Saturday, December 6, 2014

How Warrior Cats Got Their Names

A ? (Question Mark) means I don't know why they were named that way.


Bluestar/Bluefur - Bluestar's warrior name was Bluefur. Her pelt had a blue/silver tinge. 

Pinestar - His pelt had a brown/bronze color of a pine tree and his eyes were a bright green like pine needles. 
Firestar - Firestar used to be a house folk cat and his pet name was Rusty. Bluestar renamed him Firepaw then Fireheart in honor of his flame bright pelt.
Spottedleaf - Spottedleaf was a medicine cat with patches of ginger and black fur on her white coat.
Graystripe - Graystripe was gray tabby tom. He had a fluffy gray coat with darker stripes.
Millie - Millie was a kitty pet who kept her name even as she joined Thunderclan.
Sandstorm - Sandstorm was a pale ginger/sand colored she cat.
Brightheart - Brightheart was an apprentice when she attacked by dogs. Bluestar changed her name to Lostface and Firestar changed it back to Brightheart.
Cloudtail - Cloudtail is Firestar's nephew and he is pure white kitty pet with blue eyes.
Yellowfang - ?
Cinderpelt - Cinderpelt is cat with a pelt that looks like cinder.
Leafpool - In honor of Leafstar (The sky clan leader) and maybe in honor of Spottedleaf. 
Squirrelflight - her bushy tail it was like a squirrel's
Brambleclaw - ?
Ashfur - His pelt is the color ash.
Lionblaze - Lionblaze is a golden tom afraid of almost nothing.
Hollyleaf - Hollyleaf was named because of her black pelt and prickly attitude
Jayfeather - ?
Cinderheart - Cinderheart is the living memory of Cinderpelt
Dovewing - Dovewing has a pale gray pelt 
Ivypool - ?
Briarlight - Briarlight was named Briarlight because she always has a ray of light even though she broke her back legs making it impossible for her to move her hind legs. 


Raggedstar - ?

Sagewhisker - ?
Runningnose - Runningnose is a medicine cat who can't cure his own sniffles.
Littlecloud - ?
Brokenstar - Warrior name Brokentail was named Brokentail because he had a bent tail and because of Yellowfang's broken heart.
Tigerstar - Warrior name Tigerclaw. Tigerclaw had claws as sharp and as long as a tiger.
Blackstar - Blackfoot had 1 jet black paw otherwise he was completely white
Russetfur - Russetfur had a red pelt the color of rust
Boulder - Boulder kept his kitty pet name
Tawnypelt - Tawnypelt had a Tawny colored pelt
Flametail - Flametail was a ginger cat with a darker tail.


Tallstar - Warrior name Talltail. Talltail had a long black and white tail.

Onewhisker - ?
Mudclaw - Mudclaw was a mud colored cat.
Crowfeather - Crowfeather was a cat with a pelt the color of a crow's feather and he asked to be called Crowfeather in honor of Feathertail who died saving him.
Nightcloud - Nightcloud's pelt was the color of a cloud during the night.
Breezepelt - ?
Heathertail - Heathertail's eyes were the color of heather.


Crookedstar - Crookedjaw had a crookedjaw

Mapleshade - ?
Silverstream - ?
Leopardstar - Leopardstar looked like a leopard.
Oakheart - was named Oakheart because of the oak tree that had sheltered Rainflower when she had her 2 kits. (Oakkit and Stormkit (Later renamed Crookedkit)
Mistystar - Mistystar was named Mistykit by Bluefur in the Thunderclan nursery. Bluestar had wanted to give her 3 kits names that reminded her of the river.
Stonefur - Stonefur was named Stonekit because Bluefur wanted names for her kits that reminded her of the river.
Feathertail - ?
Hawkfrost - ?
Mothwing - ?
Willowshine - ?

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