Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Book 7 - Chapter 4
"Answer me," hissed the cat. "My name is Sun and these are my litter mates Moon, Night, and Star. Also these are my cousins Silver, Blue, Grey, Black and White." "What are you doing here?" The cat asked. "We were looking for someone." "Who?" "We don't know his name but we think that he is our father." said Moon. "What color is his fur?" asked the cat. "Brown," "Brown? Sounds like…." "It sounds like who?" asked Night. "Never mind. This way please. Come see our leader, Darkfinch. I am his deputy. Liontail. Then Hawkpelt's is the senior warrior." The kittens nodded and padded after Liontail. "Darkfinch? You have some visitors. 9 kittens came to the camp looking for a brown tom that they though was their father, and uncle." Darkfinch looked at them curiously. "Can you get my senior warrior then meet me in the clearing outside the camp?" Liontail nodded. "So you are looking to find your father and your uncle here?" The kittens nodded. "So this cat is a brown cat?" The kittens nodded ok. "Dark brown or light brown?" The kittens looked at each other before Sun spoke up, "he was a light brown cat with a darker tail and paws." "Light brown with a darker tail. Oh, it was Hawkpelt, me senior warrior. Would you like to come and meet him?" The kittens exchanged another glance before nodding and padding after Darkfinch. Darkfinch padded through the brush until he reached a clearing. He flicked his ears and Liontail who sped away to get Hawkpelt. Darkfinch was looking intently at the cats and offered them a spot in his group. The kittens happily agreed only after making sure that Darkfinch would let them keep their names, when they heard a noise in the brush. It was a long white tail, it was sniffing the ground calling the names of the kits. It was Cloud looking for her kits. The kittens looked at each other. Cloud and her patrol burst into the little area and stared as they realized that the kittens were sitting unharmed in a clearing with Darkfinch.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Book 7 - Chapter 3
"Blossomfur would like it if Cloud and her kits stayed with us?" Blossomfur nodded. "Oh so you are Blossomfur now? You are a warrior?" asked Cloud. Blossomfur nodded. "come Cloud, Silverfrost should have room for you and your kits." Cloud followed. "Your kits will fit in just fine, their names will be Sunkit, Starkit, Nightkit, Moonkit, Silverkit, Bluekit, Greykit, Blackkit and Whitekit." said Sagewind. Cloud nodded. Blossomfur made her way over to the queens. The 3 cats were interrupted by a loud hiss. Serafina had appeared in the edge of the clearing. "Darkfinch." "Holly!" "What are you doing here now?" asked Serafina with an edge to her voice. "Why I could ask you the same thing." Serafina growled. "I gave my life to keep my clan safe. It worked. You never knew what had happened." Darkfinch returned her hiss. "Leave Fishclan alone." Serafina hissed. Darkfinch looked at Hawkpelt and nodded, he then flicked his tail and walked away his cats following. Later that night. The kits were talking. "Moon!" "What is it Sun," asked Moon sleepily. "Did you recognize one of his cats?" "Who?" "On the opposing side. I thought I recognized a cat." "I think I did too," said Moon. "Who the cat? I thought I saw a cat that I remembered from before. I can't remember from where though." Chirped Star. "I think he is our father. I mean I remember him from when we were living in the barn." said Night. "What are we going to do?" asked Sun. "What are we going to do about what?" said Moon. "Don't you want to go meet your father?" she asked Star, Moon and Night. Then she turned to Blue, Grey, Silver, White and Black "don't you want to go and meet your uncle?" The kittens were nodding in agreement to Sun's words. "I think Sun is right. Besides I don't like the name Starkit." Said Star. All the kittens slunk past Cloud, and the other queens. They raced out into the night following the cat's scent trail. They had reached the clearing where the cats had been sheltering, and were about to call out to the cat. Suddenly they heard a shriek from the direction they had just come from. It was Cloud. "My kits, all my kits are gone!" Her cries woke up all the cats, and a cat came to see when they found the cats. "Who are you?" he asked in a growl.
Book 7 - Chapter 2
"Why can we not leave?" asked Troutstar. "Please forgive me for interrupting Troutstar," said Birchtail, "It is just Appledawn's kits are coming," said Pinkpaw. Cedarstar looked at the little cat. "Of course, we must wait." Birchtail nodded and padded back to the queen. Appledawn sat in a nest of moss, looking out. Pinkpaw had padded back to the queen. Later that day, Appledawn had 4 healthy kits. She had named them Fishkit, Applekit, Cloverkit, and Silverkit. As soon as the kits were old enough to walk the clan began to move again. One day a small tabby queen stumbled into the cats. "Who are you" asked Cedarstar. "Cloud, my name is Cloud. These are my kits Sun, Star, Night and Moon." Troutstar noticed long scars along Cloud's sides. Suddenly there was a mew behind Cloud. She turned and spotted the other kits. "Oh, this is Silver, Blue, Grey, Black, and White. They were my sister's kits." "Were?" asked Sparrowstar. "My sister Mouse died after she had her kits." "Mouse? Cloud?" called Blossomfur coming forward. "Blossom!" called Cloud. Troutstar looked on. "How do you know this cat Blossom?" asked Troutstar curiously. "They were my sisters. How is Holly?" said Blossom. "Holly? She, she died. She gave her life for me. She helped me escape." "What do you know about Holly?" asked Blossom. "Well Holly of course was Darkfinch's sister and she was also his best friend. She returned to her warrior ways after you fled. She doubted him and he fed her a death berry. When she raced to the stars she changed her name again." "She changed it to Serafina, didn't she?" interrupted Blossom. "That was her name when she was born, she and Darkfinch used to live with humans. They left their home and changed their names to fit the wild." "She lives among the stars. Why?" "Fishclan has met her before." Blossom said. "Indeed you have met me before." said Serafina. "Yes, I am or was Holly." Troutstar looked on. "I have seen, and met most of you all before." said a cold, hard voice. Every cat turned to look it was Darkfinch. "I remember you, Hawkpelt told me he shredded a white cat in a barn." He sniffed the healed scars along Cloud's side and she flinched. "Troutstar are you going to keep these cats are send them on their way?"
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Book 7 - Chapter 1
"I am honored," said Cloudsplash. Troutstar nodded. "I promise to serve Fishclan with the best of my ability," Cloudsplash said. While all the leaders were happy with the senior warrior many cats though that it should have been Birchtail. Birchtail was older the Cloudsplash, and more experienced. Birchtail had also been Cloudsplash's mentor. The clan began to wonder if Troutstar, Cedarstar, and Sparrowstar should have chosen a more proper and experienced warrior to be the senior warrior. Birchtail didn't seem to mind padding around doing his duty, and congratulating his former apprentice. Troutstar, later conferred with his leaders after speaking to his senior warrior. "The clan isn't happy with the choice of senior warrior, even though it is not their choice to make we need to have their full support and loyalty during a battle. If another group of cats comes along, and the leader says I make decisions with the help of the whole clan, probably most of the can will go. We need to decide what to do." "Cloudsplash is a young warrior. He will do well as senior warrior, but of course the whole clan needs to be considered. Soon if the whole clan starts to doubt our choices we could be driven from the clan and Whiteclaw will be left as leader of Fishclan." "We can deal with that later, we need to make some more apprentices." said Troutstar. The others nodded. "Fishclan, today we need to make some warriors. Skypaw, Breezepaw, Fernpaw, and Mousepaw come forward. Mentors," Cedstar said nodding to Nightblazem Dragonwhisker, Birchtail and Mintlcaw, "Are these apprentices ready to become apprentices?" The mentors nodded. "Then with my authority as clan leader and with the approval of my ancestors I give you your warrior names. Skypaw you will now be known as Skyleap, Fishclan honors your courage and bravery, Breezepaw, you are now Breezebolt, Fishclan welcomes your speed and agility, Fernpaw, you are now known as Fernflash, Fishclan accepts you wonderful hunting skills and Mousepaw, I look forward to patrolling along side you, Fishclan honors you sense of hearing and smell Mousetail." said Sparrowstar. "Also we must make some new apprentices. Foxkit, Blackkit and Mintkit are now old enough to star their training to become a warrior. Seedwhisker you will mentor Foxkit, I know you will pass on your hunting skills to Foxpaw. Flowerfur, I know I can trust you to pass on all you know to Blackpaw. Mousetail you are a new warrior just out of training, but that will make it easier for you to train Mintpaw. I know I can trust all 3 of you with your new apprentices." said Cedarstar. "Now we have to leave, said Troutstar. "We can't though," it was Birchtail.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Blossomfur's Life - Chapter 8
Blossom never saw her friend Holly again. Mouse and Cloud left her when they found another barn, with the promise that she could visit when ever she wanted. Before she left Mouse and Cloud told Blossom everything that they knew about Darkfinch. Blossom continued her life as a loner. She padded around the forest when she came across another group of cats. Apparently there were actually 4 smaller groups of cats. There names were Fishclan, Waterclan, Mossclan and Riverclan. There were 4 main cats, apparently the leaders. Blossom watched waiting to see if the leaders would kill their cats like Darkfinch had done. When they didn't she decided that these cats were okay cats. The cats split up, and Blosssom decided to follow the leader of Fishclan because he seemed to be a fair leader. She padded after the departing Fishclan and found them sheltering in a camp. She realized that this is a clan, this is what Darkfinch used to live in before his ambition drove his clan to exile him . She knew that as a loner Darkfinch would fight her until she joined, she knew what she had to do. She padded further into what must have been Fishclan territory, she found a patrol that brought her into the camp. She spoke loudly and clearly to the leader and deputy of Fishclan, "I would like to join Fishclan."
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Blossomfur's Life - Chapter 7
Holly waited and watched for the patrol to come bounding out of the bushes at Darkfinch's signal. Instead she heard a screech. Keeping her claws hooked in Darkfinch's fur she turned and looked for Mouse, Cloud and Blossom. It was Cloud who had let out the screech. Holly let go of Darkfinch and lunged at the cat fighting with Blossom. Blossom had disappeared under a mound of fur. Once she was free, she helped Holly batter back a tom fighting Mouse. Cloud was lying unmoving on the ground. "Blossom, take Mouse and Cloud to the large Birch tree, you can push underneath it's roots and reach a set of tunnels. If you take the first tunnel on your right, and stay right you can make it back to the moor. Take Mouse and Cloud and get out of here. You know the tunnels you go first. Put Cloud in the middle so you and Mouse can support her. If I can escape without Darkfinch following me I will. You can recognize me by me scent." Blossom nodded. And nudged Mouse and Cloud away from the barn and towards the clearing where she had seen the Birch tree. Mouse stay out here and help Cloud under the roots. She pushed her way through. Cloud stumbled after her and Mouse padded in last. Covering the gap. Blossom followed Holly's instructions and raced away. Holly stood her ground hissing at Darkfinch. Holly backed away until she had reached the door to the barn. Crouching she turned and fled to the waterfall. She raced up the rocky slope until she saw the mist from the falling water. She turned around and saw that Darkfinch and his cats had fallen behind not having the correct concentration. Holly out ran them all having going up this path at least once a day. She ducked behind the waterfall into a small cave, locating the secret passage she pressed her paw on the stone opening the gap in the wall. She ducked into the tunnel and grabbed a stick inside the tunnel. She took the stick and cracked the stone in half breaking the passage from the inside, making sure that this passage way could never open again. She heard Darkfinch and his cats flood into the cave. Darkfinch sniffed the rock and pressed his paws on it. The secret door started to open. Holly had forgotten to break the stone on the outside too. Holly spotted a large rock she picked it up and when Darkfinch had opened the passage far enough she threw the rock. It shattered the stone closing the door.
Blossomfur's Life - Chapter 6
Darkfinch rolled clear and reared. Holly rose to meet him. Darkfinch lunged to the left of Holly. Holly darted to the right as if she knew the move well then when she saw Darkfich dig one paw into the ground and turn she leapt backwards when he pounced. She hissed. Holly stayed defensive, and Blossom realized that she was staying safe while letting Darkfinch waste his energy trying to hurt her. Mouse and Cloud were watching with wide eyes. "What is she doing?" hissed Cloud. "Usually she is the offensive darting in and leaping out of range, here she is staying to the defense." added Mouse. "Remember this is her brother, she knows him better then any of us. They probably play fought as kits and trained together. Had mock battles and fought beside each other during real battles. Before she betrayed him he would probably let nothing hurt his loyal deputy, he would let her stay and rule after him." Blossom said slowly. Suddenly Darkfinch leapt and twisted in the air. Holly darted under his belly so she was in-between him and his cats. Darkfinch eyes narrowed and he spotted Blossom. He lunged at her. Blossom scrambled backwards out of range. Holly let out a yowl and Darkfinch turned and looked at her. She charged at her brother sweeping him off his feet. She growled her ears flat. Darkfinch turned and sprang to his paws. He snarled. She stared back without flinching. He tensed ready to pounce and suddenly Holly sat down as if waiting for something. Darkfinch lunged and Holly crouched forward then rolled neatly on her back and flung Darkfinch off her. Darkfinch padded back and crawled forward until her stood about a foot away from Holly. He swiped out a paw, Holly ducked knocked his feet from under him, rolled over and finished the move with a strong hind kick. Holly sprang to her feet and was on Darkfinch in a second. She dug her claws into his fur and waited. She knew what was coming next. Darkfinch stumbled forward and Holly leapt up then landed neatly on his back again. Suddenly Darkfinch twitched and ear. Holly knew what that sign meant.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Blossomfur's Life - Chapter 5
Blossom was about to lunge for Darkfinch's throat when Mouse and Cloud raced into the clearing. "Blossom stop!" called Mouse. "That isn't Darkfinch!" added Cloud. "Who are you then?" asked Blossom. "This is Holly," said Mouse. "Holly this is our sister Blossom. She is ok." Holly nodded. "It is nice to meet you Blossom," said Holly formally. "My name is Holly" Blossom nodded. Mouse interjected, "You know what we have done since we have split up how about you? What have you been doing?" "Well after we left I went and lived underground. I met a brown tom named Berry and we lived together for a while. Then I ventured above ground and saw a cat his said his name was Ash. I went back to the tunnels and Ash had come with his leader. Darkfinch," Blossom spat the name. "Darkfinch?" interrupted Holly. Blossom nodded. "Why?" Holly didn't answer. "We fled to the moor. We escaped Darkfinch, in the morning though Berry was gone. I tracked his scent to a human home. He was talking to a cat named Cherry. He wandered into the house and then I started speaking to…" Blossom broke off hearing a sound and watching the ferns quiver. "Can we go back to the barn?" asked Blossom. Mouse nodded. "Now Berry had decided that he didn't want to have to hunt for food. He went and live with Cherry. I then came to see you. Now what about you Holly? What did you do before you started living with Mouse and Cloud. But before you start I have a question for you…" Holly interrupted, "Before you ask Darkfinch is my older brother. I was his deputy then I realized what I was doing wrong and I left the clan. Changing my name back to Holly, and abandoning my warrior ways. Living as a loner was much easier. I didn't have to worry about lots of other clan mates. Now I live with Mouse and Cloud." "So you lived with Darkfinch? How much do you know about Darkfinch." "I know…." "She knows quite a lot about me but she won't say a thing will you?" Blossom turned around and stared at the cat standing in front of her. It was actually Darkfinch. Holly hissed and lunged at her brother.
Blossomfur's Life - Chapter 4
Blossom hissed in contempt. "I knew it. You want the easiest thing. You don't want to hunt for food or fight off critters. You want to eat the mush and you want the human house to protect you. Well I hope it does Berry." With that Blossom leapt from the fence and raced out of sight. Blossom never saw Berry or Cherry again. Blossom traveled far away until she reached the place where she was born. She found the place where she and her sisters split up. She had never heard from Mouse or Cloud until that day. She saw the white and brown cats before she smelled them. While they heard her before they saw her. "Mouse, Cloud?" Blossom called into the gloom. "Blossom?" they asked. She nodded. "When did we see you last?" they asked. "A few moons." replied Blossom. "Where do you live now?" "In an abandoned barn. Holly found it." "Holly?" questioned Blossom. "Oh Holly is an amazing cat. She can fight like a lion, can hunt twice as well as we can put together and is extremely intelligent." "Oh." said Blossom. It seems as if they replaced me, Blossom thought. Blossom turned away.
"Do you want to meet Holly?" asked Cloud. Blossom nodded. "This way," called Mouse. Blossom padded after them to a abandoned barn. "It looks like Holly might be out hunting." said Mouse. "Do you want to go hunting too?" asked Cloud. Blossom nodded and padded out into the clearing away from the barn. She spotted a sparrow hopping around the edge of a tree. She dropped into a hunting crouch. She pounced and chased the sparrow up the tree. She raced through the trees after the sparrow and killed it with a swift bite. She tipped over and the sparrow fell from her grip onto the ground below. A black cat came over and picked up the sparrow. "Leave that alone. I caught it. It is mine." "Well actually this is my territory, and all the prey in it belong to me and my friends." Blossom hissed. The cat spun around and met Blossom's gaze. Blossom hiss was cut off in shock. She was staring at Darkfinch.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Blossomfur's Life - Chapter 3
"Darkfinch," hissed Blossom. She slowly started backing away. Berry copied her. When she had felt the ground start to give way beneath her paws she stopped. Signaled with her tail to Berry he padded to her side and crouched. Darkfinch let out another hiss. Blossom turned tail and raced into the tunnels. She felt Berry at her heels and raced onward. She came to a cave with 3 other tunnels and tried to remember what she had learned about these tunnels. "That way, follow me!" called Blossom. She raced off again. They popped out of tunnel and into the sunshine. "That way," she said raced toward the sunset in the horizon. The two cats raced away and ran until the sunsets. Then they scrambled up a tree and got some sleep. In the morning Berry was gone. Blossom tracked his scent towards a human home. She heard him talking to another cat in a garden. "Bye Berry see you tomorrow," said a cat. "Right Cherry, tomorrow." Suddenly the cat named Cherry turned her head and said, "I heard a cat hissing. Some cat must be angry. Who though no other cat lives around here. It is only me and my human. Come on in. You can't stay out here with an angry cat around," Cherry invited. Berry turned his head and got a whiff of Blossom's scent. I know that scent he realized. Never mind he told himself and he padded into the house behind Cherry. Blossom leaped up on the fence and she saw Berry's waving tail enter the house. She let out another hiss. Suddenly Cherry's head popped out of the house again. "Who are you?" asked Cherry cheerfully. "Blossom," said Blossom slowly. "Where do you live?" asked Cherry. "In the forest. Cherry gasped. "Then you are one of those evil forest cats. Stay away from me and my Berry." "Your Berry?" Cherry nodded. "Berry is a brown cat who is living me. He moved in a few days ago." Blossom stared. She started to jump down from the fence when Berry came out of the house. "Hello Blossom. BLOSSOM!" "Yes it is me." snapped Blossom. "What are you doing here?" stuttered Berry. "I could ask you the same thing," said Blossom. "I-I-I I live here now. I live with Cherry. Her housefolk take care of me." "Housefolk? You accept food from a pet-owner? What are you? A dithering human cat or a free wild cat?" asked Blossom.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Blossomfur's Life - Chapter 2
She ducked through another tunnel. Then she popped out into the open and raced towards the way that she had seen Ash. She darted through and found a small camp site. Then in the corner of the camp she saw Berry. He was barely visible in the gloom. she streaked through the trees to the edge of the camp that Berry was near. The cats had trapped him in some sort of mesh/vine thing. She pulled on one of the lose vines and Berry wriggled free. Before they had gotten very far Darkfinch reappeared. Blossom signaled with her tail and her and Berry shot up a tree. Darkfinch and his cats followed her. She scrambled up a branch, Berry following her. "Follow me," Blossom called. She leaped out of the tree into the next one. Berry jumped after her. She darted through the trees until she found the dip under a holly bush that led underground. "Come on, follow me," Blossom called to Berry. He nodded and jumped down after her. "Go first you know the tunnels better then I do," said Berry. Blossom nodded. "Here grab my tail with your teeth." Berry nodded and Blossom plunged down into the dark tunnel belowp. Darkfinch plunged after them. Blossom ran until she found the tunnel leading to the cave of mushrooms. Blossom jumped into the pile of mushrooms and rolled around. "Berry copy me, it will help disguise the scent." hissed Blossom. Berry nodded. The scrambled out of the tunnels and streaked for the horizon. "There are more tunnels on the moor. I don't know them as well but if we can get there we might lose Darkfinch," Blossom called to her friend. She put on a burst of speed when she saw the dip leading to the tunnels below. She was about to dive into the hole when some one interrupted her. "Going somewhere?" It was Darkfinch.
Blossomfur's Life - Chapter 1
Blossom padded into the forest. She spotted a thrush and dropped into a crouch. Suddenly the ferns behind her swished. Her ears swiveled backwards listening. She dropped to the ground when something shot over her head. It was a forest cat. Blossom backed away and sank her weight onto her back paws waiting to pounce. Suddenly the cat sat up and looked up at her. "My name is Ash." Blossompaw stared. Finally she turned and padded away. Ash slowly followed her. Blossom ducked down a tunnel leading into the ground. She raced underground until she reached the cave. Blossompaw looked around. "Berry?" Blossom called. "Are you here?" she looked around for her friend but all she saw was the damp, dark walls of the tunnel. "Berry?" she called again. She looked around and saw no one but Ash. Ash was standing with lots of other cats. "My name is Darkfinch," said the tom is front. "There are groups of cats living in these woods and I was exiled from them because they though I wasn't loyal to them. I would like you to join my group. That means of course you have to stay with us and you have to hate the cats as much as the rest of us do." "Who would I be living with?" asked Blossom uncertainly. "There are a few of us. We are all loyal to each other though." said Darkfinch calmly. "I have always lived alone. Well it has been me and Berry." "Berry?" asked Darkfinch. "Berry is a cat around my age, he is just a little bigger. Brown pelt." she said continuing. "Oh we saw him a few days ago." "What happened to him?" asked Blossom eagerly. "Umm." "You killed him didn't you," said Blossom angrily. "No I don't want to join your group." Darkfinch eyes narrowed and his ears flicked. Cat after cat raced into the tunnels. They couldn't see where they were going though. Lucky Blossom. She had lived in the tunnels her whole life and knew every tunnel in her mind. She reached a moss filled cave and took a left. She reached the pitch black tunnel. Using her whiskers she found the tunnel on the right and squeezed through it. She heard her pursuers race past her through the tunnels to her left.
Book 6 - Chapter 6
"We grieve for Sandswish who would have been a fine leader, but now we have a new senior warrior who will do just as well. Sandswish was also mentor to Breezepaw. Dragonwhisker you will continue his training. Also I need to make two warriors. Blossompaw has done extremely well in Fishclan since she arrived here. She has experience that almost no other cats share. She knew lots before she joined and now she has learned even more. Mossfur you took over her training after Windshadow left our clan. Do you think Blossompaw is ready to become a warrior?" "She is more then ready, Berrystar." called Mossfur. "Then by the power and authority I have as a clan leader I give you your warrior name, Blossompaw you will know be Blossomfur. Fishclan honors and is extremely lucky to have your experience. Also Rowanpaw. Rowanpaw has learned a lot. Sparrowfur do you think he is ready to be to become a warrior." "He is ready to be a warrior." "Then Rowanpaw you will now be known as Rowanfur. Rowanfur, Fishclan welcomes you as a full warrior of Fishclan." "Excuse Me?" said a voice. All the Fishclan cats turned to see who would interrupt their leader. It was Whiteclaw. "Do you need something Whiteclaw?" asked Berrystar. "Yes I do need something." "What do you need?" "I need to talk to the clan." "Aren't you right now?" said Berrystar annoyed. "Go ahead Whiteclaw." Whiteclaw nodded. "What is so important that you would interrupt the clan leader." It was Serafina. "Oh Serafina. It has been a while since I last saw you." Serafina hissed. "Let us please go. We have to continue to move." Later that night Berrystar had vanished and every cat thought Whiteclaw was behind it. "What did you do Whiteclaw?" asked Birchtail. "Cedarstar, Sparrowstar and Troutstar how good to see you. You need to appoint a new senior warrior you know." Troutstar nodded. "Fishclan the new senior warrior is Cloudsplash.
Book 6 - Chapter 5
"So"asked Berrystar "Liontail was following the warrior code." said Darkfinch. "You are saying?" asked Sparrowfur. "What I am saying is that Brighpool and Sandswish didn't have to die. They chose their deaths. If Brightpool had let Ottertail fight Liontail alone then she wouldn't have died. If Sandswish hadn't attacked Liontail she wouldn't be dead right now. They brought their deaths to themselves." "And?" "Since we saved your clan we get a favor. "I have an idea." "I will forget your favor is you let Whiteclaw join your clan and become senior warrior." Berrystar had to decide between to tough choices. "What do you decide Berrystar?" asked Darkfinch. "May I speak with my clan?" "Don't be long." "Fishclan," called Berrystar. "Birchtail, and my deputies I would like to speak to you." said Berrystar. They headed away from the other cats. "Darkfinch says Liontail has done us a favor. He says Liontail saved our clan." "Well actually he did save Fishclan from the badgers." said Birchtail. "What does he want?" asked Cedarfur. "He says he will forgot about the favor we owe him if I accept Whiteclaw into the clan and make him senior warrior. What would you do if you were clan leader." "I would probably accept him into the clan," said Troutsplash. "Why?" asked Berrystar. "Well we could learn from him." "Ok, I have made up my mind." Berrystar walked back to the clan. "Fishclan as you know Liontail helped us fight the badgers and we are grateful to him. Darkfinch says he will forgot about the favor we owe him if I accept Whiteclaw into the clan and make him senior warrior. I have made up my mind. Whiteclaw is now apart of Fishclan and he is the new senior warrior." Gasps of shock came from the assembled Fishclan cats. "Whiteclaw, you are now the senior warrior of Fishclan.
Book 6 - Chapter 4

Book 6 - Chapter 3

Book 6 - Chapter 2

Sunday, January 11, 2015
Book 6 - Chapter 1

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