Wing that the den (house) that Storm is sheltering in is being attacked by monsters. (cars and trucks) Turtle Tail and Gray Wing go and find Storm. Only a bright orange ginger Tom survives. They name him Thunder. They bring thunder to his faber. His father rejects him so Gray Wing brings Thunder to the moor.
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - Thunder moves in and lives with Gray Wing. A forest fire rampages through the forest. Moon Shadow is killed in it. The forest cats stay and shelter with the moor cats. The moor and forest cats fight off a threat together. Clear Sky tells Thunder that the only reason he rejected him was a test. He wanted to see how strong Thunder was and now Thunder was a good contribute to any group pf cats. Clear Sky invites Thunder to come and live with him in the Forest. Thunder accepts and starts to learn the forest ways. Thunder then starts to learn Clear Sky's ways, only cat who contribute get to stay and sleep and shelter with his cats. Frost is injured and Clear Sky orders Thunder to leave Frost a place where the maggots will ond him. (A place where Frost would die alone) Thunder refuses to and Frost and Thunder both go to tge moor to safety to Gray Wing.
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - Clear Sky is determined to spread his borders (boundaries) outward even more. Some of the kits disagree with him but don't say anything. Gray Wing realized that he is the only cat that Clear Sky might listen to. So he Jackdaw's Cry, Tall Shadow and Thunder go an meet with Clear Sky. Clear Sky brings lots of cats. Gray Wing walks right into an ambush. Thunder escapes the hollow for help by tree. Thunder races to the more and comes back with reinforcements. Fighting had already broken out by the time Thunder and his patrol of cats gets to the hollow. Rainswept Flower was dead at Clear Sky's paws. Jackdaw's Cry and Falling Feather kill each other and many others had died. Clear Sky ends the battle and all the forest cats go home. Clear Sky stays with the moor cats to help bury the dead.
Dawn of the Clan - The Blazing Star - The cats who survived the battle were told they had to unite or die by the spirit-cats. They were told to grow and spread like a Blazing Star. Then a sickness hits the cats. A very bad sickness. One Eye and Tom join Clear Sky's group. One Eye attacks Sparrow Fur and kills Tom. Thunder meets a cat named Star Flower. One Eye drives Clear Sky from the forest. One Eye attacks the Thunder's Cats. Thunder realizes that Star Flower had betrayed him. They kill One Eye and drive Star Flower out. Petal dies of the sickness but they save Alder and Birch. Then they get together to see how to fight the sickness. Then Gray Wing realizes what the message form their ancestors mean.
Bluestar's Prophecy - Bluekit and Snowkit born to Moonflower and Stormtail because apprentices. They go a gathering and fight to defend Sunningrocks. They get their warrior names Bluefur and Snowfur. Snowfur has a kit (Whitestorm) with Thistleclaw. Bluefur takes an interest in Oakheart. Bluefur has kits with Oakheart. (river clan) Thrushpelt covers for her. She gives Mistykit, Stonekit and Mosskit to Oakheart in Riverclan so Thistleclaw won't become deputy and then maybe clan leader.
Crookedstar's Promise - Stormkit and his brother Oakkit are born to Rainflower and Shellheart. Oakkit and Stormkit sneak out of the camp. Stormkit is chased by Goosefeather and he falls off a stepping stone (breaking his jaw). Rainflower asks Hailstar to change Stormkit's name to Crookedkit. After Crookedkit was named Crookedkit he sneaks out of camp to try to visit the moonstone. Crookedkit meets Fleck a barn cat. Crookedkit returns home realizing that's where he belongs. Crookedkit becomes Crookedpaw. Mapleshade comes to Crookedpaw and trains him at night only after he promises to put his clan above anything. Crookedpaw agrees. Mapleshade starts to train him at night and Cedarpelt at night. Rainflower dies because at Mapleshade's urging he leaves to fight the dog attacked his clan mates. Crookedjaw earns his warrior name. Then an omen comes after Shellheart says he would like to move to the elders den. Crookedjaw catches a squirrel and it's jaws are gaping on it's hinges. Mapleshade had sent the omen. Crookedjaw became the new deputy. When Crookedjaw becomes leader he has kits with williowbreeze.
Yellowfang's Secret - Yellowkit, Nutkit and Rowankit are born to Brightflower and Brackenfoot. Nutkit eats crow-food (rotting food) and gets a stomach ache. Yellowkit doesn't eat the crowfoot but still gets a stomach ache like Nutkit. When combat training Rowanpaw gets hurt Yellowpaw feels a pain in her shoulder too. Yellowpaw, Rowanpaw and Nutpaw all get their warrior name. Yellowfang, Rowanberry and Nutwhisker. During battles Yellowfang escapes with no visible injuries but she feels as if her pelt is being torn off. Sagewhisker the Shadowclan medicine cat tells Yellowfang that she is feeling the pain of injuries that other cats have. Sagehwisker tells Yellowfang that she has to become a medicine cat. Yellowfang reluctantly agress. She does't like it though. Even though she took medicine cat vows she still sees Raggedpelt. Suddenly she realizes she is going to have kits. She has 3 two of them are dead. The last kit she gives to Lizardfang to raise. She names the kit Brokenkit. Raggedstar becomes clan leader and tells Brokentail that if anything happens to Cloudpelt he will become the next Shadowclan deputy. Raggedstar mysteriously dies. Brokenstar breaks the warrior code an apprentices kits at 3 moons he makes them warriors at 5 moons. Brightflower's kits die. Brokenstar makes the whole clan think that Yellowfang killed them. Yellowfang is exiled from Shadowclan and she flees across the border to Thunderclan.
Tallstar's Revenge - Tallkit and Finchkit are born to Palebird and Sandgorse. Finchkit dies. Tallkit becomes Tallpaw apprentices to Dawnstripe a moor runner even though most of his family have been tunnelers. (in wind clan you can either be a moor runner or a tunneler). Tallpaw goes underground with Sandgorse and his patrol for a day. They try to tunnel through to the gorge and there is a flood. Tallpaw is scared. Heatherstar orders the tunnelers to close and stop all work on the gorge tunnel. Sandgorse blames him. Tallpaw gets his warrior name Talltail. Then the visitors come. Sandgorse takes Sparrow a loner down the gorge tunnel. The tunnel collapses. Talltail blames Sparrow for his father's death. He tells Windclan that he is leaving and probably won't be coming back. He finds the loner's trail and follows it. He gets sick and he ends up in Jake's (a kitty pet's) home. Jake tells Talltail how to get out if Talltail allows him to come with him. When they find the loners Talltail finds a perfect way to kill Sparrow. Sparrow goes hunting for pigeons each morning near a thunder path so Talltail thinks he will just give him a push. When Talltail goes to push him though he can't Sparrow tells Talltail that Sandgorse held back the earth for him to escape. Talltail realizes he can't kill Sparrow and returns to Windclan to be the next Winclan leader after Heatherstar.
Bramblestar's Storm - Firestar is dead and now Bramblestar is ruling Thunderclan with Squirrelflight by his side. Lilypaw and Seedpaw become apprentices. There is a huge flood. Blackstar dies. Rowanclaw becomes Rowanstar leader of Shadowclan. Kittypets threaten Shadowclan so Bramblestar brings a patrol to help Shadowclan drive them out. Roawnstar didn't ask for help and isn't thankful that Bramblestar brought help. Seedpaw dies trying to rescue the Thunderlcan memorial stick. Bramblestar rescues 3 kitty pets who got lost during the flood. Minty, Jessy and Frankie. Bramblestar takes another patrol to help Shadowclan drive out badgers. The flood waters start to slowly go down. Minty asks to go home to her humans. She does. Jessy leaves them too. Frankie asks is he can stay and he does taking an apprentice name. Then when they water goes down far enough the cats began to gather every full moon again. At one gathering, Cherryfall finds the stick for lost Thunderclan warriors. She explains to the other cats what they stick is for. Mothingwing and Willowshine say they grew a ring of ferns for the let Riverclan warriors. Onestar said there is a pile of stones for the lost Windclan warriors and a patrol goes there every single day. Rowanstar says they list the names of the dead at the first owl call every night. Then the cats realize there are spirits among them. Firestar tells Bramblestar that he has a chance to make sure what happened to Skyclan never happens again.
Dawn of the Clans - Thunder Rising - Thunder moves in and lives with Gray Wing. A forest fire rampages through the forest. Moon Shadow is killed in it. The forest cats stay and shelter with the moor cats. The moor and forest cats fight off a threat together. Clear Sky tells Thunder that the only reason he rejected him was a test. He wanted to see how strong Thunder was and now Thunder was a good contribute to any group pf cats. Clear Sky invites Thunder to come and live with him in the Forest. Thunder accepts and starts to learn the forest ways. Thunder then starts to learn Clear Sky's ways, only cat who contribute get to stay and sleep and shelter with his cats. Frost is injured and Clear Sky orders Thunder to leave Frost a place where the maggots will ond him. (A place where Frost would die alone) Thunder refuses to and Frost and Thunder both go to tge moor to safety to Gray Wing.
Dawn of the Clans - The First Battle - Clear Sky is determined to spread his borders (boundaries) outward even more. Some of the kits disagree with him but don't say anything. Gray Wing realized that he is the only cat that Clear Sky might listen to. So he Jackdaw's Cry, Tall Shadow and Thunder go an meet with Clear Sky. Clear Sky brings lots of cats. Gray Wing walks right into an ambush. Thunder escapes the hollow for help by tree. Thunder races to the more and comes back with reinforcements. Fighting had already broken out by the time Thunder and his patrol of cats gets to the hollow. Rainswept Flower was dead at Clear Sky's paws. Jackdaw's Cry and Falling Feather kill each other and many others had died. Clear Sky ends the battle and all the forest cats go home. Clear Sky stays with the moor cats to help bury the dead.
Dawn of the Clan - The Blazing Star - The cats who survived the battle were told they had to unite or die by the spirit-cats. They were told to grow and spread like a Blazing Star. Then a sickness hits the cats. A very bad sickness. One Eye and Tom join Clear Sky's group. One Eye attacks Sparrow Fur and kills Tom. Thunder meets a cat named Star Flower. One Eye drives Clear Sky from the forest. One Eye attacks the Thunder's Cats. Thunder realizes that Star Flower had betrayed him. They kill One Eye and drive Star Flower out. Petal dies of the sickness but they save Alder and Birch. Then they get together to see how to fight the sickness. Then Gray Wing realizes what the message form their ancestors mean.
Bluestar's Prophecy - Bluekit and Snowkit born to Moonflower and Stormtail because apprentices. They go a gathering and fight to defend Sunningrocks. They get their warrior names Bluefur and Snowfur. Snowfur has a kit (Whitestorm) with Thistleclaw. Bluefur takes an interest in Oakheart. Bluefur has kits with Oakheart. (river clan) Thrushpelt covers for her. She gives Mistykit, Stonekit and Mosskit to Oakheart in Riverclan so Thistleclaw won't become deputy and then maybe clan leader.
Crookedstar's Promise - Stormkit and his brother Oakkit are born to Rainflower and Shellheart. Oakkit and Stormkit sneak out of the camp. Stormkit is chased by Goosefeather and he falls off a stepping stone (breaking his jaw). Rainflower asks Hailstar to change Stormkit's name to Crookedkit. After Crookedkit was named Crookedkit he sneaks out of camp to try to visit the moonstone. Crookedkit meets Fleck a barn cat. Crookedkit returns home realizing that's where he belongs. Crookedkit becomes Crookedpaw. Mapleshade comes to Crookedpaw and trains him at night only after he promises to put his clan above anything. Crookedpaw agrees. Mapleshade starts to train him at night and Cedarpelt at night. Rainflower dies because at Mapleshade's urging he leaves to fight the dog attacked his clan mates. Crookedjaw earns his warrior name. Then an omen comes after Shellheart says he would like to move to the elders den. Crookedjaw catches a squirrel and it's jaws are gaping on it's hinges. Mapleshade had sent the omen. Crookedjaw became the new deputy. When Crookedjaw becomes leader he has kits with williowbreeze.
Yellowfang's Secret - Yellowkit, Nutkit and Rowankit are born to Brightflower and Brackenfoot. Nutkit eats crow-food (rotting food) and gets a stomach ache. Yellowkit doesn't eat the crowfoot but still gets a stomach ache like Nutkit. When combat training Rowanpaw gets hurt Yellowpaw feels a pain in her shoulder too. Yellowpaw, Rowanpaw and Nutpaw all get their warrior name. Yellowfang, Rowanberry and Nutwhisker. During battles Yellowfang escapes with no visible injuries but she feels as if her pelt is being torn off. Sagewhisker the Shadowclan medicine cat tells Yellowfang that she is feeling the pain of injuries that other cats have. Sagehwisker tells Yellowfang that she has to become a medicine cat. Yellowfang reluctantly agress. She does't like it though. Even though she took medicine cat vows she still sees Raggedpelt. Suddenly she realizes she is going to have kits. She has 3 two of them are dead. The last kit she gives to Lizardfang to raise. She names the kit Brokenkit. Raggedstar becomes clan leader and tells Brokentail that if anything happens to Cloudpelt he will become the next Shadowclan deputy. Raggedstar mysteriously dies. Brokenstar breaks the warrior code an apprentices kits at 3 moons he makes them warriors at 5 moons. Brightflower's kits die. Brokenstar makes the whole clan think that Yellowfang killed them. Yellowfang is exiled from Shadowclan and she flees across the border to Thunderclan.
Tallstar's Revenge - Tallkit and Finchkit are born to Palebird and Sandgorse. Finchkit dies. Tallkit becomes Tallpaw apprentices to Dawnstripe a moor runner even though most of his family have been tunnelers. (in wind clan you can either be a moor runner or a tunneler). Tallpaw goes underground with Sandgorse and his patrol for a day. They try to tunnel through to the gorge and there is a flood. Tallpaw is scared. Heatherstar orders the tunnelers to close and stop all work on the gorge tunnel. Sandgorse blames him. Tallpaw gets his warrior name Talltail. Then the visitors come. Sandgorse takes Sparrow a loner down the gorge tunnel. The tunnel collapses. Talltail blames Sparrow for his father's death. He tells Windclan that he is leaving and probably won't be coming back. He finds the loner's trail and follows it. He gets sick and he ends up in Jake's (a kitty pet's) home. Jake tells Talltail how to get out if Talltail allows him to come with him. When they find the loners Talltail finds a perfect way to kill Sparrow. Sparrow goes hunting for pigeons each morning near a thunder path so Talltail thinks he will just give him a push. When Talltail goes to push him though he can't Sparrow tells Talltail that Sandgorse held back the earth for him to escape. Talltail realizes he can't kill Sparrow and returns to Windclan to be the next Winclan leader after Heatherstar.
Bramblestar's Storm - Firestar is dead and now Bramblestar is ruling Thunderclan with Squirrelflight by his side. Lilypaw and Seedpaw become apprentices. There is a huge flood. Blackstar dies. Rowanclaw becomes Rowanstar leader of Shadowclan. Kittypets threaten Shadowclan so Bramblestar brings a patrol to help Shadowclan drive them out. Roawnstar didn't ask for help and isn't thankful that Bramblestar brought help. Seedpaw dies trying to rescue the Thunderlcan memorial stick. Bramblestar rescues 3 kitty pets who got lost during the flood. Minty, Jessy and Frankie. Bramblestar takes another patrol to help Shadowclan drive out badgers. The flood waters start to slowly go down. Minty asks to go home to her humans. She does. Jessy leaves them too. Frankie asks is he can stay and he does taking an apprentice name. Then when they water goes down far enough the cats began to gather every full moon again. At one gathering, Cherryfall finds the stick for lost Thunderclan warriors. She explains to the other cats what they stick is for. Mothingwing and Willowshine say they grew a ring of ferns for the let Riverclan warriors. Onestar said there is a pile of stones for the lost Windclan warriors and a patrol goes there every single day. Rowanstar says they list the names of the dead at the first owl call every night. Then the cats realize there are spirits among them. Firestar tells Bramblestar that he has a chance to make sure what happened to Skyclan never happens again.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Warrior Medicine Cats
Medicine Cat Code
No Kits, No Mate, Always heal cats if you can
Thunderclan (after Goosefeather)
Goosefeather - Moondance's littermate, Apprentice Featherwhisker, Little crazy, Tom.
Featherwhisker - Goosefeather's apprentice, Apprentice Spottedleaf, Long whiskers, Tom.
Spottedleaf - Dapple she-cat, Featherwhisker's apprentice, No apprentice, (Yellowfang takes Spottedleaf's place when she dies).
Yellowfang - Thunderclan medicine cat after Spottedleaf, (Shadowclan medicine cat as well), Apprentice (in thunderclan) Cinderpelt,
Cinderpelt - Gray fluffy she-cat, Trained as warrior first, Hurt her leg on thunder path and became medicine cat instead, disobeyed Bluestar to help Littlecloud and Whitethroat, Dies at the claws of a badger when Sorreltail gives birth to Cinderheart, Yellowfang's apprentice, Apprentice Leafpool, Brother Brackenfur, Mother Frostfur.
Leafpool - Cinderpelt's apprentice, Apprentice Jayfeather (Hollyleaf first), Squirrelflight's Sister, Mother Sandstorm, Father Firestar, shares a bond with Squirrelflight, gets prophecy before the is peace blood will spill blood and the lake will run red, captured by humans, Mate Crowfeather (Windclan), Kits Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather (kits and mate forbidden because of medicine cat code), gives kits to Squirrelflight to raise as her own with Brambleclaw, Loses Medicine Cat position when Hollyleaf reveals at a gathering that Leafpool broke the warrior and medicine cat code.
Jayfeather - Lionblaze and Hollyleaf's Brother, Mother Leafpool, Father Crowfeather, No apprentice yet, Leafpool's apprentice, Medicine cat during the Dark Forest attack, Blind but can see in dreams, One of the 3, accused of murdering Flametail (innocent).
Other Cats in Thunderclan who know herbs
Briarlight - Bumblestripe's and Blossomfall's Sister, Mother Millie, Father Graystripe, moves to medicine den when a falling tree breaks her back bone (meaning she cannot move her hind legs anymore)
Brighheart - Helps Cinderpelt when Cloudtail (her mate) takes an interest in Daisy, lost an eye to the pack of large ail dogs.
Windclan (after Hawheart)
Hawkheart - Gruff Tom, Apprentice Barkface.
Barkface - Hawkheart's Apprentice, Apprentice Kestrelflight, Medicine Cat when Windclan is forced out of their territory by Brokenstar and his cats. Mother Brackenwing, Brother Shrewclaw.
Kestrelflight - Medicine Cat when the Dark forest attacks, Barkfacce's apprentice.
Riverclan (after Brambleberry)
Brambleberry - spotted she-cat, Apprentice Mudfur, Tends to Crookedjaw when her twists his jaw.
Mudfur - Mate Brightsky, Kit Leapodstar, Trained as warrior first, (kits and mate not forbidden because he was a warrior at the time Leopardstar was born), choose to become Medicine cat after BRightsky dies, Apprentice Mothwing.
Mothwing - Mudfur's apprentice, Apprentice Willowshine, Mother Sasha (loner), Father Tigerstar, Brother Hawkfrost and Tadpole. Doesn't believe in Starclan.
Willowshine - Mosspelt's kit, Mothwing's apprentice, gray she-cat.
Shadowclan (after Sagewhisker)
Sagewhisker - White she-cat, Yellowfang's mentor.
Yellowfang - Becomes Thunderclan's medicine cat, Can feel other cats pain, gray she cat, Mate Raggedstar, Kit Brokenstar, (Kits and mate forbidden) gives Brokenstar to Lizardstripe to raise,
Runningnose - can't cure his own sniffles, Yellowfang's Apprentice, Apprentice Littlecloud, black anfd white.
Littlecloud - Runningnose's apprentice, Flametail's mentor, chose to be a medicine cat after Cinderpelt saves his life.
Flametail - Littlecloud's apprentice, Has no apprentice (drowns under the ice), Dawnpelt's and Tigerheart's brother, Mother Tawnypelt, Father Rowanstar.
No Kits, No Mate, Always heal cats if you can
Thunderclan (after Goosefeather)
Goosefeather - Moondance's littermate, Apprentice Featherwhisker, Little crazy, Tom.
Featherwhisker - Goosefeather's apprentice, Apprentice Spottedleaf, Long whiskers, Tom.
Spottedleaf - Dapple she-cat, Featherwhisker's apprentice, No apprentice, (Yellowfang takes Spottedleaf's place when she dies).
Yellowfang - Thunderclan medicine cat after Spottedleaf, (Shadowclan medicine cat as well), Apprentice (in thunderclan) Cinderpelt,
Cinderpelt - Gray fluffy she-cat, Trained as warrior first, Hurt her leg on thunder path and became medicine cat instead, disobeyed Bluestar to help Littlecloud and Whitethroat, Dies at the claws of a badger when Sorreltail gives birth to Cinderheart, Yellowfang's apprentice, Apprentice Leafpool, Brother Brackenfur, Mother Frostfur.
Leafpool - Cinderpelt's apprentice, Apprentice Jayfeather (Hollyleaf first), Squirrelflight's Sister, Mother Sandstorm, Father Firestar, shares a bond with Squirrelflight, gets prophecy before the is peace blood will spill blood and the lake will run red, captured by humans, Mate Crowfeather (Windclan), Kits Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather (kits and mate forbidden because of medicine cat code), gives kits to Squirrelflight to raise as her own with Brambleclaw, Loses Medicine Cat position when Hollyleaf reveals at a gathering that Leafpool broke the warrior and medicine cat code.
Jayfeather - Lionblaze and Hollyleaf's Brother, Mother Leafpool, Father Crowfeather, No apprentice yet, Leafpool's apprentice, Medicine cat during the Dark Forest attack, Blind but can see in dreams, One of the 3, accused of murdering Flametail (innocent).
Other Cats in Thunderclan who know herbs
Briarlight - Bumblestripe's and Blossomfall's Sister, Mother Millie, Father Graystripe, moves to medicine den when a falling tree breaks her back bone (meaning she cannot move her hind legs anymore)
Brighheart - Helps Cinderpelt when Cloudtail (her mate) takes an interest in Daisy, lost an eye to the pack of large ail dogs.
Windclan (after Hawheart)
Hawkheart - Gruff Tom, Apprentice Barkface.
Barkface - Hawkheart's Apprentice, Apprentice Kestrelflight, Medicine Cat when Windclan is forced out of their territory by Brokenstar and his cats. Mother Brackenwing, Brother Shrewclaw.
Kestrelflight - Medicine Cat when the Dark forest attacks, Barkfacce's apprentice.
Riverclan (after Brambleberry)
Brambleberry - spotted she-cat, Apprentice Mudfur, Tends to Crookedjaw when her twists his jaw.
Mudfur - Mate Brightsky, Kit Leapodstar, Trained as warrior first, (kits and mate not forbidden because he was a warrior at the time Leopardstar was born), choose to become Medicine cat after BRightsky dies, Apprentice Mothwing.
Mothwing - Mudfur's apprentice, Apprentice Willowshine, Mother Sasha (loner), Father Tigerstar, Brother Hawkfrost and Tadpole. Doesn't believe in Starclan.
Willowshine - Mosspelt's kit, Mothwing's apprentice, gray she-cat.
Shadowclan (after Sagewhisker)
Sagewhisker - White she-cat, Yellowfang's mentor.
Yellowfang - Becomes Thunderclan's medicine cat, Can feel other cats pain, gray she cat, Mate Raggedstar, Kit Brokenstar, (Kits and mate forbidden) gives Brokenstar to Lizardstripe to raise,
Runningnose - can't cure his own sniffles, Yellowfang's Apprentice, Apprentice Littlecloud, black anfd white.
Littlecloud - Runningnose's apprentice, Flametail's mentor, chose to be a medicine cat after Cinderpelt saves his life.
Flametail - Littlecloud's apprentice, Has no apprentice (drowns under the ice), Dawnpelt's and Tigerheart's brother, Mother Tawnypelt, Father Rowanstar.
Warrior Leaders
Thunderclan (after Pinestar)
Pinestar - Redish brown tom, green eyes becomes a kitty pet, Leopardfoot's mate, Tigerstar's father.
Sunstar - Warrior name was Sunfall, green eyes, ginger fur Pinestar's deputy.
Bluestar - Mother Moonflower, Father Stormtail, Sister Snowfur, Kits Mistyfoot (later Mistystar), Stonefur, Mosskit,Mate Oakheart (from Riverclan), Kin Whitestorm, Sunstar's Deputy, Deputies Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerstar, Fireheart, Warrior name Bluefur, Mentor(s) Stonepelt and Sunstar, gives Mistystar, Stonefur and Mosskit to Oakheart in Riveclan to raise.
Firestar - Warrior name Fireheart, Deputy to Bluestar, Sandstorm's mate, Litter mates Princess (and others), kits Leafpool and Squirrelflight, Kin Cloudtail (Princess's son), Lionblaze, Jayfeather,Hollyleaf, Whitewing, Dowewing and Ivypool , Deputies Whitestorm, Graystripe and Brambleclaw Father Jake, Mentor(s) Lionheart, Tigerclaw (later Tigerstar) and Bluestar.
Bramblestar - Warrior name Brambleclaw, Mate Squirrelflight, Firestar's Deputy, Deputy Squirrelflight, Kin Firestar(and all of Firestar's Kin)
Tawnypelt and her kits (Dawnpelt, Tigerheart and Flametail), Mother Goldenflower, Father Tigerstar, Litter mate Tawnypelt, Half-Brother Hawkfrost, Half-Sister Mothwing, Mentor Firestar.
Riverclan (after Hailstar)
Hailstar - Echomist's mate, Deputies Shellheart and Crookedjaw (Before Stormkit - Later Crookedstar), Kits Beetlenose, Voletooth and Petalfur.
Crookedstar - Hailstar's deputy, Warrior name Crookedjaw, First kit name Stormkit, Mother Rainflower, Father Shellheart, Mentor Cedarpelt (and Mapleshade (dark forest warrior), Brother Oakheart, Mate Willowshine, Kits Minnowkit, Willowkit and Silverstream Deputies Rippleclaw and Leopardfur.
Leopardstar - Warrior name Leopardfur, Deputy Mistyfoot (later Mistystar), golden dappled pelt.
Mistystar - Warrior name Mistyfoot, Deputy to Leopardstar, Deputy Reedfeather, Brother Stonefur, Mother Bluestar (Thunderclan), Father Oakheart, Litter mates Stonefur, Mosskit, Foster Mother Graypool.
Shadowclan (after Cedarstar)
Cedarstar - Deputy Stonetooth and Raggedpelt (later Raggedstar)
Raggedstar - Mate Yellowfang, Kit Brokentail (late Brokenstar) Deputy to Cedarstar, Deputies Foxheart, Cloud Brokentail (later Brokenstar) Warrior name Raggedpelt, Mentor Brackenfoot.
Brokenstar - Mother Yellowfang, Father Raggedpelt, Warrior name Brokentail. Deputy to Raggedstar, Mentor Nightpelt, Deputy Blackfoot (later Blackstar) Mercyless.
Tigerstar - Deputy to Shadowclan (though to be chosen to be Shadowclan's leader by Starclan after Brokenstar was driven out), Mother Leopardfoot (thunderclan), Father Pinestar (thunderclan), From Thunderclan, Mate Goldenflower (thunderclan), Kits Brambleclaw (thunderclap) and Tawnypelt (born in thunderclap left and joined her father in Shadowclan), Other Mate Sasha (Rouge) Kits with Sasha Hawkfrost (riverclan) and Mothwing (riverclan). Mentor Thistleclaw, Deputy Blackfoot (later Blackstar)
Blackstar - Brokenstar's and Tigerstar's Deputy. Deputy Russetfur and Rowanclaw (later Rowanstar).
Rowanstar - Leader after Blackstar. Mate Tawnypelt, Kits Dawnpelt, Flametail, and Tigerheart, Kin Tawnypelt and her Kin.
Windclan (after Heatherstar)
Heatherstar - Deputy Reedfeather and Talltail (later Tallstar), She-cat.
Tallstar - Mother Palebird, Father Sandgorse, Litter Mate Finchkit, long tail, Warrior Name Talltail, Black and White patches, Deputy to Heatherstar, Deputies Mudclaw and Onewhisker (later Onestar).
Onestar - Deputy to Tallstar, Warrior Name Onewhisker, Deputy Ashfoot, Ginger Tom,
Pinestar - Redish brown tom, green eyes becomes a kitty pet, Leopardfoot's mate, Tigerstar's father.
Sunstar - Warrior name was Sunfall, green eyes, ginger fur Pinestar's deputy.
Bluestar - Mother Moonflower, Father Stormtail, Sister Snowfur, Kits Mistyfoot (later Mistystar), Stonefur, Mosskit,Mate Oakheart (from Riverclan), Kin Whitestorm, Sunstar's Deputy, Deputies Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerstar, Fireheart, Warrior name Bluefur, Mentor(s) Stonepelt and Sunstar, gives Mistystar, Stonefur and Mosskit to Oakheart in Riveclan to raise.
Firestar - Warrior name Fireheart, Deputy to Bluestar, Sandstorm's mate, Litter mates Princess (and others), kits Leafpool and Squirrelflight, Kin Cloudtail (Princess's son), Lionblaze, Jayfeather,Hollyleaf, Whitewing, Dowewing and Ivypool , Deputies Whitestorm, Graystripe and Brambleclaw Father Jake, Mentor(s) Lionheart, Tigerclaw (later Tigerstar) and Bluestar.
Bramblestar - Warrior name Brambleclaw, Mate Squirrelflight, Firestar's Deputy, Deputy Squirrelflight, Kin Firestar(and all of Firestar's Kin)
Riverclan (after Hailstar)
Hailstar - Echomist's mate, Deputies Shellheart and Crookedjaw (Before Stormkit - Later Crookedstar), Kits Beetlenose, Voletooth and Petalfur.
Crookedstar - Hailstar's deputy, Warrior name Crookedjaw, First kit name Stormkit, Mother Rainflower, Father Shellheart, Mentor Cedarpelt (and Mapleshade (dark forest warrior), Brother Oakheart, Mate Willowshine, Kits Minnowkit, Willowkit and Silverstream Deputies Rippleclaw and Leopardfur.
Leopardstar - Warrior name Leopardfur, Deputy Mistyfoot (later Mistystar), golden dappled pelt.
Mistystar - Warrior name Mistyfoot, Deputy to Leopardstar, Deputy Reedfeather, Brother Stonefur, Mother Bluestar (Thunderclan), Father Oakheart, Litter mates Stonefur, Mosskit, Foster Mother Graypool.
Shadowclan (after Cedarstar)
Cedarstar - Deputy Stonetooth and Raggedpelt (later Raggedstar)
Raggedstar - Mate Yellowfang, Kit Brokentail (late Brokenstar) Deputy to Cedarstar, Deputies Foxheart, Cloud Brokentail (later Brokenstar) Warrior name Raggedpelt, Mentor Brackenfoot.
Brokenstar - Mother Yellowfang, Father Raggedpelt, Warrior name Brokentail. Deputy to Raggedstar, Mentor Nightpelt, Deputy Blackfoot (later Blackstar) Mercyless.
Tigerstar - Deputy to Shadowclan (though to be chosen to be Shadowclan's leader by Starclan after Brokenstar was driven out), Mother Leopardfoot (thunderclan), Father Pinestar (thunderclan), From Thunderclan, Mate Goldenflower (thunderclan), Kits Brambleclaw (thunderclap) and Tawnypelt (born in thunderclap left and joined her father in Shadowclan), Other Mate Sasha (Rouge) Kits with Sasha Hawkfrost (riverclan) and Mothwing (riverclan). Mentor Thistleclaw, Deputy Blackfoot (later Blackstar)
Blackstar - Brokenstar's and Tigerstar's Deputy. Deputy Russetfur and Rowanclaw (later Rowanstar).
Rowanstar - Leader after Blackstar. Mate Tawnypelt, Kits Dawnpelt, Flametail, and Tigerheart, Kin Tawnypelt and her Kin.
Windclan (after Heatherstar)
Heatherstar - Deputy Reedfeather and Talltail (later Tallstar), She-cat.
Tallstar - Mother Palebird, Father Sandgorse, Litter Mate Finchkit, long tail, Warrior Name Talltail, Black and White patches, Deputy to Heatherstar, Deputies Mudclaw and Onewhisker (later Onestar).
Onestar - Deputy to Tallstar, Warrior Name Onewhisker, Deputy Ashfoot, Ginger Tom,
Monday, November 3, 2014
Warrior Code
1. Defend your clan with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other clans but your loyalty must remain to your clan. (No mates in other clans)
2. Do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory. Unless you are delivering a message to a clan leader or are in desperate need of help.
3. Elders and Kits/Queens must be fed before any other cat. (apprentices, warriors, leader, and deputy.)
4. Prey is killed only to be eaten nothing else. Give thanks to Starclan (ancestors) for it's life.
5. A kit must be 6 moons (months) old before he or she can become an apprentice. Until then they must stay in the camp to be watched by the queens.
6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night (while the clan sleeps) after receiving their warrior name.
7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having an apprentice first.
8. The deputy will become the clan leader when the clan leader dies or retires.
9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, a new deputy must be appointed before moon high of the night the deputy died or retired.
10. A gathering of all clans will be held every full moon for a night where they share clan news. There is a truce between all cats and there should be no fighting during this time.
11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. All trespassing cats should be challenged at why they are in your territory.
12. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or in danger even if the kit is from a different clan.
13. The word of the clan leader is the warrior code (law). you must do what your leader tells you to do.
14. An honorable warrior does not have to (need to) kill other cats to win his or her battle. Unless the cat does not follow the warrior code or it is necessary for self defense. (to stay alive)
15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kitty pet. (a pet cat kept by humans)
16. There will be no need for boundaries when all the clans have to unite together to face an enemy. (The Dark Forest) Or to travel somewhere (the great journey).
2. Do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory. Unless you are delivering a message to a clan leader or are in desperate need of help.
3. Elders and Kits/Queens must be fed before any other cat. (apprentices, warriors, leader, and deputy.)
4. Prey is killed only to be eaten nothing else. Give thanks to Starclan (ancestors) for it's life.
5. A kit must be 6 moons (months) old before he or she can become an apprentice. Until then they must stay in the camp to be watched by the queens.
6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night (while the clan sleeps) after receiving their warrior name.
7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having an apprentice first.
8. The deputy will become the clan leader when the clan leader dies or retires.
9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, a new deputy must be appointed before moon high of the night the deputy died or retired.
10. A gathering of all clans will be held every full moon for a night where they share clan news. There is a truce between all cats and there should be no fighting during this time.
11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. All trespassing cats should be challenged at why they are in your territory.
12. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or in danger even if the kit is from a different clan.
13. The word of the clan leader is the warrior code (law). you must do what your leader tells you to do.
14. An honorable warrior does not have to (need to) kill other cats to win his or her battle. Unless the cat does not follow the warrior code or it is necessary for self defense. (to stay alive)
15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kitty pet. (a pet cat kept by humans)
16. There will be no need for boundaries when all the clans have to unite together to face an enemy. (The Dark Forest) Or to travel somewhere (the great journey).
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Warrior Cats Oath
I will remember Brightheart when I see a scar on someone's face.
I will think of Windclan every time I win a race.
I will remember Goosefeather when nobody believes me.
I will think of Scourge when someone is teased for being tiny.
I'll remember Mothwing when I find it is hard to believe.
I will think of Heathertail when someone wants to be just friends.
I will think of Starclan when I am near the end.
I will think of Tawnypelt whenever I feel judged.
I will think of Darkstripe when somebody holds a grudge.
I promise to remember Cinderheart whenever I climb a tree.
I'll remember Midnight whenever I'm at sea.
I will remember Leafpool when I must follow my heart.
I will think of Hollyleaf if I ever fall apart.
I'll remember Brambleclaw whenever I must prove myself.
I'll remember Lionblaze when I'm feeling strong.
I'll remember Tigerstar when I choose the path that's wrong.
I'll remember Dovewing when I hear something far away.
I'll remember Cloudtail when a kitten catches their first prey.
I'll remember Bluestar whenever I must choose.
I'll remember Crowfeather when the one I love I loose.
Feathertail will be in my mind whenever I must be brave.
I will remember the tribe whenever I am in a cave.
I'll remember Ashfur when somebody breaks my heart.
I'll remember Ivypool when I try to be the best.
I'll remember Firestar when my loyalty is put to the test.
I'll remember Crookedstar if someone abandons me.
I'll remember Ravenpaw if I ever have to flee.
I'll remember Jayfeather if I ever have a strange dream.
I'll think of Cherrytail and Sparrowpelt whenever I eat cream.
I'll always think of Cinderpelt when my leg is sore.
I'll remember Longtail when I see no more.
I'll remember the many battles when I see conflict or strike.
I promise to remember all of these cats for the rest of my life.
I will think of Windclan every time I win a race.
I will remember Goosefeather when nobody believes me.
I will think of Scourge when someone is teased for being tiny.
I'll remember Mothwing when I find it is hard to believe.
I will think of Heathertail when someone wants to be just friends.
I will think of Starclan when I am near the end.
I will think of Tawnypelt whenever I feel judged.
I will think of Darkstripe when somebody holds a grudge.
I promise to remember Cinderheart whenever I climb a tree.
I'll remember Midnight whenever I'm at sea.
I will remember Leafpool when I must follow my heart.
I will think of Hollyleaf if I ever fall apart.
I'll remember Brambleclaw whenever I must prove myself.
I'll remember Lionblaze when I'm feeling strong.
I'll remember Tigerstar when I choose the path that's wrong.
I'll remember Dovewing when I hear something far away.
I'll remember Cloudtail when a kitten catches their first prey.
I'll remember Bluestar whenever I must choose.
I'll remember Crowfeather when the one I love I loose.
Feathertail will be in my mind whenever I must be brave.
I will remember the tribe whenever I am in a cave.
I'll remember Ashfur when somebody breaks my heart.
I'll remember Ivypool when I try to be the best.
I'll remember Firestar when my loyalty is put to the test.
I'll remember Crookedstar if someone abandons me.
I'll remember Ravenpaw if I ever have to flee.
I'll remember Jayfeather if I ever have a strange dream.
I'll think of Cherrytail and Sparrowpelt whenever I eat cream.
I'll always think of Cinderpelt when my leg is sore.
I'll remember Longtail when I see no more.
I'll remember the many battles when I see conflict or strike.
I promise to remember all of these cats for the rest of my life.
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