Sunday, April 26, 2015

Whiteclaw's Tale - Chapter 8

Darkfinch just flicked his ears signaling to the patrol to go back to the camp. The pet cats padded behind them.  As they got to the camp, Owlkit raced up to Brownpaw and said, "Who are the other cats are they prisoners?" Before Brownpaw could answer, "I will speak for myself, Brownpaw. I am not a prisoner of your precious clan. If anything I look better taken care of then you do." All the clan had gathered around Rissa and Brownpaw when Cinderstar appeared at the top of the rock. "Nightclan, this is Princess, Olivia and…." Cinderstar never finished his sentence because Rissa interrupted him. "I can speak for myself you know. I am not one of your obedient loyal cats that will sit and do anything that is ordered of me. I don't care if you are the most powerful cat in the world. I can still speak for myself. Just because you have authority doesn't mean the rest of us can't speak for ourselves." Rissa glared the leader of Nightclan. Cinderstar looked at surprise at Rissa. He just watched when Mousekit and Sparrowkit turned and tried to sneak up on Rissa she hissed at them without even turning to look at them. Flowerclaw glared at Rissa before gathering her kits with a sweep of her tail. Cinderstar then continued. "These cats are the kin to Hollytail and Darkfinch. I would like to invite them to stay with the clan for as long as they like and if they wish they to join the clan permanently then they would train along side, Whitepaw, Blackpaw and Brownpaw. You will make them welcome and as long as you are loyal to the clan you will be kind to them." The clan nodded. "Darkfinch take a hunting patrol out to the territory as I heard the only prey the first one caught was a sparrow that they didn't catch." Darkfinch nodded and he narrowed his eyes as he saw Rissa padded out into the forest. "Where are you going?" he called. "Hunting," she replied. "Well bring some prey back for the clan." Darkfinch called. Rissa showed she heard with a flick of her tail before padding into the brush and vanishing from the hunting patrols' view. 

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